姓名 | 李雅靖 |
職稱 | 教授 |
專長及研究領域 | 數位行銷、電子商務、科技接受、媒體管理 |
研究室 | 4072 |
分機 | 4963 |
yaclee@cm.nsysu.edu.tw |
學歷 | 2002, 博士, 電訊所 , 印地安那大學布魯明頓校區 |
行政職務 | 2015-08-01 ~ 2018-07-31, 行銷傳播管理研究所, 所長
學術服務 | 2018-06-01 ~ 2018-09-10, 社會學門期刊評比收錄審查委員會, 審查委員 2016-10-22 ~ 2020-10-21, 台灣行銷研究學會, 理事 2015-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31, 行銷傳播管理研究所, 所長 2015-01-01 ~ 2017-07-31, 科技部傳播學門, 初審委員 2015-01-01 ~ 2017-07-31, 科技部傳播學門, 複審委員 2012-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31, 電子商務時報, 指導老師 2010-01-01 ~ 2010-12-31, 中山新聞, 指導老師 2010-01-01 ~ 2010-12-31, 伊甸社會服利基金會高高屏區服務使用者申訴評議, 委員 2005-11-01 ~ 2007-10-31, 高雄縣政府有線廣播電視費率審查委員會, 委員 2005-08-01 ~ 2006-07-31, 高雄縣有線電視費率審議委員會, 審議委員 2004-09-01 ~ 2020-12-21, 研討會, 評論人 2004-02-01 ~ 2020-12-21, 期刊, 審查委員 |
類別 | 年度 | 名稱 |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Lee, Y. C. & Shih, M. C. (2024). Can I Trust What You Say about the Smart Speaker? Effects of AI Anxiety and Biased Assimilation on Blog Comment Credibility.. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 68(3), 1-13. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Lee, Y. C. (2024). Developing CSR Communication Strategies to Increase Sustainable Behaviors from the Perspective of Spiritual Capital.. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(4), 3148-3163. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Lee, Y. C. (2024). Framing Effects on Sustainable Behavior . Sustainable Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2988. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | 陳彣林&李雅靖(通訊作者). (2023). The impact of immersion and presence in mobile augmented reality. Journal of e-Business, 25(2), 127-162. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | 李雅靖&何宜玲 (2023). Research on the effects of micro-influencer spokesperson types, appeal types, and language styles: Taking affordable luxury jewelry as an example.. Communication & Society, 66, 75-111. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Lee, Y. C., & Ho, Y. L. (2022). Effects of gamification incorporated in branded apps on brand responses. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 20(1), 53-72. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | 鄭廣泉&李雅靖 (2022). Do Only Fujoshi Enjoy Tanbi? A Study of Chinese Fudanshi's Motivations for Liking Tanbi CP in Domestic TV Series. Mass Communication Research, 153, 141-194. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2021 | Ya-Ching Lee (2021). Effects of Immersion and telepresence of Mobile AR. Journal of E-Business, 50(November–December), 101101. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | Lee, YC (2020). Communicating sustainable development: Effects of stakeholder-centric perceived sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27, 1540-1551. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 范雅婷、李雅靖 (2020)。炫耀式打卡的殺傷力。傳播研究與實踐,10(1),109-140。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Lee, YC (2019). Adoption Intention of Cloud Computing at the Firm Level. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(1), 61-72. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 馮昱棠、李雅靖 (2018). Effects of Social Media Content of Male Fashion Magazines on Customer Values and Brand Love. Journal of Communication Research and Practice, 8(1), 27-63. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Lee, YC (2018). Comparing Factors Affecting Attitudes toward LBA and SoLoMo Advertising. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 16(2), 357-381. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Lee, YC (2018). Comparing factors affecting attitudes toward LBA and SoLoMo advertising. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND E-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 16(2), 357-381. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Lee, YC (2017). Corporate Sustainable Development and Marketing Communications on Social Media: Fortune 500 Enterprises. BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 26(5), 569-583. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Lee, YC (2017). Effects of branded e-stickers on purchase intentions: The perspective of social capital theory. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, 34(1), 397-411. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Lee, YC (2016). Why do people adopt cloud services? Gender differences. Social Science Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales, 55(55), 78-93. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | 李雅靖 (2016)。競合策略。中華傳播學刊,29,223-233。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | 翁怡嘉、李雅靖 (2016). An Integrated Model for Movie-Watching Decision Making: Chinese Dragon vs. Hollywood Empire. Journal of Kao-Tech University – Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 1-16. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Lee, Y.C. (2016). Corporate Sustainable Development and Marketing Communications on Social Media: Fortune 500 Enterprises. Business Strategy and The Environment, 26(5), 569-583. () |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Lee, Y.C. (2016). Effects of branded e-stickers on purchase intentions:The perspective of social capital theory. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 397-411. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | 李雅靖 (2015)。臉書粉絲專頁採用後行為意圖之雙元模型。傳播與社會學刊,34,117-150。(SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | 李雅靖 (2015)。媒體內容暢銷策略。新聞學研究,124,253-261。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Lee, YC (2015). Factors influencing effects of location-based EMS advertising: different situational contexts for both genders. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS, 13(13), 619-640. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Tseng, HL; Lee, YC; Chu, PY (2015). Improvisational Capabilities in e-Commerce Adoption: A Multiyear Comparison. JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 18(18), 48-66. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Lee, YC (2014). Impacts of decision-making biases on eWOM retrust and risk-reducing strategies. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 40(40), 101-110. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | 李雅靖、簡義駿 (2013)。校園宣導P2P反盜版之研究。資訊社會研究,47-81。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Lee, Y.C., Chu, P.Y., & Tseng, H.L. (2012). Cross-national and Cross-industrial Comparison of ICT-enabled Business Process Management and Performance ICT-enabled Business Process Management and Performance. . Journal of Global Information Management , 20(20), 44-66. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Lee, Y.C., & Liang, T. P. (2012). A survey on business and information technology in Taiwan: Annual report 2010, in Vandana Mangal and Uday Karmarkar (eds.). The UCLA Anderson Business and Information Technologies (BIT) Project, N/A(N/A), 24-49. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Lee, YC; Chu, PY; Tseng, HL (2011). Corporate performance of ICT-enabled business process re-engineering. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, 111(5), 735-754. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Lee, YC (2011). Competitive relationships between traditional and contemporary telecommunication services in Taiwan. TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, 35, 543-554. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | 簡威瑟、李雅靖 (2011)。棒球球隊形象研究。傳播與管理研究,11(1)。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | 李雅靖、吳忠翰 (2011)。網路口碑訊息對消費者信任的影響。傳播與管理研究,10(2),69-106。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Lee, Y. C (2011). Reciprocal effects of media extensions. Eurasian Business Review, 1(1), 54-72. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | 李雅靖、李展全 (2011)。英語學習市場之資源競爭研究。中原企管評論,9(1),53-74。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Lee, Y.C. (2011). m-brand loyalty and post-adoption variations for the mobile data services: Gender differences. . Computers in Human Behavior, 27(6), 2364-2371. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Ya-Ching Lee, Pin-Yu Chu, Hsien-Lee Tseng (2011). M-Brand loyalty and post-adoption variations for the mobile data services: Gender differences. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 2364-2371. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | 鍾函芸、李雅靖 (2010)。影響3G影音服務顧客滿意度因素之研究。中國廣告學刊(15),54-75 。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | 鄭有成、李雅靖 (2010)。運動網站品牌與贊助品牌一致性研究。廣告學研究(34),65-92 。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Lee, Y. C. (2010). Business process reengineering within the media industry in Taiwan. The International Journal on Media Management, 12(2), 77-91. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Lee, Y. C. (2010). Strategic practices by clicks-and-bricks and pure-play audio webcasters. Telematics and Informatics(27(3)), 303-313. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Lee,Ya-Ching(1) (2010). 20104213294881Title:Factors influencing attitudes towards mobile location-based advertising. Proceedings 2010 IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ICSESS 2010, 709-712. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Lee,Ya-Ching(1) (2010). 20100812724167Title:Strategic practices by clicks-and-bricks and pure-play audio webcasters. Telematics and Informatics, 27(3), 305-313. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | 陳怡如、李雅靖 (2009)。體驗行銷對部落格忠誠度之影響。行銷評論,6(4),589-616。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Y.C. Lee.; T.P. Liang; P.Y. Chu (2009). A survey on business and information technology in Taiwan, in Uday Karmarkar and Vandana Manga. The UCLA Anderson Business and Information Technologies (BIT) Project, 173-210. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Y.R. Chen; Y.C. Lee (2009). Effects of Experiential Marketing on Blog Loyalty. Marketing Review, 6(4). (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Y.C. Lee.; P.Y. Chu.; H.L. Tseng (2009). An integrated dynamic resource model of ICT adoption, business process re-engineering and performance. The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2009 Proceedings). (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Y.C. Lee. (2009). Strategic practices by clicks-and-bricks and pure-play audio webcasters. Telematics and Informatics. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Y.C. Lee. (2009). The Research of News Mobile Content Service Strategic Alliance. Journal of Communications Management, 9(1), 1-28. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Y.C. Lee., P.Y. Chu., & H.L. Tseng (2009). Exploring the relationships between information technology adoption and business process reengineering . Journal of Management & Organization. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | (2009). Exploring the relationships between information technology adoption and business process reengineering. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION, 170-185. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Lee, Y.C. (2008). The role of perceived resources in online learning adoption. . Computers & Education, 50(4), 1423-1438 ??. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Lee,Ya-Ching(1) (2008). The role of perceived resources in online learning adoption. Computers and Education, 50(4), 1423-1438. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Lee, Y.C. (2007). Effects of market competition on Taiwan newspaper diversity.. Journal of Media Economics, 20(2), 139-156. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | 李雅靖 (2007). The role of perceived resources in online learning adoption. Computers & Education. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Y. C. Lee. (2007). Effects of market competition on newspaper diversity.. Journal of Media Economics, 20, 139-156. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Y. C. Lee (2007). The role of perceived resources in online learning adoption.. Computers & Education. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | 李雅靖、施凱瑜 (2006)。媒體品牌優勢與延伸契合度對母品牌態度之回饋效果。臺大管理論叢,17(1)。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | Lee, YC (2006). An empirical investigation into factors influencing the adoption of an e-learning system. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 30(5), 517-541. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | Lee, YC (2006). Internet and anonymity - Commentary. SOCIETY, 43(4), 5-7. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2005 | 李雅靖、宋怡萱 (2005)。電視新聞主播的感情八卦報導與形象、收視率之關係 。廣播與電視(25),59-83。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2003 | Lee, YC[355,傳管所,李雅靖] (2003). Will self-regulation work in protecting online privacy?. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 27, 276-283. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2003 | Y. C. Lee. (2003). (2003). Will self-regulation work in protecting online privacy?. Online Information Review, 27, 276-284.. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2001 | Y. C. Lee. (2001). A step toward balance? Third party liability in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. . Communications and the Law, 23, 1-28. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 1999 | R. Kling, M. S. Frankel, A. Teich, & Y. C. Lee. (1999). Assessing anonymous communication on the Internet. . Information Society, 15, 79-90. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 1999 | R. Kling, M. S. Frankel, A. Teich, & Y. C. Lee. (1999). Anonymous communication policies for the Internet: Recommendations of an AAAS Conference.. Information Society, 15(2), 71-78. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 1998 | Lee, YC (1998). Toward a more balanced online copyright policy. Communications and the Law, 20(1), 37-60. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 1984 | 李雅靖&郭庭君 (1984). Relationships among Uncertainty, Trust, and Brand Engagement in Chatbot. Soochow Journal of Economics and Business, 108, 37-74. (其他期刊) |
研討會論文 | 2023 | Lee, Y. C., & Shih, M. C. (2023). Can I Trust What You Say about the Smart Speaker? Paper presented to the 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference. the 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2022 | 李雅靖 (2022). 消費者知覺永續性與精神性如何提升永續行為意圖. 中華傳播學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2021 | Ya-Ching Lee (2021). Exploring Framing Effects: Climate-change vs. Non-climate Frames. International Conference on Business Management and Social Innovation, . |
研討會論文 | 2021 | Lee, Y. C. (2021). Impacts of Check-in Elicited Envy on Brand Equity. International Conference on Business and Commerce Management, . |
研討會論文 | 2020 | Lee, Y. C. (2020). Effects of Perceived Sustainability. International Communication Association Conference, Australia. |
研討會論文 | 2019 | Lee, Y. C. (2019). IT Capabilities for Open Services Innovation.. International Conference on Management and Information Technology, Italy. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | 范雅婷,李雅靖 (2018). 炫耀式打卡對品牌一定好嗎?嫉妒的殺傷力. 2018年中華傳播學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | 何螢玲、李雅靖 (2018). 遊戲化品牌APP 對品牌之購買意願的影響. 2018年中華傳播學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Wei Qian (2016). Celebrity (Benedict Cumberbatch) or Drama Character (Sherlock Holmes)? Effects of Playing Drama Characters in Product Advertisements. International Conference on Business and Internet (ICBI-Fall 2016), 南韓. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Lee, Y. C. (2016). Corporate Sustainability Communications on Social Media: Fortune 500 Enterprises.. European Academy of Management, France. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Lee, Y. C (2014). Impacts of Decision-making Biases on eWOM Re-trust and Risk-reducing Strategies.. International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering, Singapore. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | 李雅靖 (2014). LBA 與SoLoMo 廣告效果之比較. 中華傳播學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Lee, Y. C (2014). Effects of Product Knowledge and Perceived Risk on Adoption Intention of Cloud Computing Services at the Firm Level.. International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering , 新加坡共和國. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | 李雅靖 (2014). Impacts of Decision-making Biases on eWOM Re-trust and Risk-reducing Strategies . International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering , 新加坡. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | 李雅靖 (2014). 行銷傳播新興實務議題. 行銷傳播理論與實務研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | 李雅靖 (2014). Effects of Product Knowledge and Perceived Risk on Adoption Intention of Cloud Computing Services at the Firm Level. International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering, Singapore. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Lee, Y. C., Chu, P. Y., & Tseng, H.L. (2013). A Revised OIPTmodel for effects of improvisational capabilities on performance: A multiyear analysis. 2013 Business & Management Conference, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | 李雅靖 (2013). 閱聽人觀賞台灣電影與好萊塢電影整合決策模式之比較. 產業設計行銷與創新服務管理學術與實務研討會 , 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Lee, Y. C. (2013). Effects of decision-making biases on e-WOM re-trust and risk-reducing strategies . 2013 Business & Management Conference , 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | 李雅靖、賴秉均 (2013). 數位音樂平台顧客滿意度之研究. 第七屆行銷與物流管理實務研討會 , 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | 李雅靖、邱晟傑 (2013). 非價格式網路抽獎對品牌評價之影響. 第二十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 , 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | 李雅靖、洪璿濠 (2013). 情緒在社群媒體行銷中對品牌態度之影響. 第二十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 , 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2012 | Lee, Y. C., & Liang, T. P. (2012). A Survey on Business and Information Technology in Taiwan – Annual Report 2011. the 2012 Business and Information Technology Conference, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2011 | Lee, Y. C., & Liang, T. P. (2011). A Survey on Business and Information Technology in Taiwan – Annual Report 2010. the Service Industrialization and the Global Information Economy International Conference, 美國. |
研討會論文 | 2011 | Lee, Y. C., Chu, P. Y., & Tseng, H. L. (2011). ICT-enabled Business Process Re-engineering: Korea and Taiwan. the Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age, 新加坡共和國. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 辛啟松、李雅靖 (2010). 影響新聞人員部落格的批判性與議題多元性之因素. 數位傳播與媒介消費研討會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 鄭永成、李雅靖 (2010). 運動網站品牌與贊助品牌一致性研究. 六屆傳播管理 發展與趨勢學術研討會:-海峽兩岸媒體匯流與創新管理, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Lee, Y. C. (2010). Reciprocal effects of extended digital content services on parent brand. the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 2010 Conference, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2007 | 李雅靖、李展全 (2007). 線上英語教學與英語教學雜誌之競爭. 2007年第十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2007 | 李雅靖、鄭哲助 (2007). 新聞行動內容策略聯盟決策與績效之研究. 2007年傳媒的公共性與產業發展學術研討會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2007 | Y.C. Lee, T.P. Liang, & P.Y. Chu (2007). A Survey on Business Information Technology in Taiwan.. BIT Conference, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2007 | Y.C. Lee. (2007). An exploratory study on information technology in business process reengineering from a dynamic resource-based view in media industry. . the Global Communication and Development Conference, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2006 | . C. Lee., & L. Y. Huang. (2006). An extended TAM for multimedia on demand technology. . the 56th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association Conference, Communication and Technology session, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2006 | Y. C. Lee. (2006). The role of perceived resources in e-learning adoption.. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Systems and Resources Session, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2005 | Y. C. Lee (2005). Regulations on media pornography.. 2005 International Conference on Comparative Management (ICCM), 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 李雅靖、施凱瑜 (2005). 媒體品牌優勢與延伸契合度對母品牌態度之回饋效果 . 