Name Chen, I-Heng
Title Professor
Research Interests Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development, Non-profit Organizational Management, Human Resource Development
Office 管4065室
Phone 4928

Education 1995, Ph.D., Administration Leadership and Technology, New York University
Experience 2013-02-01 ~ 2016-01-05, 國立中山大學管理學院, 副院長
2011-06-01 ~ 2014-07-31, 國立中山大學人力資源管理研究所頂新康師傅亞太人力資源研究中心, 主任
2004-10-01 ~ 2023-07-31, 國立中山大學創意與創新研發中心, 主任
Academic Services 2023-12-15 ~ , 高雄市政府淨零學院, 院長
2022-01-01 ~ , 台灣藝術管理暨教育學會, 理事長
2022-01-01 ~ , 高雄市城市國際交流協會, 理事長
2019-01-01 ~ , TIGERAIR TAIWAN CO., LTD. , independent director
2016-01-01 ~ , 寬宏藝術經紀股份有限公司, independent director
2010-01-02 ~ , Eternal Materials Co., Ltd., Director of the Board
2009-01-01 ~ , 立康興業股份有限公司, 人力資源管理顧問
2007-01-01 ~ , 高雄市電腦公會, 總顧問
2007-01-01 ~ , 台灣管理基金會, 董事
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2024 Hsien-Chun Chen, Szu-Yin Lin, I-Heng Chen (2024). Better safe than sorry: the role of anticipated regret and organizational ethical climate in predicting workplace safety behavior. Chinese Management Studies. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2023 Ng, C.T.S., Chen, H.-C., Chen, I.-H. and Wu, C.-Y. (2023). Career planning and turnover intention: a moderated moderation model of career plateau and risk-taking propensity. Evidence-based HRM. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2023 Lin, S.-Y.,Chen H.-C., & Chen, I.-H. (2023). The Bright Side of Entitlement: Exploring the Positive Effects of Psychological Entitlement on Job Involvement.. Evidence Based HRM.. (SCIE)
Journal Article 2023 Chen, H-C.; Lin, S-Y.*; Chen, I-H. (2023). Image Discrepancy around Professional Work Matters: A Moderated Mediation Study. Current Psychology.. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2023 Shu-Chen Susan Chang, Anyi Chung, Shu Yu Chen, Chu Yen Lin, I-Heng Chen (2023). Servant leadership and nurses' deep acting: a moderated mediation model. Journal of Organizational Change Management. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2023 Tang, P. M., Koopman, J., Mai, K. M., De Cremer, D., Zhang, J. H., Reynders, P., Ng, C. T. S., & Chen, I. H. (2023). No Person is an Island: Unpacking the Work and After-work Consequences of Interacting with Artificial Intelligence.. Journal of Applied Psychology. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2023 Chen, H. C., Ng, C. T. S., Chen, I. H. & Liu, C. R. (2023). Guilt-proneness and self-management behavior: The moderating role of sense of belonging.. European Review of Applied Psychology. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2021 Lin, S.-Y., Chen H.-C.*, & Chen, I.-H. (2021). Creating a better future: Implications from futures imagination education in Taiwan.. Policy Futures in Education.. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2019 李芸蘋、王議賢、陳以亨、葉羿廷 (2019). Calling and organizational commitment: A moderated mediation model of career commitment and person- organization fit. Journal of Management and Business Research, 36(4), 369-389. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2018 Lee, AYP; Chen, IH; Chang, PC (2018). Sense of calling in the workplace: The moderating effect of supportive organizational climate in Taiwanese organizations. Journal of Management & Organization, 24(1), 129-144. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2017 Chen, HC; Chen, IH; Lin, SY; Chen, YC (2017). Cultural influences in acquiescent response: A study of trainer evaluation biases. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 25(1), 1-10. ()
Journal Article 2016 Chen, HC; Lee, AYP; Chen, IH; Wu, HL (2016). The meaningfulness of managerial work: case of Taiwanese employees. Chinese Management Studies, 10(10), 138-154. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2016 陳以亨,陳先郡,Szu-Ying Lin (2016). When Perceived Welfare Practices Leads to Organizational Citizenship. Asia Pacific Management Review, 21(21), 204-212. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2014 Chen, IH; Chung, AY (2014). Self-managers: Social contexts, personal traits, and organizational commitment. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 31(31), 2. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2014 Chen, IH; Lee, AYP; Parboteeah, KP; Lai, CS; Chung, A (2014). The effects of physicians' personal characteristics on innovation readiness in Taiwan's hospitals. INNOVATION-MANAGEMENT POLICY & PRACTICE, 16(16), 1. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2014 李芸蘋,陳以亨,陳先郡,陳文 (2014)。台灣警務人員之工作使命感研究。公共行政學報,31-60。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2013 陳以亨,李芸蘋,林思吟 (2013)。未來想像教育的課程設計與架構發展。。教育學刊,69-98。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2012 陳以亨、李芸蘋、林思吟 (2012)。未來想像與未來教育。創造學刊,3(3),5-18。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2012 陳以亨、陳先郡、林瑩滋、蕭文 (2012)。從理論到實踐:創意的發想與實踐巡迴課程之設計與成果。創造學刊,3(3),5-32。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2011 Chung, AY; Chen, IH; Lee, AYP; Chen, HC; Lin, YT (2011). Charismatic leadership and self-leadership A relationship of substitution or supplementation in the contexts of internalization and identification?. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT, 24, 299-313. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2011 Yu, P., Wu, J-J., Chen, I-H., and Ou, J-L (2011). Age and Gender Differences in Playfulness and Innovation Behavior among Professional Workers. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 42(3), 423-444. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2011 李芸蘋、陳以亨、陳啟文 (2011)。警察的使命感:使命感、工作負荷與工作滿意之相關研究。經濟管理(33),129-132。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2010 Parboteeah, KP; Chen, HC; Lin, YT; Chen, IH; Lee, AYP; Chung, A (2010). Establishing Organizational Ethical Climates: How Do Managerial Practices Work?. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 599-611. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2010 Di, E; Huang, CJ; Chen, IH; Yu, TC (2010). Organisational justice and customer citizenship behaviour of retail industries. SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL, 1919-1934. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2007 Yu, P; Wu, JJ; Chen, IH; Lin, YT (2007). Is playfulness a benefit to work? Empirical evidence of professionals in Taiwan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 412-429. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2004 陳以亨、黃芝華 (2004)。訓練移轉相關因素之研究。中山管理評論十二(三),595-620。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2004 趙必孝、陳以亨、林虹君、張健豪 (2004)。企業組織支援系統對大陸台商幹部之工作-家庭衝突之研究。中山管理評論,12(1),63-91。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2004 陳以亨、林瑩滋、李星美 (2004)。企業贊助藝文活動動機之因素探討。輔仁管理評論,11(1),33-52。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2004 I-Heng Chen, Ying-tzu Lin, Hsin-mei Lee (2004). Survey on Corporate Motivations for Culture an Darts Sponsorship. Fu Jen Management Review, 11(1), 33-52. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2002 Lai, Chung-Sheng, Lin, Tsai-Ming, Lee Su-shin, Tu, Chao-Hung, Chen, I-heng, Chang, C Kao-Ping, Tsai, Chih-Cheng, (2002). Case studies in contact burns caused by exhaust pipes of motorcycles. Burns, 28, 374-378. (SCIE)
Journal Article 2002 陳以亨 (2002)。從人力資源管理探討家庭-工作衝突、工作衝突-家庭衝突、生活滿意度之相關研究。中山管理評論。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2001 陳以亨、張石光、林瑩滋 (2001)。轉換型領導、行政倫理與組織公民行為關係之研究──以高雄市稅捐稽徵處為例。公營事業評論2(4),95-117。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2001 陳以亨、楊乃嵩、林瑩滋 (2001)。指導教授領導行為與研究生學業成就動機之關係。人力資源學報1(2),113-132。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2001 陳以亨 (2001)。贊助藝文 企業新選項-台灣企業贊助藝文現況報告。國家文化藝術基金會會訊(19),8-11。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2001 陳以亨、林妤融 (2001)。藝術素養的功能。人事月刊三十三(六),19-22。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 1999 陳以亨 (1999)。經濟全球化下白領專業及技術人員對國家經濟發展影響評估。勞工行政(129),15-25。(其他期刊)
Conference Paper 2020 吳瓊瑩、陳以亨、陳先郡、許婼涵 (2020). 領導者的創新行為、信任、政治技巧與部屬的創新行為之間的關係:以公部門系統為例. 2020 TAOM 研討會, .
Conference Paper 2020 Ng Chin Tung Stewart, Chen, I-Heng, Chen, Hsien-Chun, Yang, Ching-Tang (2020). Self-Enhancement Motives and Turnover Intention: Investigating the Moderating Effects of HR Practices and Perceived External Reputation. 18th Asia Pacific online Conference, .
Conference Paper 2020 Hsien-Chun Chen, Ng Chin Tung Stewart, Heng-Yu Chang, I-Heng Chen, Shu-Yuan Chen (2020). Investigating calling in kind rather than amount: Calling scale development and validation for working adults. European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2019 陳先郡、陳以亨、洪紫嫣 (2019). 兼職人員之高流動率:工作價值觀與情感承諾之重要性. AAOM TAOM 聯合研討會, Indonesia.
Conference Paper 2019 Hsien Chun Chen, I Heng Chen, Chin Tung Stewart Ng, Chong Ru Liu (2019). When and why people engage in self-management behavior:Interactive effects of guilt-awareness and sense of belonging. European Academy of Management Conference, Portugal.
Conference Paper 2019 Chen, H-C, Chen, Yi-Ting, Chen, I-H (2019). The Relationship Among Employee Demand-Ability Fit, Task Performance and Promotability Ratings. European Congress of Psychology, Russia.
Conference Paper 2019 Lin S-Y; Chen, I-H, Li Y-P; Hung W; Chen H-C (2019). Creating a Better Future: Implications from Futures Imagination Education in Taiwan. European Congress of Psychology, Russia.
Conference Paper 2019 Lin, S-Y; Chang C-H; Chen, I-H (2019). Entrepreneurial Team Diversity and Innovative Behavior: A Look at Psychological Safety. 16th European Congress of Psychology, Russia.
