Name San-Pui Lam
Title Professor
Research Interests Environmental Psychology、Social Psychology、Research Methods in Social Science
Office 管CM4042-2
Phone 5770

Education 1989, Ph.D., Social Psychology, Univ. of North Carolina, USA
Experience 1989-04-01 ~ 1999-01-31, Sun Yat-sen Center for Policy Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Research Fellow
Administrative Positions
2019-02-01 ~ , Office of Responsibility and Sustainability Actions, College of Management, Director
2015-02-01 ~ 2019-01-01, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Dean
2009-08-01 ~ 2015-07-01, Institute of Public Affairs Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Director
Academic Services ~ , 中山大學校務會議委員會, 委員
~ , 中山大學校圖書館業務諮詢委員會, 委員
~ , 中山大學校圖書館業務諮詢委員會, 諮詢委員
~ , 中山大學管理學院院務會議委員會, 委員
~ , 中山大學管理學院院司選委員會, 委員
2021-08-01 ~ 2022-07-31, 國立中華大學, 校級中心評鑑審查委員
2020-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31, 高雄市政府交通局, 高雄市市區汽車客運審議委員
2019-01-01 ~ 2020-12-31, 行政院環境保護署, 南區生活圈低碳行動項目─永續經營技術諮詢與評等 審查小組委員
2018-01-01 ~ 2017-12-31, 高雄市, 低碳永續家園-永續經營技術與資訊諮詢小組 委員兼技術召集人
2007-01-01 ~ 2013-12-31, 財團法人愛德園文教基金會, 董事
2004-01-01 ~ , 中山大學校務會議委員會, 委員
2004-01-01 ~ , 中山大學校圖書館業務諮詢委員會, 委員
2004-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院院務會議委員會, 委員
2004-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院院司選委員會, 委員
2003-08-01 ~ 2013-12-31, 天主教社會慈善福利基金會附設華遠兒童服務中心, 諮詢委員
2003-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院院司選委員會, 委員
2003-01-01 ~ , 中山大學校圖書館業務諮詢委員會, 委員
2002-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院優良導師甄選委員會, 委員
2002-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院財務課程委員會, 委員
2002-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院院司選委員會, 委員
2001-01-01 ~ , 中山大學管理學院院司選委員會, 委員
1970-01-01 ~ , 國立中山大學管理學院 , 永續與社會責任辦公室 主任
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2023 林新沛 (2023). Reflections on Contemporary Dominant Paradigms and Environmental Education Based on the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’. Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, 50(8), 65-82. (AHCI)
Journal Article 2015 Lam, SP (2015). Predicting support of climate policies by using a protection motivation model. Climate Policy, 15(3), 321-338. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2014 林新沛 (2014). Why the Observed Correlations Between Environmental Knowledge and Environment al Behavior Are So Low? And How to Increase Them?. Journal of Environmental Education Research, 10(2), 1-26. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2014 林新沛、黃馨蕙、余麗樺 (2014)。「保存─資源善用」環境態度量表之編製研究。測驗學刊,61(1),79-104。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2013 林新沛、林怡萱 (2013)。企業環保表現與公益表現如何影響大學生購買意向。環境教育學刊,1-13。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2011 Chao, YL; Lam, SP (2011). Measuring Responsible Environmental Behavior: Self-Reported and Other-Reported Measures and Their Differences in Testing a Behavioral Model. ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR, 43(1), 53-71. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2010 林新沛、吳明峰 (2010)。寵物認養網站會員認養寵物意向之研究。戶外遊憩研究,23(3),39-60。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2007 林新沛、吳明峰 (2007)。正視外來種寵物放生的問題。台灣生態學會季刊(14),43-48。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2006 Lam, SP (2006). Predicting intention to save water: Theory of planned behavior, response efficacy, vulnerability, and perceived efficiency of alternative solutions. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 36(11), 2803–2824. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2006 Lam, SP; Chen, JK (2006). What makes customers bring their bags or buy bags from the shop? A survey of customers at a Taiwan hypermarket. ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR, 38(3), 318-332. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2006 王月鶯、林新沛、周家慧 (2006)。影響民眾參與社區環保行動的因素初探、以美濃為例。大仁學報(28),93-108。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2005 林新沛 (2005)。標準化回歸係數的正確解釋。中山管理評論(13),533-548。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2005 林新沛 (2005)。態度能否影響減廢行為?──對取用塑膠袋行為的一項研究。中華心理學刊,47(4),329-337。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2005 林新沛、趙育隆 (2005)。以後設分析法探討臺灣地區民眾人口變項與資源回收行為之關連性。環境與管理研究 ,7(2),1-13。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2003 林新沛 (2003)。企業綠色管理決策分析
