Name Jen, Chin-Kang
Title Associate Professor
Research Interests Organizational Behavior, Management Psychology, Chinese Business Organizations
Office 管3025室
Phone 4929

Education 1960, Ph.D., Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2018 前略 Chiu, RKK; Charles-Pauvers, B; Luna-Arocas, R; Vlerick, P; Akande, A; Allen, MW; Al-Zubaidi, AS; Borg, MG; Canova, L; Cheng, BS; Correia, R; Du, LZ; de la Torre, CG; Ibrahim, AHS; Jen, CK; 等 (2018). Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics Across 32 Cultures: Good Apples Enjoy Good Quality of Life in Good Barrels. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(4), 893-917. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2018 前略 Chiu, RKK; Charles-Pauvers, B; Luna-Arocas, R; Vlerick, P; Akande, A; Allen, MW; Al-Zubaidi, AS; Borg, MG; Cheng, BS; Correia, R; Du, LZ; de la Torre, CG; Ibrahim, AHS; Jen, CK;等 (2018). Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics: The Enron Effect-Love of Money, Corporate Ethical Values, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), and Dishonesty Across 31 Geopolitical Entities. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(4), 919-937. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2015 Cheng, CY; Jiang, DY; Cheng, BS; Riley, JH; Jen, CK (2015). When do subordinates commit to their supervisors? Different effects of perceived supervisor integrity and support on Chinese and American employees. LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY, 26(1), 81-97. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2013 周麗芳、任金剛、林守紀 (2013)。轉型領導與建言行為:文化價值觀的關鍵角色。組織與管理,6(2),115-159。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2012 Jen, C., Chou, L., Lin, C., & Tsai, M. (2012). The influence of the perception of a familial climate on job performance: Mediation of loyalty to supervisors and moderation of filial behavior.. International Journal of Psychology, 47(3), 169-178. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2012 林朱燕、任金剛、王議賢、林娟 (2012)。主管與部屬之關係對工作績效的影響:個人傳統性的調節效果與部屬對主管之忠誠的仲介效果。經濟管理(Z2),104-106。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2011 林朱燕、任金剛、王議賢、林娟 (2011)。主管與部屬之關係對工作績效的影響:個人傳統性的調節效果與部屬對主管之忠誠的仲介效果。經濟管理,Z(2),104-106。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2010 周婉茹、周麗芳、鄭伯壎、任金剛 (2010)。專權與尚嚴之辨:再探威權領導的內涵與恩威並濟的效果。本土心理學研究,34,223-284。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2010 鄭伯壎、林姿葶、鄭弘岳、周麗芳、任金剛 (2010)。家長式領導與部屬效能:多層次分析觀點。中華心理學刊,52(1),39-61。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2010 鄭伯壎、林姿葶、鄭弘岳、周麗芳、任金剛 (2010)。家長式領導與部屬效能:多層次分析觀點。中華心理學刊,52(1),39-61。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2006 Tang, T.L., Sutarso, T., Akande, A., Allen, M.W., Alzubaidi, A.S., Jen, C.K., Kazem, A.M., (2006). The love of money and pay level satisfaction: Measurement and functional equivalence in 29 geopolitical entities around the world. Management and Organization Review, 2(3), 423-452. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2005 iang, D.Y., Cheng, B.S., Riley, J.H., & Jen C.K (2005). Supervisor loyalty: A Chinese Indigenous construct tested in Western organizations. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 47(2), 139-156. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2005 Chou, L.F., Cheng, B.S., Chen, C.H., Jen C.K., & Hsu, C.T. (2005). Particularistic ties and interpersonal affection within Chinese high-level manager networks: Effects of deep-level psychological fitness and formal working relationships.. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 23, 201-257. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2005 周麗芳、鄭伯壎、陳靜慧、任金剛、許金田 (2005)。華人高階管理者網絡中的特殊連帶與人際情感:深層心理契合與正式工作關係的效果。本土心理學,23,201-257。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2005 Jiang, D.Y., Cheng, B.S., Jen C.K., & Riley, J.H. (2005). Supervisory loyalty: Test of Chinese indigenous constructs in the United States.. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 47(2), 139-156. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2004 姜定宇、鄭伯壎、任金剛、謝宜君 (2004)。主管忠誠:本土構念的西方驗證。中華心理學刊,47(2),139-156。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2003 姜定宇、鄭伯壎、任金剛、黃政瑋 (2003)。組織忠誠:本土建構與測量。本土心理學研究,19,273-337。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 1997 鄭伯壎、任金剛、張慧芳、郭建志 (1997)。台灣企業關係網絡中的對偶關係:關係形成與關係效能。中華心理學刊,39(1),75-92。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 1996 鄭伯壎、丁雪茵、任金剛 (1996)。質性研究中研究者的角色與主觀性。本土心理學,6,356-376。(其他期刊)
