Name Cheng, Jung-hua
Title Associate Professor
Research Interests Consumer behavior, consumer attitude, service marketing, online communication, marketing strategy
Office 4089
Phone 4953

Education 2013, Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Experience 2021-02-01 ~ , Institute of Marketing Communication, National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Professor
2019-08-01 ~ 2021-02-01, Institute of Marketing Communication, National Sun Yat-sen University, Assistant Professor
2018-02-01 ~ 2019-07-31, Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Business Management, National Taiwan Ocean University, Assistant Professor
2015-08-01 ~ 2018-01-31, Institute of Marketing Communication, National Sun Yat-sen University, Contractual Assistant Professor
2014-08-01 ~ 2015-07-31, Institute of Business and Management, National University of Kaohsiung, Project Assistant Professor
2013-09-01 ~ 2014-06-30, Department of Marketing and Logistics, MingDao University , Project Assistant Professor
Academic Services 2023-09-01 ~ 2023-11-20, 土水保護創意短片徵選, 審查委員
2023-01-01 ~ , 推動園區行銷科技策略應用發展計畫, 專家諮詢委員
2022-01-01 ~ , Journal of Management and Business Research , 審查委員
2019-01-01 ~ 2022-01-01, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI), Reviewer
2019-01-01 ~ 2021-12-31, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, Reviewer
2018-08-01 ~ , Ministry of Science and Technology, Reviewer
2018-01-01 ~ 2022-01-01, International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI), Reviewer
2018-01-01 ~ 2022-01-01, Internet Research (SSCI), Reviewer
2018-01-01 ~ 2022-01-01, Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI), Reviewer
2018-01-01 ~ 2022-01-01, NTU Management Review, Reviewer
2018-01-01 ~ , Ministry of Science and Technology , 大專生專題計畫審查委員
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2024 張榮華、林吟謙 (2024). “Female Breadwinner and Male Housekeeper” Atypical Gender Role Mechanism in Advertising. Journal of Management and Business Research, 41(1), 1-29. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2023 張榮華,鍾小惠 (2023). Just Human-Like! Gender, Conversation Styles and Emojis in the Perceived Anthropomorphism of Chatbots and Purchase Intention. Journal of Management and Business Research. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2022 Chang, Jung-Hua; Chen, Jyun-Yu (2022). Let the Sports Endorser Speak: Combination of Endorser Type, Color, and Copy . Journal of Business Research , 144, 939-950. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2020 Chih-Ching Teng, Cheng-Ming Hu, Jung-Hua Chang (2020). Triggering Creative Self-Efficacy to Increase Employee Innovation Behavior in the Hospitality Workplace. Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(4), 912-925. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2019 Liu, Shu-Fang, Liu, Hsin-Hsien , Chang, Jung-Hua, and Chou, Han Ni (2019). Analysis of a new visual marketing craze: The effect of LINE sticker features and user characteristics on download willingness and product purchase intention. Asia Pacific Management Review, Online available. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2019 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei (2019). Different Levels of Destination Expectation: The Effects of Online Advertising and Electronic Word-of-Mouth. Telematics and Informatics, 36, 27-38. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2018 Chang, Jung-Hua, Yu-Qian Zhu, Shan-Huei Wang, and Yi-Jung Li (2018). Would You Change Your Mind? An Empirical Study of Social Impact Theory on Facebook. Telematics & Informatics, 35(1), 282-292. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2018 Chang, JH; Zhu, YQ; Wang, SH; Li, YJ (2018). Would you change your mind? An empirical study of social impact theory on Facebook. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, 35(1), 282-292. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2017 Liu, HH; Chang, JH (2017). Relationship type, perceived trust, and ambiguity aversion. Marketing Letters, 28(2), 255-266. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2017 Chang, JH (2017). The role of relationship on time and monetary compensation. The Service Industries Journal, 37(15-16), 919-935. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2017 Chang, JH; Teng, CC (2017). Intrinsic or extrinsic motivations for hospitality employees' creativity: The moderating role of organization-level regulatory. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 60, 133-141. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2016 Zhu, YQ; Chang, JH (2016). The key role of relevance in personalized advertisement: Examining its impact on perceptions of privacy invasion, self-awareness, and continuous use intentions. Computers in Human Behavior, 65(Dec.), 442-447. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2016 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei (2016). Good Products Will Not Betray You. YMC Management Review, 9(1), 47-60. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2014 Teng, Chih-Ching and Chang, Jung-Hua (2014). Effects of Temporal Distance and Related Strategies on Enhancing Customer Participation Intention for Hotel Eco-Friendly Programs. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 40(Jul.), 92-99. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2014 Chang, Chung-Chau, Chang, Shin-Shin, Chien, Ya-Lan, and Chang, Jung-Hua (2014). Having Champagne without Celebration? The Effect of Self-Regulatory Focus on Moderately Atypical Product Usages Evaluation. European Journal of Marketing, 48(11/12), 1939-1961. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2013 Chang, SS; Chang, JH (2013). People’s Preference Patterns for Gains/Losses in Multiple Time Periods Situations. Psychological Reports, 113(2), 1-12. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2013 Teng, CC; Chang, JH (2013). Mechanism of customer value in restaurant consumption: Employee hospitality and entertainment cues as boundary conditions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 32(Mar.), 169-178. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2013 Chang, CC; Chang, SS; Chang, JH; Chien, YL, (2013). Which Is the Better Option? Quicker or Cheaper?. Psychology & Marketing, 30(1), 90-101. (SSCI)
