姓名 張純端
職稱 教授
專長及研究領域 行銷管理、消費者心理學、廣告與促銷、實驗設計
研究室 4059
分機 4627

學歷 2004, 博士, 行銷, 英國愛丁堡大學
2002, 博士, 候選人, 美國休士頓大學
1999, 碩士, 企管, 美國伊利諾大學
1998, 學士, 財務金融系, 國立台灣大學
個人經歷 2012-08-01 ~ , 國立中山大學, 企業管理學系教授
2009-02-01 ~ 2012-07-31, 國立中山大學, 企業管理學系副教授
2007-08-01 ~ 2009-01-31, 國立中山大學, 企業管理學系助理教授
2004-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31, 國立高雄大學, 經濟管理研究所助理教授
2000-02-01 ~ 2004-07-31, 高雄醫學大學, 牙科醫務管理研究員
2019-02-01 ~ , 高雄醫學大學, 合聘教授
2017-08-01 ~ 2020-07-31, 企管系, 系主任
學術服務 2022-04-19 ~ 2022-04-19, 長庚大學企管系, 演講
2022-02-01 ~ , 中山管理評論行銷領域, 主編
2022-01-01 ~ , 國科會管理二學門, 複審委員
2021-01-01 ~ , Journal of Retailing and Consumer Studies, 審查委員
2019-05-01 ~ 2019-05-01, 交通大學管理科學所, 演講
2019-01-01 ~ , Journal of Business Research, 審查委員
2018-10-01 ~ , 永續消費者研討會, 特別主編
2018-10-01 ~ , 永續消費者研討會, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ , Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ , Journal of Advertising, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ , Journal of Consumer Behavior, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ , Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ , Computers in Human Behavior, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ , Behaviour & Information Technology, 審查委員
2018-01-01 ~ 2019-01-31, 科技部成果發表會, 與談人/主持人
2008-03-17 ~ 2008-04-05, 國科會, 審查委員
2007-10-25 ~ 2007-10-25, 國立彰化師範大學, 演講
2007-08-01 ~ 2007-12-31, Pan-Pacific Management Review, 審查委員
2007-08-01 ~ , 中華社會福利聯合勸募協會, 南區審查委員
2007-08-01 ~ 2007-12-31, 管理評論, 審查委員
2007-04-15 ~ 2008-05-15, 亞太管理評論, 審查委員
2007-03-01 ~ 2007-03-31, European Advances in Consumer Research, 審查委員
2007-03-01 ~ 2007-07-31, 中山管理評論, 審查委員
類別 年度 名稱
期刊論文 2023 Hsiao-Ching Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, Jia-Ling Lee, Chia-Han Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2023). Crying Victims Deserve More? How Victim Image, Facial Expression, Entitativity and Victim Story Impact Charity Advertising Persuasiveness. International Journal of Advertising. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, and Tsung-Pin Wang (2023). "I Doubt It Works!” The Negative Impacts of Anthropomorphizing Healthcare Products. Journal of Business Research . (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, Yu-Kang Lee, and Chia-Han Chang (2023). A Close Look at Research on Pursuing the Right Formula for Cause-Related Marketing Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 42(1), 96-108. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Li-Wen Chiu, Chung-Wei Lin, Pei-Wen Lin, Han-Tan Chai, Chun-Tuan Chang, Michael Friedman, Anna M. Salapatas, and Hsin-Ching Lin (2023). Homocysteine Levels in Severe OSA Patients before and after TORS-OSA Surgery. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (SCI)
期刊論文 2023 Chung-Wei Lin, Ting-Yi Chiang, Wen-Ching Chen, Li-Wen Chiu, Yung-Chung Su, Hsin-Ching Lin, Chun-Tuan Chang (2023). Is Post-Extubation Dysphagia Underestimated in the Era of COVID-19? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (SCI)
期刊論文 2023 Pei-Wen Lin, Hsin-Ching Lin, Chun-Tuan Chang, Meng-Chih Lin, Michael Friedman, Anna M. Salapatas (2023). Decreased Peripapillary and Macular Vascular Densities in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome. Nature and Science of Sleep, 15, 1-12. (SCI)
期刊論文 2023 Rahavi-Ezabadi, Sara; Su, Yan-Ye; Wang, Yu-Han; Lin, Chung-Wei; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M.; Amali, Amin; Lin, Hsin-Ching (2023). Minimally invasive, single-stage, multilevel surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY, 48(6), 828-840. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2023 Lin, Chung-Wei; Lin, Pei-Wen; Chiu, Li-Wen; Chai, Han-Tan; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M.; Rahavi-Ezabadi, Sara; Lin, Hsin-Ching (2023). Inflammatory biomarkers of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios in 563 severe OSA patients before and after surgery. JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERY, 52(1), 1-7. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2023 Lin, Chung-Wei; Wang, Yu-Han; Li, Yu-En; Chiang, Ting-Yi; Chiu, Li-Wen; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan (2023). COVID-related dysphonia and persistent long-COVID voice sequelae: A systematic review and meta-analysis. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY, 44(5), 103950. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2023 Lin, Chung-Wei; Chiang, Ting-Yi; Chen, Wen-Ching; Chiu, Li-Wen; Su, Yung-Chung; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan (2023). Is Postextubation Dysphagia Underestimated in the Era of COVID-19? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 168(5), 935-943. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2023 Chiu, Li-Wen; Lin, Chung-Wei; Lin, Pei-Wen; Chai, Han-Tan; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M.; Lin, Hsin-Ching (2023). Homocysteine Levels in Severe OSA Patients Before and After TORS-OSA Surgery. OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 168(5), 1238-1244. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2023 Lin, Pei -Wen; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Lin, Meng-Chih; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M. (2023). Decreased Peripapillary and Macular Vascular Densities in Patients with Moderate/Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome. NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP, 15(1), 1-12. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2023 Lee, Hsiao-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Lee, Jia-Ling; Chang, Chia-Han; Lee, Yu-kang (2023). Crying victims deserve more? how victim image, facial expression, entitativity and victim story impact charity advertising persuasiveness. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING, 無(無), 1-32. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Chang, Chun-Tuan; Lee, Hsiao-Ching; Lee, Yu-kang; Wang, Tsung-Pin (2023). I Doubt It Works! the negative impacts of anthropomorphizing healthcare products. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 164(1), 114008. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, and Yu-Kang Lee (2022). Are Consumers Moved by a Crying Tree Or a Smiling Forest? Effects of Anthropomorphic Valence And Cause Acuteness in Green Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Chun-Tuan Chang, Yi-Chia Chen, and Chia-Han Chang (2022). Being Alone Deserves More Sympathy? Influences of Victim Number, Cause Acuteness and Individual Differences in Self-Construal on Charitable Advertising Effectiveness. NTU Management Review, 32(2), 85-112. (TSSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, Yu-Kang Lee, and Chia-Han Chang (2022). A Close Look at Research on Pursuing the Right Formula for Cause-Related Marketing Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 42(1), 96-108. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Yang, Kun-Lin; Lin, Pei-Wen; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Liu, Pi-Hua; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M. (2022). OSA Treatment on Cardio- and Cerebrovascular Comorbidities: A Long-term Nationwide Cohort Study. OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 167(3), 600-606. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2022 Su, Yan-Ye; Lin, Pei-Wen; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Lin, Chih-Yun; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M. (2022). Systematic review and updated meta-analysis of multi-level surgery for patients with OSA. AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 49(3), 421-430. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2022 Chuang, Yao-Chi; Lin, Pei-Wen; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M.; Lin, Chih-Yun (2022). Effects of TORS-OSA Surgery on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Overactive Bladder Symptoms, and Nocturia in Male Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome. NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP, 14(1), 547-556. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2022 Lin, Pei-Wen; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M.; Lin, Meng-Chih; Lin, Chih-Yun (2022). Alterations of Ocular Surface and Tear Film in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome. NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP, 14(1), 277-290. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2022 Yang, Kun-Lin; Lin, Pei-Wen; Chang, Chun-Tuan; Liu, Pi-Hua; Lin, Hsin-Ching; Friedman, Michael; Salapatas, Anna M. (2022). OSA Treatment on Cardio- and Cerebrovascular Comorbidities: A Long-term Nationwide Cohort Study. OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 167(3), 600-606. (SCIE)