Conference Paper 2018 周麗芳、任金剛、曾春榮、葉羿廷 (2018). 威權領導的現代轉化與適應:再論專權、尚嚴與恩威並濟. 2018中國管理研究國際學會(International Association for Chinese Management Research, IACMR)第八屆雙年會, China.
Conference Paper 2018 周麗芳、林守紀、任金剛 (2018). 員工建言行為與內控感:主管中庸思維的調節效果. 2018中國管理研究國際學會(International Association for Chinese Management Research, IACMR)第八屆雙年會, China.
Conference Paper 2016 周麗芳、蔡秀蓁、林朱燕、任金剛 (2016). 領導者情緒勞動對部屬效能的影響: 家長式領導的調節. 中國管理研究國際學會2016學術研討會, China.
Conference Paper 2016 周麗芳、李婕宇、任金剛、徐文忠、曾春榮 (2016). 主管與部屬間信任與部屬效能: 互信與信任不一致的效果. 中國管理研究國際學會2016學術研討會, China.
Conference Paper 2014 Jen, C.K., Yeh, Y.T., Wang, I.T., Hsu, W.C., & Lee, M.Y. (2014). The differentiation of Juan-chiuan and Shang-yan in authoritarian leadership : The analysis of using regulatory focus as two mediation paths. 2014 Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), China.
Conference Paper 2014 Cheng, C.Y., Jiang, D.Y., Cheng, B.S., & Jen, C.K (2014). Interaction effect of perceived supervisor integrity and perceived supervisor support on subordinates’ commitment to the supervisor: Cultural difference between Chinese and American subordinates. 2014 Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), China.
Conference Paper 2014 Chou, L.F., Lin, S.C., Jen, C. K., &Tseng, C,J (2014). Work stress of employee in Chinese organization: Effects of paternalistic leadership and organizational culture. 2014 Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), China.
Conference Paper 2013 Chou, L, F., Lin, S, J., Jen, C, K., & Hung, Y, S. (2013). Perceptual fit of organizational values: A shared reality perspective.. the 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, United States.
Conference Paper 2011 Lee, M.Y., Lee, Y.P., Jen, C.K., & Chen, I.H. (2011). Cultural influences on interaction patterns among international business groups. IACCP Regional Conference-Istanbul, 25 Years Later: Self-reflections and future directions, Turkey.
Conference Paper 2011 Hamamoto, K., Chou, L.F., Cheng, B.S., Huang, M.P., Jen, C.K., & Vlerick, P. (2011). Moral Leadership in Belgium and Taiwan Organizations: An Interaction Model of Moral-Related Traits and Cultural Values. IACCP Regional Conference-Istanbul, 25 Years Later: Self-reflections and future directions., Turkey.
Conference Paper 2011 Tang,T. L., Sutarso, T. , Ansari, M.A., & Jen, C.K. et al. (2011). The love of money is the root of all evil: Corporate ethical values and CPI as moderators. 2011 Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management, United States.
Conference Paper 2011 Tang,T. L., Sutarso, T. , Ansari, M.A., & Jen, C.K. et al. (2011). The love of money is the root of all evil: Pay satisfaction and CPI as moderators. 2011 Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management, United States.
Conference Paper 2010 Wang, Y. H., Lee, M.Y.,& Jen, C.K. (2010). The person and the job fit multiple perspectives: Three fit the unique influence.. The 2010 Biennial Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), .
Conference Paper 2010 任金剛 (2010). 與主管親密度、分配公平、程序公平對主管信任與工作投入之影響. 2010中國管理研究國際學會會議, China.
Conference Paper 2010 王議賢、Lee, M. Y.、任金剛 (2010). 個人—工作適配多元觀點:三種契合度的獨特影響力. 2010中國管理研究國際學會會議, China.
Conference Paper 2008 Jen, C., Lin, C., & Tsai, M (2008). Chinese obedience behaviors in work organizations: a . EURAM 2008, .
Conference Paper 2008 鄭伯壎、林姿葶、周麗芳、任金剛 (2008). 家長式領導與部屬效能:多層次分析觀點. 第6屆華人心理學家學術研討會, China.
Conference Paper 2007 周麗芳、鄭伯壎、任金剛 (2007). 社會變遷下之威權領導的不變與轉型:文化觀與結構觀的探討. 第11屆中國全國心理學學術會議, China.
Conference Paper 2005 Chou, L. F., Cheng, B.S., & Jen, C.K (2005). The contingent model of paternalistic leadership: Subordinate dependence and leader competence.. 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, .
Conference Paper 2005 Jiang, D. Y., Riley, H. J., Cheng, B. S., Cheng, C. Y., & Jen, C. K (2005). Supervisor integrity and supervisory commitment: A cultural investigation.. 2005 Annual Conference of Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, .
Book and Chapter 2006

