姓名 | 陳年興 |
職稱 | 教授 |
專長及研究領域 | 計算機網路、分散式系統、群體支援系統、網際網路 |
研究室 | 管4066 |
分機 | 4718 |
nschen@mis.nsysu.edu.tw |
學歷 | 1990, 博士, , 1986, 碩士, , 1984, 學士, , |
學術服務 | 2006-12-31 ~ , SSCI[Educational Technology & Society], 副主編或編輯委員 |
類別 | 年度 | 名稱 |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Hsu, Fu-Hui; Lin, I-Hsiu; Yeh, Hui-Chin; Chen, Nian-Shing (2022). Effect of Socratic Reflection Prompts via video-based learning system on elementary school students' critical thinking skills. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 183(無), 1-15. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Yang, JC; Quadir, B; Chen, NS (2019). Effects of Children's Trait Emotional Intelligence on Digital Game-Based Learning. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(4-5), 374-383. (SSCI, SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Hung, IC; Kinshuk; Chen, NS (2018). Embodied interactive video lectures for improving learning comprehension and retention. Computers & Education, 117, 116-131. (SSCI, SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Mottus, A; Kinshuk; Chen, NS; Graf, S; Alturki, U; Aldraiweesh, A (2018). Teacher facilitation support in ubiquitous learning environments. Technology Pedagogy and Education, 27(5), 549-570. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Hwang, WY; Chen, HR; Chen, NS; Lin, LK; Chen, JW (2018). Learning Behavior Analysis of a Ubiquitous Situated Reflective Learning System with Application to Life Science and Technology Teaching. Educational Technology & Society, 21(2), 137-149. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Chen, G; Xin, YL; Chen, NS (2017). Informal learning in science museum: development and evaluation of a mobile exhibit label system with iBeacon technology. ETR&D-Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(3), 719-741. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Lan, YJ; Chen, NS; Sung, YT (2017). Guest Editorial: Learning Analytics in Technology Enhanced Language Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 158-160. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Yang, JF; Yu, HJ; Gong, CH; Chen, NS (2017). Students' Perceptions and Behaviour in Technology-Rich Classroom and Multi-Media Classroom. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(3), 621-647. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Khenissi, MA; Essalmi, F; Jemni, M; Kinshuk,; Chang, TW; Chen, NS (2017). Unobtrusive monitoring of learners' interactions with educational games for measuring their working memory capacity. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2), 224-245. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Tlili, A; Essalmi, F; Jemni, M; Kinshuk; Chen, NS (2016). Role of personality in computer based learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 64(64), 805-813. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Wang, YP; Fang, WC; Han, J; Chen, NS (2016). Exploring the affordances of WeChat for facilitating teaching, social and cognitive presence in semi-synchronous language exchange. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 32(32), 18-37. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Khenissi, MA; Essalmi, F; Jemni, M; Kinshuk; Graf, S; Chen, NS (2016). Relationship between learning styles and genres of games. Computers & Education, 101(101), 1-14. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Chang, YH; Chen, YY; Chen, NS; Lu, YT; Fang, RJ (2016). Yet another adaptive learning management system based on Felder and Silverman's learning styles and Mashup. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 12(12), 1273-U353. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Yang, JC; Quadir, B; Chen, NS (2016). Effects of the Badge Mechanism on Self-Efficacy and Learning Performance in a Game-Based English Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54(54), 371-394. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Yang, JC; Quadir, B; Chen, NS; Miao, Q (2016). Effects of online presence on learning performance in a blog-based online course. Internet and Higher Education, 30(30), 11-20. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Quadir, B; Chen, NS (2015). The effects of reading and writing habits on blog adoption. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 34(9), 893-901. () |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Wu, WCV; Wang, RJ; Chen, NS (2015). Instructional design using an in-house built teaching assistant robot to enhance elementary school English-as-a-foreign-language learning. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 23(23), 696-714. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Lan, YJ; Chen, NS; Li, P; Grant, S (2015). Embodied cognition and language learning in virtual environments. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 63(63), 639-644. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Hung, IC; Hsu, HH; Chen, NS; Kinshuk (2015). Communicating through body: a situated embodiment-based strategy with flag semaphore for procedural knowledge construction. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 63(63), 749-769. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Kuo, TCT; Chen, HR; Hwang, WY; Chen, NS (2015). The Factors and Impacts of Large-Scale Digital Content Accreditations. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 18(18), 29-48. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Yang, GB; Wen, DW; Kinshuk; Chen, NS; Sutinen, E (2015). A novel contextual topic model for multi-document summarization. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 42(42), 1340-1352. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Chen, LW; Chen, TL; Chen, NS (2015). Students' perspectives of using cooperative learning in a flipped statistics classroom. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 31(31), 621-640. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Chang, M; Lachance, D; Lin, F; Al-Shamali, F; Chen, NS (2015). Enhancing Orbital Physics Learning Performance through a Hands-on Kinect Game. EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, 40(40), 1-12. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Quadir, B; Chen, NS (2015). The Effects of Reading and Writing Habits on Learning Performance in a Blog Learning Environment. ASIA-PACIFIC EDUCATION RESEARCHER, 24(24), 635-644. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Hung, IC; Yang, XJ; Fang, WC; Hwang, GJ; Chen, NS (2014). A context-aware video prompt approach to improving students' in-field reflection levels. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 70(70), 80-91. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Kuo, FR; Chen, NS; Hwang, GJ (2014). A creative thinking approach to enhancing the web-based problem solving performance of university students. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 72(72), 220-230. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Hwang, GJ; Kuo, FR; Chen, NS; Ho, HJ (2014). Effects of an integrated concept mapping and web-based problem-solving approach on students' learning achievements, perceptions and cognitive loads. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 71(71), 77-86. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chang, CS; Liu, EZF; Sung, HY; Lin, CH; Chen, NS; Cheng, SS (2014). Effects of online college student's Internet self-efficacy on learning motivation and performance. INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL, 51(51), 366-377. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Huang, YM; Liu, MC; Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Wen, DW (2014). Facilitating learners' web-based information problem-solving by query expansion-based concept mapping. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 30(30), 517-532. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Hwang, GJ; Hung, CM; Chen, NS (2014). Improving learning achievements, motivations and problem-solving skills through a peer assessment-based game development approach. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 62(62), 129-145. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chen, YL; Wang, YP; Kinshuk; Chen, NS (2014). Is FLIP enough? Or should we use the FLIPPED model instead?. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 79(79), 16-27. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Hung, IC; Lin, LI; Fang, WC; Chen, NS (2014). Learning with the Body: An Embodiment-Based Learning Strategy Enhances Performance of Comprehending Fundamental Optics. INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS, 26(26), 360-371. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Hwang, GJ; Hung, PH; Chen, NS; Liu, GZ (2014). Mindtool-Assisted In-Field Learning (MAIL): An Advanced Ubiquitous Learning Project in Taiwan. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 17(17), 4-16. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Cheng, B; Wang, MH; Morch, AI; Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Spector, JM (2014). Research on e-learning in the workplace 2000-2012: A bibliometric analysis of the literature. EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH REVIEW, 11(11), 56-72. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Shadiev, R; Hwang, WY; Chen, NS; Huang, YM (2014). Review of Speech-to-Text Recognition Technology for Enhancing Learning. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 17(17), 65-84. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Zervas, P; Tsitmidelli, A; Sampson, DG; Chen, NS; Kinshuk (2014). Studying Research Collaboration Patterns via Co-authorship Analysis in the Field of TeL: The Case of Educational Technology & Society Journal. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 17(17), 1-16. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Sheu, FR; Chen, NS (2014). Taking a signal: A review of gesture-based computing research in education. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 78(78), 268-277. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chen, NS; Hwang, GJ (2014). Transforming the classrooms: innovative digital game-based learning designs and applications. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 62(62), 125-128. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Lin, HCK; Chen, NS; Sun, RT; Tsai, IH (2014). Usability of affective interfaces for a digital arts tutoring system. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 33(33), 104-115. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Yang, Guangbing; Chen, Nian-Shing; Kinshuk; Sutinen, Erkki; Anderson, Terry; Wen, Dunwei (2013). The effectiveness of automatic text summarization in mobile learning contexts. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 68(68), 233-243. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Wu, Wen-Chi Vivian; Marek, Michael; Chen, Nian-Shing (2013). Assessing cultural awareness and linguistic competency of EFL learners in a CMC-based active learning context. SYSTEM, 41(41), 515. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chen, Nian-Shing; Wei, Chun-Wang; Huang, Yen-Chieh; Kinshuk (2013). The integration of print and digital content for providing learners with constructive feedback using smartphones. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 44(44), 837. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Wu, Ying-Tien; Hou, Huei-Tse; Hwang, Fu-Kwun; Lee, Min-Hsien; Lai, Chih-Hung; Chiou, Guo-Li; Lee, Silvia Wen-Yu; Hsu, Yu-Chen; Liang, Jyh-Chong; Chen, Nian-Shing; Tsai, Chin-Chung (2013). A Review of Intervention Studies On Technology-assisted Instruction From 2005-2010. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 16(16), 191. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chen, Nian-Shing; Fang, Wei-Chieh (2013). Grand Challenges and Research Directions in e-Learning of the 21th Century. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 16(16), 1. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Kinshuk; Huang, Hui-Wen; Sampson, Demetrios; Chen, Nian-Shing (2013). Trends in Educational Technology through the Lens of the Highly Cited Articles Published in the Journal of Educational Technology and Society. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 16(16), 3. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chen, Nian-Shing; Hwang, Wu-Yuin; Chen, Gwo-Dong (2013). The disruptive power of virtual reality (VR) and serious games for education. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 21(21), 101. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Hung, I-Chun; Chao, Kuo-Jen; Lee, Ling; Chen, Nian-Shing (2013). Designing a robot teaching assistant for enhancing and sustaining learning motivation. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 21(21), 156. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Mottus, Alex(1); Kinshuk(2); Graf, Sabine(2); Chen, Nian-Shing(3) (2013). Visualization and interactivity in the teacher decision support system. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2013, 502-503. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Hastie, Megan(1); Minamide, Akiyuki(2); Takemata, Kazuya(2); Chen, Nian-Shing(3); Smith, Richard(4) (2013). Skilling students in ICT using long-distance controlled robots over the internet in a blended learning setting. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2013, 838-845. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Kinshuk, K.(1); Huang, Ronghuai(2); Chen, Nian-Shing(3); Chang, Maiga(1) (2013). Workshop on smart learning environments WS-SLE: Editorial. Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013, xxv. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Quadir, Benazir(1); Chen, Nian-Shing(2) (2013). The influence of reading habit on learning effectiveness in a learning blog environment. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2013, 393-397. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Huang, Ronghuai(1); Chen, Nian-Shing(2); Kang, Myunghee(3); McKenney, Susan(4); Churchill, Daniel(5) (2013). The roles of electronic books in the transformation of learning and instruction. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2013, 516-518. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chen, Nian-Shing(1); Huang, Ronghuai(2); Kinshuk(3); Li, Yanyan(2); Sampson, Demetrios G.(4) (2013). Preface : ICALT 2013. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2013, xviii-xix. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chao, Kuo-Jen(1); Huang, Hui-Wen(1); Fang, Wei-Chieh(1); Chen, Nian-Shing(1) (2013). Embodied play to learn: Exploring Kinect-facilitated memory performance. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(44), E151-E155. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chao, Kuo-Jen; Huang, Hui-Wen; Fang, Wei-Chieh; Chen, Nian-Shing (2013). Embodied play to learn: Exploring Kinect-facilitated memory performance. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 44(5), E151. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Wang, Minhong(1); Wu, Bian(1,2); Kinshuk(3); Chen, Nian-Shing(4); Spector, J. Michael(5) (2013). Connecting problem-solving and knowledge-construction processes in a visualization-based learning environment. Computers and Education, 68, 293-306. () |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Goh, TT; Seet, BC; Chen, NS (2012). The impact of persuasive SMS on students′ self-regulated learning. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43(4). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Huang, HW; Wu, CW; Chen, NS (2012). The effectiveness of using procedural scaffoldings in a paper-plus-smartphone collaborative learning context. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 59(59), 250-259. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Teng, DCE; Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Leo, T (2012). Exploring students′ learning experience in an international online research seminar in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58), 918-930. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Chang, TW; Kinshuk; Chen, NS; Yu, PT (2012). The effects of presentation method and information density on visual search ability and working memory load. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58), 721-731. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Cheng, B; Wang, MH; Moormann, J; Olaniran, BA; Chen, NS (2012). The effects of organizational learning environment factors on e-learning acceptance. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58), 885-899. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Kuo, TCT; Shadiev, R; Hwang, WY; Chen, NS (2012). Effects of applying STR for group learning activities on learning performance in a synchronous cyber classroom. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58), 600-608. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Chang, TW; Kinshuk; Chen, NS; Yu, PT (2012). The effects of presentation method and information density on visual search ability and working memory load. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Kuo, TCT; Shadiev, R; Hwang, WY; Chen, NS (2012). Effects of applying STR for group learning activities on learning performance in a synchronous cyber classroom. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Cheng, B; Wang, MH; Moormann, J; Olaniran, BA; Chen, NS (2012). The effects of organizational learning environment factors on e-learning acceptance. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Teng, DCE; Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Leo, T (2012). Exploring students′ learning experience in an international online research seminar in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 58(58). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Wei, CW; Chen, NS; Kinshuk (2012). A model for social presence in online classrooms. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 60(60). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Hsu, YC; Ho, HNJ; Tsai, CC; Hwang, GJ; Chu, HC; Wang, CY; Chen, NS (2012). Research Trends in Technology-based Learning from 2000 to 2009: A content Analysis of Publications in Selected Journals. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 15(15). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Wang, YP; Chen, NS (2012). The collaborative language learning attributes of cyber face-to-face interaction: the perspectives of the learner. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 20(20). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Hsiao, KF; Chen, NS; Huang, SY (2012). Learning while exercising for science education in augmented reality among adolescents. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 20(20). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Sampson, DG; Spector, JM; Aedo, I; Chen, NS (2012). Advanced Learning Technologies. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 15(4), 1-2. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Chao, KJ; Hung, IC; Chen, NS (2012). On the design of online synchronous assessments in a synchronous cyber classroom. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING, 28(28), 379-395. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Goh, TT; Seet, BC; Chen, NS (2012). The impact of persuasive SMS on students′ self-regulated learning. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 43(43), 624-640. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Lan, YJ; Chang, KE; Chen, NS (2012). CoCAR: An online synchronous training model for empowering ICT capacity of teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 28(28), 1020-1038. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Hwang, WY; Shadiev, R; Kuo, TCT; Chen, NS (2012). Effects of Speech-to-Text Recognition Application on Learning Performance in Synchronous Cyber Classrooms. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 15(15). (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Chang,Ting-Wen(1);Kinshuk(2);Chen,Nian-Shing(4);Yu,Pao-Ta(1) (2012). The effects of presentation method and information density on visual search ability and working memory load. Computers and Education, 58(58), 721-731. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Goh,Tiong-Thye(1);Seet,Boon-Chong(2);Chen,Nian-Shing(3) (2012). The impact of persuasive SMS on students′ self-regulated learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(43), 624-640. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Cheng,Bo(1);Wang,Minhong(1);Moormann,Jürgen(2);Olaniran,BolanleA.(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2012). The effects of organizational learning environment factors on e-learning acceptance. Computers and Education, 58(58), 885-899. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Huang,Hui-Wen(1);Wu,Chih-Wei(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(1) (2012). Using procedural scaffoldings to enhance group discourse levels in a paper-plus-smartphone learning context. Proceedings 2012 17th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012, 316-321. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Huang,Hui-Wen(1);Wu,Chih-Wei(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(1) (2012). The effectiveness of using procedural scaffoldings in a paper-plus-smartphone collaborative learning context. Computers and Education, 59(59), 250-259. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Teng,DanielChia-En(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Kinshuk(2);Leo,Tommaso(3) (2012). Exploring students′ learning experience in an international online research seminar in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom. Computers and Education, 58(58), 918-930. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Lin, KM; Chen, NS; Fang, KT (2011). Understanding e-learning continuance intention: a negative critical incidents perspective. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 30, 77-89. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chen, NS; Quadir, B; Teng, DC (2011). Integrating book, digital content and robot for enhancing elementary school students'' learning of English. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 27, 546-561. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chen, NS; Teng, DCE; Lee, CH; Kinshuk (2011). Augmenting paper-based reading activity with direct access to digital materials and scaffolded questioning. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 57, 1705-1715. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | McGreal, R; Chen, NS (2011). AUPress: A Comparison of an Open Access University Press with Traditional Presses. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 14, 231-239. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Wei, CW; Liu, CC (2011). Effects of matching teaching strategy to thinking style on learner''s quality of reflection in an online learning environment. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 56, 53-64. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Hwang, WY; Chen, NS; Shadiev, R; Li, JS (2011). Effects of reviewing annotations and homework solutions on math learning achievement. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 42, 1016-1028. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Hsieh, SW; Jang, YR; Hwang, GJ; Chen, NS (2011). Effects of teaching and learning styles on students'' reflection levels for ubiquitous learning. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 57, 1194-1201. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Teng,DanielChia-En(1);Lee,Cheng-Han(1);Kinshuk(2) (2011). Augmenting paper-based reading activity with direct access to digital materials and scaffolded questioning. Computers and Education, 57, 1705-1715. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Hung,I-Chun(1);Lee,Ling(1);Chao,Kuo-Jen(2);Chen,Nian-Shing(1) (2011). Applying ARCS model for enhancing and sustaining learning motivation in using robot as teaching assistant. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6872 LNCS, 334-341. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Quadir,Benazir(1);Teng,DanielC.(1) (2011). A novel approach of learning English with robot for elementary school students. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6872 LNCS, 309-316. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Hsiao,Kuei-Fang(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(2) (2011). The development of the AR-fitness system in education. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6872 LNCS, 2-11. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Kuo,TonyC.T.(1);Shadiev,Rustam(2);Hwang,Wu-Yuin(2);Chen,Nian-Shing(3) (2011). Effects of applying STR for group learning activities on learning performance in a synchronous cyber classroom. Proceedings of the 2011 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2011, 232-236. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Hwang,Wu-Yuin(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(2);Shadiev,Rustam(3);Li,Jin-Sing(4) (2011). Effects of reviewing annotations and homework solutions on math learning achievement. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42, 1016-1028. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Hsieh,Sheng-Wen(1);Jang,Yu-Ruei(2);Hwang,Gwo-Jen(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(2) (2011). Effects of teaching and learning styles on students′ reflection levels for ubiquitous learning. Computers and Education, 57, 1194-1201. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Wang, YP; Chen, NS; Levy, M (2010). Teacher training in a synchronous cyber face-to-face classroom: characterizing and supporting the online teachers learning process. COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING, 277-293. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Wang, YP; Chen, NS; Levy, M (2010). The design and implementation of a holistic training model for language teacher education in a cyber face-to-face learning environment. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 777-788. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chen, NS; Ko, L (2010). An Online Synchronous Test for Professional Interpreters. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 153-165. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Tsai, CC; Chen, NS; Chen, GD (2010). The current status and future of e-learning in Taiwan INTRODUCTION. INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL, 5-7. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Hastie, M; Hung, IC; Chen, NS; Kinshuk (2010). A blended synchronous learning model for educational international collaboration. INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL, 9-24. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Wei,Chun-Wang(2);Liu,Chia-Chi(1) (2010). 20104413346607Title:Effects of adaptive reflection teaching strategies on learners'' reflection levels in a web-based learning environment. Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2010, 241-245. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Teng,DanielChia-En(1);Lee,Cheng-Han(1) (2010). 20102813076811Title:Augmenting paper-based reading activities with mobile technology to enhance reading comprehension. 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education, WMUTE 2010: Mobile Social Media for Learning and Education in Formal and Informal Settings, 201-203. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Leone,Sabrina(1);Leo,Tommaso(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(2) (2010). 20104413346571Title:An integrated model of synchronous cyber assessment and blended learning environment for foreign language learners. Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2010, 110-112. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Wang,Yuping(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(2);Levy,Mike(1) (2010). 20102312992829Title:The design and implementation of a holistic training model for language teacher education in a cyber face-to-face learning environment. Computers and Education, 55(2), 777-788. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Hung,I-Chun(1);Wei,Chun-Wang(1) (2010). 20102513027641Title:Developing ubiquitous learning system with robots for children''s learning. DIGITEL 2010 - The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning, 61-68. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Xiao,Yingcai(1);Muffoletto,Roberto(2);Amon,Tomaz(3);Kommers,Piet(4);Isaías,Pedro(5);Ifenthaler,Dirk(6);Chen,Nian-Shing(7) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences - Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2010, CGVCVIP 2010, Visual Communication 2010: Creative Industries, Photography and Culture, VC 2010, Web Virtual Reality and Three-Dimensional Worlds 2010, Web3DW 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. - Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, CGVCVIP 2010, Visual Commun., VC 2010, Web3DW 2010, Part of the MCCSIS 2010, xiii-xiv. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Blashki,Katherine(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Ifenthaler,Dirk(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010, IHCI, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010, IHCI, Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. Game and Entertainment Technologies 2010, Part of the MCCSIS 2010, xiii-xiv. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Bradley,Gunilla(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Ifenthaler,Dirk(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference ICT, Society and Human Beings 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference ICT, Society and Human Beings 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Nunes,MiguelBaptista(1);McPherson,Maggie(2);Kommers,Piet(3);Isaías,Pedro(4);Ifenthaler,Dirk(5);Chen,Nian-Shing(6) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010, 1, ix-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Macedo,Mário(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Ifenthaler,Dirk(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2010, EH, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2010, EH, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010, xi-xiii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Kommers,Piet(1);Isaías,Pedro(2);Ifenthaler,Dirk(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Collaborative Technologies 2010, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. Collaborative Technologies 2010, Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. Web Based Communities 2010, Part of the MCCSIS 2010, v-vi. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Krishnamurthy,Sandeep(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Ifenthaler,Dirk(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2010, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Democracy, Equity and Social Justice 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. e-Commerce 2010, Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. e-Democracy, Equity and Social Justice 2010, Part of the MCCSIS 2010, xi-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Weghorn,Hans(1);Roth,Jörg(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Kommers,Piet(4);Ifenthaler,Dirk(5);Chen,Nian-Shing(6) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences Informatics 2010, Wireless Applications and Computing 2010, Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proc. of the IADIS Int. Confs. - Informatics 2010, Wireless Applications and Computing 2010, Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2010, Part of the MCCSIS 2010, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Abraham,AjithP.(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Ifenthaler,Dirk(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2010). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents 2010, Proceedings of the IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2010, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, MCCSIS 2010: Foreword. Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. Intelligent Systems and Agents 2010, Proc. of the IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2010, Part of the MCCSIS 2010, vii-viii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Wang, Y; Chen, NS (2009). Criteria for evaluating synchronous learning management systems: arguments from the distance language classroom. COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING, 1-18. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Graf, S; Liu, TC; Kinshuk; Chen, NS; Yang, SJH (2009). Learning styles and cognitive traits - Their relationship and its benefits in web-based educational systems. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 1280-1289. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Liu, CC; Chung, CW; Chen, NS; Liu, BJ (2009). Analysis of Peer Interaction in Learning Activities with Personal Handhelds and Shared Displays. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 127-142. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen, NS; Tsai, CC (2009). Knowledge infrastructure of the future. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 1-4. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chu, HC; Hwang, GJ; Tsai, CC; Chen, NS (2009). An innovative approach for promoting information exchanges and sharing in a Web 2.0-based learning environment. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 311-323. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | (2009). Criteria for evaluating synchronous learning management systems: arguments from the distance language classroom. COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING, 1-18. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen, YS; Chen, NS; Tsai, CC (2009). The use of online synchronous discussion for web-based professional development for teachers. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 1155-1166. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen, IYL; Chen, NS; Kinshuk (2009). Examining the Factors Influencing Participants' Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Learning Communities. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 134-148. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen, NS; Wei, CW; Wu, KT; Uden, L (2009). Effects of high level prompts and peer assessment on online learners' reflection levels. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 283-291. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Wei,Chun-Wang(2);Wu,Kuen-Ting(1);Uden,Lorna(3) (2009). Effects of high level prompts and peer assessment on online learners'' reflection levels. Computers and Education, 52(2), 283-291. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Kinshuk(2);Wei,Chun-Wang(3);Wang,Mao-Jui(1) (2009). A framework for social presence in synchronous cyber classrooms. Proceedings - 2009 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2009, 40-44. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Wei,Chun-Wang(2);Chen,Wei-Sheng(1) (2009). Developing a GroupNet system to solve groupthink problem. Proceedings - 2009 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2009, 264-266. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Abraham,AjithP.(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2009). Proceedings of the IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2009, ECDM′09 Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2009, ECDM'09 Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Macedo,Mário(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2009). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009, ix-xi. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Weghorn,Hans(1);Roth,Jörg(2);Kommers,Piet(4);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2009). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Informatics 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Informatics 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Nunes,MiguelBaptista(1);McPherson,Maggie(2);Kommers,Piet(3);Isaías,Pedro(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2009). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009, 1, ix-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Krishnamurthy,Sandeep(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2009). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2009, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2009, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Xiao,Yingcai(1);Amon,Tomaz(2);Kommers,Piet(3);Isaías,Pedro(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2009). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2009, CGVCVIP 2009. Part of the IADIS MCCSIS 2009: Foreword. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2009, CGVCVIP 2009. Part of the IADIS MCCSIS 2009, xi-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen, JM; Kinshuk; Chen, NS; Lin, TY (2008). Student profile transformation between desktop PCs and mobile phones. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 115-126. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen, NS; Wang, YP (2008). Testing principles of language learning in a cyber face-to-face environment. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 97-113. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Wei, CW; Yang, SJH (2008). Designing a self-contained group area network for ubiquitous learning. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 16-26. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen, NS; Kinshuk; Wei, CW; Chen, HJ (2008). Mining e-Learning domain concept map from academic articles. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 1009-1021. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen, NS; Lin, KM; Kinshuk (2008). Analysing users' satisfaction with e-learning using a negative critical incidents approach. INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL, 115-126. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Hastie,Megan(1);Chen,Nian-Shing(3);Todd,RossJ.(4) (2008). Multiple participants, multiple locations, multiple time zones and multitasking in the synchronous cyber classroom. Proceedings - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008, 654-656. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Graf,Sabine(1);MacCallum,Kathryn(2);Liu,Tzu-Chien(3);Chang,Maiga(4);Wen,Dunwei(4);Tan,Qing(4);Dron,Jon(4);Lin,Fuhua(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5);McGreal,Rory(4);Kinshuk(4) (2008). An infrastructure for developing pervasive learning environments. 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008, 389-394. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen,Nian-Shing(1);Kinshuk(2);Wei,Chun-Wang(1);Chen,Hong-Jhe(1) (2008). Mining e-Learning domain concept map from academic articles. Computers and Education, 50(3), 1009-1021. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Blashki,Katherine(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008, xi-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | DosReis,AntónioPalma(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008, ix-xi. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Bradley,Gunilla(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of ICT, Society and Human Beings 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of ICT, Society and Human Beings 2008, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Nunes,MiguelBaptista(1);McPherson,Maggie(2);Kommers,Piet(3);Isaías,Pedro(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of e-Learning 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of e-Learning 2008, 1, xi-xiv. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Abraham,AjithP.(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Informatics 2008 and Data Mining 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Informatics 2008 and Data Mining 2008, vii-viii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Thij,EleonoreTen(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008 and Gaming 2008: Design for Engaging Experience and Social Inter: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008 and Gaming 2008: Design for Engaging Experience Soc. Interaction, v-vii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen,Nian-Shing;Wang,Yuping;Wu,Ping-Ju;Levy,Mike (2008). Developing a pedagogically meaningful e-tutor training program for cyber face-to-face language teaching. Proceedings - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008, p 361-365. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Chen,Nian-Shing;Wei,Chun-Wang;Uden,Lorna;Wu,Kung-Ting (2008). Effects of reflective teaching strategies on online learners' reflection levels. Proceedings - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008, p 384-386. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Krishnamurthy,Sandeep(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS''08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings e-Commerce 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings e-Commerce 2008, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Xiao,Yingcai(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008 and Gaming 2008: Design for Engaging Experience Soc. Interaction, xiii-xv. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Bradley,Gunilla(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of ICT, Society and Human Beings 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of ICT, Society and Human Beings 2008, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Krishnamurthy,Sandeep(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings e-Commerce 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings e-Commerce 2008, ix-x. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Thij,EleonoreTen(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008 and Gaming 2008: Design for Engaging Experience and Social Inter: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008 and Gaming 2008: Design for Engaging Experience Soc. Interaction, v-vii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Roth,Jörg(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Wireless Applications and Computing 2008 and Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Wireless Applications and Computing 2008 and Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2008, xi-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | DosReis,AntónioPalma(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008, ix-xi. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Blashki,Katherine(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008, xi-xii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Abraham,AjithP.(1);Kommers,Piet(2);Isaías,Pedro(3);Chen,Nian-Shing(4) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Informatics 2008 and Data Mining 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Informatics 2008 and Data Mining 2008, vii-viii. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | Nunes,MiguelBaptista(1);McPherson,Maggie(2);Kommers,Piet(3);Isaías,Pedro(4);Chen,Nian-Shing(5) (2008). MCCSIS′08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of e-Learning 2008: Foreword. MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of e-Learning 2008, 1, xi-xiv. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Chen NS (Chen, Nian-Shing), Kinshuk (Kinshuk), Wang YH (Wang, Yi-Hung) (2007). Cyber schooling framework: Improving mobility and situated learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION?, -. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Yang, SJH; Chen, IYL; Kinshuk; Chen, NS (2007). Enhancing the quality of e-learning in virtual learning communities by finding quality learning content and trustworthy collaborators. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 84-95. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Hwang, WY; Chen, NS; Dung, JJ; Yang, YL (2007). Multiple representation skills and creativity effects on mathematical problem solving using a multimedia whiteboard system. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 191-212. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Hastie, M., Chen, N. S., Kuo, Y. H. (2007). Instructional Design for Best Practice in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom. Educational Technology & Society, 10, 281-294. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Yang, J. H., Chen, Y. L. Kinshuk, Chen, N. S. (2007). Enhancing Quality of E-Learning in Virtual Learning Communities by Finding Quality Learning Content and Trustworthy Collaborators. Educational Technology, 10, 84-95. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Hastie M (Hastie, Megan), Chen NS (Chen, Nian-Shing), Kuo YH (Kuo, Yen-Hung) (2007). Instructional design for best practice in the synchronous cyber classroom. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, -. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | 陳年興, 謝盛文, 黃琬婷 (2007)。自動化建構具時間向度之知識結構映射圖--以資訊管理領域之知識及其演進為例。資訊管理學報,14(1),1-32。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | Wang, Y. & Chen, N. S. (2007). Online synchronous language learning: SLMS over the internet. Innovate, 3(3). (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2007 | 林甘敏, 陳年興 (2007)。網路大學學員接受度與管理方案之探討。成人及終身教育學刊,7,43-73。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | Lin, FR; Huang, KJ; Chen, NS (2006). Integrating information retrieval and data mining to discover project team coordination patterns. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | Hwang WY, Chen NS, Hsu RL (2006). Development and evaluation of multimedia whiteboard system for improving mathematical problem solving. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | Chen, N. S. Kinshuk, Wang, Y. H. (2006). Cyber Schooling Framework: Improving Mobility and Situated Learning. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(3), 1-33. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | Chen, N.S., Hsieh, S.W., Kinshuk (2006). Content Adaptation for Language Learning Based on Short-team Memory Ability in Mobile Learning Environment. Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, 9(3), 831-837. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | 陳年興, 魏春旺 (2006)。影響網路學習環境中學習者知識分享因素之探討。創新與管理,3(2),81-104。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | 陳年興, 謝盛文 (2006)。手機廣告表現方式與個人短期記憶能力導向對廣告溝通效果之影響。電子商務研究,4(2),157-180。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2006 | 陳年興, 謝盛文 (2006)。成人學習者與網路學習科目之適配性研究。教學科技與媒體。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2005 | Chen, N.S., Kinshuk, Ko, H.C., Lin, T.Y. (2005). A Model for Synchronous Learning Using the Internet. Innovattions in Education and Teaching International. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2005 | 林甘敏,陳年興,方國定 (2005)。結合傳統與網路教學和純網路教學在學習成效與班級氣氛之比較。當代教育研究季刊。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2005 | Chen, N.S., Hsieh, S.W., Liao, Y.H. (2005). Factors Affecting Student's Failure Response in Participating Mission Based Learning. Global Chinese Journail for Computers in Eduaction. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2005 | Yang, J.T., Yu, P.T., Chen, N.S., Tsai, C.Y., Lee, C.C., Lin, T.Y. (2005). Using Ontologyas Scaffolding for Authoring Teaching Materials. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2004 | Chen,Nian-Shing;Lin,Kan-Min;Kinshuk[322,資管系,陳年興] (2004). Assessment of E-learning satisfaction from critical incidents perspective. ICEIS 2004 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p 27-34. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2004 | Chen,Nian-Shing;Kinshuk;Ko,Hsiu-Chia;Lin,Taiyu[322,資管系,陳年興] (2004). Synchronous learning model over the Internet. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2004, p 505-509. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2002 | Yang, SC; Chen, NS; Chen, AS[454,教育所,楊淑晴|322,資管系,陳年興] (2002). A student-generated web-based oral history project. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING, 18, 272-281. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2002 | 陳年興,林甘敏 (2002)。網路學習之學習行為與學習成效分析。資訊管理學報。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2001 | 陳年興,石岳峻 (2001)。新世紀教學架構與教學設計。資訊管理學報。(TSSCI) |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chang, C. S., Liu, E. Z. F., Hu, D. C., & Chen, N. S (2010). Developing a media literacy self-evaluation scale. Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010(APTEL2010)., . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chen, N. S., Hung, I. C., Lee, L., & Wei, C. W. (2010). Exploring the Impact of Children s Mathematics Learning in the Ubiquitous Learning System with Robot Learning Companion. Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010(APTEL2010)., . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Hastie, M., & Chen, N. S. (2010). Using Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning Solutions as the Negotiating Tool in Content Development Dcision-making. the Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010 (APTEL2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chen, N. S., Hung, I. C., & Wei, C. W. (2010). Developing Ubiquitous Learning System with Robots for Children s Learning. the Third IEEE International Conference on DIGITAL GAME AND INTELLIGENT TOY ENHANCED LEARNING (DIGITEL2010),, . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chen, N. S., Teng, C. E., & Lee, C. H. (2010). Augmenting Paper-based Reading Activities with Mobile Technology to Enhance Reading Comprehension. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Liu, C. C. (2010). Effects of Adaptive Reflection Teaching Strategies on Learners Reflection Levels in a Web-based Learning Environment. the IEEE 10th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Leone, S., Leo, T., & Chen, N. S. (2010). An Integrated Model of Synchronous Cyber Assessment and Blended Learning Environment for Foreign Language Learners.. the IEEE 10th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Teng, D. C.-E., Leo, T., Kinshuk, & Chen, N. S. (2010). A preliminary study on students learning experience in an international online research seminar.. the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA),, . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Wei, C. C., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk. (2010). A Model for Social Presence in an Online Classroom. the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 李政翰, 鄧佳恩, & 陳年興 (2010). 在紙本與數位教材整合環境中QR code 自動化連結與提問式鷹架對英文閱讀成效之影響.. 第十六屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 謝盛文, 張育瑞, 陳年興, & 黃國禎 (2010). 適性化反思提問機制對於u-learning學習者反思層次之影響. 電子商務研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 吳執維 (2010). 應用概念圖於同步網路教室之英文字彙教學設計.. 第十六屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 陳年興, 魏春旺, 楊琇鈞, & 洪逸群 (2010). 整合書本、數位教材與機器人輔助國小學童英語學習. , . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 謝宗翰 (2010). Podcasting應用於個人化課程複習之研究. 第六屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃一芳 (2010). 探討微網誌提問策略對學習者反思層次之影響. 第六屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2010 | 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃彥傑 (2010). 探討紙本與數位教材整合學習系統對於學習成效之影響. 臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2010), . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 郭順賢,謝盛文,陳年興 (2005). 起落航線數位視聽教材發展應用之研究. 全國計算機會議, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | Nian-Shing Chen, Sheng-Wen Hsieh (2005). evaluation of mobile advertisement effect using information processing theory. the 14th international coference on comparative management, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 陳年興,謝盛文,謝財旺 (2005). 手機上行動廣告表現方式與個人短期記憶能力導向對廣告溝通效果之影響. 第11屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 陳年興,謝盛文,黃盟升 (2005). 以互動性距離理論來探討傳統教室,遠距教室與網路同步教室之學習滿意度差異. 2005台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 陳年興,謝盛文,鄭百勝 (2005). 自動化建構具時間向度之知識概念圖--以資訊管理領域之知識及其演進為例. 台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | Nian-Shing Chen, Kinshuk & Yi-Hung Wang (2005). cyber schooling framework: improving mobility and situated learninig. IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 陳年興,葉筱蘋, 林甘敏 (2005). 以結構化觀察法解析混成教學與網路教學對學生之學習成效與問題解決之影響. 台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | Alexei Tretiakov, Nian-Shing Chen, Kinshuk & Sven Hartmann (2005). formal logic as a learning facilitation tool. IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 張原禎,陳年興 (2005). 中小學教師網路進修方案--以台北縣k12數位常校為例. 數位學習設計與管理學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 謝盛文,陳年興 (2005). 行動廣告呈現方式與短期記憶能力導向對廣告效果之影響. 第16屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 陳弘哲,謝盛文,陳年興 (2005). 自動化建構elearning領域之知識結構映射圖. 第16屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2005 | 陳年興,陳怡如,林甘敏 (2005). 純網路班與混成班學習成效與班級氣氛之分析比較. 第16屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2004 | NS Chen, KM Lin, Kinshuk (2004). Assemssmet of E-learning satisfaction from critical incidents perspective. ICEIS, . |