Conference Paper 2019 CHEN, Hsien Chun, CHEN, I-Heng, HUANG, Shih-Wen (2019). The effects of organizational ethical climate and training and development on individual’s sense of calling in the organizations . ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE, Japan.
Conference Paper 2018 Lee, Joellen H-M., Lee, A. Y-P., & Chen, I-H. (2018). Work alienation and deviant behaviors: The moderating roles of P-O fit and task interdependence. European Academy of Management 18th Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2018 Lee, A. Y-P., Wang, Y-H., Huang, L-C., & Chen, I-H. (2018). My calling, your organization: A moderated mediation model of career commitment and person-organization fit. European Academy of Management 18th Annual Meeting, Iceland.
Conference Paper 2018 Chen, H-C, Shu-Yuan Chen, Chen, I-H. (2018). An Examination of Image Discrepancy Around Professional Work: A Moderated Mediation Study. European Academy of Management 18th Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2017 Lin, S-Y; Wang, Y-A; Chen, I-H; Chang, H. (2017). Negative Effects of Abusive Supervision: The Path Through Emotional Labor. Academy of Management Conference, .
Conference Paper 2016 Lee, A. Y-P., Li, Y-L, Chen, I-H., & Chang, H-Y (2016). Leave or stay when facing abusive supervision? An application of AET to the effect of abusive supervision on intentions to quit and prohibitive voice. 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, 日本.
Conference Paper 2016 Lin, S-Y; Chang, C-H; Chen, H-C; Lee, A Y-P; Chen, I-H (2016). Leading a Team with Vision? A Look at Future Orientation.. 2016 European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, France.
Conference Paper 2016 Lee, A. Y-P., Li, Y-L, Chen, I-H., & Chang, H-Y. (2016). Leave or stay when facing abusive supervision? An application of AET to the effect of abusive supervision on intentions to quit and prohibitive voice. Management Theory and Practice Conference, Japan.
Conference Paper 2015 Chen, H-C., & Lee, A. Y-P., Chen, I-H., Lin, S-Y (2015). How Do Individual Anticipated Regret Behaviors?. Asia Academy of Management Meeting, 香港.
Conference Paper 2015 Amber Yun-PingLee, Hsien-Chun Chen, I-Heng Chen, Szu-Ying Lin (2015). THE MEDIATING EFFECT OF CALLING AND JOB INVOLVEMENT ON PROSOCIAL MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE. 2015 Academy of Management Conference, United States.
Conference Paper 2015 Lin, S-Y; Chen, H-C; Lee, A. Y-P; Liu, Y-T; Chen, I-H (2015). The Positive Side of Entitlement? Mediating Effects of Ambition andSelf-Efficacy. 2015 European Academy of Management, Poland.
Conference Paper 2015 Amber Yun-Ping Lee、Hsien-Chun Chen、I-Heng Chen、Szu-Ying Lin (2015). THE MEDIATING EFFECT OF CALLING AND JOB INVOLVEMENT ON PROSOCIAL MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE. Asia Academy of Management Meeting, China.
Conference Paper 2015 Lin, S-Y; Chen, H-C; Lee, A. Y-P; Liu, Y-T; Chen, I-H (2015). The Positive Side of Entitlement? Mediating Effects of Ambition and Self-Efficacy.. European Academy of Management, Poland.
Conference Paper 2015 Hsien-Chun Chen、Amber Yun-Ping Lee、I-Heng Chen、Szu-Ying Lin (2015). How Do Individual Anticipated Regret Behaviors? A Multi-Level Analysis.. Asia Academy of Management Meeting, Hong Kong.
Conference Paper 2014 Chung, A., Chen, I-H. (2014). Cultural Intelligence, Trait Competitiveness and Multicultural Team Experiences.. EURAM Annual Conference 2014: EURAM14, Spain.
Conference Paper 2014 Lin, S-Y; Lee, A Y-P, Chen, H-C, Chung, A., Chen, I-H. (2014). Strengthening Employee Relationships - The Role of Employee Welfare Committee.. EURAM Annual Conference 2014: EURAM14, Spain.
Conference Paper 2013 Szu-Yin Lin, I-Heng Chen, Amber, Yun-Ping Lee, Hsin-I Chang, Hsien-Chun Chen (2013). Examining Futures Imagination and Vision in Leadership Through Storytelling. European Academy of Management, Turkey.
Conference Paper 2013 Lin, S-Y; Chen, I-H (2013). Does Physical Work Environment Supports Creativity? The Role of Positive Affect.. The First International Conference on the Science of Creative Thinking, Italy.
Conference Paper 2012 Chung, A., Parboteeah, K. P., Chen, I., Lin, Y., (2012). Charismatic leadership and follower traits of self-consciousness. academy of management conference, .
Conference Paper 2012 Lee, A. Y-P., Chen I-H., Chen, H-C., & Chang, P-C (2012). Where does the sense of calling come from? The examination of individual and organizational factors for sources of calling. International Association for Chinese Management Research, .
Conference Paper 2012 Chung, A., Chen I., & Pang, L. (2012). Leadership, self and organizational identification. European Academy of Management, .
Conference Paper 2012 Chen, I-H., Ke, H-H., Liao, J-W., Lee, A. Y-P., Chang, H-I & Lin, S-Y (2012). Leader`s vision and innovation: The role of imagination. European Academy of Management, .
Conference Paper 2012 Chen, I-H., Lin, S-Y., Lee, A. Y-P., & Chang, H-I (2012). Entrepreneur`s vision: The role of future imagination. International Academy of Management and Business, .
Conference Paper 2012 Chen, I-H., Chen, H-C., & Lee, A. Y-P. (2012). Work Meaningfulness: The Role of Prosocial Motivation and Its Relationship with Task Significance and Perceived External Prestige. 2012 Asia Academy of Management Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2011 Chung, A., Chen, S., & Chen, I-H. (2011). Cynicism and need for leadership: Two competing self-fulfilling effects on career success. 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2011 Chung, A., Chen, I-H., Lin, Y., Lee, A.Y-P, Chen, H-C., & Pang, L-C. (2011). The joint effect of self-influence and social influences on organizational commitment: A self-identity view. 2011 European Academy of Management 11th Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2011 Chen, H.-C., Chen, I.-H., Chen, Y.-C. , Chung, A., Lin, Y.-T., & Lee, Amber Y.-P. (2011). An examination of how individual conflict handling style and Confucianism affect the tendency of acquiescent response in trainer evaluation. 2011 European Academy of Management 11th Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2011 Lee, A. Y-P., Chen, I.-H., & Chang, H-Y. (2011). Lifestyle as the determinant of occupational choices. 2011 European Academy of Management 11th Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2011 Lin,Y.-T.,Chen,I-H.,Valenti,M.A.,Ching,A.,Lee,A.Y-P,Chen,H-C.,&Pang,L-C. (2011). Does the physical environment enhance creativity?:The mediating role of mood. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2010 Chen, I.-H., Chung, A., Lin, Y.-Y., Lee, Amber Y.-P., & Chen, H.-C. (2010). Self-leadership: The act of leadership or the self?. The special issue and conference on Leadership in Asia, .
Conference Paper 2010 Chen, I.-H., Lee, Amber Y.-P., Chung, A., Lin, Y.-T., & Chang, H.-Y. (2010). Level or style? Two manners towards creativity and their influences on product and performance. 2010 Asia Academy of Management Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2010 Chung, A., Chen, I.-H., Lin, Y.-T., Lee, Amber Y.-P., Chen, H.-C. (2010). Charismatic Leadership and Self-Leadership: A Relationship of Substitution or Supplementation in Contexts of Organizational Commitment?. 2010 European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2010 Lin, Y.-T., Chen, I.-H., Chung, A., Lee, Amber Y.-P., Chen, H.-C., & Chang, H.-I. (2010). Who contributes to creativity? Differential effects of physical work environment and moods. 2010 European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2010 Chung, A., Chen, S., & Chen, I-H. (2010). Cynicism and need for leadership: Two competing self-fulfilling effects on career success. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2009 Chen, H.-C., Lin, Y.-T., Chen, I.-H., Lee, Amber Y.-P., & Chung, A. (2009). Establishing Organizational Ethical Climate: How do Managerial Practices Work?. 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2009 Chung, A., Chen, I.-H., Lin, Y.-T., Lee, Amber Y.-P., & Chen, H.-C. (2009). A Self-Identification Approach to Organizational Commitment.. 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2009 Chang, H.-Y., Chen, I.-H., Lee, Y.-P., & Lin, Y.-T. (2009). Developing and Analyzing the Irrational Decision Making Model: Does Emotion Matters for Individual Decision Making?. 2009 European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2008 Lin, Y.-T., Chen, I.-H., Chang, H.-Y., & Lee, Y.-P. (2008). Impact of playfulness on job performance: A succinct model.. European Academy of Management 8th Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2008 Lai, C.-S., Chen, I.-H., Lee, Y.-P., Chang, H.-Y., & Lin, Y.-T. (2008). The effects of physicians’ personal characteristics on innovation readiness in Taiwan’s hospitals.. 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, .
Conference Paper 2008 Kuo, C.-W., Chen, I.-H., & Cheng, Y.-Y. (2008). Construction of creative high school campuses in Taiwan.. The International Centre for Innovation in Education 2008 conference, .
Conference Paper 2007 Chang,H.-Y.,Chen,I-H.,Lin,Y.-T.,&Lee,Y.-P. (2007). Emotional and irrational factors:Building a new decision making model.. The Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting on Navigating the White Waters of Change,Western Academy of Management, .
Year Title