期刊論文 2022 Chang, Chun-Tuan; Cheng, Zhao-Hong; Lee, Yu-Kang; Chang, Chia-Han (2022). A close look at research on pursuing the right formula for cause-related marketing advertising. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING, 42(1), 96-108. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Chun-Tuan Chang, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, and Shih-Ting Kao (2021). Is Being Cute Helpful or Harmful? How Anthropomorphized Spokes-Characters Affect Consumer Perceptions and Judgement . Journal of Advertising Research, 61(2), 225-244. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Chun-Tuan Chang, Xing Yu (Marcos) Chu, and I-Ting Tsai (2021). How Cause Marketing Campaign Factors Affect Attitudes and Purchase Intention Choosing the Right Mix of Product and Cause Types with Time Duration . Journal of Advertising Research, 61(1), 58-77. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, and Hui-Wen Chang (2021). How to Use a Spokesperson's Smile Effectively Intensity, Consumer Self-Construal, and Brand Relationship Determine Ad Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research, 61(4), 436-455. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Chun-Tuan Chang, Dickson Tok, Xing Yu (Marcos) Chu, Yu-Kang Lee, Shr-Chi Wang (2021). Does hot lead to not so hot?. European Journal of Marketing , 55(5), 1313-1337. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Zhao-Hong Cheng, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Li-Chieh Lai (2021). Does Left-Right Matter? Effects of Product-Price Left-Right Placement and Construal Level on Product Evaluation. NTU Management Review, 31(1), 155-187. (TSSCI, 其他期刊)
期刊論文 2021 Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Angela Y. Lee. (2021). Values created from Far and Near: Influence of Spatial Distance on Brand Evaluation. Journal of Marketing, 85(6), 162-175. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Guei-Hua Huang, Chun-Tuan Chang, Anil Bilgihan, and Fevzi Okumus (2020). Helpful or Harmful? A Double-Edged Sword of Emoticons in Online Review Helpfulness. Tourism Management, 81, 1-9. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Tok, Dickson, Xi Chen, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu (2020). “How Common or Scientific Name Works? The Influence of Food Type and Regulatory Focus on the Choice of Ingredient Name”. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference(ACR), 543-544. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Zhao-Hong Cheng, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Yu-Kang Lee (2020). Linking Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Values to Consumer Skepticism and Green Consumption: The Roles of Environment Involvement and Locus of Control . Review of Managerial Science , 14, 61-85. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Chun-Tuan Chang and Hsin-Yi Wang (2020). The Bigger the Picture, the Better? Impacts of Product and Model Ratio and Brand-Consumer Relationship on Advertising Effectiveness . NTU Management Review, 30(1), 1-32. (TSSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Chun-Tuan Chang and Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu (2020). The Give and Take of Cause-Related Marketing: Purchasing Cause-Related Products Licenses Consumer Indulgence . Journal of Academy of Marketing Science , 48(2), 203-221. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Chun-Tuan Chang, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, and I-Ting Tsai (2019). Quick or Committed? Bundling Time Duration, Cause Type and Product Type in Cause-Related Marketing. Journal of Advertising Research. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Hsiu-Wen Liu and Chun-Tuan Chang (2018). Consumer Choice Behavior in Cause-Related Marketing: Who Cares More?. Journal of Quality, 25(1), 38-53. (EI)
期刊論文 2018 Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Zhao-Hong Cheng, and You Lin (2018). How Social Anxiety and Reduced Self-Efficacy Induce Smartphone Addiction in Materialistic People. Social Science Computer Review, 36(1), 36-56. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Chun-Tuan Chang, Pei-Chi Chen, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Ming-Tsung Kung, and Yi-Feng Huang (2018). Is Cash Always King? Bundling Product-Cause Fit and Product Type in Cause-Related Marketing. Psychology & Marketing, 35(12), 990-1009. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Guei-Hua Huang, Nikolaos Korfiatisa, and Chun-Tuan Chang (2018). Mobile Shopping Cart Abandonment: The Roles of Conflicts, Ambivalence and Hesitation. Journal of Business Research, 85(April), 165-174. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Chun-Tuan Chang, Yuan-Ciao Wu, Yu-Kang Lee, and Xing-Yu Chu (2018). Right Metaphor, Right Place: Choosing a Visual Metaphor Based on Product Type and Consumer Differences. International Journal of Advertising, 37(2), 309-336. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Hsiao-Ching Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, and Yen-Ting Chen (2018). Will an Organic Label Always Increase Food Consumption? It Depends on Food Type and Consumer Differences in Health Locus of Control. Food Quality and Preference, 63(Jan.), 88-96. (SCI)
期刊論文 2018 Hsiao-Ching Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Hsuan Chen, and Yu-Shian Huang (2018). The Spell of Cuteness in Food Consumption? It Depends on Food Type and Consumption Motivation. Food Quality and Preference, 65(April), 110-117. (SCI)
期刊論文 2018 Lee, HC; Chang, CT; Cheng, ZH; Chen, YT (2018). Will an organic label always increase food consumption? It depends on food type and consumer differences in health locus of control. Food Quality And Preference, 63, 88-96. (SCI)
期刊論文 2018 Chang, CT; Wu, YC; Lee, YK; Chu, XY (2018). Right metaphor, right place: choosing a visual metaphor based on product type and consumer differences. International Journal Of Advertising, 37(2), 309-336. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Chang, CT; Chen, PC; Chu, XY; Kung, MT; Huang, YF (2018). Is cash always king? Bundling product-cause fit and product type in cause-related marketing. Psychology & Marketing, 35(12), 990-1009. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Huang, GH; Korfiatis, N; Chang, CT (2018). Mobile shopping cart abandonment: The roles of conflicts, ambivalence, and hesitation. Journal of Business Research, 85, 165-174. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Lee, HC; Chang, CT; Chen, YH; Huang, YS (2018). The spell of cuteness in food consumption? It depends on food type and consumption motivation. Food Quality and Preference, 65, 110-117. (SCI)
期刊論文 2017 Le, YK; Chang, CTN; Chen, PC (2017). What Sells Better in Green Communications: Fear or Hope? It Depends on Whether the Issue Is Global or Local. Journal of Advertising Research, 57(4), 379-396. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Lee, YK; Chang, CT; Lin, Y; Cheng, ZH (2017). Heads-down tribes across four Asian countries: antecedents of smartphone addiction. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 15(4), 414-436. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Chang, CT; Chen, PC (2017). Cause-related marketing ads in the eye tracker: it depends on how you present, who sees the ad, and what you promote. International Journal of Advertising, 36(2), 336-355. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Kang Lee, and Zhao-Hong Cheng (2017). Baby Face Wins? Examining Election Success Based on Candidate Election Bulletin Via Multilevel Modeling. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 20(2), 97-112. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Chang, CT; Lee, YK; Cheng, ZH (2017). Baby face wins? Examining election success based on candidate election bulletin via multilevel modeling. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 20(2), 97-112. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Lee, YK; Chang, CT; Cheng, ZH; Lin, Y (2016). Helpful-stressful cycle? Psychological links between type of mobile phone user and stress. Behaviour & Information Technology, 35(35), 75-86. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Chang, CT; Tung, MH (2016). Intergenerational appeal in advertising: impacts of brand-gender extension and brand history. International Journal of Advertising, 35(35), 345-361. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Chang, CT; Feng, CC (2016). Bygone eras vs. the good Ol` days: how consumption context and self-construal influence nostalgic appeal selection. International Journal of Advertising, 35(35), 589-615. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2015 Chang, CT; Chen, CX (2015). Babyface effects: A double-edged sword in healthcare service evaluations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(18), 325-336. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2015 Chang, CT; Cheng, ZH (2015). Tugging on Heartstrings: Shopping Orientation, Mindset, and Consumer Responses to Cause-Related Marketing. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(127), 337-350. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2014 Lee, YK; Chang, CT; Lin, Y; Cheng, ZH (2014). The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behavior and technostress. Computers in Human Behavior, 31(31), 373-383. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2013 Chang, Chun-Tuan; Tseng, Chien-Hun (2013). Can sex sell bread? The impacts of sexual appeal type, product type and sensation seeking. International Journal of Advertising, 32(32), 559. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2013 Yu-Kang Lee, You Lin, Zhao-Hong Cheng, and Chun-Tuan Chang (2013). When Smartphone Outsmarts Users: The Moderating Effects of User Types on Individual Differences of Stress Induction. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2(2), 22. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2013 Chang, Chun-Tuan; Yen, Ching-Ting (2013). Missing Ingredients in Metaphor Advertising: The Right Formula of Metaphor Type, Product Type, and Need for Cognition. Journal of Advertising , 42(42), 80. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2012 Chun-Tuan Chan (2012). Are Guilt Appeals a Panacea in Green?Advertising? The Right Formula of Issue Proximity and Environmental Consciousness. International Journal of Advertising, 31(31), 741-771. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2012 Chang, Chun-Tuan, and Liu, Hsiu-Wen (2012). Goodwill Hunting? Influences of Product-Cause fit, Product Type, and Donation Level in Cause-Related Marketing. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 30(30), 634-652. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2012 Chang, CT (2012). Missing ingredients in cause-related advertising The right formula of execution style and cause framing. International Journal of Advertising, 31(31). (SSCI)
期刊論文 2012 Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2012). Missing Ingredients in Political Advertising: The Right Formula for Political Sophistication and Candidate Credibility. The Social Science Journal, 48(48), 659-671. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2011 Chun-Tuan Chang, and Ting-Ting Chen (2011). Guilt appeals in cause-related marketing The subversive roles of product type and donation magnitude. International Journal of Advertising, 30, 587-616. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2011 Chun-Tuan Chang, and Yu-Kang Lee (2011). The `I` of the Beholder: How Gender Differences and Self-Referencing Influence Charity Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 30(2), 447-478. ()
期刊論文 2011 Chang, CT; Lee, YK (2011). The ``I`` of the beholder How gender differences and self-referencing influence charity advertising. International Journal Of Advertising, 30, 447-478. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2010 Yu-Kang Lee, and Chun-Tuan Chang (2010). Framing Public Policy: The Impacts of Political Sophistication and Nature of Public Policy. The Social Science Journal, 47(N/A), 69-89. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2010 Chun-Tuan Chang, Ting-Ting Chen (2010). Guilt Appeals in Cause-Related Advertising: When Does a Guilt Appeal Backfire?. Advances in Consumer Research. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2010 Chang, CT; Lee, YK (2010). Effects of message framing, vividness congruency and statistical framing on responses to charity advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 195-220. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2009 Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Kang Lee, Kuang-Hao Chen (2009). The “I” of the Beholder: The Impacts of Gender Differences and Self-Referencing on Charity Advertising. Advances in Consumer Research. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2009 Chun-Tuan Chang, Ting-Ting Chen (2009). Consumer Response to Harmful Products with Cause-Related Marketing: Influences of Product-Cause Fit and Product Type. Advances in Consumer Research. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2009 Chang, CT; Lee, YK (2009). Framing Charity Advertising: Influences of Message Framing, Image Valence, and Temporal Framing on a Charitable Appeal1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2910-2935. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Chun-Tuan Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2008). Framing Charity Advertising: Influences of Message Framing, Image Valence, and Temporal Framing on a Charitable Appeal. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Chun-Tuan Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2008). All Charity Advertisements Are Not Created Equal: Influences of Message Framing, Vividness Valence, and Number Size Framing. Advances in Consumer Research. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2008 Lee, YK; Chang, CT (2008). A SOCIAL LANDSLIDE: SOCIAL INEQUALITIES OF LOTTERY ADVERTISING IN TAIWAN. Social Behavior and Personality, 1423-1437. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2008). Intrinsic or Extrinsic? Determinants Affecting Donation Behaviors. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 8(1). (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2008 Chang, CT (2008). To Donate or Not to Donate? Product Characteristics and Framing Effects of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Purchase Behavior. PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, 25, 1089-1110. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Chang, CT (2008). To Donate or Not to Donate? Product Characteristics and Framing Effects of Cause-Related Marketing on Consumer Purchase Behavior. PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2008 Chun-Tuan Chang and Yu-Kang Lee (2008). The Roles of Product Characteristics and Framing Effects in the Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing. Advances in Consumer Research. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2008 Lee, YK; Chang, CT (2008). A Social Landslide: Social Inequalities of Lottery Advertising in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2007 Yu-Kang Lee and Chun-Tuan Chang (2007). Who Gives What to Charity? Characteristics Affecting Donation Behavior. Social Behavior and Personality, 35, 1173-1180. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2007 Chun-Tuan Chang (2007). Interactive Effects of Message Framing, Product Perceived Risk, and Mood — The Case of Travel Healthcare Product Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 47, 51-65. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2007 Chun-Tuan Chang (2007). Health-Care Product Advertising: The Influences of Message Framing and Perceived Product Characteristics. Psychology & Marketing, 24, 143-169. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2007 Chun-Tuan Chang, and Yu-Kang Lee (2007). All Cause-Related Advertisements Are Not Created Equal: Influences of Product Characteristics and Framing Effects on Consumer Purchase Decision,”. European Advances in Consumer Research, 8. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2006 Chun-Tuan Chang (2006). “Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? Influences of Graphic Illustration on Framed Advertisements”, in Cornelia Pechmann and Linda L. Price (Eds.). Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 104-112. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2006 Chun-Tuan Chang, and Yu-Kang Lee (2006). “The Moderators of Vividness Effects and Statistical Formats on Framing-Message Effectiveness Relationship” in Karin M. Ekström and Helene Brembeck (Eds.). European Advances in Consumer Research , 7, 388-389. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2005 Yu-Kang Lee, and Chun-Tuan Chang (2005). Social Impacts of the Public Welfare Lottery: An Empirical Study in Taiwan. Modern Asian Studies, 39(1), 133-153. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2005 Chun-Tuan Chang (2005). Advertising Healthcare Products. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(3), 808-811. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2004 Chun-Tuan Chang (2004). Communication Effectiveness and Format Effects in Consumer Healthcare Decision Making. Consumer Interest Annual, 55, 106-107. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2003 Chun-Tuan Chang (2003). “The Influences of Message Framing, Perceived Product Innovativeness, and Health Involvement on Advertising Effectiveness of Healthcare Products” in Darach Turley and Stephen Brown (Eds.). European Advances in Consumer Research, 6, 217-224. (其他期刊)