Journal Article 2002 林新沛 (2002). Cross-informant agreement in reports of environmental behavior and the effect of cross-questioning on report accuracy.. Environment and Behavior, 34(4), 508-520. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2002 林新沛 (2002)。水的政治與經濟。生態中心季刊,7。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 1999 Lam, SP (1999). Predicting intentions to conserve water from the theory of planned behavior, perceived moral obligation, and perceived water right. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 29, 1058-1071. (SSCI)
Conference Paper 2021 李雯薪、林新沛 (2021). 以計畫行為理論與價值信念規範理論探討影響消費者避免過度購買衣服的因素。. 2021年中華民國環境教育學術暨實務交流國際研討會, .
Conference Paper 2020 李明親、林新沛 (2020). 影響低塑飲食行為意向的心理因素。. 2020年中華民國環境教育學術研討會, .
Conference Paper 2019 Lam, SP (2019). What psychological variables affect support to climate change policies and does framing work: Evidence from Taiwan and international studies.. 13th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2014 林新沛、黃子芸 (2014). 環境教育法實施前後高雄市公務人員環境素養比較. 2014年中華民國環境教育學術暨實務交流國際研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2013 林新沛 (2013). 環境知識與環境行為相關為何偏低?如何改善?. 環境教育學術暨實務交流研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2013 Lam, S.-P. & Yang, C.-C. (2013). Effect of hotel's environmental performance, philanthropic performance and ability on stakeholder support.. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2013 關復勇、林新沛、周育似 (2013). 影響民眾對極端氣候採取防備措施的因素─以強降雨災害為例。. 服務業管理與創新學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2012 林新沛、賴譽、楊俊傑 (2012). 旅行社企業社會責任表現對消費者信任與消費意願之影響. 休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2012 林新沛、林子婷、李鳳梧 (2012). 影響民眾對節能減碳政策支持度之因素. 2012台灣政治學會年會暨學術研討會-重新定位的年代:伸張正義、能源發展、國際趨勢, .
Conference Paper 2011 林新沛 (2011). 企業環保表現如何影響大學生對企業支持意向. 第四屆兩岸四地可持續發展教育論壇, .
Conference Paper 2011 林新沛、周嘉盈 (2011). 如何提高民眾對氣候變遷災害之整備意向. 政府管理創新:實踐與理論國際學術研討會, .
Conference Paper 2011 林新沛、林怡萱 (2011). 企業環保表現與公益表現如何影響大學生購買意向. 2011年環境教育暨實務交流研討會, .
Conference Paper 2010 林新沛、許天生、吳明峰 (2010). 影響民眾颱風災害防備意向之因素:以台灣澎湖為例. 提昇公共管治能力2010兩岸四地學術研討會, .
Conference Paper 2009 林新沛、胡宇宏、吳明峰 (2009). 從台灣民眾之塑膠袋消費行為評估塑膠袋回收政策:以高雄市及台中縣市為例. 兩岸四地公共管理學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2008 林新沛、陳俞如 (2008). 高雄都會區大專院校教職員參與共乘之意願探討. 海峽兩岸環境教育研討會, China.
Conference Paper 2007 林新沛、溫珮如 (2007). 女性購買環保保養品意向之影響因素. 中華民國環境教育學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2007 俞婉珍、林新沛 (2007). 公立動物園哺乳類動物福利指標之研擬. 中華民國環境教育學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2006 林新沛、吳明峰 (2006). 對高雄市民飼、棄養外來種寵物的認知與行為初探. 環境教育研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2005 林新沛、潘蓮如 (2005). 社頂公園戶外解說對遊客的環境認知、行為意向及遊憩體驗之影響. 中華民國環境教育學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2005 林新沛、林家弘 (2005). 影響高雄市公園男廁整潔因素之探討. 兩岸第五屆公共事務與跨世紀發展研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2005 林新沛、王月鶯、周家慧 (2005). 影響民眾參與社區環保行動的因素初探:以美濃為例. 社區營造與聚落文化振興研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2004 林新沛、趙育隆 (2004). 人口變項對台灣地區民眾資源回收行為影響之後設分析. 中華民國環境教育學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2004 林新沛、陳君凱 (2004). 影響消費者自備購物袋與索取塑膠袋之因素:以高雄市一所量販店為例. 中華民國環境教育學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2004 林新沛、鄭時宜 (2004). 影響環保團體成員與一般民眾簽名連署意向之因素比較. 環境資源經濟、管理暨政策學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2004 林新沛、吳明峰 (2004). 從體驗經濟觀點分析台灣休閒農業之發展。農業經濟. 海峽兩岸農業和農村經濟可持續發展研討會, China.
Conference Paper 2003 林新沛 (2003). 回收行為研究中主觀規範的測量與解釋問題. 2003年環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會, .
Conference Paper 2003 林新沛 (2003). Can attitude affect waste-reduction behavior?—A study of bag-taking behavior in Taiwan. The 13th International Conference on Comparative Management, .
Conference Paper 2003 林新沛、鄭時宜 (2003). 影響環保團體成員三種環境行為意向之因素的比較. 港都再造與發展策略第十三屆環境管理與都會發展研討會, .
Conference Paper 2002 林新沛 (2002). 大專院校環境教育通識課程成效評估 . 環境教育研討會, .
Conference Paper 2001 林新沛、鄭時宜 (2001). 影響台灣民眾換裝二段式沖水器行為意向的因素探討. 環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會, .
Conference Paper 2001 林新沛 (2001). 公部門人員生態旅遊行為意向模型建構 . 環境教育國際學術研討會, 中華民國.
Conference Paper 2001 林新沛 (2001). 我國民眾參與環境影響評估審查之意義與限制. 2003年環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會, 中華民國.
Conference Paper 1999 Lam, SP (1999). Lessons from Conservation Programs in Taiwan Schools . American Water Works Association’s 1999 Water Conservation Conference, .
Book and Chapter 2022

