姓名 羅芳怡
職稱 教授
專長及研究領域 International Business Management; Strategic Management; Organizational Theory; Inter-Organizational Relationship Collaborations; Digital Internationalization
研究室 CM4054
分機 4562

學歷 2008, 博士, Department of Business Administration, National ChengChi University
個人經歷 2022-08-01 ~ 2023-07-31, Feng Chia University, EMBA Vice Executive Director
2021-08-01 ~ 2024-07-31, Feng Chia University, Distinguished Chair Professor
2019-08-01 ~ 2020-07-31, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fulbright Visiting Professor
2017-08-01 ~ 2019-07-31, Feng Chia University, Director of Ph.D. Program in Business
2016-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31, Feng Chia University, EMBA Vice Executive Director
2016-08-01 ~ 2023-07-31, Feng Chia University, Professor
2012-08-01 ~ 2016-07-31, Feng Chia University, Associate Professor
2010-08-01 ~ 2013-07-31, Feng Chia University, EMBA Vice Executive Director
2008-02-01 ~ 2012-07-31, Feng Chia University, Assistant Professor
2007-07-01 ~ 2008-01-31, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Visiting Scholar
學術服務 2023-07-26 ~ , Journal of Business Research, Associate Editor
2023-05-29 ~ , Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Associate Editor
2022-12-06 ~ , Annals of Financial Economics, Editorial Board
2022-08-06 ~ , Advances in Decision Sciences, Editorial Board
2021-05-31 ~ , Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, Editorial Board
2018-03-01 ~ 2019-07-31, International Journal of Business and Economics , Managing Editor
2017-02-01 ~ 2023-07-26, Journal of Business Research, Editorial Review Board
2017-02-01 ~ , Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Editorial Review Board
2016-09-09 ~ 2016-09-10, International Conference on Business and Management in Emerging Markets, Advisory Board
類別 年度 名稱
期刊論文 2024 Lo, F.Y.*, & Nguyen, P.Q. (2024). Digital internationalization: Dependence in multinational enterprise network and subsidiary performance. European Journal of International Management(accepted by 20230531). (SSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Lo, F.Y., Huarng, K.H.*, & Chiang, Y.L. (2024). Tacitness on multinational corporations’ location choice: Multi-leveled moderating of knowledge transfer and absorptive capability. European Journal of International Management, 24(3/4), 511-537. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Li, P.Y., Lo, F.Y.*& Chen, C.C. (2024). Determinants of subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer from parent company -United States patent data analysis. Journal of Management and Business Research (管理學報), 41(2), 229-247. (TSSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Lo, F.Y.*, & Chien, Y.Y. (2024). Digital Internationalization of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Online Comments and Ratings on Amazon Platform. Journal of Competitiveness, 16(1), 146-166. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Poh, K.B., Lo, F.Y., Huarng, K.H.* & Masárová, I.T. (2024). Legitimacy Theory on Digitalization and International Strategy of New Venture Capitalization. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 20, 3349–3372. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Pham, T.T. & Lo, F.Y.* (2023). How does top management team diversity influence firm performance? A causal complexity analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(186), 122162. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Wang, Y.Z. & Lo, F.Y.* (2023). Using NBA star players rather than relying on one star: A multi-level study on the work goal achievements of organizations and individuals. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 54(2), 109-139. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Lo, F.Y.* & Nguyen, T.H.A. (2023). Cross-cultural adjustment and training on international expatriates’ performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(188), 122294. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Lo, F.Y., Bui, Q.T., & Huarng, K.H.* (2023). The pace of international expansion for digital multinational enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(193), 122629. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Lo, Fang-Yi; Bui, Quang-Tuan; Huarng, Kun-Huang (2023). The pace of international expansion for digital multinational enterprises. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 193(查無), 122629. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Lo, F.Y.