Conference Paper 2023 Chang, J. H, Wang, S. H., Huang, L. F. (2023). Human or not?” The Effect of Using Different Types of Anthropomorphic Virus on Sense of Fear and Behavior Intention: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Focus.. iFAIRS 2023 conference, Vietname.
Conference Paper 2023 Chang, J. H & Wang, S. H. (2023). R&D or Marketing? Resource Allocation in High-tech Industries.. Academy of International Business (AIB-SE), United States.
Conference Paper 2023 Wang, S. H., Chang, J. H.,* Syu, M. C (2023). It's Better to Change than Regret. Academy of International Business (AIB-SE), United States.
Conference Paper 2022 Wang, Shan-Huei; Chang, Jung-Hua (2022). Organizational Structure Diversification, Power Distance Diversification, and Business Group Performance: An Organizational Learning and Multi-Team System Perspective. AIB 2022 Conference, .
Conference Paper 2022 王珊彗、許孟淳、張榮華 (2022). 【世界末日 or永續發展?】:以反事實觀點來探討永續經營、品牌訊號、對線上消費者在快時尚產品採購之探勘性研究. 中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2022 Chang, Jung-Hua; Wang, Shan-Huei (2022). Product Network: The Effects of Perceived Values and Costs. 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference , .
Conference Paper 2021 張榮華,王珊彗,黃于烜 (2021). 共享平台特性對消費者偏好之研究:以信任與風險為中介變項. iFAIRS 2021 International Conference, .
Conference Paper 2021 張榮華,王珊彗,鍾禎華 (2021). 奢華餐廳之餐點品質、服務場域對知覺價值與滿意度之研究:以功能利益、象徵利益與體驗利益為中介變數. FAIRS 2021 International Conference, .
Conference Paper 2021 Wang, Shan-Huei; Chang, Jung-Hua (2021). Resource Concentration, Ownership Structure and Business Group Performance - An S-Shaped Hypothesis. Academy of International Business(AIB) 2021 Online Conference, .
Conference Paper 2020 Wang, Shan-Huei; Chang, Jung-Hua (2020). T Resource Linkages, Organizational Slack and Restructuring Behavior Decision. 2020臺灣組織與管理學會(TAoM)年會暨研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2020 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei, (2020). The Fit of Endorsers and Colors in Sports Advertising. 2020 International Conference on Business, Information, Tourism, and Economics, .
Conference Paper 2019 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei, (2019). The Effect of Psychological Distance on Typical-person Endorser: The Fit of Endorser and Copy. 21th International Conference on Commercial Management and Business Development,, Japan.
Conference Paper 2019 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei (2019). Do culture dissimilar really decrease M & A performances?. International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, .
Conference Paper 2018 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei (2018). Does Internationalization Processes Always Good?. 2018 International Conference on Business and Information- Winter Session, Japan.
Conference Paper 2017 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei (2017). How does Resource Allocation, Resource Similarity Affect Portfolio Restructuring?. 2017 International Symposium on Business and Management, Japan.
Conference Paper 2017 Chang, Jung-Hua (2017). The Effects of Online Advertising and Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Destination Expectation. Nets 2017, Indonesia.
Conference Paper 2016 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei, (2016). Exploring the acceptance of potential users in web-based medical service. International Conference on Business and Information, Japan.
Conference Paper 2016 Chang, Jung-Hua and Wang, Shan-Huei (2016). Defenses against Product Betrayal Aversion: Perceived Quality and Brand Image. 2016 Winter Global Business Conference, France.
Conference Paper 2015 Chang, Jung-Hua and Yao, Kai-Chun (2015). The Effects of Information searching, Tourist Expectation Gap on The Revisiting. 2015 International Conference on Marketing, Logistics, and Management, Japan.
Conference Paper 2015 Teng, Chih-Ching and Chang, Jung-Hua (2015). Intrinsic or Extrinsic Motivators: The Moderating Role of Organization-Level Regulatory Focus. Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference, Spain.
Conference Paper 2013 Chih-Ching Teng, Jeou-Shyan Horng, Meng-Lei Hu, and Jung-Hua Chang (2013). The Effects of Environmental Claims and Eco-labeling on Customer Attitudes and Hotel Choice Intention. International Congress on Engineering and Information, Thailand.
Conference Paper 2011 張心馨、簡雅嵐、張榮華 (2011). The Effect of Self-Regulatory Focus on Atypical Product Usages Evaluation: A Schema Congruity Perspective. 2011台灣管理學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2011 鄧之卿、張榮華 (2011). 餐廳消費者知覺價值模式:探討娛樂線索之調節效果. 2011餐旅管理暨產業發展國際學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2011 張重昭、張心馨、張榮華、蘇偉綱 (2011). People’s Preference Patterns for Gains/Losses in Multiple Time Situations. 2011年第十屆管理新思維學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2009 Wu, Lei-Yu, Chang, Jung-Hua, Wang Chun-Ju (2009). A Transaction Cost View of Brand Equity. International Conference on Applied Business Research, Italy.
Conference Paper 2006 巫立宇、張榮華、藍靜怡 (2006). 品牌權益與交易成本關係之研究. 2006台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2006 巫立宇、藍靜怡、林金慧、張榮華 (2006). 資源、經營策略、市場導向、執行力與績效關係之研究. 2006台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2006 王俊如、巫立宇、羅淑如、張榮華 (2006). 社會資本、外銷市場導向與外銷績效關係之研究:以台灣中小企業為例. 第五屆國際商務論壇研討會, Taiwan.
Year Title