賴宏昇、林新沛等人 (2022). 社會心理學(二版). 華格那

Book and Chapter 1996

San-Pui Lam (1996). 高屏溪流域整治之人文社會觀. 林新沛、曾憲郎 全民參與救河川《上》 (79-93) . 時報文化

Year Title

一個低碳飲食行為模式的驗証. MOST (104-2410-H-110-012-SSS)


不同操作定義之脆弱感與嚴重感如何影響氣候政策支持度. MOST (103-2410-H-110-065-)


氣候政策支持度模式與氣候政策框架作用之驗証 (II). MOST (102-2410-H-110-053-SSS)


氣候政策支持度模式與氣候政策框架作用之驗証. MOST (NSC101-2410-H-110-075-)


氣候變遷政策接受度:以保護動機理論、責任感和主觀替案效果預測. MOST (NSC100-2410-H-110-053-)


企業環保表現、公益表現及企業能力對消費者支持度之影響. MOST (NSC99-2410-H-110-069-)


企業環保表現對消費者支持度之影響. MOST (NSC98-2410-H-110-052-SSS)


「態度─責任─自我效能」模式:一個新環保行為模式的驗証(2/2). MOST (NSC96-2415-H-110-006-SS2)


「態度─責任─自我效能」模式:一個新環保行為模式的驗証. MOST (NSC96-2415-H-110-006-SS2)


環境態度能影響綠色消費行為嗎?──一個同樣本連續實驗. MOST (NSC95-2415-H-110-005-SSS)


以整合環境行為模式預測民眾對社區環境行動的參與. MOST (NSC93-2415-H-110-007-SSS)


整合環境行為模式對不同環境行為的預測力比較. MOST (NSC92-2415-H-110-004-SSS)