Jen, Chin-Kang (2006). The silicon dragon: High-tech industry in Taiwan. UK: Edward Elgar

Book and Chapter 2006

Jen, Chin-Kang (2006). 《華人組織行為》:家長式領導. 華泰圖書公司

Book and Chapter 2003

Jen, Chin-Kang (2003). 組織行為研究在台灣:三十年回顧與展望. 台北:桂冠

Book and Chapter 2002

Jen, Chin-Kang (2002). 人力資源與作業管理. 台北:華泰

Book and Chapter 2002

Jen, Chin-Kang (2002). 組織溝通個案教材. 台北:遠流

Book and Chapter 2001

Jen, Chin-Kang (2001). 組織文化. 遠流

Year Title

員工建言行為:概念建構與量表發展. MOST (102-2410-H-110-043-SSS)


華人組織中的員工建言: 文化分析與構念關係網的建構. MOST (NSC101-2410-H-110-045-)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM601 HUMAN RESOUCE COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT
112 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM642 STRATEGIC STAFFING
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM533 ORGANIZATION SEMINAR IN CHINESE ENTERPRISE
111 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM703 ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS (I)
111 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM601 HUMAN RESOUCE COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT
111 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM521 MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM756 SPECIAL TOPICS IN ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM543 INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM529 ORGANIZATION CULTURE AND ORGANIZATION CHANGE
110 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM811 INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN HUMAN RESOURCE COMPENSATION
110 1 Selected 人亞碩專 HRM642 STRATEGIC STAFFING
110 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM703 ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS (I)
110 1 Selected 人亞碩專 HRM521 MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Year Name Degree Title
2023 N104350002
2023 M094050804
2023 N104350010
2023 N104350014
2023 N104350015
2023 N104350020
2023 N104050011
2023 N084050011
2022 Jing-Te Chiu Master A case study on the operating model of new age bean bag agency
2022 Chung-Fu Chen Master A study on the operation efficiency of container Terminal by introducing the function of identified individual performance
2022 Yu-Hua Tseng Master A case study on the daily meetings of high-tech company's upper-level manager
2022 Jue-E Yu Master The matching effectiveness between manpower demand of farm and manpower supply from Agricultural Manpower Team
2022 Chia-Ching Wu Master A study on telemarketers’ performance in telemarketing company
2022 Ming-Hsuan Wu Master A study on the recruiting effectiveness of electronic manufacturing company
2022 Bai-Ting Jheng Master A study on the turnover rate of office staff in a life insurance company
2022 Tzu-Chun Lin Master A study on the conflicts between senior subordinate and junior supervisor.
2022 Hong-Jhih Wang Master The influence of corporate social responsibility on organization performance: The mediating effect of corporate human capital
2022 Chung-Pin Huang Master The influence of employees compensation on their retention in the next year: The effects of subjective and objective indicators.
2022 Jui-Ling Yeh Master A case study of a non-profit organization replacing its attendance management system
2022 Wan-Ning Hsu Master A study on the performance of public social education institutions
2022 Yu-Hsuan Yang Master A case study on the entry and retention of R&D personnel in a technology manufacturer
2022 Yuan-Ching Wang Master A case study of sales-related jobs in a semiconductor distributor
2022 Chiu-Yen Chen Master A study on clinical-tests-related jobs in contract research organization
2022 Pin-Hua Chiu Master A study of workers' choosing to switch from regular labors to dispatched labors
2022 Yu-Chiao Cheng Master A case study of YouTuber's career development
2021 Shu-Hui Huang Master A study on the effectiveness of employment service for public employment service institute
2021 Hsiu Juan Master A case study on expansion and transformation of a chained supermarket
2021 Li Tsai-Sung Master A study on the job of campus security staff in university
2021 Yun-Chu Hsu Master A study on the job and job identity of staff in property management company
2021 Chia-Ying Chen Master A study on the turnover rate of R&D engineers in electronic manufacturing company.
2021 Mei-Chun Wang Master A study on the effect of internship experience on intern’s recognized employer brand and employer attractiveness.
2021 Chien-Hung Yeh Master A case study on the operating model of an agency
2021 Yen-Ling Chiu Master A study on employee mix in a Securities Investment Trust Enterprise (SITE)
2021 Yi-Ching Wu Master A study on the turnover, absenteeism, and performance appraisal of employees in small-sized advertising agency
2020 Shou-Chi Lin Ph.D The Development of Jian-Yan in Chinese Speaking up: The Construct, Antecedents, and Consequences
2020 Xiu-Ying Jian Master The Influence of Moral Leadership on Occupational Commitment and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Subordinate’s Sense of Calling
2020 Shu-Fang Liu Master A case study on a career woman's nurturing her delayed development child and her career development
2020 Jia-Syuan Wu Master A study on the meaning of the calling in workplace
2020 Hsing-Tzu Chang Master A study on how supervisors’ central tendency in their appraised scores will influence their units’ production
2020 Ming-Sian Fang Master A study on the training hours of battle units at company level in the ROC armed forces