高雄市舉辦國際賽事評估研究報告案. 高雄市政府運動發展局 (27)


臺灣偏鄉特色小學國際與創生計畫. 教育部國民及學前教育署 (G109077)


台灣偏鄉特色小學國際與創生計畫. 教育部國民及學前教育署 (108049)


高屏偏鄉社區創新創業與未來家園築夢計畫. 教育部 (106072)


Investigating the Calling for Work in Kind Rather Than Amount: Scale Development and Initial Validation of a Calling Scale for Working Adults. MOST (105-2410-H-110-075-)


教育部發展以學校為核心之社區創新創業計畫. 政府部門


抱負與應得權益感對員工激勵的影響. MOST (103-2410-H-110-070-SSS)


青年三創教育政策研究. 教育部青年發展署 (103013)


領導者的願景與未來想像. MOST (102-2410-H-110-074-)


高雄捷運公共藝術國際論壇. 杜象藝術有限公司 (N102020)


吸引力在組織中的運用. MOST (NSC101-2410-H-110-044-)


未來教學的想像-未來想像課程的發展(總計畫). MOST (NSC100-2511-S-110-008-MY2)


01A10072 101年度未來想像與創意人才培育計畫-造艦計畫辦公室. 教育部 (101006)


教育部顧問室未來想像教育中程計畫─造艦(國小、國中)計畫. 政府部門


生活風格對職業選擇的影響 -- 生活風格與職涯的相關性研究. MOST (NSC98-2410-H-110-030)


未來教學的想像-(總計畫暨子計畫一)未來想像課程的發展. MOST (NSC98-2511-S-110-007-MY2)


98A10614 98年度經濟部所屬事業員額管理配套措施退場機制之實施方案與步驟研究(合約編號:09803651520). 經濟部 (98124)


玩興對個人工作績效之影響:工作行為的中介角色. MOST (NSC96-2416-H-110-019-)


情感與非理性決策模式探討. MOST (NSC95-2416-H-110-013)


954A10061地方創造力教育推動計畫. 教育部 (95023)


權威人格、團隊品質、組織結構與創新準備之相關研究. MOST (NSC94-2416-H-110-028)


