姓名 安大衛
職稱 教授
專長及研究領域 創造力, 創業精神, 革新, 城市經濟學, 城市規劃,交通运输地理学,跨學科社會科學
研究室 4048-1

學歷 1997, 博士, 規劃與基礎建設, 皇家理工學院
1991, 學士, 統計, 哥德堡大學
個人經歷 2023-02-01 ~ 2031-08-31, 國立中山大學國際經營管理碩士學程, 教授
2019-08-01 ~ 2023-01-31, 國立中山大學國際經營管理碩士學程, 副教授
2017-08-01 ~ 2019-05-31, 越南皇家墨爾本理工大學經濟與金融系, 紀律長
2016-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31, 上海科技大學創業與管理學院, 副教授
2015-08-01 ~ 2016-07-31, 西交利物浦大學國際商學院, 副教授
2012-09-01 ~ 2015-07-31, 寧波諾丁漢大學, 助理教授
2010-02-01 ~ 2012-07-31, 國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所, 副教授
2008-08-01 ~ 2010-01-31, 國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所, 助理教授
2007-08-01 ~ 2008-07-31, 國立成功大學都市計劃系, 助理教授
2003-02-01 ~ 2007-07-31, 康寧大學地方開發與管理系, 助理教授
2001-07-01 ~ 2002-12-31, Inregia, 顧問
2001-01-01 ~ 2001-06-30, 財團法人中華經濟研究院, 訪問學者
1999-12-01 ~ 2000-12-31, 中央研究院經濟研究所, 博士後研究員
學術服務 2020-06-01 ~ , Center for Market Education, Fellow
2019-05-23 ~ 2019-05-26, Cosmos + Taxis, Program Chair, Fourth C+T Conference: Spontaneous Urban Planning at the Intersection of Markets, Democracy, and Science, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2019-01-01 ~ , Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Member of Editorial Advisory Board
2017-01-01 ~ 2018-01-01, The Annals of Regional Science, Special Issue Editor
2016-11-11 ~ 2016-11-13, Duke Forest Conference, Session Chair
2015-05-08 ~ 2015-05-09, Cosmos + Taxis, Member of Organizing Committee and Session Chair, Second C+T Conference, Rochester, NY, United States
2013-05-01 ~ , Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, Member of Executive Committee
2013-03-01 ~ 2020-10-31, Cosmos and Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, Editor-in-chief
2010-01-01 ~ 2014-12-31, Studies in Emergent Order, Associate Editor
海外演講 2019-04-26, CEVRO Institute, In defense of Knightian entrepreneurship theory (Friedrich von Wieser Memorial Lecture)
2019-04-29, R. M. Stefanik Institute, Entrepreneurship, regulation, and self-organization in cities (Quarterly Lecture in Economics)
類別 年度 名稱
期刊論文 2024 David Emanuel Andersson (2024). Individualism in the post-industrial society: Implications for land use planning. Surveying and Built Environment, 33(1), 6-12. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2024 David Emanuel Andersson (2024). A city cannot be a work of art: learning economics and social theory from Jane Jacobs, by Sanford Ikeda. Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, 12(5/6), 133-137. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2023 David Emanuel Andersson, Thai-Ha Le (2023). Agglomeration, diversity and tradition: an analysis of fractionalized Web of Science publications in EU regions. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 11(1), 2220573. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2023 Chien-Heng Tu, David Emanuel Andersson, Oliver F. Shyr, Pei-Hsuan Lin (2023). Earthquake Risk, Flooding Risk and Housing Prices: Evidence from Taichung, Taiwan. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 16, 923-938. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Tu, Chien-Hung; Andersson, David Emanuel; Shyr, Oliver F.; Lin, Pei-Hsuan (2023). Earthquake Risk, Flooding Risk and Housing Prices: Evidence from Taichung, Taiwan . APPLIED SPATIAL ANALYSIS AND POLICY , 16(2), 923-938. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 David Emanuel Andersson (2022). Spontaneous order, entrepreneurship, and the English planning disease. Surveying and Built Environment , 31(1), 7-23. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2022 Andersson, Åke E., and David Emanuel Andersson (2022). A Synergetic Reformulation of General Equilibrium Theory.. Interdisciplinary Information Sciences. , 28(1), 63-74. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2022 Andersson, D. E., Boegenhold, D., & Hudik, M. (2022). Entrepreneurship in superdiverse societies and the end of one-size-fits-all policy prescriptions. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy , 11(1), 40-52. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2022 Andersson, D. E. (2022). Spontaneous Order and the Hayekian Challenge to Interdisciplinary Social Scientists. Atlantic Economic Journal, 49(4), 363-375. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2021 Andersson, D. E., Shyr, O. F., Yang, J. (2021). Neighbourhood effects on station-level transit use: Evidence from the Taipei metro. Journal of Transport Geography, 94(June), Article 103127 . (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Andersson, D. E. (2020). Urban planning in the spontaneous city. Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, 8(8+9), 1-7. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2020 Minola L. A., Foldvary F. E., Andersson D. E. (2020). Fiscal principles for self-organizing cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47(2), 235-250. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., Hårsman, B., & Yang, X. (2020). The geography of science in 12 European countries: a NUTS2-level analysis. Scientometrics, 124(2), 1099-1125. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, A. E. (2020). The impossibility of the triple helix. Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, 36(3), 235-252 . (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2019 Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. (2019). Phase transitions as a cause of economic development. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(3), 670-686. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. (2019). Sustainability and the built environment: the role of durability. Sustainability, 11(18), 4926 (1-18). (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Andersson, D. E., & Jia, M. (2019). Official and Subjective Hotel Attributes Compared: Online Hotel Rates in Shanghai. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(1), 50-65 . (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2018 Andersson, D. E. (2018). How Ferlito’s hermeneutical treatment of capital can inform theorizing about entrepreneurship. Storia Libera: Rivista di scienze storiche e sociale, 4(7), 185-190. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2018 Shyr, O. F., Andersson, D. E., Li, Y. T., & Tu, C. H. (2018). The Xueshan Tunnel and the enlargement of the Taipei metropolitan area. Surveying & Built Environment, 26(1), 9-31. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2018 Yang, X., & Andersson, D. E. (2018). Spatial aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation. Annals of Regional Science, 61(3), 457-462. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Andersson, D. E. (2017). In defense of Knightian entrepreneurship theory. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 15(4), 417-430 . (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2017 Shyr, O. F., Andersson, D. E., Cheng, Y. H., & Hsiao, Y. H. (2017). What explains rapid transit use? Evidence from 97 urbanized areas. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 100(June), 162-169. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2015 Andersson, D. E. (2015). The pluralism of the emergent-order paradigm.. Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, 3(1), 1-2. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2015 Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., Hårsman, B., & Daghbashyan, Z. (2015). Unemployment in European regions: structural problems versus the Eurozone hypothesis. Journal of Economic Geography, 15(5), 883-905. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2015 Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (2015). Creative cities and the new global hierarchy. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 8(3), 181-198. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2014 Andersson, D. E. (2014). The Dire State of Urban Sociology and Geography. Studies in Emergent Order, 7(spring), 344-357. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2014 Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., Daghbashyan, Z., & Hårsman, B. (2014). Location and spatial clustering of artists. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 47(July), 128-137. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2014 Andersson, D. E., Gunessee, S., Matthiessen, C. W., & Find, S. (2014). The geography of Chinese science. Environment and Planning A, 46(12), 2950–2971. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2013 Shyr, O., Andersson, D. E., Wang, J., Huang, T., & Liu, O. (2013). Where do home buyers pay most for relative transit accessibility? Hong Kong, Taipei and Kaohsiung compared. Urban Studies, 50(12), 2553-2568. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2012 Andersson, D. E., & Taylor, J. A. (2012). Institutions, agglomeration economies, and interstate migration. Advances in Austrian Economics, 16(1), 233-263. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2012 Andersson, D. E. (2012). Polycentric democracy and its enemies. Studies in Emergent Order, 5(1), 45-63. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2012 Andersson, D. E., Shyr, O. F., & Lee, A. (2012). The successes and failures of a key transportation link: accessibility effects of Taiwan’s high-speed rail. Annals of Regional Science, 48(1), 203-223. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2010 Andersson, D. E. (2010). Cosmos and taxis in religious life: pattern regularities and new tendencies. Studies in Emergent Order, 3(1), 172-194. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2010 Andersson, D. E. (2010). Liberalism after Burczak: redistribution, worker self-management and the market process. Journal of Institutional Economics, 6(4), 529-542. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2010 Andersson, D. E. (2010). Hotel attributes and hedonic prices: an analysis of internet-based transactions in Singapore’s market for hotel rooms. Annals of Regional Science, 44(2), 229-240. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2010 Andersson, D. E., Shyr, O. F., & Fu, J. (2010). Does high-speed rail accessibility influence residential property prices? Hedonic estimates from southern Taiwan. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(1), 166-174. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2010 Andersson, DE (2010). Social Economy of the Metropolis: Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism and the Global Resurgence of Cities. Economic Geography, 86(4), 455-456. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. (2008). Infrastructural change and secular economic development. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 75(6), 799-816. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Andersson, D. E. (2008). The double-edged nature of the Hayekian knowledge problem: systemic tendencies in markets and science. Studies in Emergent Order, 1(1), 51-72. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2005 Andersson, D. E. (2005). The spatial nature of entrepreneurship. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 8(2), 21-34. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2001 Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (2001). The five stages of globalization. Plan International: The Swedish Journal of Planning, 1(1), 47-50. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2000 Andersson, D. E. (2000). Hypothesis testing in hedonic price estimation–On the selection of independent variables. Annals of Regional Science, 34(2), 293-304. (SSCI)
研討會論文 2024 Andersson, D. E. (2024). Individualism and Economic Development. Annual Conference of the Western Regional Science Association, United States.
研討會論文 2024 David Emanuel Andersson, Nicholas DeOto, Wil Martens, Oliver F. Shyr (2024). How neighbourhood attributes influence station use: an analysis of the Kaohsiung metro. Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society, Taiwan.
研討會論文 2023 David Emanuel Andersson (2023). Individualism and Economic Development. Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, United States.
研討會論文 2023 Andersson, D. E.; Shyr, O. F. (2023). Natural Disasters and House Prices: The Case of Taichung. Annual Conference of the Regional Studies Association, Slovenia.
研討會論文 2022 David Emanuel Andersson, Thai-Ha Le (2022). Agglomeration, Diversity, and Tradition: An Analysis of Fractionalized Web of Science in EU Regions. 48th Annual RSAI-BIS Conference, .
研討會論文 2022 Andersson, David Emanuel, and Le, Thai Ha (2022). Agglomeration, Diversity, and Tradition: An Analysis of Fractionalized Web of Science in EU Regions. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, .
研討會論文 2020 Andersson, D. E., Bogenhold, D., & Hudik, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial innovation in the postindustrial economy. International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, .
研討會論文 2018 Andersson, D. E., & Jia, M. (2018). Decomposing hotel prices in Shanghai: the role of online feedback. 6th Annual Conference of the Travel & Tourism Research Association, Asia-Pacific Chapter, Vietname.
研討會論文 2018 Andersson, D. E., Foldvary, F. E., & Minola, L. (2018). Fiscal principles for the self-organizing city. 16th Meeting on Planning and Complexity of the Association of European Schools of Planning, Netherlands.
研討會論文 2016 Andersson, D. E. (2016). Implicit prices in Shanghai’s market for hotel rooms. 5th International Workshop on Regional, Urban and Spatial Economics in China, China.
研討會論文 2016 Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. (2016). A general theory of infrastructure and economic development. Third Cosmos + Taxis Conference, Italy.