2020 Wei-Chia Huang Master The Influence of Calling on Occupational Commitment and Task Performance: The Moderating Role of Paternalistic Leadership
2020 Jen-Ching Lu Master A Study on the Influence of Servant Leadership on Well-being: The Mediating Effect of Employee Gratitude and Work Stress
2020 Yi-Yeh Chen Master A study on the employment of personnel staff in household registration office
2020 Ya-Ting Hsu Master A study on a commercial HRIS software client’s usage
2020 Tzu-Hua Fu Master A case study on company’s Training the Trainer to Train program
2020 Chia-Ling Chuang Master A study on management’s retirement and succession of state-owned enterprise
2020 Yi-Fang Lee Master A study on the extension or transferring of expired migrant labor
2020 Ling Yeh Master A study on the participant’s opinion for international joint teaching program
2019 Chien-Chi Wang Master A case study on the job roles of HR Account in a branch of a learning center
2019 Chun-Ju Lee Master Shang-Yan Leadership and Job Performance : The Moderating Role of Defensive Pessimism
2019 Chen-Hsuan Hung Master A study on the change of work tasks of social workers in Taiwan
2019 Che-Chih Ou Master A turnover rate study on the employee supporting overseas branch of an enterprise
2019 Yu-Shan Lin Master Emotional labor performance of human resources practitioners under the role conflict: Perceived organizational support and role Breadth self-efficacy as interference variables
2019 Mei-Yin Shih Master A comparative study on Human Resource Imformation Systems currently sold in Taiwan
2019 Yi-Ting Yeh Ph.D Authoritarian leadership and subordinates' different kinds of performance: The dual-route mediating effect of fear of feeling and belief of effort
2019 Yun-Chu Tseng Master The influence of Transformational Leadership on Work Performance and Intention to Leave: The moderating role of subordinate’s Sense of Calling
2019 Kuan-Jung Chen Master The influence of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Voice Behavior and Job Satisfaction: The moderating role of subordinate’s Sense of Calling
2019 Yin-Chen Chen Master A study on the turnover rate of auditors in a accounting firm
2019 Shao-Ai Chu Master A case study of administration of medical personnel practicing registration in hospital
2018 Wan-Chen Wu Master A case study on the performance indicators evaluated by a catering headquarter to her chain stores
2018 Wen-Ting Chen Master A study of protective social workers’ work, retention, and turnover in Public sector of Taiwan
2018 An-Peng Tseng Master A study from the promotion rate, examination pass rate, and training rate to investigate the glass ceiling effect of female civil servants in Taiwan
2018 Chen-I Chang Master The succession of family business;A study from the perspectives of founder, second generation, and employee
2018 Yu-Bin Chang Master The influence of Juan- Chiuan and Shang-Yan Leadership on subordinates’ organizational commitment: The moderating effect of subordinates’ perceived organizational familiar climate.
2018 Chia-Chu Tsai Master A case study on founding a non-governmental organization
2018 Yu-ling Lu Master The Moderation Effect of High Sensitivity Between Ego depletion and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
2018 Hsiao-Chi Lee Master The influence of Leader-Member Exchange quality on subordinators’ intention to leave: The mediating effect of affective organizational commitment
2018 Chien-Yu Lin Master The influence of supervisors’ Narcissistic trait on their performance-rating to their subordinators
2018 Hsiu-Yun Chiu Master A case study on the operation of Welfare Committee of a large-scale organization
2018 Pei-Hua Yen Master The influence of supervisors’ Machiavellianism belief on subordinates’ well-being: The moderating effect of subordinates’ belief on Zhong-Yong
2018 Hsiang-Yun Chang Master The influence of subordinates’ perceived abusive supervision on their well-being : The moderating effect of subordinates’ perceived supervisors’ empathy
2018 Yu-Ning Chang Master The influence of subordinates’ perceived supervisors’ empathy on their well-being : The moderating effect of subordinates’ belief on Pan-famillism
2018 Chia-Chen Lin Master The influence of subordinates’ perceived abusive supervision on their work burnout : The moderating effect of subordinates’ perceived organizational familiar climate
2018 Yi-Jia Lin Master The influence of subordinates’ perceived abused supervision on their work burnout : The moderating effect of subordinates’ belief on effort
2018 Yu-Ling Kao Master The influence of subordinates’ belief in Pan-familism on their performance : The moderating effect of subordinates’ perceived supervisors’ empathy
2017 Mei-Lien Chou Master Study on the Influence of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Loyalty Behavior: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Well-being
2017 Tsai-yun Lin Master A study on employee turnover rate of an enterprise with a rosy future in product market
2017 Zhao-De Lin Master The gift of the gab: A case study on the dialogues between a pharmaceutical sales representative with his clients in business visiting
2017 Chun-fei Lin Master A study on tourism-related graduated students' hotel internship experience in housekeeping department
2017 Jing-chun Cheng Master Are professional skills and competencies same? A study from Taiwan’s official documents for certification
2017 YI-CHEN YEH Master A Case Study of Male Employees' Work-Family Balance