數位多媒體人才培訓與創新傳播應用之研究. MOST (NSC93-2416-H-110-022-CC3)


家庭投入、工作投入與家庭經營之相關研究. MOST (NSC92-2416-H-110-041)


92A11041高雄市申辦2009年世界運動會城市行銷簡報. 高雄市政府教育局 (1505)


92FM024籌建國家級多功能劇場興建與營運研究規劃. 高雄市政府文化局 (1348)


工作團隊創新氣氛、團隊工作品質,組織創新能力及創新績效之相關研究. MOST (NSC91-2416-H-110-037)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM743 ADVANCED ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (II)
112 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM528 ORGANIZATION STUDIES (Ⅱ)
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM530 ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT(I)
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM912 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM528 ORGANIZATION STUDIES (Ⅱ)
111 2 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM507 INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMNET
111 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM703 ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS (I)
111 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM527 ORGANIZATION STUDIES (I)
111 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM502 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
111 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM912 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM528 ORGANIZATION STUDIES (Ⅱ)
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM743 ADVANCED ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (II)
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM912 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
110 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM527 ORGANIZATION STUDIES (I)
110 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM502 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
110 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM703 ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS (I)
Year Name Degree Title
2023 M094050012
2023 N094050004
2023 N114350003
2023 N094350002
2023 M094050016
2023 M104050006
2023 M104650010
2023 M104650007
2022 CHEE ZU HUAI Master The Relationship among Supervisor's Positive Workplace Gossip and Proactive Behavior: Emotions as Mediators
2022 Ling-Hsin Chen Master The Relationship among Leadership,Compliance, Job Involvement, and Turnover Intention : The Moderation Role of Conformity
2022 Lin-Yun Hu Master Research on Performance Information and the Preference of Working from Home: Work Engagement as a Mediator and Leadership Behavior as a Moderator
2022 Syuan-Yi Chen Master The impact of personality traits on job performance whether employees work from home or not Operating characteristics as adjustment variables
2022 Chun-Shuo Huang Master Organizational Socialization Mediates the Social Astuteness and Promotion Opportunities: Self-Monitoring as a Moderator
2022 Chih-Chi Lin Master The effects of loneliness and workplace loneliness on employee work life.
2022 Ting-Hsiang Tseng Master The Relationships between Job Satisfaction, Career Planning, Promotion Systems and Retention of Atypical Employees and typical Employee's
2022 Li-Kuang Yeh Master Investigation on Life Insurance Salespersons' Behavioral Intention to Adopt Internet Value-Added Services Based on Technology Acceptance Model
2022 Shu-Yu Ho Master The Impact of Work Engagement on PersonSupervisor Fit and Turnover Intention- Curiosity and Grit as Moderators
2021 Hui-Huang Chen Master The Impact of Generous Behavior Organizational Spontaneity: The Mediation Effects of Positive Moods and Felt Obligation
2021 Yi-Ting He Master Work and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Effect of Employee CSR belief on Employer Brand—The Mediating Role of Corporate Hypocrisy and The Moderating Roles of CSR Goals Buy-in
2021 Chung-An Wei Master The Effect of Employee Perceived Workplace Ostracism on Turnover Intention: Exploring the Moderate Effects of Perceived Supervisor Support and Machiavellianism
2021 LEE CHEE KWANG Master The Relationship among Fear of Failure, Procrastination at Work and Social Loafing: Moderating Role of Perceived Organization Support
2021 Chueh-Fu Chang Master A study of the job characteristics and turnover regulating calling and altruistic behavior—taking social workers as an example
2021 Nai-Yi Wu Master The Moderation Effect of Salary Satisfaction and Prosocial Motivation on Employee's Sense of Calling and Job Involvement
2020 Min-Shia Chiang Master Strategic Research on the Legislation of the Major Policy:The Case of the Legislation of Long-Term Care Policy
2020 Ting-Heng Huang Master Calling and courage: Threat as a mediator
2020 Li-Chen Wu Master The Moderating Effect of Vertical Relational Identity on the paternalistic leadership theory and Chinese Loyalty to Supervisors
2020 I-Chi Chen Master The labor pension system deficiency and suggestion
2020 Volha Sakhatskaya Master Relationships between goal achievement and organizational citizenship behavior: do goal orientations, motivation and organizational career paths influence employee citizenship
2020 Li-Chin Pang Ph.D The Study of Antecedents of Consumer Citizenship Behavior in the Hotel Industry: Value Co-creation and Attachment
2020 Yi-Ping Lu Master The Influence of Perfectionist on Burn out:The Sequential Mediation Effect of living calling and Workaholic
2020 JASON LO YUNG SHENG Master Exploring the Relationship between Employer Brand and Job Performance: The Moderating Effects of Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership
2020 Meng-Wen Chen Master The effect of Fear of being laughed at Voice Behavior, Mediated by Approach Motives and Avoid Motives, Moderated by Supervisor Affect Trust
2020 Chi-Yuan Chang Master The Effects of Life Satisfaction on Career Plateau: The Mediating Role of Person-vocation Fit and the Moderating Roles of Psychological Capital and Achievement Motivation
2020 Chen-Yun Wei Master Discuss the Effects of Locus of Control on Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Career Plateau and the Moderating Role of Achievement Motivation
2020 Hsiao-Min Chen Master Work Adjustment and Onboarding Plan in Traditional Manufacturing Industry - The case of A Corporation
2020 Liu Yi-Wen Master The Effects of Job Tenure on Burnout: The Moderating Effect of Guilty of asking for leave.
2020 Ming-Chieh Lin Master The relationship between employees’ perceived performance and distributive justice:A moderated mediation model
2020 LEE JUO CHUA Master Research on the Fake News Speculation of Kaohsiung Junior High School Students
2019 Ting-Yu Wang Master The Effects of Envy on Feedback-seeking Behavior: Mediation by Goal Orientation, the Mediated Moderation effect on Perceived Supervisor Support and Workplace Friendship
2019 Yi-Ling Chen Master Case Study on the Introduction of Professional Managers in Family Business
2019 Wan-Chen Tseng Master The Influence of Attitude on The Online Purchase Intention for Cloth Products : The Moderate Effect on Internet Using Behaviors
2019 Chia-Pin Liu Master Study on the Impact of Professional Trade Unions on the Operation of Enterprise Trade Unions
2019 Pei-Chi Ho Master The Influence of Feeling Envied on Turnover Intention:The Mediation Effect of Anxiety and the Moderation Effect of Perceived Supervisor Support