體驗消費與物質消費對消費者影響之機制與廣告應用. Ministry of Science and Techonology (112-2410-H-110-024-)


Influence of the Disease Cues based on Time Framing on Preference for Product: The Roles of Regulation Strategies, Counterfactual Thinking and Self- Regulatory Focus. Ministry of Science and Techonology (111-2410-H-110-016-)


Is the Gender Matter? The Effect of Fit between Conversation Styles and Gender Role in a Chatbot on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Emoji. Ministry of Science and Techonology (111-2629-H-110-002-SSS)


「每天只要10分鐘!」每日時間框架之機制與應用. Ministry of Science and Techonology (110-2410-H-110-022-)


The Machanism of Counterfactual Thinking and Implication of Advertising. Ministry of Science and Techonology (109-2410-H-110-044-)


產品功能網絡之特點與應用. MOST (107-2410-H-110-081-MY2)


產品功能網絡之特點與應用. Ministry of Science and Technology (107-2410-H-019 -010 -MY2)


The Effects of Product Network. Ministry of Science and Technology (105-2410-H-110-035-MY2)


onsumers' Preference for Time and Money: The Effect of Role of Relationship Norm and Time Framing. Ministry of Science and Technology (104-2410-H-110-086-)


Overcoming Betrayal Aversion: Prior Experience, Brand Image, and Official Announcements. Ministry of Science and Technology (103 - 2410 - H - 390 - 030)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM540 ADVERTISING CREATIVITY
112 2 Selected College of Management CM410 INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MANAGEMENT
112 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM657 DATA MARKETING
112 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM548 MARKETING MANAGEMENT
111 2 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM540 ADVERTISING CREATIVITY
111 2 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM551 SERVICE MARKETING
111 2 Selected College of Management CM410 INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MANAGEMENT
111 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM657 DATA MARKETING
111 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM614 THESIS WRITING
111 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM548 MARKETING MANAGEMENT
110 2 Selected College of Management CM410 INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MANAGEMENT
110 2 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM540 ADVERTISING CREATIVITY
110 2 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM551 SERVICE MARKETING
110 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM657 DATA MARKETING
110 1 Selected 行銷傳播碩 ICM548 MARKETING MANAGEMENT
Year Name Degree Title
2024 Jia-Jing Li Master Exploring the Influence of the Cute Type of Intellectual Property and Ad Messages on the Advertising Effect:Using the Advertising Color as the Moderating Variable
2023 Jia-Jing Li M094080020 Exploring the Influence of the Cute Type of Intellectual Property and Ad Messages on the Advertising Effect:Using the Advertising Color as the Moderating Variable
2023 Jia-Jing Li N104080009 Exploring the Influence of the Cute Type of Intellectual Property and Ad Messages on the Advertising Effect:Using the Advertising Color as the Moderating Variable
2023 Jia-Jing Li M104080003 Exploring the Influence of the Cute Type of Intellectual Property and Ad Messages on the Advertising Effect:Using the Advertising Color as the Moderating Variable
2023 Jia-Jing Li M104080016 Exploring the Influence of the Cute Type of Intellectual Property and Ad Messages on the Advertising Effect:Using the Advertising Color as the Moderating Variable