研討會論文 2015 Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., Hårsman, B., & Daghbashyan, Z. (2015). Unemployment in European regions. 54th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, United States.
研討會論文 2015 Andersson, D. E. (2015). Explaining China's Beijing-centred science: the role of central government funding. The 9th International Association for China Planning Conference, China.
研討會論文 2014 Andersson, D. E. & Gunessee, S. (2014). The geography of Chinese science. Regional Studies Association European Conference, Turkey.
研討會論文 2014 Andersson, D. E., & Gunessee, S. (2014). The geography of Chinese science. Third International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China, China.
研討會論文 2013 Andersson, D. E. (2013). Cities and planning: the role of system constraints. Seminar on Private Urban Planning: Opportunities and Limitations, Italy.
研討會論文 2012 Kettinger, Z., & Andersson, D. E. (2012). Does the creative class affect land values? Empirical estimates from Sweden. 52nd European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Slovakia.
研討會論文 2012 Shyr, O. F., Lin, K. H., Wang, L. Y., & Andersson, D. E. (2012). Can accessibility offset NIMBY effects on property values? A case study of Taipei Songshan Airport. 18th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Australia.
研討會論文 2011 Andersson, D. E. (2011). Polycentric liberal democracy and its enemies. 4th Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders, United States.
研討會論文 2011 Shyr, O.F., Andersson, D. E., Liu, W. J., & Wang, L. Y. (2011). Impacts of transit accessibility on housing prices in three Asian cities. 17th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Australia.
研討會論文 2010 Shyr, O. F., Andersson, D. E., & Huang, T. W. (2010). A tale of two cities: how transit accessibility and the financial crisis affected the prices of commercial properties in Taipei and Kaohsiung. 16th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, New Zealand.
研討會論文 2009 Andersson, D. E. (2009). Cosmos and taxis in religious life. 3rd Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders, United States.
研討會論文 2009 Andersson, D. E., & Shyr, O. F. (2009). The successes and failures of a major transportation link: the impact of Taiwan’s high-speed rail on urban housing markets. 49th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Poland.
研討會論文 2009 Andersson, D. E., & Shyr, O. F. (2009). The impact of high-speed rail on land prices in Taiwan: evidence from Hsinchu and Tainan. International Workshop on Current Issues in the Area of Integration: Asia and the EU, Italy.
研討會論文 2009 Shyr, O. F., Wang, J. C., & Andersson, D. E. (2009). The global financial crisis and transit-oriented development: comparing transit accessibility effects on real estate values before and during the crisis. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Housing and the Built Environment, “Housing People Housing Assets” Conference, UK.
研討會論文 2009 Shyr, O. F., Andersson, D. E., Wu, S., & Lee, Y. (2009). Estimating the impact of Xueshan Tunnel accessibility on property prices in north-eastern Taiwan. 15th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Australia.
研討會論文 2009 Andersson, D. E., Shyr, O. F., & Lee., A. (2009). Estimating the impact of high-speed rail accessibility on residential property prices in Taiwan. 15th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Australia.
研討會論文 2008 Andersson, D. E. (2008). The double-edged nature of the Hayekian knowledge problem. 2nd Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders, United States.
研討會論文 2008 Andersson, D E., Shyr, O. F., & Lee, A. (2008). High-speed rail and urban enlargement: hedonic estimates from Hsinchu. 13th Asian Real Estate Society International Conference, China.
研討會論文 2004 Andersson, D. E. (2004). The spatial nature of entrepreneurship. 6th ASEAN Inter-university Seminar on Social Development, Malaysia.
研討會論文 2001 Andersson, D. E. (2001). Land rights, entrepreneurship and economic freedom. Forum on Urbanizing World and UN Human Habitat II, United States.
研討會論文 1995 Andersson, D. E. (1995). Hedonic analysis of the condominium market in Singapore. 14th Pacific Regional Science Conference of the Regional Science Association International, Taiwan.
研討會論文 1992 Andersson, D. E. (1992). The organization of Swedish local government. Fourth World Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Spain.
專書及專章 2023