2005年第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 李雅靖、宋怡萱 (2005). 電視新聞主播的感情八卦報導與形象、收視率之關係 . 2005 管理新思維學術研討會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 李雅靖 (2005). Value conflicts about anonymity on the Internet. 中華傳播學會2005年會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2004 | 李雅靖、張玉山 (2004). 調頻軍公營大功率廣播電台績效評估研究. 2004中山管理論壇--知識經濟、新公共管理與傳播研討會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2004 | 李雅靖、張玉山、高秋蓉 (2004). 調頻民營大功率廣播電台績效評估研究. 中華傳播學會2004年會, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2004 | 李雅靖 (2004). 網路廣播產業之市場結構、行為、與績效研究. 行政院國家科學委員會93年度研究計畫專題報告, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 李雅靖 (2003). Will Self-Regulation Work in Protecting Online Privacy? . Law & Policy Division of the 2003 Broadcast Education Association, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 李雅靖 (2003). Implications of Self-Regulatory Efforts in Media Industry for the Internet. 2003 Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Conference, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 1999 | Y. C. Lee. (1999). Newspaper online services: A successful business? Lessons learned from videotext failure.. 1999 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 1997 | Y. C. Lee. (1997). Toward a more balanced online copyright policy.. the Eleventh Annual Communication Research, 中華民國. |
專書及專章 | 2014 | 李雅靖 (2014). 電子商務法律概說(Ch.16). 電子商務:數位時代商機 (448-478) . 前程文化出版社 |
專書及專章 | 2012 | 李雅靖 (2012). A survey on business and information technology in. BIT Project (21) . UCLA |
年度 | 名稱 |
2022 | AI擬人化效果之研究. 國科會 (111-2410-H-110-043-SS3) |
2021 | 擁抱智慧物聯網醫療創新?消費者偏見同化、知覺專業、焦慮對AIoT智慧醫療消費決策的影響. 科技部 (110-2410-H-110-054-) |
2020 | 教學實踐研究計畫-混成學習之學習成效. 教育部 (PSL1090116) |
2019 | 以翻轉教學提升學生自我調控學習素養來解決市場問題- 以研究所行銷課程為例. 教育部 (PSL1080003) |
2019 | 永續行銷傳播與消費者知覺永續性之研究. 科技部 (108-2410-H-110-050-SS2) |
2016 | 品牌化app對品牌的影響. 科技部 (105-2410-H-110-017-SS3) |
2015 | 消費者產製內容:傳圖、打卡打出嫉妒怪或品牌打造天使?. 科技部 (104-2410-H-110-024-) |
2014 | 企業以顧客為中心的永續行銷傳播與效果之研究. 國家科學委員會 (102-2410-H-110-030-MY2) |
2012 | 社群媒體採用後行為意圖之雙元模型: 以臉書粉絲專頁為例. 國家科學委員會 (NSC101-2628-H-110-001-) |
2010 | 口碑信任與消費者決策之研究. 國家科學委員會 (NSC99-2410-H-110-047) |
2009 | 網路內容分級之研究. 國家科學委員會 (NSC98-2410-H-110-043) |
2008 | 媒體組織變革之研究. 國家科學委員會 (NSC97-2410-H-110-016) |
2006 | 閱聽人使用3G影音服務之滿意度調查. 國家科學委員會 (NSC95-2412-H-110-002-SSS) |
2006 | 閱聽人使用3G影音服務之滿意度調查 . 政府部門 (95-2412-H-110-002-SSS ) |
2005 | 以科技接受模型探究數位有線電視之採用行為. 科技部 (NSC94-2412-H-110-001) |
2005 | 以科技接受模型探究數位有線電視之採用行為. 政府部門 (94-2412-H-110-001-SSS) |
2004 | 網路廣播產業之市場結構、行為、與績效研究. 科技部 (NSC93-2412-H-110-002) |
2004 | 網路廣播產業之市場結構、行為、與績效研究 . 國家科學委員會 (93-2412-H-110-002-SSS) |
2003 | 廣播數位科技與網際網路之跨媒體結合與商業應用. 科技部 (NSC92-2416-H-110-007-CC3) |
2003 | 廣播數位科技與網際網路之跨媒體結合與商業應用 . 國家科學委員會 (92-2416-H-110-007-CC3 ) |
2003 | 調頻軍公營大功率廣播電台績效評估研究. 政府部門 |
2003 | 調頻軍公營大功率廣播電台績效評估研究. 行政院新聞局 (1422.2) |
學年度 | 學期 | 必選修 | 開課系所 | 課號 | 課程名稱 |
112 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM661 | AI行銷專題研究 |
112 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM519 | 數位行銷 |
112 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM545 | 娛樂行銷與媒體 |
112 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM541 | 品牌行銷 |
112 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM658 | 永續行銷專題研究 |
111 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM614 | 論文寫作 |
111 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM661 | AI行銷專題研究 |
111 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM558 | 行銷傳播管理講座(二) |
111 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM519 | 數位行銷 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM541 | 品牌行銷 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM658 | 永續行銷專題研究 |
年度 | 名稱 | 頒獎機構 |
2020 | 優良導師 | 管理學院 |
2016 | 研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2015 | 研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2006 | 年輕學者獎 |
起迄日期 | 計劃/活動名稱 | 計劃/活動內容 | 擔任角色 |
2009-01-01 ~ 2011-12-31 | 社團法人高雄縣小太陽協會 | 社團法人高雄縣小太陽協會 | 監事 |
2009-01-01 ~ 2012-12-31 | 社團法人台灣結節硬化症協會 | 社團法人台灣結節硬化症協會 | 理事 |
2019-01-01 ~ 2021-12-31 | 社團法人台灣結節硬化症協會 | 社團法人台灣結節硬化症協會 | 理事 |