2017 Pei-Yin Tsai Master The Influence of authoritarian leadership on employee:The effect of organizational familial climate.
2017 Wen-Ying Su Master A case study on the building and separating of an entrepreneur team
2017 Pei-ling Hsieh Master A study on the meanings of Well-being Corporate Awards in Taiwan
2017 Huei-Ching Chen Master A case study on the RDSS retention of a high-tech Company
2017 Li-hsueh Chen Master Can pay-for-performance trim the fat? A case study from employees' turnover rate.
2017 Ying-Hung Huang Master Will the Congruence between Applicants’ Gender and Gender-Trait in their Resume Influence Interviewers’ Resume Screening? A Scenario Study of Fictitious Resume
2016 曾春榮 Ph.D 團隊中的自主性與成員效能:家長式?導的調節
2016 Chiao-Ting Lien Master The effects of Juan-Chiuan Leadership and Shang-Yan Leadership on Job Satisfaction:the Moderating Effect of Job Engagement
2016 Chun-Yen Ho Master The Impacts of Job Rotation on Employees in Taiwanese Banks
2016 Jung-Chih Tang Master A Study on the Recruitment Pipeline of a Political Party
2016 Lih-fang Song Master A case study of competency model building in a consulting organization
2016 Chang-ta Shih Master A Case Study of Employees Turnover in a Retail Company
2016 Chun-chi Lin Master Abusive Supervision and Organizational Citizenship Behavior : The Moderating Role of Employee Engagement
2016 Chieh-Yi Wang Master A. case study of the application of HR strategy in a recycling company
2016 Chih-wen Wang Master Employee rehire : A study from the perspectives of supervisor , colleague, and boomerang employee
2016 Ching-Hua Po Master A study of temporary workers’ job-seeking and working behavior in a local government agency
2016 Li-mei Hsieh Master A case study of pay for performance in a Taiwanese bank
2016 Hung-Wei Kuo Master The Case Study of Industry-University Cooperation
2016 Chun-Jung Tseng Ph.D Autonomy and Member Effectiveness in Team: Moderation of Paternalistic Leadership
2015 Chiao-Ting Lien Master The effects of Juan-Chiuan Leadership and Shang-Yan Leadership on Job Satisfaction:the Moderating Effect of Job Engagement
2015 Yu Wen Wu Master The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Employee Voice Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Work Engagement
2015 Chih-Peng Chang Master A Case Study of Employees' Turnover in a Machinery Company
2015 Wen-chung Hsu Ph.D The Effects of Asymmetric and Symmetric dyadic Trust between Leader and Subordinate on Subordinate’s Effectiveness
2015 Jun-ming Cao Master The practical value of GCDF certification in China
2015 Chi-Wei Chu Master An exploratory study on the job choice of new generation
2015 Sung-ling Lee Master Ten Cases on the willingness of succession in small-scale family business
2015 Yu-Ping Lo Master Every Advantage Has Its Disadvantage: An Exploratory Study on Side Effects of Coworker Support
2015 Hui-Yu Huang Master The Impact of Moral Leadership on Affective Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Turnover Intention: the Mediation Effect of Work Engagement
2014 Ting-ting Chang Master Is Every Single Bonus from Employer Really Bonus? From Viewpoint of Pay-For Performance
2014 Yi-ting Lin Master The Research on The Influence That Procurement Person Exercise On The Government Organizations
2014 Jui-yuan Lo Master Customer Complaints Analysis of Automotive Services Plant:Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
2014 Kuan-Ming Kuo Master Can Bonus and Allowance be Identified as Pay? The point of view in Labor Standards Act
2014 Ling-chi Huang Master The study on Leader-member relational identity and Psychological well-being between affective commitment:Adjustment Psychological Capital
2014 Wei-Yuan Yu Master Relationships among Authoritarian Leadership and Affective Commitment and Psychological Well-being: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital
2014 Yu-Yen Wu Master The Influence of Supervisor’s Adaptation to Organization and Leadership Style on Subordinate Commitment and Impression Management
2014 Mei-chuan Yang Master The Influence of Authoritarian Leadership among Affective Commitment and Voice Behavior: The Effects of Job Insecurity
2014 Chia-hui Hung Master The Influence of Benevolent Leadership among Affective Commitment and Job Performance:The Moderating Effect of Job Insecurity
2014 Yuan-ching Lan Master The Influence of Organizational Climate and Supervisor’s Adaptation to Organization on Employees’ Commitment and Impression Management
2014 Yu-Lung Hsieh Master The Influence of Abusive Supervision among Subordinators' Affective Commitment and Psychological Well-being: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital
2014 IN HAN WU Master The Influence of Benevolent Leadership among Affective Commitment and Performance: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital
2013 Ming-lang Chan Master A Study of the Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Emotional Exhaustion of Nurses : Psychological Capital as Moderator
2013 Yi-Hsien Wang Ph.D The Influences of a Service Provider’s Professional Power upon Emotional Labor toward Emotion Regulation of a Customer
2013 Hung-chian Luo Master A case study of corporate's succession planning practice
2012 宋淑鈺 Master LMX對情感性承諾與建言行為影響之研究:工作不安全感之調節作用
2012 Shu-Yu Sung Master The Effects of LMX on Affective Commitment and Voice Behavior- Moderation by Job Insecurity
2012 Hui-chun Lee Master Relationships among Transformation Leadership and Subordinators’ Affective Commitment and Psychological Well-being: The Moderating Effect of Job Insecurity