安大衛 (2023). . The Future of the Post-industrial Society: Individualism, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (1-180) . Palgrave Macmillan

專書及專章 2022

Andersson, D. E., & Hudik, M. (2022). The Austrian school and the theory of markets. In: D. McCallum (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of the History of the Human Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan

專書及專章 2021

Andersson, D. E. (2021). An Introduction to Spontaneous Order. Center for Market Education

專書及專章 2021

Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. (2021). Network infrastructure and the economy. In: Glaeser, E., Kourtit, K, & Nijkamp, P. (eds.), Urban Empires: Cities as Global Rulers in the New Urban World. Routledge

專書及專章 2017

Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. (2017). Globalisation in stages. In: Gangopadhyay, P., & Chatterji, M. (eds.), Economics of Globalisation. Routledge

專書及專章 2017

Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (2017). Time, Space and Capital. Edward Elgar

專書及專章 2016

安大衛 (2016). Political entrepreneurship, infrastructure and regional development. Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. In: Karlsson, C., Silander, C., & Silander, D. (eds.), Political Entrepreneurship: Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden (62-82) . Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2016

Andersson, D. E., & Ma, A. H.-Y. (2016). Andersson, D. E., & Ma, A. H.-Y. (authors). Bland kustvillor och stadskärnor- En kartläggning och prisanalys av Skånes bostadsmarknader. Sydsvenska industri- och handelskammaren

專書及專章 2016

安大衛 (2016). The impact of high-speed rail on accessibility and house-price variability: The case of two Taiwanese regions. Andersson, D. E., & Shyr, O. F. In: Andreosson-O'Callaghan, B., & Zolin, B. (eds.), Current Issues in Economic Integration: Can Asia Inspire the'West'? (227-242) . Routledge

專書及專章 2015

安大衛 (2015). Complexity, scientific creativity and clustering. Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., Hårsman, B., & Daghbashyan, Z. In: Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., & Stough, R. (eds.), The Rise of the City (15-32) . Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2015

Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E., Loikkanen, H. A., & Andersson, O. (2015). Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E., Loikkanen, H. A., & Andersson, O. (authors). Stad vid havet: stadsplanering och omvandling av centrala hamnområden. Sereco

專書及專章 2014

Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (2014). Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (authors). Byggmarknadens regleringar: ett hinder för Sveriges ekonomiska utveckling. Entreprenörskapsforum

專書及專章 2014

安大衛 (2014). In: D.E. Andersson & S. Moroni (eds.), Cities and Private Planning: Property Rights, Entrepreneurship and Transaction Costs. Edward Elgar

專書及專章 2013

安大衛 (2013). The economic value of experience goods. Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. In: Sundbo, J., & Sorensen F. (eds.), Handbook on the Experience Economy (84-97) . Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2013

Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., & Matthiessen, C. W. (2013). Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., & Mathiessen, C. W. (authors), Öresundsregionen : den dynamiska metropolen. Dialogos

專書及專章 2012

Andersson, D. E., Blumenfeld, J., Currid-Halket, E., Falck, O., FitzGerald, E. V., Heblich, S., Sautet, F., & Stolarick, K. (2012). Andersson, D. E., Blumenfeld, J., Currid-Halket, E., Falck, O., FitzGerald, E. V., Heblich, S., Sautet, F., & Stolarick, K. (authors). Galileo Report: The World in 2030. Richard Chandler Corporation

專書及專章 2012

Andersson, D. E. (2012). Andersson, D. E. (ed.), The Spatial Market Process. Emerald

專書及專章 2011

安大衛 (2011). The potential effects of the fixed Fehmarn link on house prices in the Hamburg- Copenhagen corridor: applying East Asian lessons to northern Europe. Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., Kettinger, Z. & Shyr, O. F. In: Matthiessen, C. W., & Worm, M. (eds.), The Fehmarn Fixed Link: Regional Development Perspectives (330-356) . University Press of Southern Denmark

專書及專章 2011

安大衛 (2011). In: Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., & Mellander, C. (eds.), Handbook of Creative Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2010

Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., & Holmberg, I. (2010). Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., & Holmberg, I. (authors). Öresundsregionens framtid – en ungdomsgenerations värderingar. Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren

專書及專章 2008

Andersson, D. E. (2008). Andersson, D. E. (author), Property Rights, Consumption and the Market Process. Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2008

安大衛 (2008). Spatial clustering of culture. Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. In: Karlsson, C. (ed.), Handbook of research on cluster theory (261-273) . Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2008

安大衛 (2008). . Andersson, D. E., & Andersson, Å. E. Requirements for the region's economic development. In: National Atlas of Sweden: The Stockholm-Mälaren Region (98-131) . Kartförlaget

專書及專章 2006

Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (2006). Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (authors), The Economics of Experiences, the Arts and Entertainment. Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2004

安大衛 (2004). Accessibility and site rents in the C-economy. Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. In: Lee, D.-H. (ed.), Urban and Regional Transportation Modeling (380-389) . Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2003

Andersson, D. E., & Viehhauser, M. (2003). Andersson, D. E., & Viehhauser, M. (authors). Polycentric Regional Development: International Examples. Office of Regional Planning and Transportation, Stockholm County Council

專書及專章 2003

安大衛 (2003). Economic Development and Health Patterns. Andersson, D. E. In: Andersson, Å. E., Johansson, B., & Anderson, W. P. (eds.), The Economics of Disappearing Distance (190-207) . Routledge

專書及專章 2002

安大衛 (2002). Land Rights and Economic Opportunities: An Exploratory Comparison of Singapore and Taiwan. Andersson, D. E. In: Douglas, I., & Huang, S.-L. (eds.), Urbanization, East Asia and Habitat II (159-177) . CIER Press

專書及專章 2002

Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (2002). Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (authors). Sveriges regionala organisation. Sydsvenska industri- och handelskammaren

專書及專章 2001

Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., & Holmberg, I. (2001). Andersson, Å. E., Andersson, D. E., & Holmberg, I. (authors). Grogrund för tillväxt: Östra Skånes utveckling. Sydsvenska industri- och handelskammaren

專書及專章 2001

安大衛 (2001). Emerging knowledge networks in eastern Asia. In: Andersson, D. E., & Poon, J. P.-H. (eds.), Asia-Pacific Transitions. Palgrave Macmillan

專書及專章 2001

安大衛 (2001). Overview. In: Andersson, D. E., & Poon, J. P.-H. (eds.), Asia-Pacific Transitions. Palgrave Macmillan

專書及專章 2000

安大衛 (2000). Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (eds.), Gateways to the Global Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing

專書及專章 2000

安大衛 (2000). In: Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (eds.), Gateways to the Global Economy. Edward Elgar

專書及專章 1998

Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (1998). Andersson, Å. E., & Andersson, D. E. (authors). Hallands långsiktiga utveckling. Sydsvenska handelskammaren

專書及專章 1997

Andersson, D. E. (1997). Andersson, D. E. (author). Hedonic Prices and Center Accessibility: Conceptual Foundations and an Empirical Hedonic Study of the Market for Condominium Housing in Singapore (PhD dissertation). Department of Infrastructure and Planning, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

專書及專章 1997

安大衛 (1997). Regions and the collectivity: Swedish local government and the case of Stockholm. Andersson, D. E. In: Andersson, Å. E., Harsman, B., & Quigley, J. M. (eds.), Government for the Future: Unification, Fragmentation and Regionalism (245-285) . Emerald Group Publishing Limited

專書及專章 1991

Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., Holmberg, I., Karlqvist, A., & Reitberger, G. (1991). Andersson, D. E., Andersson, Å. E., Holmberg, I., Karlqvist, A., & Reitberger, G. (authors). MittNorrlands universitet. Fry, Stiftelsen Västernorrlands Forskningsråd

年度 名稱

個人主義與創造性社會的未來. 科技部 (112-2410-H-110-068-)


高雄都會區捷運站運量之決定因素. 科技部 (MOST-110-2410-H-110-045-MY2)