2019 Dao-Yu Chen Master The Relationship between Emotional Blackmail in Workplace and Social capital、Relationship Commitment
2018 Ya-Ting Chen Master The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Worker Relations: The Mediating Effect of Political Skill
2018 Hung-Chia Chen Master The Influence of Sensory Processing Sensitivity on Turnover Intention:The Mediation Effect of Workplace Friendship and the Moderation Effect of Political Skill
2018 Ya-Chieh Sun Master Strategic Research on the Development of China's (OTA) Online Travel Agency
2018 Hsin-I Chang Ph.D Rational and Nonrational Decision Making: a Process Model
2018 Chieh-Yin Wu Master The relationship between career planning and turnover intention-take career plateau and risk-taking propensity as moderating roles.
2018 Ching-Tang Yang Master Self-Enhancement Motives and Turnover Intention: Investigating the Moderating Effects of HR Practices and Perceived External Reputation
2018 Tien-Ho Cheng Master Redefining Leadership with courage: Courageous leadership and its possible outcomes
2018 ChenYa-Ting Master The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Worker Relations: The Mediating Effect of Political Skill
2018 JASON YANG Master An Analysis of the Impact of Automation on Technological Unemployment
2018 Han Chang Master Research on Role of Long-serving Manager in Succession: The Case of Taiwanese Family Business
2017 Matthew James Hopkins Master The Relationship among Transformational Leadership, Power Distance, and Job Satisfaction in Taiwan
2017 Szu-Yin Lin Ph.D What Makes an Innovative Entrepreneurial Team? An Examination of Functional Roles, Cognitive Styles and Entrepreneurial Passion Diversity
2017 Bing-chang Cheng Master The Reserch of Police Affair Journalists against Workplace Violence in Tainan City
2017 Chen-Wwi Chang Master The Relationship Between Well-Being and Innovative Behavior: Using Bureaucratic Culture as the Moderator
2017 Tzu-Yen Hung Master On the Relationship among Work Value, Affective Commitment and Turnover Intention for Part-time Employee
2017 Kuo-chih Pei Master Research on the Transposition after layoff :National Toll Collection as an Example
2017 Shao-Chung Hsieh Master The Relationship between Political Skill and Workplace Bullying: The Mediation Effect of Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship Quality
2017 Ya-ting Yang Master The Study of Catering market management and Organization Design—A Case of 12 hotpot in China
2016 Hsiao-chen Yeh Master Research on the city attracts the talents from digital content industry
2016 Wei-jiun Chen Master The Impact of Third Party Audio and Video Materials - The Case of Kaohsiung Gas Explosion Incident
2016 Kuan-Hsiung Mao Master The Analysis of Business Strategy and Talent Development for Large Discount Stores (The Case of COSTCO Taiwan)
2016 Yi-Ping Wang Master The Relationship between Self-Monitoring and Moral Disengagement:The Mediating Effect of Moral Ideology
2016 Tai-Ling Tsai Master Enterprise Independent Innovation Under The Industry-University Cooperation
2016 Chia-li Chen Master Job Characteristics, Job Burnout and Innovative Behavior of Civil Servants
2016 Hsien-chun Chen Ph.D Image Discrepancy around Role Matters: The Effects of the Discrepant Perception of Professional Work between Professionals and Clients on Client Loyalty
2016 Yi Ting Chen Master The Relationship Among Employee Demand-Ability Fit, Task Performance and Promotability Ratings: The Moderating Effect of Political Skill
2016 He-lin Huang Master The Exploratory Research on Characteristics and Effectiveness of Bloggers' Sponsored Posts
2016 Sen-hua Liu Master Research and Development on the Evolution of EReaders in China- D Company as Example
2015 Hsiao-chen Yeh Master Research on the city attracts the talents from digital content industry
2015 Che-Han Chang Master Visionary Leadership and Team Future Orientation
2015 Mu-hsing Hsu Master Employee referral programs in Taiwan: A preliminary study
2015 Ya-Chi Li Master Job Characteristics, Job Burnout and Job Engagement of Civil Servants:The Moderating Effect of Job Rotation
2015 Yu-chen Tu Master The Relationship among Altruism, Egoism, and Turnover Intention in Nonprofit Organizations - The Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate
2015 Yi-Chieh Lin Master Research on Business Successor Choice and Issues from the Perspective of Successors: The Case of Taiwanese Family Businesses
2015 Pei-jung Tsai Master The research and analysis on the draft of benefit corporation bill.
2015 Ruo-Han Xu Master The Relationship Between Leaders' Innovative Behavior,Trust,Political Skill and Subordinates' Innovative Behavior Under Government Bureaucracy Organization
2015 Fu-yu Hsieh Master The Relationship Among Employee Innovativeness, Perceived Organizational Innovative Readiness and Innovative Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Work Experience
2015 Ko-yu Cheng Master The Study between Informal Learning Channel and Promotion Opportunity─The Moderating Effect of Relationship with Senior Colleagues
2015 Shih-hsiung Chen Ph.D A Multilevel Analysis of the Moderated Mediation Effect on Organizational Identification between Person-Organization fit and Turnover Intention
2015 Yi-hsuan Chen Master The effect of democracy value on whistleblowing intentions
2015 Mei-ling Chen Master A Study of Critical Success Factors in HRIS Implementation: Analysis of Innovation Readiness
2015 Yu-chen Chen Master A Study of Relationship among LMX, Workplace Friendship, Communication Style and Expectation of Relationship
2015 Chih-ming Chiu Master The Application of Controlled Freezing-Point Technology in the Market—For K Company as Example
2014 Yu-shan Huang Master The Mediating Effect of Career Satisfaction on the Relationship between High Flyers’ Perceived Quality of Mentorship and Intention to Stay in Organizations
2014 潘俊彥 Master 台灣家族企業接班之成功關鍵:以E材料公司為例
2014 木下富雄 Master 外派經理人的決策研究-以日本外派經理為例
2014 Yu-shan Huang Master The Mediating Effect of Career Satisfaction on the Relationship between High Flyers’ Perceived Quality of Mentorship and Intention to Stay in Organizations
2014 CYONG-RU LIU Master Guilt-Awareness and Self-management-The Role of Sense of Belonging
2014 Hsin-ting Chou Master The Succession of Family Business Culture
2014 Chih-yung Chang Master The Reseach of Taiwanese Senior Tourists’ Travelling Type - A Case Study of CSC Tours & Travel Service CO., LTD.
2014 Tomio Kinoshita Master The Study of Decision Making of Expatriate Manager - Japanese Manager in Taiwan
2014 Chun-yen Pan Master The Key Successful Factors in Taiwan Family Business Succession:A Case Study of E Material Company
2014 Shu-yi Fan Master A Case Study of Conflict Management
2014 Chih-ting Chiang Master The Implementation of Fast Track Program: Organizational knowledge activities, Career Satisfaction and Perceived Collaborative Climate Study
2014 Pei-ling Hsieh Master A Study of Relationship among Service Quality Requirement, Emotional Labor, Turnover Intention, Achievement and Emotional Intelligence in Hotel Front Line Staff