研討會論文 2024 Chun-Tuan Chang, Zhao-Hong Cheng, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Chia-Han Chang, Sam Lee and Shin-Yi Su (2024). More Employee Endorsers, More Persuasive? Cue of Employee Endorser Quantity, Smile Intensity and Photo Style Affect Service Advertising Persuasion. Competitive Paper Session, presented at 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference (AMA), United States.
研討會論文 2024 Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Chao-Min Chiu, Chiung-Hui Huang and Chih-Ting Huang (2024). “You” are Watching at Me: Impacts of Service Anthropomorphism and Self-Construal on Consumer Self-Regulation. Competitive Paper Session, presented at 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference (AMA), United States.
研討會論文 2024 Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Szu-Ling Chen, Chia-Han Chang, Yu-Kang Lee and Wing-Yu Ho (2024). Some Sweets Keep Diseases Away? Disease Cues Enhance Consumption of Sweets. Competitive Paper Session, presented at 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference (AMA), United States.
研討會論文 2023 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Zhao-Hong Cheng, Chia-Han Chang, and Yu-Kang Lee (2023). I Just Want Something New! Social Exclusion Enhances Consumers’ Novelty-Seeking. Competitive Paper Session, paper presented at 2023 Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), United States.
研討會論文 2022 Lee, Hsiao-Ching, Chun-Tuan Chang, Chia-Han Chang, Bo-Yun Jian, and Chan-Shen Chi (2022). When I Feel How a Turtle Feels: Switching Perspectives Enhances Consumer Ethical Behavior. Competitive Paper Session, paper presented at 2022 Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Denver, United States.
研討會論文 2021 Tok, Dickson, Xi Chen, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu (2021). Could You Smile Less?’ How Smile Intensity, Consumer Self-Construal and Relationship Norm Determine Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), Visual Conference, .
研討會論文 2021 Lee, Hsiao-Ching, Chun-Tuan Chang, Chia-Han Chang, and Jia-Ling Li (2021). A Group of Crying Victims Deserve More Money? Effects of Victim Image, Facial Expression and Victim Identifiability in Charity Advertising. Working Paper Session, paper presented at 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR),, .
研討會論文 2020 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yi-Jing Chen, and Chia-Han Chang (2020). “Give a “Hand” ! How Giver / Receiver Hand Image Affects Consumer Charitable Behavior, Consumption Context and Consumer Differences in Implicit Self-Theories. Competitive Paper Session, paper presented at 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), France.
研討會論文 2020 Tok, Dickson, Xi Chen, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu (2020). How Common or Scientific Name Works? The Influence of Food Type and Regulatory Focus on the Choice of Ingredient Name. 2020Association for Consumer Research North American Conference(ACR), .
研討會論文 2019 Chun-Tuan Chang, Hsiao-Ching Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, Tsung-Pin Wang, and You Lin (2019). When “Human-like” Becomes “Humans Don't Like It”: The Impact of Regulatory Focus and Health Locus of Control on Evaluations of Anthropomorphized Healthcare Products. 2019 Winter American Marketing Association Conference (AMA), .
研討會論文 2019 Chu, Xing-Yu (Marcos), Chun-Tuan Chang, and Dickson Tok (2019). Distance is Worth! Impacts of Spatial Distance Between Model and Product on Product Evaluation. 2019 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), .
研討會論文 2019 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, I-Ting Tsai, and Ming-Tsung Kong (2019). Short or Long? Finding the Right Combination of Time Duration, Cause Type, and Product Type in Cause-Related Marketing. 2019 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), .
研討會論文 2019 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, I-Ting Tsai, and Ming-Tsung Kung (2019). Short or Long? The Right Combination of Time Duration, Cause Type, and Product Type in Cause-Related Marketing. 2019 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference (SCP), .
研討會論文 2019 Tok, Dickson and Chun-Tuan Chang (2019). How Common or Scientific Name Works? The Influence of Food Type and Regulatory Focus on the Choice of Ingredient Name. 2019 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), .
研討會論文 2018 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Chun-Chen Tsai, and Dickson Tok (2018). Magic Hands? How Hand-Holding Appeal, Food Type, and Contamination Effects Impact Food Advertising Effectiveness. 2018 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), United States.
研討會論文 2018 Lee, Yu-Kang, Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lin, You, Cheng, Zhao-Hong, and Chen, Jing-Yi (2018). Problematic Smartphone Usage Is Like Catching a Cold: The Contagion Effects of Problematic Smartphone Behaviors. 2018 Asia-Pacific Conference on Management and Business (APCMB), Japan.
研討會論文 2018 Lee, Hsiao-Ching, Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Kang Lee, Hui-Wen Chang, and Guei-hua Huang (2018). Million Dollar Smile?’ Advertising Effects of a Model’s Smile Intensity Depend on Relationship Norm and Consumer Self-Construal. 2018 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), United States.
研討會論文 2018 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Chun-Chen Tsai, and Dickson Tok (2018). Magic Hands? How Hand-Holding Appeal, Food Type, and Contamination Effects Impact Food Advertising Effectiveness. 2018 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), 美國.
研討會論文 2018 Lee, Yu-Kang, Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lin, You, Cheng, Zhao-Hong, and Chen, Jing-Yi (2018). Problematic Smartphone Usage Is Like Catching a Cold: The Contagion Effects of Problematic Smartphone Behaviors. 2018 Asia-Pacific Conference on Management and Business (APCMB), 日本.
研討會論文 2017 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Hsin-Yi Wang, and Dickson Tok (2017). Does Bigger Equal Better? How Product-Model Size Ratio and Brand’s Social Role Impact Ad Effectiveness. 2017 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, Shr-Chi Wang, and Dickson Tok (2017). Can Sexy Images Drag You Down? How Gender and Self-construal Impact Subsequent Indulgent Consumption. 2017 Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chu, Xing-Yu and Chun-Tuan Chang (2017). It’s Better Over There”- How Spatial Distance Affects Consumers’ Product Evaluation. Summer American Marketing Association Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chang Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu Chu, and Hsin-yi Wang (2017). Is Bigger Always Better? The Impacts of Product-Model Size Ratio and Brand Social Role on Advertising Effectiveness,. 2017 Summer American Marketing Association Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chang Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu Chu, and Shih-Ting Kao (2017). The Right Formula of Ad Language and Relationship Norm for a Cute Spokes-Character. 2017 Summer American Marketing Association Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chu, Xing-Yu and Chun-Tuan Chang (2017). Cause-Related Marketing Paradox: Purchasing Products with a Cause Licenses Self-interest, Self-indulgence or Less Helping Behavior. 2017 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chu, Xing-Yu, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Shr-Chi Wang (2017). Does “Hot” Lead to “Not so Hot?” Sexy Images, Indulgent Consumption, and the Impacts of Gender and Self-construal. 2017 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), United States.