歐洲NUTS 2區域科學產出之決定因素. 科技部 (109-2410-H-110-079-)


創意階級對都市住宅市場的作用. 科技部 (NSC100-2410-H-110-052-)

學年度 學期 必選修 開課系所 課號 課程名稱
112 2 國際經營學程 IB501 管理經濟學
112 2 國際經營學程 IB536 歐美市場
112 1 國際學士學程 IBBA202 跨文化溝通
112 1 國際經營學程 IB535 國際經濟
111 2 國際經營學程 IB536 歐美市場
111 2 國際學士學程 IBBA105 經濟學(二)
111 1 人管英語碩程 GHRM653 跨文化管理
111 1 國際經營學程 IB535 國際經濟
111 1 人管英語碩程 GHRM644 知識經濟與全球化管理
年度 指導學生 學位 名稱
2023 M094610032
2022 郭家妤 碩士 臺北大都會地區住宿的價格決定因素: 特徵價格法之應用
2022 克洛伊 碩士 時尚循環中的再生利用:可持續性表現的保證?
2022 吳萬綦 碩士 考察文化價值觀對品牌忠誠度的影響:集體主義和個人主義的研究
2021 馬安卓 碩士 在新冠疫情影響下餐飲外送平台之消費價值探討- 以台灣大學生為例
2021 鄧康理 碩士 電視遊戲可以減輕外籍工作人士多大程度上的壓力
2021 知更鳥 碩士 將人力資本吸引到台灣
2021 迪奧托 碩士 鄰里屬性如何影響車站級別的客流量-以高雄捷運為例
2021 柯保羅 碩士 環境態度、知識、行為和文化價值觀間之相互作用: 比較台灣及德國
2021 賴路易 碩士 禁止賭場賭博會如何影響台灣的博彩行為?
2021 Kenny Lord 碩士 To what extent can casual video gaming reduce stress for foreign workers?
2021 Andrei Tukmachev 碩士 Consumption Values, Food Delivery Apps, and Covid-19: A Study of Taiwanese Students
2020 妃洛伊 碩士 近十年在台社會企業經營模式之優化探討
2020 Cristina Cerezo Filloy 碩士 Has It Become Easier to Operate a Social Enterprise in Taiwan in the Last Ten Years?
2020 陳瑀婕 碩士 組織文化對半導體產業的招聘與選拔過程的影響:以ASML為例
2020 賈潔 碩士 社交媒體和中小企業:探討新冠病毒對中小企業社交媒體使用率的影響
2011 簡查德 碩士 運用特徵價值法探討徒步、公共運輸與私人運輸適合度 對辦公室租金的影響:以多倫多人口普查都會區為例
2011 簡查德 碩士 運用特徵價值法探討徒步、公共運輸與私人運輸適合度對辦公室租金的影響:以多倫多人口普查都會區為例
2011 齊克文 碩士 自由、創造性及制度選擇–以美國跨州移民為例
2010 方恩儒 碩士 解析法國與台灣的包裝水市場:關於商品特徵價值分析
2010 唐杰恩 碩士 美國地區制度、集聚經濟與跨洲移民之研究
2010 安潔莉亞 碩士 捷克共和國大專學院教育獎贊助系統的優缺及其機會
2009 巴洛栩 碩士 台灣準備好邁向後現代主義了嗎?瑞典和台灣的比較研究
2009 喬士 碩士 台灣遊說
2009 江德曼 碩士 女企業家在布吉納法索:特性,動機,目標和難點
2009 波頓 碩士 台灣價值觀改變和消費者物質主義:經驗主義觀點
2008 柯若坦 碩士 住宅選擇的偏好比較研究—以布達佩斯和高雄為例
年度 名稱 頒獎機構
2022 中山新管理學者獎 國立中山大學管理學院
2021 中山新管理學者獎 國立中山大學管理學院
2020 Sun Yat-sen New Management Scholar Award College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
2005 Best Article in 2005 Foundation for Economic Education
起迄日期 計劃/活動名稱 計劃/活動內容 擔任角色