研討會論文 | 2004 | (2004). . ICEIS, . |
研討會論文 | 2004 | (2004). . ICEIS, 中華民國. |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 謝盛文, 陳道輝, 陳年興 (2003). 利用知識關聯圖達到外顯知識分享之研究. 全國計算機會議, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 陳芸霈, 謝盛文, 陳年興 (2003). 從學習歷程記錄檔動態建構決策樹以支援適性化教學. 全國計算機會議, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 謝盛文, 陳年興 (2003). 由學習者屬性來自動推薦最學習科目--以中山網路大學為例. 全國計算機會議, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 陳年興, 呂炳輝 (2003). 完整行動化學習環境之探討-行動學校, 行動教室, 行動講台與行動書桌. 台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 施勝傑, 陳年興 (2003). 網路教學同步式線上office hours之問題與對策--以中山網路大學為例. 台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 陳年興, 魏銪志, 蕭群祐, 林秉忠 (2003). 高速乙太網路下網路型入侵偵測系統比較測試. 台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 黃武元, 許榮隆, 陳年興, 洪雪芬 (2003). 同儕式多媒體討論區促進教學問題解決之研究--以分數法除法為例. 台灣網際網路研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 黃琬婷, 謝盛文, 陳年興 (2003). 不同虛據組織利用網路教學平台導入知識管理之探討. 第14屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 林甘敏, 陳年興, 張青桃 (2003). E-learning Factors on Achievement: learner charcteristic, satisfaction, and devotion. 第14屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | YC Shih, NS Chen (2003). Theoretical Analysis of Mission-Based Learning Model. ICALT, . |
研討會論文 | 2003 | 陳年興, 廖聖傑 (2003). 網路學習標準--測驗向度之比較分析. 第3屆網路教學系統平台與內容標準化學術研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2001 | 陳年興,林甘敏 (2001). 網路大學學習問題探討. 第5屆全球華人學習科技研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2001 | 陳年興,石岳峻 (2001). 建置學習網站之可行性分析與效益評估. 第5屆全球華人學習科技研討會, . |
專書及專章 | 2006 | 陳年興 (2006). 數位學習理論與實務. 博碩文化股份有限公司 |
專書及專章 | 2002 | 陳年興 (2002). K12數位學校的教與學--網路教學的基礎與應用. 師路管理顧問公司 |
年度 | 名稱 |
2018 | 物聯網互動式樂譜創作學習玩具. 科技部 (107-2813-C-110-031-H) |
2017 | 教育機器人的需求分析、重要研究議題及創新應用之研發. 科技部 (106-2511-S-110-002-MY3) |
2017 | 互動式體感手語學習系統之研發. 科技部 (106-2813-C-110-020-U) |
2016 | 餐飲機器人服務生系統. 科技部 (105-2815-C-110-082-U) |
2015 | 開發與評估遊戲式體感體適能系統對促進高齡者體適能之成效. 科技部 (103-2511-S-110-002-MY3) |
2015 | 互動式體感交通安全模擬與危險事故規避訓練系統. 科技部 (104-2815-C-110-018-U) |
2015 | 總計畫:應用穿戴式科技開發情境感知與即時適性之EFL學習環境-子計畫二:利用穿戴式科技與溝通式教學法研發即時適性學習系統促進EFL溝通能力. 科技部 (104-2511-S-110-007-MY3) |
2015 | 總計畫:應用穿戴式科技開發情境感知與即時適性之EFL學習環境-總計畫:應用穿戴式科技開發情境感知與即時適性之EFL學習環境. 科技部 (104-2511-S-110-009-MY3) |
2014 | 應用科學教育學門發展與推動. 科技部 (103-2517-S-110-001-) |
2014 | 運用互動式體感及腦波協助腦性麻痺患者復健之系統. 科技部 (103-2815-C-110-039-U) |
2013 | 自然人機介面整合式雲端數位學習平台之設計、開發、實施與評估-總計畫與子計畫二:基於NICE平台探討教. 科技部 (101-2511-S-110-003-MY3) |
2013 | 赴澳大利亞參訪科學教育研究機構. 科技部 (102-2517-S-110-001-) |
2013 | 以體感機器人學伴建置互動式學習空間並強化英文學習成效之研究. 科技部 (100-2511-S-110-001-MY3) |
2013 | 應用科學教育學門發展與推動. 科技部 (101-2517-S-110-001-MY2) |
2013 | 互動式體感旅遊知識學習系統. 科技部 (102-2815-C-110-035-S) |
2012 | 一個整合書本、手機與數位學習教材的創新學習方式:系統設計、開發及實驗評估. 科技部 (NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3) |
2012 | 以體感機器人學伴建置互動式學習空間並強化英文學習成效之研究. 科技部 (NSC100-2511-S-110-001-MY3) |
2012 | 自然人機介面. 科技部 (NSC101-2511-S-110-003-MY3) |
2012 | 應用科學教育學門發展與推動. 科技部 (NSC101-2517-S-110-001-MY2) |
2012 | Dead or alive Vital fantasy互動式體感防災學習系統. 科技部 (101-2815-C-110-041-E) |
2011 | 動英文-體感英文教學系統. 科技部 (100-2815-C-110-034-S) |
2011 | 數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫-「數位典藏與學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫」分項計畫-子計畫:數位學. 科技部 (NSC100-2631-S-110-001) |
2010 | 一個整合書本、手機與數位學習教材的創新學習方式:系統設計、開發及實驗評估. 科技部 (NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3) |
2010 | 我的電子小書僮─悅趣式互動學習系統研究. 科技部 (99-2815-C-110-037-S) |
2009 | 數位學習環境中反思教學策略對於學習者反思層次之影響. 科技部 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3) |
2009 | 我的機器人老師—無線射頻結合智慧型機器人之互動學習系統研究. 科技部 (98-2815-C-110-038-S) |
2008 | 數位學習環境中反思教學策略對於學習者反思層次之影響. 科技部 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3) |
2007 | 以短期記憶能力導向探討行動化學習環境下之語文學習(2/2). 科技部 (NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2) |
2006 | 以短期記憶能力導向探討行動化學習環境下之語文學習(1/2). 科技部 (NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2) |
2006 | 95A11312離島及偏遠地區中小學在職教師遠距教學課程開辦計畫-線上課程經營理論與實務(採購編號:. 教育部 (95176) |
2006 | 以Podcast技術建構自動化多媒體影音發布平台. 科技部 (95-2815-C-110 -009 -S) |
2006 | 95A11312離島及偏遠地區中小學在職教師遠距教學課程開辦計畫-線上課程經營理論與實務(採購編號:950125555). 教育部 (95176) |
2005 | 適性化學習環境中多媒體教材的媒體呈現型態與學習者的認知能力對認知負荷與學習成效的影響. 科技部 (NSC94-2520-S-110-001) |
2005 | 攜遊記-行動化多媒體旅遊網誌專題研究. 科技部 (94-2815-C-110 -024 -H) |
2005 | 網路安全檢測服務. 宏瞻資訊科技股份有限公司 (94033) |
2004 | 符合SCORM標準的先進數位學習系統之研究—總計畫. 科技部 (NSC93-2524-S-110-001) |
2004 | 符合SCORM標準的先進數位學習系統之研究—先進適性化網路學習平台之開發與應用. 科技部 (NSC93-2524-S-110-002) |
2004 | 01-03超級視訊格網(Access Grid)計畫委託研究案. 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心 (93099.1) |
2003 | 國科會與教育部合作目標導向計畫-中小學數學領域透過數位網路在職進修系統之研發及成效評估(2/2). 科技部 (NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3) |
2003 | 知識分享:顯性知識採用知識關聯圖及性隱性知識採用知識地圖. 科技部 (NSC92-2213-E-110-041) |
2003 | 92H10102學習科技│主動社會學習及其應用‧從台灣到全世界‧分項計畫三‧任務式學習│「使命式學習. 國立中央大學 (1402) |
2003 | 92FM060國家寬頻實驗網路(NBEN)網路安全建置與實驗計畫︱子計畫一︰NBEN南區網路安全建置. 國立成功大學 (1473) |
2003 | 跨平台試題分享與試卷排版系統之設計與實作. 科技部 (92-2815-C-110 -011 -S) |
2003 | 92H10102學習科技│主動社會學習及其應用‧從台灣到全世界‧分項計畫三‧任務式學習│「使命式學習模式探討與學習活動設計」. 國立中央大學 (1402) |
2003 | 92FM060國家寬頻實驗網路(NBEN)網路安全建置與實驗計畫︱子計畫一︰NBEN南區網路安全建置與預警規劃. 國立成功大學 (1473) |
2003 | 駭客入侵防護研究計畫. 財團法人資訊工業策進會 (1399) |
2003 | 超級視訊格網(Access Grid)遠距視訊與教學應用委託案. 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心 (1439) |
2002 | 中小學數學領域透過數位網路在職進修系統之研發及成效評估(1/2). 科技部 (NSC91-MOE-S-110-002-X3) |
2002 | 永續發展概念落實於南台灣中小學環境教育之研究-網路教學與教師社群網站之研發(2/2). 科技部 (NSC91-2511-S-110-004) |
2002 | NBEN寬頻網路視訊會議及影音系統整合應用. 科技部 (NSC91-2219-E-110-007) |
2001 | 微軟網路安全研究計畫書. 台灣微軟股份有限公司 (1042) |
2001 | 企業網路大學教學平台,多媒體課程內容呈現設計之規劃與建構. 台灣有線視訊寬頻網路發展協進會 (1044) |
2001 | 研發網路入侵偵測技術並提供系統弱點及解決方案. 財團法人資訊工業策進會 (1081) |
2000 | 寬頻網路上企業網路大學之規劃與建置. 台灣有線視訊寬頻網路發展協進會 (839) |
1999 | 跨國網際網路應用指標及衡量體系研究與規劃. 財團法人資訊工業策進會 (789) |
1999 | 公誠電子與中山大學建教合作. 公誠電子股份有限公司 (661) |
1998 | 82013 LEARNING SPACE COURSEWARE DEVELOPMENT. 台灣國際商業機器股份有限公司 (598) |
1998 | 82031跨國Internet應用指標及衡量體系研究與規劃. 財團法人資訊工業策進會 (623) |
1997 | 7V-013跨國Internet應用指標及衡量體系. 財團法人資訊工業策進會 (472) |
1996 | 6W-002 Internet 應用發展指標分析與研究. 資訊工業策進會 (355) |
1995 | 以Script技術在www通用應用架構之研發. 工業技術研究院電腦與通訊工業研究所 (131) |
1970 | 自然人機介面整合式雲端數位學習平台之設計、開發、實施與評估-總計畫與子計畫二:基於NICE平台探討教育理論結合自然人機介面於學習應用之設計、開發、實施與評估. 科技部 (101-2511-S-110-003-MY3) |
1970 | 數位典藏與數位學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫-數位學習國際合作計畫. 科技部 (NSC99-2631-S-110-001-) |
1970 | 數位典藏與學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫-數位學習國際合作計畫. 科技部 (NSC98-2631-S-110-001) |
1970 | 數位學期國際期刊研究議題內容分析與趨勢探討(1/3). 科技部 (100-2911-I-110-503) |
1970 | 數位學期國際期刊研究議題內容分析與趨勢探討(2/3). 科技部 (101-2911-I-110-508) |
1970 | 數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫-「數位典藏與學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫」分項計畫-子計畫:數位學習國際合作計畫. 科技部 (NSC100-2631-S-110-001) |
學年度 | 學期 | 必選修 | 開課系所 | 課號 | 課程名稱 |
年度 | 名稱 | 頒獎機構 |
2016 | 中山講座 | |
2015 | 西灣講座 | |
2014 | 西灣講座 | |
2013 | 西灣講座 | |
2012 | 西灣講座 | |
2011 | 國科會傑出研究獎當然得獎人 | |
2011 | 研究傑出教師 | |
2010 | 本校特聘教授及傑出教師 | |
2008 | 國科會傑出研究獎當然得獎人 | |
2008 | 研究傑出教師 |
起迄日期 | 計劃/活動名稱 | 計劃/活動內容 | 擔任角色 |