研討會論文 2017 Lee, Hsiao-Ching, Xing-Yu Chu, Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Hsuan Chen, and Yu-Shian Huang (2017). The Spell of Cuteness in Food Communication? It Depends on Consumption Motivation, Food Type and Incidental Affect. 2017 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chu, Xing-Yu, Chun-Tuan Chang, and Ming-Tsung Kung (2017). Does Distance Make It Beautiful? Spatial Distance and Consumers’ Product Evaluations. 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu Chu, Hsin-Yi Wang, and Ming-Tsung Kung (2017). Is Bigger Always Better the Impacts of Product-model Size Ratio and Brand Social Role on Advertising Effectiveness. 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Xing-Yu Chu, Pei-Chi Chen, and Yi-Feng Huang (2017). Is Cash Always King? Bundling Product-Cause Fit and Product Type in Cause-Related Marketing. 2017 Winter American Marketing Association Conference (AMA), United States.
研討會論文 2017 Lee, Hsiao-Ching, Chun-Tuan Chang, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Yu-Shian Huang, and Xing-Yu Chu (2017). “Eat Me, Eat Me Not: Cute Food and the Consumer Disposition. 2017 Winter American Marketing Association Conference (AMA), United States.
研討會論文 2016 Lee, Yu-Kang, Lin, You, and Cheng, Zhao-Hong (2016). Materialism on Smartphone Addiction: Reveal the Missing Links through Self-Efficacy and Social Anxiety. 2016 International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs 2016), 日本.
研討會論文 2016 Yeh, Wei-Cheng, Lin, You (2016). Is Cute Design Good for Green Products? Influences of Green Appeals and Babyface Schema. 2016 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 美國.
研討會論文 2016 Yeh, Wei-Cheng, Lin, You (2016). Is Cute Design Good for Green Products? Influences of Green Appeals and Babyface Schema. American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference 2016 Proceedings, 美國.
研討會論文 2016 Lee, Yu-Kang, Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lin, You, and Cheng, Zhao-Hong (2016). Materialism on Smartphone Addiction: Reveal the Missing Links through Self-Efficacy and Social Anxiety. International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs 2016), Japan.
研討會論文 2016 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Yeh, Wei-Cheng, Lin, You (2016). Is Cute Design Good for Green Products? Influences of Green Appeals and Babyface Schema. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2016 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Yeh, Wei-Cheng, Lin, You (2016). Is Cute Design Good for Green Products? Influences of Green Appeals and Babyface Schema. American Marketing Association Winter Educators` Conference 2016 Proceedings, United States.
研討會論文 2015 Chen, Pei-Chi and Chang, Chun-Tuan (2015). Does Hunger Matter? How Focal Image Style, Food Type and Physical Status Impact CRM Effectiveness. 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong.
研討會論文 2015 Lee, Yu-Kang, Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lin, You, and Cheng, Zhao-Hong (2015). Mediating Roles of Control Self-Efficacy and Social Interaction Anxiety Between Materialism and Smartphone Addiction: Opening the Black Box in US and China. 2015 Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences (ASMSS), Osaka, Japan, Japan.
研討會論文 2015 hen, Pei-Chi, and Chang, Chun-Tuan (2015). Self-Focused or Other-Focused Appeal? Impacts of Non-Profit Organization Type and Cultural Differences on Cause-Related Marketing. 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong.
研討會論文 2015 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Chu, Xing-Yu, Cheng, Zhao-Hong, and Tok, Dickson (2015). Can Buying a Product with a Cause Make Us Better People? Licensing Effect after Purchasing a Product with a Cause. Conference of Association of Consumer Research, New Orleans, USA, United States.
研討會論文 2014 Chang, Chun-Tuan and Pei-Chi Chen (2014). An Eye on Cause-RelatedMarketing Ads: Using Eye-Tracking to Investigate the Effects ofExecution Style and Product Type,. 20144American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2013 Lee, Yu-Kang, Lin, You, Cheng, Zhao-Hong, and Chang, Chun-Tuan (2013). When Smartphone Outsmarts Users: The Moderating Effects of User Types on Individual Differences of Stress Induction. 1st International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, Budapest, Hungary, Hungary.
研討會論文 2013 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Ching-Chiao Feng, Pei-Chi Chen (2013). All Nostalgic Ads Are Not Created Equal: The Influences of Nostalgic Type, Product Type, and Self-Construal. Conference of European Association of Consumer Research, Barcelona, Spain, Spain.
研討會論文 2012 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Yu, Ya-Ting and Lin, You (2012). Guilt Appeals as a Blessing or a Curse? Influences of Sponsorship Identity and Sponsor-Issue Fit on Guilt Appeals in Charity-Related Advertising. MN : Association for Consumer Research, Canada.
研討會論文 2012 Chang, Chun-Tuan, and Liu, Hsiu-Wen (2012). Goodwill Hunting? Influences of Product-Cause fit, Product Type, and Donation Level in Cause-Related Marketing. Conference of EuropeanAssociation of Consumer Research, UK.
研討會論文 2012 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Yu, Ya-Ting, and Lin, You (2012). Guilt Appeals as a Blessing or a Curse? Influences of Sponsorship Identity and Sponsor-Issue Fit on Guilt Appeals in Charity-Related Advertising. Association of Consumer Research, Canada.
研討會論文 2011 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Yen, Ching-Ting, and Chen, Ting-Ting (2011). All Metaphors in Advertising Are Not Created Equal: Influences of Product Type and Need for Cognition. paper presented in Conference of Association of Consumer Research, St. Louis, US, United States.
研討會論文 2011 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lee, Yu-Kang, and Chen, Ting-Ting (2011). Product or Cause? The Impacts of Product Type and Cause Framing in Cause-Related Marketing Advertising. Conference of Association of Consumer Research, United States.
研討會論文 2010 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Liu, Hsiu-Wen, and Chen, Ting-Ting (2010). Is Product-Cause Fit a Panacea in Cause-Related Marketing? Impacts of Type of Fit, Product Type, and Donation Magnitude. Conference of European Association of Consumer Research, UK.
研討會論文 2010 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, Wu, Shan-Min, and Chen, Ting-Ting (2010). Are Guilt Appeals Good in Green Marketing? The Moderating Roles of Issue Proximity and Environmental Involvement. Conference of European Association of Consumer Research, UK.
研討會論文 2010 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, and Chen, Ting-Ting (2010). Guilt Appeals in Green Advertising: Influences of Issue Proximity and Environmental Involvement. Conference of Association of Consumer Research, United States.
研討會論文 2010 Chang, Chun-Tuan, Lee, Yu-Kang Lee, and Chen, Ting-Ting (2010). Guilt Appeals in Green Advertising: Influences of Issue Proximity and Environmental Involvement. North American Conference, United States.
研討會論文 2009 Chang, Chun-Tuan and Chen, Ting-Ting (2009). Guilt Appeals in Cause-Related Advertising: What Are Their Effects?. Conference of Association of Consumer Research, United States.
研討會論文 2009 Chang, Chun-Tuan, and Chen, Kuang-Hao (2009). Influences of Promotion Type, Promotion Framing and Product Price Level on the Effectiveness of Sales Promotion. International Conference on Business and Information, Malaysia.
研討會論文 2009 Chang, Chun-Tuan, and Wu, Shan-Min (2009). Advertising of Green Marketing: Influences of Guilt Appeals and Issue Proximity. International Conference on Business and Information, Malaysia.
研討會論文 2009 Chang, Chun-Tuan and Chen, Ting-Ting (2009). Do Priming and Product Involvement Matter in Blog Product Placement?. International Applied Business Research (IABR) Conference, United States.
年度 名稱