『營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收,減免查核及稽查管制計畫』民意問卷設計與調查. 財團法人中國技術服務社 (755)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Selected College of Management CM516 GREEN PROCUREMENT
112 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM549 INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT
112 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM603 PAPER READINGS IN CLIMATE ACTIONS
112 2 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM512 ETHICS AND CONFLICT
112 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM612 WRINING OF GHG INVENTORY REPORT
112 1 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM501 RESEARCH METHODS
112 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM524 ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
112 1 Selected College of Management CM515 SUSTAINABLE FINANCE
111 2 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM727 ETHICS AND CONFLICT
111 2 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM997 ETHICS AND CONFLICT
111 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM612 WRINING OF GHG INVENTORY REPORT
111 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM603 PAPER READINGS IN CLIMATE ACTIONS
111 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM549 INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT
111 2 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM512 ETHICS AND CONFLICT
111 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM915 ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
111 1 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM905 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
111 1 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM501 RESEARCH METHODS
110 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM985 CASE STUDIES IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT PRACTICE(I)
110 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM997 ETHICS AND CONFLICT
110 2 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM512 ETHICS AND CONFLICT
110 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM548 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS AND WRITING OF GHG INVENTORY R
110 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM603 PAPER READINGS IN CLIMATE ACTIONS
110 1 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM905 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
110 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM524 ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
110 1 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM501 RESEARCH METHODS
110 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM915 ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
Year Name Degree Title
2023 N094040022
2022 Sheng-Hsiu Lin Master Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Image, Brand Trust and Purchase Intention--Food Industry as an Example
2022 Tzu-Fang Tseng Master What Factors May Affect People’s Choice Between Taking Bus and Renting a Shared Scooter: Kaohsiung City as an Example
2022 Yueh-Tzu Lu Master Effect of Compulsory-Annual-Leave on Government Employees’ Job Stress and Satisfaction With the Annual-Leave Rules—Using Kaohsiung City Government as an Example
2021 Xiao-Yan Ma Ph.D The Effect of Case Competition on the Key Competencies of Students in Master of Public Administration Programs
2021 Yi-Chun Chen Master A Study of Taiwan Banking Industry's SDGs Actions: An Analysis Based on the CSR Reports of Five Banks
2021 Yu-Ling Wang Master Predicting People’s Intention of Purchasing Energy-efficient Appliances in Pingtung County With the Theory of Planned Behavior
2020 Ching-Yi Lu Master Consumers' Acceptance of Alternative Measures to Using Plastic Straws and Its Influencing Factors
2020 Pei-Hsuan Wu Master Predicting Office Workers' Intention to Exercise Regularly With the Theory of Planned Behavior
2020 Ming-Chin Li Master Psychological Factors Affecting Consumers' Intention to Minimize Plastic Waste From Their Eating Behavior
2020 Wen-Shin Lee Master Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intention to Avoid Overconsumption of Clothing: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior and Value-Belief-Norm Theory
