Name Tang, Chun-Hua
Title Associate Professor
Research Interests Executive Compensation, Asset Pricing, Pension Planning
Office 4079
Phone 4815

Education 2007, Ph.D., Department of Finance, National Taiwan University
2002, Master, Department of Finance, National Taiwan University
Experience 2014-02-01 ~ , Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate professor
2011-08-01 ~ 2014-01-31, Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University, Assistant professor
2007-08-01 ~ 2011-07-31, Department of Finance, Feng Chia University, Assistant professor
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2018 Tang, Chun-Hua (2018). Subjective value of the guarantees embedded in public cash-balance pension plans. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 17(2), 231-250. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2016 Tang, Chun-Hua (2016). Impacts of future compensation on the incentive effects of existing executive stock options. International Review of Economics & Finance, 45, 273-285. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2012 Tang, Chun-Hua (2012). Revisiting the incentive effects of executive stock options. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(2), 564–574. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2012 唐俊華,楊曉文 (2012). Valuation of rate of return guarantees under a defined contribution pension plan considering the choice of retirement age. 財務金融學刊, 20(1), 91-113. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2009 楊曉文,唐俊華 (2009)。不同投資策略下勞退新制收益率保證成本與所得替代率之探討。財務金融學刊,17(1),143-172。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2008 Yang, S.S., Yueh, M.L., Tang, C.H. (2008). Valuation of the interest rate guarantee embedded in defined contribution pension plans. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 42(3), 920-934. (SSCI)
Conference Paper 2020 唐俊華 (2020). 運用探究教學法提升學生問題解決能力:以大學基礎統計學課程為例. 2020通識教學實踐與跨域學習學術研討會, .
Conference Paper 2019 唐俊華 (2019). 具有STEM內涵之高中財務管理教育. 2019台灣教育學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2018 周軒逸、陳怡勳、唐俊華 (2018). 保險商品廣告傳單視覺複雜度對好奇與溝通效果之影響. 2018永續與消費特刊研討會暨台灣行銷研究學會年會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2015 Tang, Chun-Hua (2015). Say-on-pay Votes and CEO Compensation. 第八屆交通大學財務金融國際研討會, Taiwan.
Year Title

設計數學乙課程以協助高中生強化大學財經商管學系所需數學知識. Ministry of Science and Techonology (110-2511-H-110-005-)


Outcome evaluation of the situated learning in the insurance course in general education. Ministry of Education (PGE1090758)


Financial management curriculum embedded with substance of STEM in senior high school: Improving the teachers' ability in teaching financial management curriculum and the students' ability in interdisciplinary learning. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 107-2511-H-110-002-)


Applying the inquiry teaching method to the course of Statistics to improve the students’ problem-solving skills and ability of expression: Taking Statistics as the example. Ministry of Education (PBM107148)


Do the say-on-pay votes have the endorsement effect on CEO compensation?. Ministry of Science and Technology (105-2410-H-110-014-)


確定提撥退休金制度收益率保證價值之評估:考慮累積期間投資資產轉換影響. 科技部 (104-2815-C-110-021-H)


Research on Say on Pay Votes (II). Ministry of Science and Technology (104-2410-H-110-010-)


棒球員運動保險之需求與保費評估. 科技部 (103-2815-C-110-028-H)


Say on pay vote是否影響保險公司CEO薪酬水準?. 科技部 (102-2815-C-110-028-H)


Research on Say on Pay Votes. Ministry of Science and Technology (102-2410-H-110-015-)


補助國內大專院校購置 S&P Compustat 企業財務分析資料庫專案. 科技部 (NSC101-2420-H-110-001-ED)


Re-explore incentive effects of executive stock options using the multiperiod framework in the case that the compensation contracts efficiently adjust. Ministry of Science and Technology (NSC101-2410-H-110-024-)