* & Peng, J.X. (2022). Strategies for successful personal branding of celebrities on social media platforms: Involvement or information sharing?. Psychology & Marketing, 39(2), 320-330. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Lo, F.Y.* (2021). Co-alignment of resources and diversification strategy on business groups. European Journal of International Management, 15(4), 615-627. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Lo, F.Y., Wong, W.K.*, & Geovani, J. (2021). Optimal combinations of factors influencing the sustainability of Taiwanese firms. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(5), 909-928. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Lo, F.Y.* & Liao, P.C. (2021). Rethinking financial performance and corporate sustainability: Perspectives on resources and strategies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(126), 120346. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Shiau, Y.R., Lo, F.Y., & Ko, P.C.* (2021). Early intervention mechanism for preventing electrocution in construction engineering. Industrial Health(59), 4-17. (SCI)
期刊論文 2020 Lo, F.Y.*, Yu, H.K., & Chen, H.H. (2020). Purchasing intention and behavior in sharing economy: Mediating effects of APPs assessments. Journal of Business Research(121), 93-102. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Lo, F.Y., Wang, Y.*, & Wu, Z. (2020). Does TMT cultural diversity contribute to firm performance and do socialisation and tenure matter? A test of two competing perspectives. Personnel Review, 49(1), 324-348. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2020 Lo, F.Y., Rey-Martí, A.*, & Botella-Carrubi, D. (2020). Research methods in business: Quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business Research(115), 221-224. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Lo, F.Y.* & Tan, R. (2019). Determinants of international subsidiaries’ performances: A multi-level perspective of the subsidiary and parent company. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15(4), 746-766. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Lo, F.Y., Huarng, K.H. *, & Rey-Martí, A. (2019). Entrepreneur subsidiary of business groups from emerging markets: A multi-level perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 15(2), 471-483. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Wang, Y.Z., Lo, F.Y.* & Weng, S.M. (2019). Family businesses successors knowledge and willingness on sustainable innovation: The moderating role of leader's approval. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(3), 188-195. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2019 Wang, Y.Z., Lo, F.Y.* & Weng, S.M. (2019). Inherit and conflict in family business: When internationalization becomes the trend for second generation. Industry and Management Forum, 21(4), 30-58 (In Chinese). (TSSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Lo, F.Y.* & Campos, N. (2018). Blending internet-of-things (IoT) solutions into relationship marketing strategies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(137), 10-18. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Lo, F.Y.*& Alena, K. (2018). Entry timing into international markets: Evidence from the Taiwanese service industry. Economic Research, 31(1), 1059-1077. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2018 Weng, S.M.*, Lo, F.Y., &Wang, Y.Z. (2018). The path toward internationalization: Succession of small & medium sized family business Chang Yang C.N.C. manufacturing industry. Industry and Management Forum, 20(1), 76-98 (In Chinese). (TSSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Li, P.Y.* & Lo, F.Y. (2017). Top management team managerial resources and international diversification: The evidence under an uncertain environment. Management Decision, 55(9), 1999-2017. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Lo, F.Y., Chiu, S.K.*, & Shih, P.W. (2016). Ownership concentration, location, and internalization advantage in financial performance. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 19(3), 82-93. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Lo, F.Y.*, Chiao, Y.C., & Yu, C.M. (2016). Network and institutional effects on SMEs’ entry strategies. Management International Review, 56(4), 531-563. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Lo, F.Y.*, Stepicheva, A., & Peng, T.J. (2016). Relational capital, strategic alliances and learning: In-depth analysis of Chinese-Russian cases in Taiwan. Chinese Management Studies, 10(1), 155-183. (SSCI)
年度 名稱