2014 Yi-te Chung Master The Relation among Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility, Role Stress, and Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of the Service Industry
2014 Chang-hung Kao Master The Role of Knowledge Broker in Open Innovation Framework
2014 I-hui Lin Master Small Scale Travel Agency O2M Feasibility Study and Operations Analysis
2013 Tzu-Liang Tai Master The Effect of Staff Gender Roles on Turnover Intention and Service Attitude -- Take Public Relation Corporations as an Example
2013 Tzu-Liang Tai Master The Effect of Staff Gender Roles on Turnover Intention and Service Attitude -- Take Public Relation Corporations as an Example
2013 Shih-Ping Tu Master The antecedents and consequences of the leaders’ interpersonal attraction
2013 Ying-Tsai Liu Master Greed: The Relationship between Ambition, Entitlement and Job Involvement.
2013 Yung-Hsuan Ou Master The Mediating Mechanisms between Prosocial Motivation and Job Performance in Mission-driven Organizations
2013 Chun-Hsin Tsai Master Research on Police Criminal Investigation and Prevention Performance Management of K.C.P.D.
2013 Wan-Ting Su Master Exploring Innovation Performance of Bureaucratic Organization from Perspectives of Leaders’ Political Skill and Innovation Behavior
2013 Shih-wen Huang Master What Contributes to Individual's Sense of Calling in the Organizations
2012 Hsiu-hua Ke Master The examination of imagination - An example of B&B managers
2012 Wei-Chen Hsieh Master Different Attitudes of Internship Programs between Employers and Students
2012 Teh-Cheng Chen Master The importance of Organization Attraction-volunteers in Non-Profit Organizations
2012 Gantuya Ganbold Master Expatriates Job Satisfaction and Adaptation in Mongolia
2012 Hsiu-hua Ke Master The examination of imagination - An example of B&B managers
2012 Jo-chiao Hsu Master Effects of Anticipated Regret and Ethical Climate on Safety-related Behaviors
2012 Teh-Cheng Chen Master The importance of Organization Attraction-volunteers in Non-Profit Organizations
2012 Wei-Chen Hsieh Master Different Attitudes of Internship Programs between Employers and Students
2012 Chung-hsuan Cheng Master A Talent Cultivation Study of Higher Education Internship Programs in Taiwan
2011 李芸蘋 Ph.D 工作環境下的使命感
2011 I-Chieh Wu Master The Effect of Perfectionism on Burnout and Turnover Intention
2011 Chia-yu Lin Master A study of training needs for B&Bs in Taiwan
2011 Yun-chieh Lin Master The Relationship between Affect and Closeness Relationship
2011 Pin-yi Kuo Master A Study of Participating Employees' Welfare Committee and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediating Mechanism
2011 Chao-you Chen Master Team, Leadership and the Performance of Ocean Fishing Vessel— A Case Study of N Corporate
2011 Ya-Ling Pai Master Practicing aesthetics in public policy – A case study of public building
2011 Han-Ling Lu Master The effect of personality of woman personal products sales force on job performance -The mediating role of adaptive selling behavior
2011 Yun-chieh Lin Master The Relationship between Affect and Closeness Relationship
2011 I-Chieh Wu Master The Effect of Perfectionism on Burnout and Turnover Intention
2011 Chao-you Chen Master Team, Leadership and the Performance of Ocean Fishing Vessel— A Case Study of N Corporate
2011 Pin-yi Kuo Master A Study of Participating Employees' Welfare Committee and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediating Mechanism
2011 Chia-yu Lin Master A study of training needs for B&Bs in Taiwan
2011 Yun-Ping Lee Ph.D Understanding the sense of calling in the work context
2011 Yun-yen Chung Master The Effect of Female Leaders’ Personality Traits and Leadership Styles on the Leadership Effectiveness- Exemplified by Southern Electronic Media Centers
2010 YING-TZU LIN Ph.D Linking Playfulness and Job Performance in the Workplace: Mediating Role of Working-Smart/Hard
2010 鍾安宜 Ph.D 自我領導:是領導者或個人的作為?
2010 Hsin-Li Cindy Wu Master The Pursuit of Meaningfulness of Work: The Interaction between Prosocial Motivation, Task Significance, and Perceived External Prestige
2010 Chun-Wen Liao Master A study on success factors of specific B&Bs
2010 Pei-ping Tseng Master Distinctions between Attraction and Charisma in Organizational Context
2010 Hui-Chuan Huang Master The Rational and Irrational Factor Involved in Decision Making
2010 廖君文 從經營觀點探討特色民宿成功因素
2010 吳欣俐 工作意義的追求:利他動機、工作影響、公司名聲的互動
2010 Shiao-chen Yeh Master A survey between happiness with participation of a christian -A case for The Presbyterian Church In Taiwan & Bread of life Christian church in Taiwan
2010 Chi-lin Hsu Master The service industry's public relation and enterprise image of the behavior influence purchases research to the consumer
2010 Tzu-lin Chao Master The Reserch of Print Media Image Construction and Social Exclusion, Taking Female Immigrants for Example
2010 Chiu-ming Cheng Master An investigation on factors affecting performance management system: A case study of a Taiwanese semiconductor test and assembly house
2010 An-yi Chung Ph.D Self-leadership: The act of leadership or the self?
2009 Yu Yau Master Relationship between job stress and burnout: Moderating effect of leadership behavior
2009 Yih-Jiun Wei Master Flight Catering industry’s response to the challenges of international financial crisis and skyrocketing crude oil price - The Case of China Pacific Catering Services Ltd.
2009 Ting-yin Kuo Master Customers’ Service Quality Expectations in Different Areas—An Empirical Study of a Japanese Multinational Enterprise
2009 陳申青 Master 無線電視台整合行銷經營策略之研究—以民視電視台為例
2009 尉毅君 航空空廚業因應國際金融危機及石油飆漲的挑戰性--以華膳空廚公司為例
2009 于堯 空服員工作壓力與職業倦怠之關係:座艙長領導風格調節效果之探討
2009 Ying-yao Huang Master The effect of variable pay system on individual performance: Longitudinal analysis of retailing sales
2009 陳申青 無線電視台整合行銷經營策略之研究—以民視電視台為例
2009 郭亭吟 不同地區的顧客服務期待---以日系跨國企業為例
2009 Hsuan-jung Chen Master Study on individual lifestyle and occupational choice -examples of coffee shops and pubs
2009 Chi-wen Chen Master The relationship among the sense of calling workload and work satisfaction─taking police officer as the example
2009 Shen-ching Chen Master Study on integrated marketing communication of Wirless Television, as Formosa Television example
2008 Shu-Chung Liu Master none
2008 蕭偉琪 Master 全球整合型企業下的人才管理以研華科技為例
2008 陳怡潔 Master 衝突處理方式、默許反應、儒家思考-從跨文化觀點看訓練人員評鑑
2008 Chien-hua Chang Master The effects of creativity level and creativity style on creative products
2008 林思吟 Master 實體工作空間與創造力績效-心情與習慣化的影響
2008 Szu-Yin Lin Master Physical Workspace and Creative Performance - The Role of Moods and Habituation
2008 Chen-Yin Lin Master The teamwork and leadership of Successful Idol dramas in Taiwan
2008 I-Chuan Lu Master The Relationships among Gambling Motivation, Gambling Choice, and Gambling Involvement
2008 蕭偉琪 全球整合型企業下的人才管理 以研華科技為例
2008 盧奕全 博弈動機、博弈選擇與博弈投入程度之關係研究
2008 張倩華 創造力與創意風格對創意產品之影響
2008 Yi-Chieh Chen Master Conflict Handling Style, Acquiescence Response and Confucianism: A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Evaluation of Trainers/Instructors