2019 Ting-Hsuan Wey Master Factors Affecting the Intention of Chairpersons of Condominium Management Committees to Suggest Residents Install Smart Lighting in Parking Garage
2019 Yi-Hong Yang Master Problems encountered by persons with disabilities when taking buses and resolution strategies: An example from Kaohsiung
2019 Chia-Pei Lin Master A Social-Marketing Experiment to Increase College Students' Intention to Eat Fruits and Vegetables
2019 Yu-Chun Yang Master A Study on the Relationship Between Consumers’ Boycott Behavior and Their Perception of Food Safety Events
2017 Chia-Hsin Lin Master What Make Hoteliers and Consumers Participate in the Green Hotel Promotion Plan?
2017 Jian-Ping Shih Master The Public’s Acceptance of Xeriscape Turf in Public Parks—An Example from Kaoshiung.
2016 Cheng-yen Lee Master Effects of Consumer Purchase Seafood
2015 Chun-chieh Yang Ph.D Predicting Intention to Travel by Carpool and Intention to Use Carpool Websites with TPB and TAM Respectively
2015 Cian-Jing Chen Master Effects of Kaohsiung City’s ‘Bus E-take’ Program: An Analysis Based on Passenger Volume and Intention to Ride
2015 Shu-Wei Yang Master Evaluating the Ten-Year Long-Term Care Program from the Perspectives of Families with Long-Term Care Needs : An Example of Kaohsiung City
2015 Chia-hsin Lai Master An Action Research on the Outcome Improvement of Community Tour Guide Training: Using Hamasen Cultural and Historical Tour Guide Training Class as an Example
2013 Yi-Shen Chen Master A Social-Marketing Based Survey of Perceptions of Idling and A Quasi-experiment to Reduce Idling Behavior
2013 陳怡伸 Master 以社會行銷觀點探討汽車停車怠速認知與停車熄火行為推廣實驗
2013 Yi-Ping Hu Master Siting City-bike Stations With Their Distances from MRT Stations as a Criterion
2013 Hsiu-Ya Tsai Master Factors Affecting Consumer's Intention to Purchase LED Bulbs.
2013 Lai, Mei-Ju Lai Master Factors Affecting Kaohsiung Citizens’ Intention to Install Solar Water Heaters.
2013 Tzu-yun Huang Master An Evaluation of the Effect of the Environmental Education Act:Assessing the Environmental Literacy of Public Servants of the Kaohsiung City Government
2012 Shis-ping Lin Ph.D The Confirmation of Two TPB-Based Energy Saving Models
2012 Shis-ping Lin Ph.D The Confirmation of Two TPB-Based Energy Saving Models
2012 Yu-hua Li Master The Effect of Energy Efficiency Grade Labeling on Intention to Buy Refrigerators
2011 Yu Lai Master Factor Affecting College Students’ Preference for Fair Trade Coffee
2011 Yu-chen Chao Master Factors Affecting People’s Willingness to Use Mobile Barcode E-Invoice
2011 Chen Ling-Chih Master Social Marketing in Ritual Custom Context: A Example from The Ghost Money Burning Reduction Policy in Kaohsiung.
2011 Shuo-yi Wei Master Factoring Affecting College Students’ Intention to Bring Reusable Cups for Buying Take-out Beverages
2010 Ming-feng Wu Ph.D Predicting Farmers’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Organic Agriculture
2010 Chia-Ying Chou Master Factors Influencing Kaohsiung Residents’ Flood Preparedness
2010 Yu-Szu Chou Master Factors Influencing People’s Intention to Prepare for Extreme Climate: A Study of Rain-Disaster Preparedness
2010 Tzu-ting Lin Master Factors Affecting Public Support for Energy-Saving and Carbon-Reduction Policies
2010 Yi-hsuan Lin Master Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on Consumer Perception and Purchase Intention
2010 Jung-Tian Wang Master Noncommissioned Officers' Willingness to Continue Military Service: A Study form the Perspective of Satisfaction of Need Communication
2010 Yeong-Shin Luo Master The Influence of Dispatched Workers’ Working Conditions on Organizational Commitments
2010 Tung-sheng Hsieh Master The impact of carbon footprint label marking to purchase intention of bottled drinks
2009 Jia-rong Shih Master none
2009 Hui-Chen Lin Master The impact of trust and perceived off-site distance on risk perception regarding repository for low radiation waste
2009 Chiou-Chu Jeng Master A Study on the Environmental Literacy and Training Needs of Civil Servants: Based on the Example of Kaohsiung City Civil Servants