2023 Jia-Jing Li M104080008 Exploring the Influence of the Cute Type of Intellectual Property and Ad Messages on the Advertising Effect:Using the Advertising Color as the Moderating Variable
2023 Si-Yu Chen Master “Supremacy of Experience Until Eternity” The Effect of Different Purchase Types in Advertising : The Moderating Effect of Advertising Copy and Advertising Appeals
2023 CHIEN-HUI CHEN Master The Mechanisms of Micro- and Macro-Social Media Influencers on Consumer: Moderating Effects of Sponsorship Disclosure and Photo Background
2023 Yu-Wen Chiu Master The Advertising Effectiveness of Different Types of Co-branding Partner on the Convenience Store Delicacies
2023 Kai-Lin Huang Master The Impact of Symbolic Meanings and Functional Values of Battery Electric Vehicles on Attitude and Purchase Intention through Self Images Set Up
2023 Yu-Ting Tong Master “White, Abundant and Aesthetic”in Advertising. The Effect of White Space on Advertising Effectiveness : The Moderating Effect of Product Types and Copy Styles
2022 Jun-Xian Huang Master How Perception of Rivalry in Professional Sports Games Affect Audience’s Satisfaction and Enjoyment through Schadenfreude, Cohesion and Feeling of Violence: An Empirical Study of Chinese Professional Baseball League
2022 Hsin-Yi Shen Master Customizing Yourself! The Effect of Different Customization Types on Consumers’ Behavioral Intention: The Moderating Effect of Product Involvement and Product Type
2022 Li-Fen Huang Master “To be a Human or not to be a human?” The Effect of Using Different Types of Anthropomorphic Virus on Sense of Fear and Behavior Intention: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Focus
2022 Ching-Ying Huang Master The Effect of Different Types of Reward Advertising on Advertising Attitude and Game Attitude through Perceived Value:The Moderating Effect of Advertising Length and Game Genre
2022 Jhan-Lun Yang Master The Impact of the COVID-19 Threat on the Preference for Typical Products: Adult attachment style and Hedonic Principle as the Moderate Variable
2022 Mei-Jyuan Zeng Master Fascinating experience through time and space:Discussion of the consumption experience and immersion in historical Servicescape
2022 Wei-Lung Lai Master The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions of Telecommunication Industry on Consumer Preferences: A Case Study of Taiwan Mobile's Acquisition of Taiwan Star
2021 Chien-Hua Wang Master The influence of information from LINE offical account on purchase intention and brand attitude through the perspective of relationshiop norms
2021 Pei-Chun Tsai Master The effect of interaction on revisit intention to leisure farms through experimential marketing : The object of interaction as the moderator
2021 Ting-Yun Lee Master The Effects of Counterfactual Thinking on Public Service Announcement:Temporal Distance as Moderating Variables
2021 YAP SIEW CHENG Master The Impact of Daily Time Frame on Attitude Toward Advertising and Behavioral Intention mediated by opportunity cost: Mental Simulation and Activity Type as the Moderator Variable
2021 Hsiao-Hui Chung Master 「Talk to Your Heart」— The Effect of Different Conversation Styles on Purchase Intentions in a Chatbot: The Moderating Effect of Gender and Emoji
2020 Tzu-Yu Lai Master Is the “No.1” Best? The Effect of Online Ranking and Star Rating on Consumer Perceived: The Moderating Effect of Online Review Volume