2012 Ming-Yen Lee Ph.D The Modifications and Transformations of Corporations under the Chinese Culture
2012 Chia-Jung Lin Master An Investigation of the Relationship between Moral Leadership Behavior , Affective Commitment and Job Performance:The Moderating Effect of Job Insecurity
2012 Hsin-yi Chan Master A traditional industry company’s diversifying into optoelectronic business: A case study of Walsin
2012 Shu-Ping Lei Master The Relationships among Transformational Leadership, Affective Commitment, and Performance- The Mediating effect of Psychological Capital
2012 Yun-Chieh Chou Master The Effects of Abusive Supervision on Affective Commitment and Job Performance: Mediation by Job Insecurity
2011 Pei-Chuan Yu Master The Effects Of Supervisor Support on Subordinates’ Emotion, Reaction, and Opinion
2011 Chia-hui Chou Master The Effects of Coworker Support on Personal Emotion, Reaction and Opinion
2011 Ju-Chih Lin Master What is The Meaning of Corporate University? A Case Study of Domestic Enterprise
2011 YIN E Master The efficiency of recruitment by R&D Substitute Military Service
2011 Ju-Chih Lin Master What is The Meaning of Corporate University? A Case Study of Domestic Enterprise
2011 Chia-hui Chou Master The Effects of Coworker Support on Personal Emotion, Reaction and Opinion
2011 Pei-Chuan Yu Master The Effects Of Supervisor Support on Subordinates’ Emotion, Reaction, and Opinion
2010 林朱燕 Ph.D 同事之背景屬性相似性與關係基礎對同事間助人行為的影響:一個中介效果與調節效果的模式
2010 Fu-hao Yu Master A study on the Competence of Teachers in Public Junior High Schools
2010 Jheng-yu Li Master The sign and construction of performance feedback influence the following job involvement
2010 Cheng-hung Hsieh Master A Case Study On Alternative Mentoring
2010 Shien-Shiang Cheng Master A Organizational Learning Case Study on Practicing Double-loop Learning toward Deutero-learning
2010 Mei-hsu Chen Master The research of Information platform migration affect the role of National tax administration's IT staff
2010 Tang-Yi Huang Master A study of the performance appraisal system of ROC’s civil servant: A culture-historical perspective
2010 黃堂益 蕭規曹隨:從我國歷代考績制度探討現行公務人員之考績制度
2010 鄭憲祥 東施不效顰─ 實踐雙環學習到再學習的本土個案研究
2010 謝政宏 擇英才而教之-另類的師徒制度
2010 Chu Yen Lin Ph.D The influence of coworkers’ relational demographic similarities and guanxi base on coworkers’ helping: a model of mediation and moderation
2009 Cheng-Yen Kang Master The process study of organizational change with case study
2009 Chia - Liang Tai Master Preliminary study for reference check when used in selection process
2009 曾淑燕 組織政治影響企業人力資源系統分散建構之個案研究
2009 Shu-Yan Tseng Master Research topic: how organization politics affect overall HR infrastructure
2009 Wen-hsiu Chiang Master Procedural justice, distributive justice on supervisory trust and job involvement of the effect - Moderating effects of performance appraisal values
2009 戴佳樑 徵信調查應用於甄選過程中之初探
2009 Pei-hsuan Tsai Master Casestudy of using jobboards:from job seekers, recruiters and jobboards’viewpoints
2008 Pao-yu Shih Master none
2008 Shu-Ching Tseng Master The Case Study for Controling Relation of Human Resource Management in Social Welfare Organization.
2008 Tong-zong Li Master Paternalistic Leadership and Subordinate Emotion Responses : The traditional psychological of subordinate
2008 楊國良 企業虧損員工仍長期留任之因素探討
2008 Kuo-liang Yang Master The Factor Research of Long-term Retention for the Damage Corporate Employees
2008 Ting-wen Wang Master Relationship between employer image and organizational attractiveness as an employer: the moderating effects of the similarity between job seekers’ and organizations’ personality and others’ opinion.
2008 Hao-Chun Wang Master International Business Travelers : From Employees' Perspective
2008 Chiao-Fang Weng Master none
2008 Hsiao-te Chiang Master Enterprise of case study using job evaluation special case transformation salary system
2008 錢葉茂 小型企管顧問業人力資源管理實務之研究
2008 Yeh-Mao Chien Master Research of the business consultancy firm of human resource management of small-scale business consultancy
2008 Chun-yu Chung Master Research of the Competence of Occupational Therapists
2008 王皓群 以員工角度探討跨國旅商之效益
2008 Chuen-Lien Chen Master A Case Study Regarding the Effects of Salary System Adjustment for Employee Retention Following a Merge and Acquisition
2008 翁巧芳 學生參與企業校園關係活動影響其雇主知識與求職意願之研究
2008 陳春蓮 調整薪資制度對併購員工留任影響之個案研究
2008 Chien-yu Chen Master The Effects of Distribution and Proccedural Fairness on Supervisor Trust and Job Involvement-the Moderating Effects of Relationships between Supervisor and Subordinate
2007 Wan-Jung Hou Master The effect of pay satisfaction and pay equity on the engineer work attitude
2007 Pei-Yu Liu Master The Effect of National Defense Substitute Service on Enterprise From a Human Resources Perspective
2007 Meng-Hsueh Sung Master none
2007 Wan-ju Liao Master none
2007 Ching-ai Chang Master none
2007 Hsiu-feng Chu Master From the organizational charts studying the changing types of status in the hospitals administration department
2007 Chih-yun Lin Master A Study of Factors Considered in Promoting Subordinates
2007 Tzu-nan Luca Master A Case Study on the Effectiveness of Customer Service Training
2007 Yu-zen Shen Master The impact of three Person-Job fits on job security, pay satisfaction and job satisfaction
2007 Yu-Chun Pan Master none
2007 Yu-Shi Tung Master The Differences of Training in Diverse Real Estate Chain System
2007 Tien-Chun Lo Master Taiwan Judicial Diversion System for Juvenile Delinquents Research
2007 詹惠琳 Master 多國企業經理人發展計畫:集權亦或分權