Incentive Effects of Executive Stock Options: Considering the Impact from Options Granted in the Future. Ministry of Science and Technology (NSC100-2410-H-110-066-)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Required Department of Finance FM324 RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE
112 2 Selected College of Management CM509 INTERNSHIP IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
112 1 Required Department of Finance FM201 STATISTICS(I)
112 1 Selected Department of Finance FM402 ADVANCED STATISTICS
111 2 Required Department of Finance FM324 RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE
111 2 Required Department of Finance FM206 STATISTICS(II)
111 1 Selected Department of Finance FM402 ADVANCED STATISTICS
111 1 Required Department of Finance FM201 STATISTICS(I)
111 1 Required Department of Business Management BM201A STATISTICS(I)
111 1 Required 跨院選修(管) GEAI1424A STATISTICS (I)
111 1 Required 跨院選修(管) GEAI1424 STATISTICS (I)
111 1 Required Department of Business Management BM201 STATISTICS(I)
110 2 Required Si Wan College GEAE2329 CIVIC LIFE AND INSURANCE
110 2 Required Department of Finance FM206 STATISTICS(II)
110 2 Required Department of Finance FM324 RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE
110 1 Required Si Wan College GEAE2329 CIVIC LIFE AND INSURANCE
110 1 Required Department of Finance FM201 STATISTICS(I)
110 1 Selected Department of Finance FM402 ADVANCED STATISTICS
Year Name Degree Title
2019 Mei-Quei Pa Master Analysis and Case Studies on Disability Insurance
2019 Yu-Chen Yeh Master Analysis of Investment-Oriented Insurance Products with Single Premium
2018 Shih-Jiun Shen Master Investment performance of the strategy based on cash dividend yield
2018 Yun-Ling Wu Ph.D Shareholder Say-on-pay Vote and CEO Compensation: Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts in the US
2018 Shu-Yuan Fang Master Empirical analysis of the rate of return on investment-linked insurance products
2017 Chien-en Chang Master The Effects of Price Unit and Price Ending of Insurance Products.
2016 Cheng-chi Wu Master The relationship between Say on Pay Votes and CEO compensation:Evidence from the insurance companies listed in the United States
2016 Yi-hsun Chen Master The impact of the visual complexity on curiosity and communication effectiveness: Evidence from the leaflets of health insurance
2015 Yu-ju Chan Master Executive Job-hopping and Compensation
2013 Sheng-yi Lin Master The impact of corporate performance and policies under the director overlapping among the U.S. REITs
2013 Ke-yu Chiu Master Investment Performance of Technical Analysis on the Basis of Moving Average: Evidence from Constituent Stocks of TWSE Taiwan 50 Index
2012 Hsiu-yueh Wu Master Investment Performance of Technical Analysis on the Basis of Moving Average
2012 Chuan-Lung Huang Master Empirical Research on Short Strangle Strategies in TAIEX Option Market
2011 Chien-Hsun Huang Master The Effect of Advertising and Innovation on underprising of Initial Public Offerings under different market states
2011 Shu-Jyun Syu Master The Effect of Innovation and Customer Satisfaction on stock return under different market states
Year Title Awarding Organization
2021 109學年度教學績優獎 國立中山大學
2019 107學年度教學績優獎 國立中山大學
Period Activity Description Role
2020-10-15 ~ 2020-10-15 Speech: How the Teachers in Senior High School Face New Curriculum Guidelines and Academic Portfolio To share how teachers in universities treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolio Instructor
2023-01-17 ~ 2023-01-17 演講:財務領域科系與申請入學審查資料簡介 向高中師生分享關於財務領域科系與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-02-22 ~ 2023-02-22 演講:112年度指定甄試項目講座- 管理財經學群 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-02-10 ~ 2023-02-10 演講:以學習為本之學習歷程檔案 實行後的觀察心得及建議 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-02-16 ~ 2023-02-16 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-23 ~ 2023-03-23 演講:大學選才與高三生涯輔導 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-04-07 ~ 2023-04-07 演講:高三生如何撰寫 學習歷程自述 與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-05-03 ~ 2023-05-03 演講:自主學習綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於自主學習的建議 講者
2023-08-14 ~ 2023-08-14 演講:學習歷程檔案與自主學習 綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與自主學習的建議 講者
2023-10-19 ~ 2023-10-19 演講:自主學習綜合討論— 計畫、過程、反思 向高中教師分享關於自主學習的建議 講者
2023-10-20 ~ 2023-10-20 演講:課程學習成果呈現建議 向高中師生分享關於課程學習成果的建議 講者
2023-11-22 ~ 2023-11-22 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-11-29 ~ 2023-11-29 演講:如何協助學生製作學習歷程檔案 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2023-12-06 ~ 2023-12-06 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度 綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-12-15 ~ 2023-12-15 擔任自主學習諮詢委員 擔任高雄市新莊高中自主學習諮詢委員 諮詢委員
2020-07-01 ~ 2020-07-01 Teaching Experience Sharing Workshop: Elective Courses and Alternative Curricula about Finance in Senior High School To share teaching materials about finance and teaching experience in senior high school Instructor
2019-09-25 ~ 2019-09-25 Speech: Elective Courses about Finance in Senior High School To share teaching materials about finance with math teachers in senior high school Instructor