天災人禍我愛「擬」:集體創傷線索對於擬人化產品偏好的影響. 國科會 (NSTC 113-2410-H-110)


「疫」起來發牢騷:疾病線索如何影響消費者抱怨與負面口碑行為. 科技部 (111-2410-H-110-029-MY3)


女人我最大! 生理期對於女性消費行為的影響. 科技部 (110-2410-H-110-029-MY3)


給我新可樂! 社會排擠對追求新奇消費的影響. 科技部 (109-2410-H-110-038-MY2)


「手」護力量!從解釋水平探討慈善廣告中援助者與受助者手的距離對廣告效果的影響. 科技部 (108-2410-H-110-057-MY2)


越大越好?產品圖像對應模特兒比例之尺寸、品牌類型、關係規範與消費者權力距離信念對於廣告效果的影響. 科技部 (107-2410-H-110-029-)


長期照護產業之機構中的員工長相對其工作績效表現之影響. 聖威國際企業有限公司 (N106133)


飲食男女, 食色性也:性感模特兒啟動縱慾性消費, 男女大不同!. 科技部 (105-2410-H-110-027-MY2)


哭臉博取同情在善因行銷廣告有用嗎? 多因子實驗, 眼動儀實驗與模型驗證. 科技部 (105-2410-H-110-032-MY2)


Light E-Vehicle產業之東南亞市場專題合作計畫. 奈美電子股份有限公司 (N105029)


罪惡感訴求在社會公益廣告效果是兩面刃? 多因子實驗, 聯合分析法與神經科學實驗. 科技部 (102-2410-H-110-056-MY3)


可愛是天使還是魔鬼?可愛的擬人化產品對於消費者利他行為的影響. 科技部 (104-2628-H-110-003-)


交通部補助學界成立區域運輸發展研究中心-編號5區域(案例計畫一). 交通部運輸研究所 (104064.2)


罪惡感訴求在社會公益廣告效果是兩面刃? 多因子實驗, 聯合分析法與神經科學實驗. 科技部 (102-2410-H-110-056-MY3)


購買善因行銷產品讓我們變善良嗎? 授權效果對消費者後續行為的影響. 科技部 (103-2628-H-110-001-)


台灣精品獎輔導專案. 瀚銘科技有限公司 (N103092)


善因圖片在善因行銷廣告中是仙丹妙藥嗎? 多因子實驗與神經科學的驗證. 科技部 (NSC100-2628-H-110-005-MY2)


罪惡感訴求在綠色產品廣告是萬靈丹嗎?理論、實證與模型. 科技部 (NSC99-2410-H-110-030-MY3)


罪惡感訴求在綠色產品廣告是萬靈丹嗎?理論、實證與模型. 科技部 (NSC99-2410-H-110-030-MY3)


明安國際企業轉型與全球佈局策略. 明安國際企業股份有限公司


明安國際企業轉型與全球佈局策略. 明安國際企業股份有限公司 (N100026)


善因行銷之廣告效果對於消費者購買行為之影響:理論、實證與模型. 科技部 (NSC96-2416-H-110-026-MY3)


善因行銷之廣告效果對於消費購買行為之影響:理論、實證與模型(2/3). 科技部 (NSC96-2416-H-110-026-MY3)


善因行銷之廣告效果對於消費購買行為之影響:理論、實證與模型(1/3). 科技部 (NSC96-2416-H-110-026-MY3)


罪惡感訴求在社會公益廣告效果是兩面刃? 多因子實驗, 聯合分析法與神經科學實驗. 科技部 (102-2410-H-110-056-MY3)