2007 王建華 人力資源單位在企業變革中所扮演角色之個案研究
2007 侯琬蓉 薪酬滿意度與薪資公平對工程師工作態度之影響
2007 Hui-lin Chan Master Management Development in a Multinational Company: Centralization vs. Decentralization
2007 Yi-Mei Lai Master none
2007 Chia-hui Huang Master A case study on the enterprise implements the Human Resource Information System module through ERP.
2007 Pe-Hsen Huang Master Case Study of public Time Bank in Taiwan.
2006 Pin-liang Hou Master Case Study of training event achievement
2006 Shino-ning Wu Master Exploration beginning the medical service industry definition-carries on by the Taiwan first 15 big hospitals searches
2006 Lian-tai Wu Master The restructuring of the organization must be carry out simultaneously because of the changes in environment
2006 Chia-ling Sun Master Independent Research of Qualitative Methodology on Disloyalty within Chinese Organization
2006 Hou-kuang Chang Master The Case of Course within the Privatization of Public Enterprise
2006 Shien-sheng Chang Master none
2006 Wei-yueh Lin Master Produce manpower a flexible usage a study
2006 Pei-ying Chan Master A Comparative study on Museum Volunteer Human Resource Management in Taiwan
2006 Yu-hsuan Ku Master A case study on the median enterprise implements the Balanced Scorecard and the Competency Model.
2005 Hsing-hui Lee Master It Started From A Vision: A case study of A Christian Organization
2005 Ch-ye Lin Master A study on borrower’s background condition related to the risk of home loan
2005 Nai-ling Ou Master The influence of M&A regarding the integration of the supporting line--A case study of the human resource department in financial holdings
2005 Mei-yu Tuan Master A Comparative Study of Psychological Tests Used in Personnel Selection in Taiwan
2005 Ming-che Tsai Master The extension of family life experience:compare the behavior people submitting themselves to authoritarian parenting with authoritarian leading.
2005 Chia-Feng Hsieh Master The earlier stage career decision making of High-tech R&D people—A case study in Chinese Companies Industries
2005 Yung-jin Lai Master A case study on building NPS into production line
2005 Ching-Huei Cheng Master Case study of executive search firm
2005 鄭丞庭 Master 委外策略選擇對組織效益之影響-企業與派遣服務業之觀點
2005 鍾孟達 Master 破除CCIE認證的迷失:個人及組織的觀點
2005 Cheng-Ting Cheng Master none
2005 Mengta Chung Master The Myth of CCIE Certification: The practical effect from the perspective of individual and organization
2005 Sheng-Chih Chen Master The Research of Staffing Strategy in Different Business Units.
2005 Tzu-wen Chen Master A study on differences of interview questions asked between line managers and HR people
2004 Ching-yu Ho Master The investigation of interactive relationship between venture partners during internal venturing process.
2004 Wen-chung Hsu Master How top management team form and its effectiveness:the chaxu geju management behavior view
2004 GWO-LANG LEE Master Research created by public professional training institute —Council of Labor Affairs and Veterans Affairs Commission departments training material
2004 Hsiu-Chen Lin Master Entrepreneurship and Development : A case study of High-technology company
2004 Hsiao-Mei Tu Master The emotional expressions, feelings, and reactions-based on different Guanxies between supervisors and subordinates
2004 Nian-Ai Tien Master The Effects of Employee's Turnover and Keep Staying in Merger and Acquisition:A Study of Relationship
2004 Shu-ping Shieh Master The Influence of Paternalistic Leadership on Echelon Team Effectiveness
2004 Chiung-Hui Hsieh Master The Exploratory Study of Professional Passion on Research and Develop(R&D)Personnel in the Hi-Tech Industry
2004 Wen-Cheng Chiu Master The Research of the Organization Builds up an e-Learning System Process and Training Performance Indicator
2004 Shu-fang Kuo Master A Study of Moderating Effects of Pay Satisfaction on Organizational and Professional Commitment
2004 Hsiao-fung Cheng Master The effects of the ideology of practical management on person-organization fit
2004 Chia-ying Chen Master The Search of Headhunting Companies in Taiwan
2004 Chao-Hsing Chen Master study on the medical care seeking behavior-an example of citizens in changhwa medical sub-region
2004 Chih-peng Chen Master Comparative Study on the Organization and Management Systems of ROC's Armed Forces TV Centers
2003 Lynn Sun Master The New CEO & Organizational structure change research - In the Case of One leading IT company
2003 張國義 Ph.D 員工歸類模式對甄選、晉升之影響:差序格局觀點
2003 Pi-Hui Hsu Master A study of Insurance Broker organizational change-action research as an intervention skill
2003 Shu-ling Shih Master The Effects of Employee Referral on Introducer and Referral: A Study on Guanxi
2003 Hsin-Yi Hsieh Master A Study of Managerial Roles of Boss’s Wife in Their Owned Enterprise
2003 臧月欣 Master 電子工程師生涯前期抉擇歷程之研究-以外商公司為例
2003 Yueh-Hsin Tzang Master Earlier stage career research of the Electronic Engineers - example from Foreign company
2003 Ming-Sheng Chen Master An Exploring Study on Human Resource Management in Computer Game Software Industry
2003 Shin-ping Huang Master A Study of Work and Family Roles Conflicts of the Boss's Wife
2002 Cheng-Ta Chu Master The Impacts of money ethic, professional commitment and organizational commitment.
2002 江婷婷 Master 研發工程師之金錢倫理觀、工作道德、工作狂、完美主義與工作績效關係之研究
2002 施建仲 Master 員工介紹管道對工作績效影響之研究:關係的探討
2002 蔡明鑽 Master 金錢倫理觀對專業承諾與組織承諾之影響性研究—以醫療器材產業之業務人員為例
2002 林娟 Master 不同世代軟體研發人員生涯發展之研究-以資訊軟體業為例
2002 王新怡 Master 家長式領導、信任與員工效能
2002 廖千宜 Master 企業將才能導入人力資源系統之個案研究