2019-05-15 ~ 2019-05-22 Camp on Financial Planning and Life To introduce the basic knowledge about financial planning to the students in senior high school Instructor
2019-04-08 ~ 2019-04-08 Speech: Elective Courses about Finance in Senior High School To share teaching materials about finance with civic teachers in senior high school Instructor
2019-06-05 ~ 2019-06-05 Speech: Elective Courses about Finance in Senior High School To share teaching materials about finance with math teachers in senior high school Instructor
2020-09-16 ~ 2020-10-28 Teaching in Senior High School: Introduction to Finance To teach basic financial knowledge in senior high school Instructor
2020-03-04 ~ 2020-06-03 Teaching in Senior High School: Applications of Mathematics to Finance To teach applications of mathematics to finance in senior high school Instructor
2021-03-31 ~ 2021-03-31 Workshop to Enhance Teachers' Knowledge about Finance, Economics, and Management To share the teaching experience in finance Discussant
2021-04-21 ~ 2021-04-21 Teaching in Senior High School: Introduction to Firm Stock To teach basic financial knowledge (firm stock) in senior high school Instructor
2021-04-16 ~ 2021-04-16 演講:嘉義區高中輔導團跨領域課程發展共備工作坊 向高中教師分享高中財務多元選修教材 Instructor
2021-11-24 ~ 2021-11-24 Workshop on self-directed learning projects To provide the suggestions about self-directed learning to the teachers and students in senior high school Instructor
2021-10-15 ~ 2021-10-15 Speech: Seminar on academic portfolio at Keelung Municipal ZhongShan Senior High School To share how teachers in universities treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolio Instructor
2021-09-12 ~ 2021-09-12 Speech: Parent-teacher conference at National Chu-Pei Senior High School To share how teachers in universities treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolio Instructor
2020-08-27 ~ 2020-08-27 Speech: A practical guide to the academic portfolio To share how the senior high school teachers help students arrange academic portfolios One of the instructors
2021-12-10 ~ 2021-12-10 Enhancement seminar for the senior high school teachers To provide the suggestions about academic portfolios to the senior high school teachers Instructor
2021-11-12 ~ 2021-11-12 Workshop on career guidance for students in senior high school To share how teachers in universities treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolios to the senior high school teachers Instructor
2021-10-30 ~ 2021-10-30 Sharing session of students' class reports for 2021 Academic Year To share the do’s and don’ts of writing class reports to senior high school students and teachers Discussant
2024-01-04 ~ 2024-01-04 演講:自主學習綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於自主學習的建議 講者
2021-07-23 ~ 2021-07-23 演講:學習歷程檔案與自主學習建議 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與自主學習的建議 講者
2021-08-26 ~ 2021-08-26 演講:學習歷程檔案與自主學習建議 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與自主學習的建議 講者
2021-07-19 ~ 2021-07-19 演講:社會領域探究活動學習成果座談會 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與自主學習的建議 講者
2022-02-24 ~ 2022-02-24 演講:自主學習面面觀 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與自主學習的建議 講者
2022-04-27 ~ 2022-04-27 演講:從高三審查資料準備看高一高二學習歷程建置 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-06-29 ~ 2022-06-29 演講:學習歷程檔案適切性探討 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-08-24 ~ 2022-08-24 演講:學習歷程檔案與大學考招制度綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-09-16 ~ 2022-09-16 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度綜合討論 於親師座談會分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-07-08 ~ 2022-07-08 講評:南四區自主學習計畫發表分享會 就高中生的自主學習成果進行講評 講評
2022-09-23 ~ 2022-09-23 演講:財務領域學系簡介與學習歷程檔案 向高中師生簡介財務領域學系、分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-12-21 ~ 2022-12-21 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學的建議 講者
2022-05-20 ~ 2022-05-20 演講:財務領域科系簡介與學習歷程檔案 向高中師生簡介財務領域學系、分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2024-01-03 ~ 2024-01-03 講評:跨域課程期末發表活動 就高中生的課程學習成果進行講評 講評
2024-01-03 ~ 2024-01-03 講評:校內學習歷程檔案動態成果展諮詢委員 就高中生的學習歷程檔案與成果進行講評 講評
2024-01-10 ~ 2024-01-10 自主學習成果個別諮詢 就高中生的自主學習成果進行個別建議 講評
2024-01-24 ~ 2024-01-24 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-05-31 ~ 2024-05-31 演講:自主學習綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於自主學習的建議 講者
2024-06-25 ~ 2024-06-25 演講:教師如何引導學生製作學習歷程檔案 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-06-17 ~ 2022-06-17 講評:臺南市四完中自主學習成果發表活動 就高中生的自主學習成果進行講評 講評
2023-01-16 ~ 2023-01-16 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度 綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-01-18 ~ 2023-01-18 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度 綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-02-23 ~ 2023-02-23 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-02-08 ~ 2023-02-08 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查實務 綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-10 ~ 2023-03-10 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-29 ~ 2023-03-29 演講:申請入學審查資料準備 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-30 ~ 2023-03-30 演講:申請入學審查資料準備 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-31 ~ 2023-03-31 演講:申請入學審查資料準備 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-18 ~ 2023-03-18 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-01 ~ 2023-03-01 