姓名 何佳澔
專長及研究領域 組織理論與管理, 商業永續與循環經濟, 組織與企業內外行動主義, 永續創業
研究室 4065

學歷 2022, 博士, 商學院, 艾希特大學
2014, 碩士, 人力資源管理研究所, 中央大學
2011, 學士, 社會工作學系, 輔仁大學
個人經歷 2022-10-01 ~ 2024-06-30, 布魯內爾大學商學院, 研究員 (博士後)
類別 年度 名稱
期刊論文 2024 Ho, CH., Campenni, M., Manolchev, C., Lewis, D & Mustafee, N (2024). Exploring the Coping Strategies of Bullying Targets in Organisations Through Abductive Reasoning: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach. Journal of Business Ethics. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Ho, C. H., Böhm, S., & Monciardini, D. (2022). The collaborative and contested interplay between business and civil society in circular economy transitions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(6), 2714-2727. (SSCI)
研討會論文 2023 Ho, C. H. Böhm, S., & Monciardini, D. (2023). Organizing Hybrid Circularity: Understanding Logics of Complex Social and Environmental Problems. 2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, United States.
研討會論文 2021 Ho, C. H. and Monciardini, D. (2021). The role of civil society in advancing the circular plastics economy. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, Netherlands.
研討會論文 2020 Ho, C. H., Campenni M., and Manolchev C. (2020). Producing Organizational Space: A Network Analysis of Coping Strategies for Bullied Employees in the UK Healthcare Sector. INSNA 2020 Sunbelt Virtual Conference, .
研討會論文 2020 Ho, C . H. and Mo nciardini, D (2020). Exploring the role of market activism in driving a circular economy transition: a mixed-method social network approach. INSNA 2020 Sunbelt Virtual Conference, .
研討會論文 2019 Ho, C . H. and Mo nciardini, D. (2019) (2019). The Role of Corporate Activism in Driving a Transition towards a Circular Economy. 35th EGOS Colloquium 2019, UK.
研討會論文 2018 Ho, C. H. and Liu, N. (2018) (2018). Rethinking CSR Disclosure with Evolutionary Perspective: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Publicly-Traded Companies.. 2018 International Association for Business & Society (IABS) annual meeting, Hong Kong.
專書及專章 2023

何佳澔 (2023). Circular society activism: prefigurative communities in everyday circular economy action. Böhm, S, Ho, C. H., Holmes, H, Manolchev C, Rödl M, & Spekkink W. Handbook of the Circular Economy: Transitions and Transformation (241-260) . De Gruyter

專書及專章 2021

何佳澔 (2021). Organizing for a circular economy: internal activism and organizational boundaries in SMEs. Ho, C . H., Mo nciardini, D, Glücksman E. Research Handbook on Innovation for a Circular Economy (72-83) . Edward Elgar Publishing

年度 名稱
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年度 指導學生 學位 名稱
年度 名稱 頒獎機構
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