Does Gender Matter? Female Participation and Top Management Teams Diversities on Firm Performance and Innovativness. National Science and Technology Council (NSTC112-2628-H-110-007-MY2 (優秀年輕學者研究計畫Two years project: Year 2))


Does Gender Matter? Female Participation and Top Management Teams Diversities on Firm Performance and Innovativeness. National Science and Technology Council (NSTC 112-2628-H-110-007-MY1 (優秀年輕學者研究計畫Two years project: Year 1))


Entry timing, speed, pace, and rhythm of MNE’s international investments from emerging markets: Perspectives from fundamental theories. National Science and Technology Council (NSTC 110-2410-H-035 -039 -MY2 (Two years project: Year 2))


Entry timing, speed, pace, and rhythm of MNE’s international investments from emerging markets: Perspectives from fundamental theories. National Science and Technology Council (NSTC 110-2410-H-035 -039 -MY1 (Two years project: Year 1))


Cost or Benefit of Top Management Team’s National Cultural Diversity: Debate of Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Based View. National Science and Technology Council (MOST 108-2410-H035-037-MY2 (Two years project: Year 2))


Cost or Benefit of Top Management Team’s National Cultural Diversity: Debate of Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Based View. National Science and Technology Council (MOST 108-2410-H035-037-MY1 (Two years project: Year 1))


Types and combinations of competitive advantage influence MNEs location choice: Multi-leveled moderating effect of transfer and absorb capability. National Science and Technology Council (MOST 107-2410-H-035-044)


International entry timing, location choice, and subsidiary performance. National Science and Technology Council (MOST 106-2410-H-035-054)


Strategy and Performance of Business Groups from Emerging Markets –A Multi-level Perspective. National Science and Technology Council (MOST 104-2410-H-035-035-MY2 (Two years project: Year 2))


Strategy and Performance of Business Groups from Emerging Markets –A Multi-level Perspective. National Science and Technology Council (MOST 104-2410-H-035-035-MY1 (Two years project: Year 1))


The factors lead to foreign subsidiary ownership--A multi-level perspective. National Science and Technology Council (NSC 102-2410-H-035-043)


The Effect of Characteristics of Top Management Team on MNE’s Strategy and Performance. National Science and Technology Council (NSC 101-2410-H-035-045)


Research of knowledge transfer from parent company to subsidiary: Determinants, consequences, and interaction effects. National Science and Technology Council (NSC 100-2410-H-035 -004)


Intra-MNE advantage transfer and subsidiaries innovativeness. National Science and Technology Council (NSC 99-2410-H-035-013)


An Empirical Investigation of the Location-Boundness of Advantage Affecting the Location Choice and Performance. National Science and Technology Council (NSC 97-2410-H-035-030)

學年度 學期 必選修 開課系所 課號 課程名稱
112 2 國際經營學程 IB610 商管論文寫作
112 2 國際經營學程 IB525 企業決策分析
112 2 國際學士學程 IBBA107 人力資源管理
112 1 國際經營學程 IB506 組織理論與管理
112 1 國際學士學程 IBBA104 國際企業概論
112 1 國際經營學程 IB616 國際企業管理
年度 指導學生 學位 名稱
年度 名稱 頒獎機構
2022 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2022 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2021 最佳論文獎 National Computer Symposium (NCS)
2021 教師評鑑終身免評 逢甲大學
2021 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2021 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2020 科技部大專院校研究獎勵 科技部
2020 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2020 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2019 科技部大專院校研究獎勵 科技部
2019 最佳發表人獎 19th Finance, Economics, Management, IT, Marketing, MIS, Global Business, and Healthcare Management Research Conference
2019 傅爾布萊特資深研究獎助 美國傅爾布萊特
2019 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2019 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2018 科技部大專院校研究獎勵 科技部
2018 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2017 最佳論文獎 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy
2017 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部
2017 卓越指導教師獎 經濟部
2017 教學績優教師 逢甲大學國際經營與貿易學系
2017 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2017 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2016 教學優良教師 逢甲大學
2016 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2016 論文著作優等獎 逢甲大學
2015 最佳論文獎 3rd Global Economy & Governance (GEG) conference
2014 論文著作傑出獎 逢甲大學
2014 最佳論文獎 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy -Asia/Pacific Conference
2011 優良導師 逢甲大學
起迄日期 計劃/活動名稱 計劃/活動內容 擔任角色