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-03-16 ~ 2023-03-16 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-04-14 ~ 2023-04-14 演講:申請入學審查資料準備 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-04-28 ~ 2023-04-28 演講:申請入學審查資料準備 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2023-11-16 ~ 2023-11-16 演講:學習歷程檔案 —給高三學生的建議 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2023-11-15 ~ 2023-11-15 演講:學習歷程檔案 成果呈現建議 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2023-11-24 ~ 2023-11-24 演講:學習歷程檔案撰寫技巧 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2020-11-27 ~ 2020-11-27 Speech: Introduction to Academic Portfolio and Departments in Universities To share how teachers in universities treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolio with the students in senior high school Instructor
2020-12-16 ~ 2020-12-16 Speech: Introduction to Departments about Finance in Universities and Academic Portfolio To Introduce Departments about Finance in Universities and Academic Portfolio to Students in Senior High School Instructor
2020-11-05 ~ 2020-11-05 Speech: Introduction to Departments about Finance in Universities and Academic Portfolio To Introduce Departments about Finance in Universities and Academic Portfolios to Senior High School Students Instructor
2020-11-18 ~ 2020-11-18 Speech: Introduction to Academic Portfolio To share how teachers in the university treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolios to senior high school teachers Instructor
2020-12-09 ~ 2020-12-09 Speech: Introduction to Academic Portfolio and Departments about Finance in Universities To share how the teachers in Department of Finance treat new curriculum guidelines and academic portfolios with math teachers Instructor
2021-12-23 ~ 2021-12-23 Speech: A practical guide to the academic portfolio To share the suggestions about academic portfolios to the senior high school students Instructor
2021-12-21 ~ 2021-12-21 Speech: A practical guide to the academic portfolio To introduce (1) departments about finance and management, and (2) academic portfolios to senior high school students and teachers Instructor
2022-01-25 ~ 2022-01-25 Speech: Examples of reflections on multiple performances To share examples of reflections on multiple performances with senior high school teachers and students Instructor
2022-01-29 ~ 2022-01-29 Speech: Examples of reflections on multiple performances To share examples of reflections on multiple performances with senior high school teachers Instructor
2022-01-27 ~ 2022-01-27 Speech: Examples of reflections on multiple performances To share examples of reflections on multiple performances with senior high school teachers and students Instructor
2022-01-24 ~ 2022-01-24 Speech: Examples of reflections on multiple performances To share examples of reflections on multiple performances with senior high school teachers Instructor
2022-02-10 ~ 2022-02-10 演講:學習歷程自述 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程自述的建議 講者
2022-02-16 ~ 2022-02-16 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-03-03 ~ 2022-03-03 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-03-10 ~ 2022-03-10 演講:學習歷程自述 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述的建議 講者
2022-03-25 ~ 2022-03-25 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-03-23 ~ 2022-03-23 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-03-16 ~ 2022-03-16 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-10-07 ~ 2022-10-07 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學的建議 講者
2022-10-05 ~ 2022-10-05 演講:自主學習與申請入學制度綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於自主學習的建議 講者
2022-04-09 ~ 2022-04-09 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-04-21 ~ 2022-04-21 演講:從升學角度看學習歷程檔案 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-04-16 ~ 2022-04-16 演講:從升學角度看學習歷程檔案 向高中生分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2022-04-15 ~ 2022-04-15 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-04-13 ~ 2022-04-13 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得的建議 講者
2022-11-18 ~ 2022-11-18 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度綜合討論 向家長分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學的建議 講者
2022-11-25 ~ 2022-11-25 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學的建議 講者
2022-11-09 ~ 2022-11-09 演講:學習歷程檔案與申請入學制度綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學的建議 講者
2022-11-30 ~ 2022-11-30 演講:學習歷程檔案與自主學習綜合討論 向高中教師分享關於學習歷程檔案與自主學習的建議 講者
2024-03-13 ~ 2024-03-13 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-03-22 ~ 2024-03-22 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-03-14 ~ 2024-03-14 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-03-20 ~ 2024-03-20 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-03-29 ~ 2024-03-29 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-06-07 ~ 2024-06-07 演講:學習歷程檔案綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案的建議 講者
2024-06-12 ~ 2024-06-12 演講:自主學習綜合討論 向高中師生分享關於自主學習的建議 講者
2024-04-12 ~ 2024-04-12 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-04-11 ~ 2024-04-11 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-04-19 ~ 2024-04-19 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者
2024-04-08 ~ 2024-04-08 演講:學習歷程自述與多元表現綜整心得 向高中師生分享關於學習歷程檔案與申請入學審查資料的建議 講者