2008 Yen-chin Chang Master The study Taiwan International Orchid Show based on integrated Marketing Communication、Placement Marketing
2008 Tai-Hua Tuan Master The Research of female customer's intentions and behaviors online shopping.
2008 Wei-chi Hsiao Master How to Identify, Develop, Deploy, and Connect Talents When Companies Transform to Global Integrated Enterprise The Case of Advantech
2007 Shih-ying Fu Master none.
2007 Hsin-Chin Lee Master The Relationship of Job Characteristics, Creative Self Efficacy, and Creativity
2007 Wen-Shin Shen Master N/A
2007 Hsueh-yun Lo Master none
2007 Hung-Chang Tung Master The Study of Fitness of the New Venture's Positioning and Marketing Strategy- a Case of Springhill Hotel
2007 Chao-fei Chen Master A Study on Asset Swap and Expansion Strategy for Taiwan Healthcare Industry
2007 Chiu-mei Chen Master none
2007 黃嘉慧 Master 漁會的存在價值與轉型契機─以高雄縣永安區漁會為例
2007 Chia-Hui Huang Master The Existing Value And Transformation Opportunities Of Taiwan Fishermen’s Associations─ An Example Of Yong ─An Fishermen’s Association
2007 Hsueh-Sheng Liu Master none
2007 Chi-Ming Wu Master Study on Influence of Sexually Attractive PR Females on the Relation between Activity Participants and Consumption
2007 Kim-Hum Lee Master he role of Internet TV is similar to the Cable, the more important function are collation the content and build the charge system
2007 Ying-jung Lin Master An analysis and Application of Integrated Marketing Communication theory in port city Marketing Strategy -The Case of Kaohsiung City-
2007 Yun-chu Chin Master Study on the Influence of Public Opinion and Propaganda on the Internet Regarding Virtual Community Group Food Shopping
2007 Wan-ju Chao Master Study for Local Journalists Career Planning
2007 Cheng-yu Kuo Master none
2007 Kuo-shiang Cheng Master none
2007 Jian-wei Chen Master organizational change, business strategy, leadership Traits, Jingshi(Jingjin) Program, Youth Daily News
2007 Berlin Huang Master none
2006 Cheng-hui Hsu Master Relationships among Leadership, Absorptive Capacity, Psychological Contract and Innovational Behavior — taking the Technology Industry as Examples
2006 Li-Chi Hsu Master Generations, Work Values, and Job Involvement in Teachers
2006 Yi-Che Lee Master Organizational Ethical Climate as Catalyst of Organizational Innovation: Under the influence of control system and motivationof control system and motivation
2006 Jing-ming Lee Master none
2006 Kuan-tsou Lin Master The donors’ knowledge about HBV and HCV who live in Kaohsiung and Pingtung area
2006 Chin-hsing Lin Master Local Hospital’s Strategy Management Under National Health Insurance Policy
2006 Ho-mu Wang Master The Exploration and Study of innovation and R&D of toys and children appliances
2006 Lei-Ya Wang Master The relationship between personality, emotion management methods and job burnout-the case of cosmetics salewomen
2006 Jung-tsung Wei Master Comparing & Analyzing the Manpower of Cross-strait—As the case of Passive Component
2006 Chien-Ping Sun Master An Investigation from the Interaction between the Troop's Public Affairs Divisions and the Journalists of the Media.
2006 Ching-yeh Tsai Master The study on the correlation between the media exposure rate and the ways of interpellation of the representatives and their interactions with the press. ---The case of The Kaohsiung City Council
2006 Jung-tsung Hsu Master A Study of the Relationship Between Management of Human Resources of Nonprofit Organizations and Organizational Transformations ─Using Institution of Tainan Home of Philanthropy of Taiwan As An Example
2006 Kuan-Chan Lai Master The Study of the Relationship among the Transformational Leadership, Perceptions of Organizational Politics, Role Pressure and Job Satisfaction from the aspect of News Reporters in Southern Taiwan
2006 Pin-Feng Chao Master A Study of the Relationships Among Leadership Styles and Job Involvement as Moderated by Trust and Work Achievement--Evidence From a Radio Station
2006 Jui-Lin Kuo Master None
2006 Shih-Feng Huang Master This research mainly combines: Police policy, transportation, fire control, news, and public affairs. - Use Kaohsiung Wireless platform as a starting point.
2005 Ching-yin Hou Master The effects of corporate citizenship image and reputation on organizational attractiveness to prospective employees
2005 Pi-Jung Wu Master none
2005 Yu-Chu Lu Master none
2005 Yu-Chi Chang Master Marketing Strategies of Discretionary Investment Business in Taiwan Case Study:AB Company
2005 Chung-chin Lin Master The Study of Factors to the Failure or Success of Applying to Holding International Sport Games
2005 Shou-Shan Yeh Master Research of Implementing Investments Trusts on Urban Renewal
2005 Po-Hsiang Hsu Master A study of knowledge workers’ lifestyle in game industry
2005 Hsiao-ou Chen Master Take the Example of “Bridal Photography Industry” for Discussing the Key Success Factors in Industrialization of Cultural and Creative Industries
2005 Selena Chen Master The Affect of Intrinsic Motivation and Personality on Teamwork Quality
2005 Fu-Te Chen Master none
2005 Yaw-Kuen Wu Master Transformational leadership,organization culture,and job satisfaction-take newspapermen of Kaohsiung area as examples.
2005 Chen-pang Lee Master Matching Products with Endorsers: The Advertising Effectiveness Between Different Types of Spokesperson and Product
2005 Yao-wen Lin Master none
2005 Chia-lien Yin Master The Relationship between the Awarded-Winning Movies of Taiwan and the Box Office
2005 Hsin-Yi Yu Master A Study on Crisis Communication Management of Taiwan Central Public Sectors
2005 Kuan-hsun Wang Master Study of Tourism Development and Media Marketing in the Urban Tourism-A Case Study of the Love River in Kaohsiung City
2005 I-Pin Lan Master The research of marketing strategy and recruit performance ─ a case as private schools in Kaohsiung city
2005 Chiu-Chiang Lai Master The Study of the Relationship Among the Education Marketing, the Principals’ Leadership Styles and the Teachers’ Job Involvement in the Elementary Schools
2005 Tian-lin Zhao Master none
2004 劉乃瑛 Master 工作家庭連結,工作家庭衝突,工作滿足,與家人關係的研究
2004 Nai-ying Liu Master A Study of the Relationship among Work-Family Linkage, Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction and Relationship Quality
2004 TSENG-SHOU SUNG Master Study of Actions Taken by Taiwan Pork Producers After the Open of Taiwan Pork Market
2004 Heng-Yu Chang Master Qualitative research on leader speech communication content, leader behaviors and subordinates' trust
2004 Hui-wen Shih Master Research on job stress, social support and job performance. The study here is of Kaohsiung City overnment employees.
2004 Min-Min Wang Master Analysis Investigation of Immediately Established Emergency Outdoor Fever Triage Service for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Kaohsiung Medical Center Hospital
2004 Kuang-Liao Kuo Master The strategic positioning of the new technology-based firm—using the capacitive touch screens industry as research case
2004 蔡名琇 Master 非營利組織募款人員激勵因素研究
2004 Terry Chen Master Research of the Mainland Investment’s Business Strategy for Small and Medium Enterprises
2004 Bert Huang Master none