2002 Chiung-Hui Wang Master A study on a relationship between Organizational/Brand Identity, Organizational/Brand Identifications and Employee Efficiency – Sales promoters in Casual Clothes Industry
2002 Feng-Ju Yeh Master Recruited Research-Rehire
2002 Hsiao-Chien Ku Master A Studay on a relationship between Organizational/Brand Identity, Organizational/Brand Identifications and Employee Efficiency-Luxury Goods Industry
2002 Chien-Yi Liao Master The Case Research on Implementing Competency into Human Resource System
2002 CHIEN-CHUNG SHIH Master Researches on the Impact of Referrals Toward Job Performance : The Study on the Relation Between Referrals and Introducers
2002 Chuan Lin Master Career development of software developers in different generations-A case study of Software Industry
2002 Ting-Ting Chiang Master A study on RD&E professionals' money ethic, work value, workaholism, perfectionism, and work performance.
2002 Shine-Yi Wang Master to effect employees’ effectiveness while subordinates’ trust in their direct leader’s Paternalistic leadership behaviors
2002 Ming-Tzuan Tsai Master A study of the impact of money ethic upon professional commitment and organizational commitment — The case of medical devices industry
2001 林明村 Master 直屬主管之差序格局對領導行為與領導效能影響之研究
2001 陳聰吉 Master 高雄市國中生選填志願影響因素之研究
2001 蔡居隆 Master 領導型態與主管效能之研究─以台灣南區郵政管理局為例
2001 何貴清 Master 消費者小額信用貸款之信用風險研究-以一商業銀行客戶為例
2001 林道欽 Master 領導型態與員工效能之研究─以台灣南區郵政管理局為例
2001 廖芳偉 Master 金錢倫理觀、完美主義與專業承諾 、組織承諾之關係研究
2001 李呈奇 Master 大學推動校園e化之探討
2001 張淑玲 Master 團隊領導、團隊價值觀對團隊效能之影響
2001 吳文輝 Master 軟體工程師之金錢倫理觀對組織承諾與專業承諾之影響研究
2001 黃堅生 Master 團隊領導、團隊型態對團隊歷程之影響研究
2001 曾志凌 Master 高科技產業工程師之金錢倫理觀、工作偏好、工作狂、完美主義與專業承諾關係之研究
2001 楊芳育 Master 從組織圖探討組織結構變遷之過程
2001 李郁卿 Master 推動以均衡計分卡為基礎的績效管理制度之個案研究-以一外商食品公司為例
2001 林明村 直屬主管之差序格局對領導行為與領導效能影響之研究
2001 李郁卿 推動以均衡計分卡為基礎的績效管理制度之個案研究 - 以一外商食品公司為例
2001 Ying-Chih Chen Master The study of interaction between boiler factories and autherized factories
2001 Kuei-Ching Ho Master Research for credit risk of small-scale consumers loan- taking consumers of a commercial bank as sample
2001 Wen-Hei Wu Master A Study on the Impact software engineer’s Money Ethics Conception upon the Organizational and Professional Commitments
2001 Fang-Weei Liauh Master A study of the relationship of money ethic, perfectionism, professional commitment, organizational commitment
2001 Shu-Ling Chang Master A study on the Influence of Team Leadership and Team Value on Team Effectiveness
2001 Chin-Ling Tseng Master A study on the Hi-Tech engineers’ Money Ethic, Work Preference、Workaholism、Perfectionism and Professional Commitment
2001 Jeff Lee Master The Promotion of Computerization in Universities
2001 Yuh-Chin Lee Master The Research on Implementing Performance Management System Based on Balanced Scorecard – Using the Taiwanese Branch of a Multinational Foods Company as an Example
2001 Ming-Tsun Lin Master The influence of directive supervisor's chaxu geju to leadership behaviors and effectiveness
2001 Tao-Chin Lin Master none
2001 Fang-Yu Yang Master From the Organizational Charts Studying the Changing Process of the Organizational Structure
2001 Chu-Lung Tsai Master The research of the effects of leadership for mation on supervisor efficiency ─ examined in Taiwan South Area Post management Department
2001 Tsong-Jyi Chen Master The reasear of influence factors on the futher intentions and determinations of Kaohsiung Junior High School students
2001 Chien-Sheng Huang Master The Infulence of Team Leadership and Task Type to Team Precesses.
2000 Der-Way Chang Master The Comparison between "Paternalistic Leadership"&"Transformational Leadership"In The Military Units
2000 李佳怡 Master 知覺組織支持對員工工作態度影響之研究
2000 Lo, Ching-Tien Master A case study of manpower adjustment of a production department after C.T.P
2000 蔡志章 Master 多層次傳銷上下線間互動關係與經營績效影響因素之研究
2000 盧韻如 Master 網路求職者的特性與需求之研究
2000 何明怡 Master 從認知評價理論探討醫師薪資制度與內在動機之關係
2000 Sheng-Lin Chiou Master The Comparison Among Transformational, Paternalistic Leadership Styles, and Effectiveness-Veterans Affairs Cmmission as examples
2000 陳義雄 Master 中年工作者之生涯觀與承諾之研究
2000 蔣震夷 Master 以「公共職業訓練」促進中高齡失業者再就業之研究
2000 Chen-I Chiang Master public vocational training improving the middle-aged unemployed to reemploymentreemployment
2000 Yi-chen Chao Master The sex-role and entrepreneurial behaviors of Women entrepreneurs
2000 賴進林 Master 我國中小企業轉型的研究
2000 林妙芬 Master 我國國會助理之人力資源管理研究
2000 Ming-Yi Ho Master The relationship between performance-based pay and intrinsic motivation — An empirical study on physicians
2000 Chia-Yi Lee Master The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Employees' Work Attitudes
2000 Miao-Fen Lin Master The Study on Human Resource Management to Legislators’Assistants in R.O.C.
2000 Yun-ru Lu Master The characteristics and needs of jobseekers using internet for job search
2000 Chin-Chang Tsai Master The effect of Uplink and Downlink relationship within Multi-level Marketing Sales
2000 Chin-Lin Lai Master The study in turnaround situations to small and medium enterprises (SME) in Taiwan
2000 I-hsiung Chen Master The research of mid-age worker's attitude of career and commitment
1999 Chia-Lin Yu Master The emotional labor, rules and socialization of mediating role: The case of advertising account people
1999 Shih-Yie Liu Master The Study and Analysis of Hospital Organizational Culture:A Medical Center’s Research
1999 Mountain Horng Master None
1999 Tsung-Hao Chen Master The credit risk research of consumer credit loan
Year Title Awarding Organization
Period Activity Description Role