2020 Yu-Tzu Chang Master The Impact of Experiential Value on Sports Consumption Behavior Through Relationship Quality : An Empirical Study of Chinese Professional Baseball League
2020 Chen-Hua Chung Master The Effect of Food Quality and Servicescape on Perceived Value and Satisfaction in Luxury Restaurants : The Mediating Effects of Functional, Symbolic and Experiential benefits
2020 Yu-Hsuan Huang Master Research on the characteristics of shared platform for consumers: Trust and Risk as Mediating Variables
2020 Yin-Chien Lin Master 「Female Breadwinner and Male Housekeeper」 The Mechanism of Atypical Gender Role in Advertising Effect
2019 I-Ju Chu Master Judge foods by their appearance: How food appearance affect diners’ emotion and behavior.
2018 Chih-Hung Yen Master The influence of eWOM on expectation disconfirmation and consumer satisfaction, repurchase intention and WOM: Moderating effect of product type and relationship
2018 Ying-Cih Chen Master An Empirical Study of Using Theory of Social Network to Investigate the Effects of Movie Network on Consumer Decision
2018 Jyun-Yu Chen Master Research on the Fit Between Different Types of Endorsers, Mental Simulations and Color Tones in Sports Advertising
2017 Yun-Tzu Chang Master The Sugar-Coat Trap of the Product Placement — Examining How Parasocial Interaction and Plot Connection Moderate the Mediator Effects of Perceived Reality
2017 張勻慈 Master 置入性行銷的「糖衣陷阱」—探討擬社會互動與情節連結如何調節知覺真實性的中介效果
2017 Chia-yi Lai Master Curiosity attraction:To explore the factors that consumers join queuing
2017 Wei-Chieh Pan Master Singer-songwriter Is Better? Research on the Positioning Strategy of Mandopop Singers
2017 Cheng-Wen Tsuo Master Scarcity Product, Perceived Risk and Expected Product Price Impact on Purchase Intention-Social Identification Needs and Conspicuous Consumption as the Moderator
2017 Yu-Chen Hsu Master Green or Not Green? Moderated Effects of AD Appeals of Green Product Type and Self-Construal on Purchase Intention
2017 Yu-Hsiang Sun Master How does parody advertising affect consumers? The degree of involvement, the claim credibility and the role of prior knowledge in parody advertisements.
Year Title Awarding Organization
2022 管院110學年度第1學期教學優良課程 (數據行銷) 中山管院
2022 管院110學年度第1學期教學優良課程 (行銷管理) 中山管院
2022 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎行銷組 佳作與最佳實務應用 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
2022 崇越論文大賞「佳作」 台灣管理學會
2022 TBSA全國大專創新企劃競賽 「全國總決賽成名在望獎」 財團法人台灣商務策劃協會
2022 110學年度 校級優良教師 中山大學
2021 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎行銷組佳作 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
2021 祟越論文大賞「佳作」 崇越論文大賞「佳作」
2021 管院109學年度第2學期教學優良課程 (廣告創意) 中山管院
2020 管院109學年度第1學期教學優良課程 (行銷管理) 中山管院
2018 崇越論文大賞「優良論文」 台灣管理學會
2017 教學優良課程教師 國立中山大學
2016 Yahoo! ECIC商電實務競賽「整體營運獎:特優」、「產品創意與設計獎:特優」、「行動商務整合獎:優等」 雅虎奇摩
2016 TBSA全國大專創新企劃競賽「特優」獎 社團法人台灣商務策劃協會
Period Activity Description Role
2020-10-16 ~ 2020-10-16 專題演講 變異數的本質分析與應用 主講人
2020-11-17 ~ 2020-11-17 專題演講 行銷工具的創新與進化:數位溝通、連結、大數據 主講人
2020-06-04 ~ 2020-06-04 專題演講 行銷工具的創新與進化 主講人
2021-03-16 ~ 2021-03-16 專題演講 行銷的創新與進化_漫談研究設計與實證 主講人
2022-01-07 ~ 2022-01-07 專題演講 學術職涯發展經驗談 主講人
2021-11-24 ~ 2021-11-24 中山EMBA共學 淺談數位轉型:SEO & SEM 主講人
2021-12-01 ~ 2021-12-01 專題演講 數位溝通的創新與進化:漫談研究設計與實證 主講人
2022-09-27 ~ 2022-09-27 「第16期中山貨櫃創業團隊」進駐審查會 計畫審查 審查委員
2023-03-21 ~ 2023-03-21 「第17期中山貨櫃創業團隊」進駐審查會 計畫審查 審查委員
2022-10-14 ~ 2022-10-14 專題演講 主題「變異數分析的本質與應用」 主講人
2022-04-23 ~ 2022-04-23 專題演講 數位行銷的創新與進化 主講人
2022-12-11 ~ 2022-12-11 國科會管二學門發表會 發表研究成果 發表人