2004 CHOU-WEI YU Master The research of orangaztion downsizing porgrams on the staff in the filed electronic media
2004 Meng-rong Shen Master Knowledge Management in the Wave of Cross-media Convergence: A Case Study
2004 hung-hua Shih Master The study of the affect of mentoring,organizational commitment,professional commitment to turnover intention-Example of Public Relations industy in Taiwan
2004 Szu-han Shao Master The Study of Job Interest, Leadership and Intention to Stay—Examples of Public Relations Industry
2004 Shih-Tse Chen Master My World is "The Heaven"?The exploratory Study on the Cultivation Effect of On-line Game "Lineage" for Taiwan Teenager.
2003 Dar-You Wu Master The influence of TeamWork Quality and Team Playfulness to Team innovation
2003 Kuan-ting Chou Master The perceived leader support behavior for subordinate’s creativity:the moderating effect of trust
2003 Kuo-Shiang Sun Master The strategy of union beroadcasting for Radio station The case of Best Radio Corporation
2003 Joanne chang Master The Study of Subordinate's Acceptance of Supervisor's Influence Tactics
2003 Ming-Wei Lee Master none
2003 Yu-tzu Hung Master The Affect of Personal Playfulness and Team Playfulness Climate on Team Creativity Performance
2003 Yu-hua Hsiao Master Salespeople’s motivation model in biotechnology companies
2003 I-Ching Lai Master The job involvement, sex division of labor, work-family boundary management, and work-family conflict of working-at-home employees
2003 Yen-yang Chen Master The Strategy of Country Branding- A Case Study of Country of Origin Images and Destination Images on Taiwan and New Zealand
2003 YU-CHUAN CHEN Master The development of the newspaper- the journalism of Taiwan uses the research of the electronic paper in the future
2003 Chao-Shun Huang Master none
2003 Min-huei Wu Master The research of merging company's brand identity management and internal marketing system ─ A case study of Financial Holding Company
2003 Nancy Sha Master medical report and medical center operation news-A Case of Kaoshing medical center
2003 Ai-Chin Chang Master Public Relations on Performing Arts
2003 Yow-Ya Lin Master The Relationship of Firm Core Resources,Capabilities and Competitive Strategy:The Real Estate Advertising and Sales Agency of Kaoshiung
2003 Hui-ya Yang Master The Study on Interaction Between Cable Television System Operators and Community Relationship
2003 Hui-chia Cheng Master The Research of Internal Marketing in the Service Industry:A Case Study of Public Relations Agency in Taiwan
2003 Chu-Yin Yen Master The study of public relations strategy and interaction between press media and universities in Kaohsiung.
2003 Hui-jung Huang Master The influence factor of the production of consumer news
2003 Huang-Kai Fan Master The management strategies of the religious televisions in Taiwan-a value chain analysis
2002 張仲尼 Master 組織知識需求、學習策略,與知識管理系統之相關研究
2002 王米玲 Master 組織的生活型態與離職傾的關係以國內航空公司為例
2002 陳由廉 Master 地方稅稽徵機關組織變革稅務人員態度反應之研究~以高雄市稅捐稽徵處為例
2002 Tien-Hang Wang Master none
2002 蔡芳洵 Master 工作家庭衝突、工作家庭互動、與工作滿足之關係探討
2002 JIN-JUN HUNG Master The relationship of organizational ethical climate, the principles of medical ethic and the performances of medical behavior
2002 童佳容 Master 活動與媒體結合之效益評估--以蘋果線上為例
2002 Chung-Ni Chang Master Relationships Between Organization’s Need for Knowledge, Organizational Learning Strategy, and Knowledge Management System
2002 Yi-Jung Lin Master The Research of Local Government Business Strategies and Marketing Activities of Festivals
2002 Mi-Ling Wang Master The Relationship between Organizational Life Style and Turn-over Tendency---An Example of four Companies of Domestic Airlines in Taiwan
2002 Chia-Jung Tung Master none
2002 Jaw-Ming Tong Master A Study of the relationship among Organization StructureˋTeam Climate and Organization Innovation-the ISP Industry for Example
2002 Fang-Shun Tsai Master The study of the relationship among work-family linkage, work-family conflict and job satisfaction
2002 Yu-Lien Chen Master Research On Attitude Response of Tax Officials under the Organizational Change of Local Tax Organizations:A case study on Tax Administration of Kaohsiung Metropolitan Government
2002 Shu-Yen Huang Master A Study of City Marketing from Cultural Activities─ Taipei City as an Example
2002 Yi-Ying Huang Master The Relationship of the Image of Singers, Idolatry, and Consumer Behavior in Popular Music
2001 Chin-Hsun Liu Master The Relationships between work values, personal characters, and career orientations of the Taiwanese expatriates in Mainland China
2001 陳錦禾 Master 台灣IC卡產業國際競爭策略之探討—以財鑫科技個案為例
2001 Kae Wu Master none
2001 Danny Chen Master The Study of International Competitive Strategies for Taiwan's IC Card Industry-Taking VStar Electronics Inc. as example
2001 Pin-Ho Hsiang Master The Relationship among Transformational Leadership, Locus of Control, and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study on Taiwanese Television Reporters
2000 蘇永富 Master 轉換型領導、組織承諾與組織公民行為關係之研究 -以派外人員為例
2000 侯堂柱 Master 轉換型領導、組織承諾與組織公民行為之關係 ──以台灣電子業為例
2000 林士奇 Master 轉換型領導、組織承諾與組織公民行為相關之研究—以中華電信南區分公司為例。
2000 Su-yun Tseng Master A study of the relationship among work values, team characteristics and team performance of a team-based organizational strategy
2000 楊景行 Master 營造業知識移轉系統與組織學習關係之研究
2000 陳振甫 Master 宗教慈善團體非營利組織管理特質分析-以佛教慈濟功德會為例
2000 Tarng-Juh Hor Master The Relationship among Transformational Leadship , Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior—The case of Electronic Industry in Taiwan.
2000 SHIH-CHI LIN Master The Study of Relationship among Transformational Leadership, Organization- al Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior : The Evidence from Southern District Branch Chunghwa Telecommunication, Corporation. .
2000 Ching-Hsing Yang Master none
2000 SU-YUNG FU Master The Relationship among Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behavior -The case of Expatriates
2000 CHENG-FU CHEN Master none
1999 Hui-Chun, YU Master A study of female managers' coping behvaior with work-family conflicts in terms of sex-role attitudes, life-style and job involvement
1999 林佩穎 Master 義工參與動機、工作特性、工作滿意與離職傾向關係之研究—以表演藝術團體為例
1999 張秀如 Master 舞團與舞蹈班-結合經營之策略分析
1999 李秋燕 Master 台灣企業外派大陸人員人格特質、生涯發展傾向、駐外動機及駐外適應對留任意願之研究
1999 林瑩滋 Master 台灣企業贊助藝文活動的動機與決策模式之研究
1999 張石光 Master 領導風格行政倫理對組織公民行為影響之研究
1999 Shih-Kuang chang Master none
1999 Hsiu-Ru Chang Master None
1999 Chiu-Yen Lee Master How Taiwanese expatriates’ personalcharacters, career orientations, expatriate motivation and expatriate adjustment affect their intention to stay in Mainland China
1999 Pei-Ying Lin Master The relationship among volunteer workers motivation, job characteristic, job satisfaction and intention to leave: An empirical analysis of performing art organizations.
1999 Ying-tzu Lin Master The Survey of Sponsor Motivation and Decision Model to Art and Culture Activities: Take Corporates in Taiwan for Example
Year Title Awarding Organization
Period Activity Description Role
2008-03-14 ~ 2008-03-14 2008國際創造力教育博覽會 其他活動
2008-03-21 ~ 2008-03-21 96學年度第2次公私立國民中學校長會議 其他活動
2008-07-26 ~ 2008-07-30 市容環境清潔與維護管理日本參訪小組 其他活動