學年度 學期 必選修 開課系所 課號 課程名稱
112 2 企管系 BM504 行銷管理與研究
112 2 企管系 BM714 實驗方法設計與資料分析
112 1 企管系 BM341 整合行銷溝通
112 1 企管系 BM736 消費者行為
111 2 企管系 BM504 行銷管理與研究
111 2 企管系 BM714 實驗方法設計與資料分析
111 1 EMBA EMBA927 策略行銷管理
111 1 企管系 BM736 消費者行為
111 1 企管系 BM341 整合行銷溝通
111 1 EMBA EMBA981B 策略行銷管理
年度 指導學生 學位 名稱
2023 M094111022
2022 簡敬桓 碩士 有「機」讓人喜歡便宜貨! 使用自助服務機台對消費者偏好低價產品之影響
2022 劉千瑞 碩士 找尋「疫」道「光」? 疾病線索對於色彩亮度偏好的影響
2022 葉珈妤 碩士 「擬」有戲劇感!有害物質擬人化類型對消費者感知產品效能與廣告效果的影響
2022 陳思伶 碩士 「疫」起吃甜食吧!疾病線索對於甜食消費行為的影響
2022 陳映蒨 碩士 電動車產業充電樁之工業行銷研究
2022 顧宗翰 碩士 個案探討電動車業者關鍵成功因素及商業模式探討
2021 張毓凌 碩士 「圓」來「舊」是愛!自我建構與獨特性需求下誘發懷舊對圓形產品偏好的影響
2021 陳怡樺 碩士 角色衝突及角色混淆對員工績效會造成負面影響嗎? 比較台灣及德國的文化差異
2021 陳嬿絜 碩士 「疾病」喜歡「擬」! 疾病線索下 社會權力與自我建構類型對擬人化產品偏好的影響
2021 黃楚祺 碩士 有「機」無「機」,暗藏玄「機」!探討消費者姿勢與機台擬人化對消費者加價購行為之影響
2021 劉宇涵 碩士 「疫」起做善事:探討疾病線索對於消費者慈善行為的影響
2020 丁識瑜 碩士 「實」在有「效」?實體性與服務業圖片類型對於廣告效果之影響
2020 許庭萱 碩士 邊緣人愛負評? 社會排斥、享樂目標與善因行銷對消費者負面口碑行為之影響
2020 洪子云 碩士 邊緣人不愛折價券?社會排斥、社會從眾與聲望價值對折價券使用行為的影響
2019 吳孟霖 碩士 廣告「笑」果:模特兒笑容、主語稱謂及堅定語言對於社會行銷廣告效果之影響
2019 張以承 碩士 「舊」是不環保! 誘發懷舊與內隱人格理論對永續消費行為的影響
2019 黃之亭 碩士 有「擬」看「我」真好:服務擬人化與自我建構對消費者自我規範的影響
2019 張耀元 碩士 長得像人的機台讓我更生氣!探討關係規範與擁擠程度對擬人化自助服務技術服務失敗之轉換意圖的影響
2019 陳亦嘉 碩士 孤伶伶讓人憐?探討受害者數量、慈善議題種類與自我建構個人差異對慈善廣告效果之影響
2019 吳思儀 碩士 惶惶不安樣樣好?偶然恐懼感、調節焦點與自我建構對多樣性尋求行為的影響
2019 王柏堯 碩士 「擬」不要囉唆! 服務失誤類型與服務失誤嚴重程度對擬人化線上客服平台評價之影響
2019 呂孟佳 碩士 「舊」是喜歡「擬」: 誘發懷舊下自我建構和內隱人格對擬人化產品偏好的影響
2019 蔡芷琳 碩士 慈善產品放結帳櫃檯有效嗎?探討慈善產品擺放位置、捐款幅度與關係規範對消費者購買意願之影響
2019 龔明聰 博士 善因行銷「左」、「右」你的心? 善因/產品圖片左右相對位置、產品類型與善因圖片情緒表現對廣告效果的影響
2018 杜佩圜 碩士 邊緣人也可以有春天?社會排斥與內隱自我信念、自我建構對自我改進產品消費的影響
2018 黃桂花 博士 表情符號、評論價性與形式對說服力的影響
2018 陳怡靜 碩士 「上」「下」其「手」!捐贈者手-受贈者手的上下相對位置、手勢與權力距離信念對公益廣告的影響
2018 林佑 博士 當器官能感受或思考時?擬人化風格與訊息包裝在健康傳播的說服效果
2017 王宗斌 碩士 擬人化你「藥」嗎? 探討調節焦點與健康控制信念對保健產品擬人化之願付價格的影響
2017 王宗斌 碩士 擬人化你「藥」嗎?探討調節焦點與健康控制信念對保健產品擬人化之願付價格的影響
2017 施霈嚅 碩士 「舊」是要放縱!誘發懷舊、解釋水平與自我監控對放縱型消費的影響
2017 賴立婕 碩士 你被「左右」了嗎?產品--價格圖片左右相對位置與解釋水平對產品評價的影響
2017 張惠雯 碩士 一「笑」值千金?廣告模特兒笑容強度、品牌—顧客關係與消費者之自我建構類型對廣告效果的影響
2017 卓迪生 碩士 名符其「食」?名不符「食」?產品營養成分標示、食物種類與調節焦點對產品評價的影響
2017 林奕祥 碩士 「型」有所「感」? 探討食品外型、食品類型與飲食控制對於消費行為的影響
2016 初星宇 博士 「距離產生美」嗎?探討廣告中模特兒與產品圖像之間的空間距離如何影響價格溢價
2016 蔡怡庭 碩士 長打還是短打好?探討議題重要性與產品類別對長短期善因行銷效果之影響
2016 陳羿妃 碩士 罪惡感還是羞恥感有效呢? 利己/利他廣告訴求與權力程度 對社會行銷廣告效果的影響
2016 王欣怡 碩士 「物大」便是美? 探討廣告產品圖像與模特兒大小比例與品牌關係類型對廣告效果的影響
2015 王仕奇 碩士 性刺激讓人縱慾?性刺激、消費者性別與自我建構類型對縱慾型消費的影響
2015 殷美年 碩士 綠色產品可以提高產品評價嗎?廠商類型與消費者參與對產品評價的影響
2015 蔡淳禎 碩士 不只是廣告「手」法!手的展示、食品類型與汙染效應對食品廣告效果的影響
2015 劉珮綺 碩士 快樂臉還是悲傷臉好? 擬人化臉部情緒與訊息框架對綠色廣告之影響
2015 陳士元 碩士 動還是不動呢? 探討廣告中動態意象,產品類型與知覺風險對產品態度的影響
2015 陳葦陵 碩士 「壞事傳千里」還是「謠言止於智者」? 探討負面口碑類型、服務類型與時間距離對負面口碑效果之干擾影響
2015 高詩婷 碩士 卡哇依有魔力? 探討品牌-顧客關係與廣告訊息語氣對非人物角色代言人形象廣告效果的影響
2013 張育瑄 碩士 增量優惠或是價格折扣?探討產品類型與調節焦點對不同促銷方式偏好的影響
2013 黃聖廷 碩士 幽默有效嗎?性訴求廣告類型、產品類別與認知風格對廣告效果的影響
2013 葉偉正 碩士 產品設計具有娃娃臉現象?探討汽車市場中綠能訴求與娃娃臉基模對產品評價的影響
2013 何美玲 碩士 銷售人員有娃娃臉吃香嗎?探討訊息包裝與環境擁擠度對消費者產品評價的干擾影響
2013 李宇明 碩士 餐廳音樂的選擇: 探討音樂節奏、環境擁擠程度與消費動機對於消費經驗評價上的影響
