Name | Chieh Lee |
Title | Associate Professor |
Research Interests | Supply chain channel selection, risk management in healthcare industry, operational hedging, global logistics risk mitigation, purchasing postponing decisions with stochastic demand, predictive statistical models. |
Office | CM4099 |
Phone | 4715 | |
Education | 2014, Ph.D., Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Management Science , Washington State University |
Experience | 2021-08-01 ~ , National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Professor 2020-08-01 ~ 2021-07-31, Yuan Ze University, Associate Professor 2015-02-01 ~ 2020-07-31, Yuan Ze University, Assistant Professor |
Administrative Positions | ~ , , 2023-05-01 ~ 2024-12-31, IBMBA GHRMBA IBBA, Program Director
Academic Services | 2023-01-01 ~ 2024-12-31, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, IE women committee convener 2022-07-01 ~ 2022-12-31, Metal Industries Research & development centre, Consultant 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-11-18, Ambient Intelligence Association of Taiwan, annual conference organization committee |
Overseas Lectures | 2023-05-01, 國立陽明交通大學 工業工程與管理學系, 寄與不寄間,妾身千萬難:政府干預關鍵產業供應鏈的策略 2023-12-18, 國立政治大學, The goverment intervention in supply chain |
Category | Year | Title |
Journal Article | 2024 | Tsung-Hsing Chen , Yu-Tzu Wang ,Chi-Huan Wu, Chang-Fu Kuo, Hao-Tsai Cheng, Shu-Wei Huang, Chieh Lee (2024). A colonial serrated polyp classification model using white-light ordinary endoscopy images with an artificial intelligence model and TensorFlow chart. BMC Gastroenterology(24). (SCIE) |
Journal Article | 2022 | Chieh Lee, Tsung-Hsing Lin , Chen-Ju Lin , Chang-Fu Kuo , Betty Chien-Jung Pai , Hao-Tsai Cheng Cheng-Chou Lai and Tsung-Hsing Chen (2022). A Noninvasive Risk Stratification Tool Build Using an Artificial Intelligence Approach for Colorectal Polyps Based on Annual Checkup Data. Healthcare, Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) in Human Health and Healthcare, pp. 115-126. (SSCI, SCIE) |
Journal Article | 2022 | Chou, C. C., Lee, C., Qian, Z., Tao, X., & Lin, W. T (2022). Business value of social media adoption: a comparison between the US and Taiwan. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 21(1), 50-70. (其他期刊) |
Journal Article | 2022 | Chia-Ching Chou, Chieh Lee, Xinyuan Tao, Zhuang Qian and Zhasmina Tacheva (2022). The effects of use of multiple social media platforms on firm performance: an empirical study. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 28(2), 129-143. (其他期刊) |
Journal Article | 2021 | Chieh Lee, Xu Xun, Chi Lin (2021). Maximizing Middlemen’s Profit through an Initial and Follow-up Ordering Strategy” Computer and Industrial Engineering. Computer and Industrial Engineering , 155(May), pp. 107197. (SCI) |
Journal Article | 2021 | Yao M.J., J.Y. Lin, C. Lee (2021). The optimal replenishment and inventory financing strategy in a three-echelon supply chain under the variable demand and default risk,. Journal of Operations Research Society , 72(10), pp. 2196-2210. (SSCI, SCI) |
Journal Article | 2020 | Li D., M.Q. Wang, C. Lee (2020). The Waste Treatment and Recycling Efficiency of Industrial Waste Processing Based on Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis with Undesirable Inputs. Journal of Cleaner Production , 242. (SCI) |
Journal Article | 2020 | Xu Xun, Chieh Lee (2020). Utilizing the platform economy effect through EWOM: Does the platform matter?. International Journal of Production Economics, 227. (SCI) |
Conference Paper | 2023 | Ming-Feng Yang; Jatinder Gupta; Chiieh Lee (2023). Using permissible delay in payment to coordinate a two-stage supply chain under carbon tax regulation. Annual Meeting of Production and Operations Management Society, United States. |
Conference Paper | 2023 | Chieh Lee, Shania Perdana (2023). How Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers Affect Supply Chain Members’ Decision. Annual Meeting of Production and Operations Management Society, . |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Shania Andea Perdana and Chieh Lee (2022). Information, Trust, and Vaccine Intention. The 6th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Shania Andea Perdana and Chieh Lee (2022). How Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers Affect a Manufacturer's Decision to Invest. Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System Conference, . |
Conference Paper | 2020 | 李捷 姚銘忠 翁一方 (2020). The Omni-channel pricing strategy with by-online-and –pick-up –in-store subject to demand uncertainty. Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2019 | Jeet Gupta, Chieh Lee (2019). The optimal inventory financing strategy in a supplier-retailer supply chain with a partnering bank. Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Japan. |
Online-teaching | 2023 | Chieh Lee (2023) 統計基礎及R 語言應用 |
Online-teaching | 2022 | Chieh Lee (2022) 統計基礎及R 語言應用 |
Online-teaching | 2021 | Chieh Lee (2021) 統計基礎及R 語言應用 |
Year | Title |
2023 | Smart decision support system of Taiwanese gastric cancer augmented by multi-omics and machine learning. Chang Gung Medical Foundation Linkou Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital |
2023 | Cross-discipline digital transformation: an application of blockchain and database in supply chain inventory management . Metal Industries Research & Development Centre |
2021 | 全通路真的是賺錢的生意嗎? 以數據為導向的全通路決策效率和利潤最佳化策略建模及分析. Ministry of Science and Techonology (110-2221-E-110 -068 -MY3) |
Year | Semester | Required / Selected | Department | Course Code | Course |
112 | 2 | Selected | Department of Information Management | MIS604C | SEMINAR |
112 | 2 | Selected | Department of Information Management | MIS537 | PROJECT MANAGEMENT |
112 | 2 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS329 | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS PROJECT (I) |
112 | 1 | Selected | 國際經營學程 | IB507 | INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIP |
112 | 1 | Selected | Department of Information Management | MIS526 | SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT |
112 | 1 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS952 | INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS: WITH APPLICATIONS IN R |
112 | 1 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS429 | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS PROJECT (II) |
111 | 2 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS329 | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS PROJECT (I) |
111 | 2 | Selected | Department of Information Management | MIS537 | PROJECT MANAGEMENT |
111 | 1 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS429 | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS PROJECT (II) |
111 | 1 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS984 | INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS: WITH APPLICATIONS IN R |
111 | 1 | Required | Department of Information Management | MIS961 | SEMINAR IN MIS (I) |
111 | 1 | Required | 資電碩專 | MIS993 | SEMINAR IN BUSINESS ANALYTICS |
111 | 1 | Selected | Department of Information Management | MIS526 | SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT |
Year | Title | Awarding Organization |
2023 | Outstanding Reviewer | Journal of the Operational Research Society |
2022 | Sun Yat-sen Distinguished Junior Management Scholar | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2022 | Excellent course | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2021 | Sun Yat-sen Distinguished Junior Management Scholar | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2020 | 科技部108年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎 | 科技部 |
2019 | 元智大學青年學者研究獎 | Yuan Ze University |
Period | Activity | Description | Role |