2009 Tian-Hang Chen Master none
2009 Ying-peng Chen Master The factors of influencing people to adopt public animal shelter dogs
2008 王月鶯 Ph.D 影響民宿經營者及消費者接受綠色民宿概念之因素
2008 Yen-Tzu Liu Master none
2008 Chia-jung Ku Master The effect of Corporate Social Responsibility performance on consumers’ intention to consume
2008 Tien-sheng Hsu Master A study of typhoon disaster risk judgment and disaster preparedness
2008 Yu-Long Chao Ph.D A Comparison of the Validities of Self-reported and Other-reported Environmental Behaviors with Fitness for the Theory of Planned Behavior as a Criterion
2008 Chih-Yuan Chang Master none
2008 Yueh-Ying Wang Ph.D Predictors of B&B managers' and guests' acceptance of green-B&B strategies
2007 Pei-jung Chang Master Predicting consumer's intention to buy organic vegetables and fruits in internet
2007 WEN-FU WEN Master none
2007 Wei-lun Hu Master none
2007 Chien-wen Chung Master The consumer’s perception and expectation for import beef safety
2007 Yu-Ju Chen Master The Factors of Joining Carpooling in The Office Empoloyees And teachers Worked at Junior College in Kaohsung.
2007 Mei-Yi Chen Master Predictor of Investors' Intention to buy Socially Responsible Investing Funds
2006 Wan-Chen Yu Master Development of Welfare Indicators for Public Zoo Mammals
2006 Chia-jung Chou Ph.D Toward Environmental Organizations Accountability:Construction of an Evaluative Framework and Empirical Study
2006 Jui Lien Master impulse buying
2006 Pei-zu Wen Master none
2006 Yu-Hong Hu Master none
2005 Chen-chang He Master A study of Kaohsiung citizens’ air-conditioning consumption behavior and its precursors
2005 Sheng-yuan Wang Master Predicting consumers' intention to buy second-hand clothes and accessories online: A comparison of online shoppers and environmentalists
2005 Ming-sheng Chen Master Factors affecting the buying and recycling of dry batteries
2005 KUN-CHIEH HUANG Master Female consumers’ willingness to pay for recycled toilet paper: A comparison of contingent valuation method and conjoint analysis
2004 Chia-hui Chou Master Factors affecting communities' participation in natural resource conservation.
2004 Ching-yi Sun Master CAS Taiwan Premium Rice Consumer Preference and Promotion Strategy
2004 Chiao-Ling Chang Master Research of the factors that family's users buy the energy-efficient bulb.
2004 Yao-wen Zhang Master A review of the management tactics against illegal use of slopelands in the Taitung County.
2004 Chia-hung Lin Master Factors affecting the cleanness of men’s toilets in Kaohsiung City parks.
2004 Lien-Ju Pan Master The effect environmental interpretation of Kenting National Park on visitor's environmental knowledge, environmental attitude and intention behavior.
2004 Chiao-ru Wang Master none
2004 Yum-ching Hwang Master none
2003 Shih-i Cheng Ph.D A comparison of variables affecting three kinds of environmental intention held by members of environmental groups in Taiwan
2003 Chun-kai Chen Master A study of consumers' use of shopping bags at hypermarkets
2002 Min-hun Lin Master none
2001 Woei-Hua Shiuan Master none
2000 Shiao-Ting Chuang Master none
2000 Fure-Jiann Tsay Master none
2000 Ching-Ching Chen Master none
Year Title Awarding Organization
2008 優良導師 國立中山大學管理學院
2008 傑出教學獎 國立中山大學管理學院
1999 節約用水績優個人獎 經濟部水資源局
Period Activity Description Role
2012-01-01 ~ 2012-12-31 中華民國環境教育學會 「101年度環境教育輔導團專案」輔導委員
2003-08-01 ~ 2015-07-31 天主教社會慈善福利基金會附設華遠兒童服務中心 弱勢兒少服務 諮詢委員
2003-01-01 ~ 2013-12-31 財團法人愛德園文教基金會 推廣健康飲食 董事
2017-12-11 ~ 2017-12-11 識飲識食做環保 演講 主講人
2018-02-02 ~ 2018-02-02 面對環境的破壞與變遷,我們可以做甚麼? 演講 主講人
2020-11-12 ~ 2020-11-12 永續發展:從目標到行動 演講 主講人
2020-11-16 ~ 2020-11-16 SDG 和你想的不一樣 演講 主講人
2021-08-09 ~ 2021-08-09 110年教師培訓工作坊 演講,題目:「SDGs的學習與實踐:人人都可參與推動永續發展目標」 主講人
2021-09-25 ~ 2021-09-25 「找到永續教育的最佳可能」創意教案研習會 演講,題目:「人人都可參與推動永續發展目標」 主講人
2021-11-11 ~ 2021-11-11 2021 南科公共事務論壇活動 演講,題目:「各行各業都可推動永續發展目標」 主講人
2022-08-24 ~ 2022-08-24 技職教育如何結合SDGs? 演講 主講人
2023-07-01 ~ 2024-10-31 諮詢委員
2023-04-22 ~ 2023-04-22 綠能永續工作坊 演講。題目:Energy Transition, Mindset Transition, and Sustainability。此工作坊由中山大學、美商奇異公司和美國在臺協會共同舉辦,是個結合產官學的工作坊,全程以英語進行。 主講人