2013 林昱婷 碩士 產品善因適配度重要嗎? 探討廣告視覺主題與消費者自我究責對善因行銷廣告效果的影響
2013 黃翊峰 碩士 直接捐錢好嗎? 探討產品善因適配度與產品類別對不同善因行銷捐贈方式選擇的影響
2012 吳玉屏 自我建構、解釋水平與廣告訊息陳述對慈善廣告效果的影響
2012 許詩婕 碩士 感染者身材尺寸引發之觸摸感染效果:探討知覺者之觸摸需求與食品類型之影響
2012 曾義帆 碩士 產品或品牌?廣告焦點與消費者個人思考風格對於懷舊廣告類型之廣告效果的影響
2012 莊忠霖 碩士 文字隱喻與創意心智對不同圖像隱喻廣告類型影響
2012 吳玉屏 碩士 自我建構、解釋水平與廣告訊息陳述對慈善廣告效果的影響
2011 吳苑僑 碩士 隱喻廣告類型、產品類型與消費者性別差異對廣告效果的影響
2011 柯畯祥 碩士 代言人與服務類型之間的適配度對廣告效果的影響
2011 梁詩琪 碩士 瘦模特兒有效嗎?模特兒身材尺寸、種族類型與產品類別對廣告效果的影響
2011 許皓崴 碩士 「時間」是不同的!探討不同時間觀點下心理模擬與產品類別對消費者行為的影響
2011 陳珮綺 碩士 自我導向或他人導向?探討非營利組織類型與文化差異對善因行銷廣告訴求效果的影響
2011 陸怡君 碩士 視覺和觸覺線索對於產品圖片位置效應的影響
2011 林佩諭 碩士 外貌出眾者,可能會吃鱉? 服務人員與顧客性別異同和服務類型對服務人員外表吸引力廣告效果的影響
2011 馮敬喬 碩士 產品類型與自我建構對懷舊訴求廣告類型選擇之影響
2011 梁詩琪 碩士 瘦模特兒有效嗎?模特兒身材尺寸、種族類型與產品類別對廣告效果的影響
2011 陸怡君 碩士 視覺和觸覺線索對於產品圖片位置效應的影響
2011 許皓崴 碩士 「時間」是不同的!探討不同時間觀點下心理模擬與產品類別對消費者行為的影響
2011 柯畯祥 碩士 代言人與服務類型之間的適配度對廣告效果的影響
2011 陳珮綺 碩士 自我導向或他人導向?探討非營利組織類型與文化差異對善因行銷廣告訴求效果的影響
2011 吳苑僑 碩士 隱喻廣告類型、產品類型與消費者性別差異對廣告效果的影響
2010 曾千琿 碩士 性感是廣告良藥還是毒藥?性訴求類型、產品類別與刺激尋求動機特質對廣告效果的影響
2010 李信興 博士 從「所欲」朝向「所為」─機會導向的「創業意圖-行動模式」
2010 許乃仁 碩士 品牌間契合程度、廣告焦點和消費者享樂性購物動機對 共品牌產品評價之影響
2010 曾千琿 性感是廣告良藥還是毒藥?性訴求類型、產品類別與刺激尋求動機特質對廣告效果的影響
2010 游雅婷 碩士 罪惡感有效嗎?廣告贊助類型和慈善對象之配適度對罪惡感訴求之慈善廣告的影響
2010 董明軒 碩士 世代訴求、品牌性別擴張及品牌歷史對於奢侈品廣告效果的影響
2010 許乃仁 品牌間契合程度、廣告焦點和消費者享樂性購物動機對 共品牌產品評價之影響
2010 許乃仁 碩士 品牌間契合程度、廣告焦點和消費者享樂性購物動機對 共品牌產品評價之影響
2009 嚴靖婷 碩士 產品類型與消費者認知需求對隱喻廣告的影響
2009 嚴靖婷 產品類型與消費者認知需求對隱喻廣告的影響
2009 李鑫源 碩士 服飾零售業在國際合資的挑戰;以台灣瑪莎百貨為例
2009 楊佳晏 碩士 產品與善因,誰是善因行銷下真正的主角? 捐款幅度與消費者情感對於善因行銷廣告之影響
2009 莊怡娟 碩士 置入方式與廣告位置對於雜誌置入效果之影響
2008 湯坤嶧 情緒訴求與品牌性別特質對於善因行銷效果之影響
2008 湯坤嶧 碩士 情緒訴求與品牌性別特質對於善因行銷效果之影響
2008 駱邦吉 碩士 旗津地區自行車觀光意願及發展之探討
2007 孟大衛 碩士 外國汽車廠牌在台灣市場:以Skoda為例之專題研究
2007 孟大衛 碩士 外國汽車廠牌在台灣市場 : 以Skoda 為例之專題研究
2007 諾倫 碩士 訊息傳達效果包裝下對善因廣告行銷的跨文化反應
2007 諾倫 訊息傳達效果包裝下對善因廣告行銷的跨文化反應
年度 名稱 頒獎機構
2024 國科會傑出獎 國科會
2022 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2022 玉山學術獎 玉山銀行
2022 指導企管系許庭萱同學獲得崇越論文優等 台灣管理學會
2021 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2020 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2019 Misumi Award for Best Articles Published in the Asian Journal of Social Psychology Asian Association of Social Psychology
2019 特聘教授 國立中山大學
2019 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2018 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2017 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2017 亞洲百大行銷學者 Asia Marketing Journal
2016 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2015 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2014 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2013 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2012 校特聘年輕學者 國立中山大學
2012 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2011 校年輕學者獎 國立中山大學
2011 校研究績優教師 國立中山大學
起迄日期 計劃/活動名稱 計劃/活動內容 擔任角色
2007-01-01 ~ 2021-01-08 聯合勸募 審查 審查委員
2007-01-01 ~ 2024-07-31 聯合勸募 審查 審查
2021-01-01 ~ 2024-07-31 民生醫院審查 審查 審查專員