姓名 | 周軒逸 |
職稱 | 教授 |
專長及研究領域 | 廣告效果、消費者行為、行銷研究、政治傳播、電子商務 |
研究室 | 管 4082 |
分機 | 4966 |
hsuanyi@mail.nsysu.edu.tw |
學歷 | 2010, 博士, 商學研究所, 臺灣大學 2005, 碩士, 管理學研究所, 輔仁大學 2003, 學士, 資訊科學系, 政治大學 |
個人經歷 | 2015-08-01 ~ , 中山大學(行銷)傳播管理研究所, 副教授 2011-08-01 ~ 2015-07-31, 中山大學(行銷)傳播管理研究所, 助教教授 |
類別 | 年度 | 名稱 |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Tan, Y., & Chou, H.-Y. (2024). Image, issue, and affective priming effects of candidates’ Facebook posts on voters’ trait perceptions and overall evaluations. Asian Journal of Communication, 34(1), 1-23. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | 周軒逸、謝宗憲 (2024). The Impact of Sweet Love: Effects of Romantic Stimuli on Food Attitudes and Purchase Intentions. Journal of Management and Business Research, 41(2), 249-284. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | 周軒逸、盧怡撰 (2024). The Love Close at Hand but Unattainable: Impact of Idol Attachment on Consumers’ Responses Toward Product Placement in Dramas. Journal of Management and Business Research, 41(4), 457-495. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | 周軒逸、黃湘涵、張欽富 (2024). The Impact of Tourism Advertising Appeals and Element Combinations on Tourism Image and Intention to Visit. Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study , 37(4), 61-96. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | 周軒逸、蘇柏銓、林駿棋 (2024). Effects of Discrete Emotional Appeals in Minor Party Political Advertisements: A case study of New Power Party. Journal of Electoral Studies, 31(2), 43-89. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | 周軒逸、鄭閎睿 (2023). Influence of Comparative Targets and Message Framing in Comparative Advertising. Journal of Management & Systems, 30(1), 39-69. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | 譚躍、周軒逸、林芮君 (2023). The Impact of Political Candidates’ Facebook Message Strategies During the 2016 and 2020 Legislative Elections in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication Research(43), 199-243. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | 周軒逸、李祐瑋 (2023). Advertising Effects of Expert Endorsement Styles and Multiple Source Endorsements. Marketing Review, 20(1), 1-52. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Liu, H.-H., Chou, H.-Y., & Yeh, Y. A. (2022). The effect of different quantity promotion discounts on inaction inertia: The internal mechanisms of perceived closeness and mental accounting. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 35(4), e2271. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | 周軒逸、呂姿穎 (2022). The Effects of Political Advertising Aesthetics on Voter Perceptions, Attitudes, and Voting Intentions toward Candidates. Journal of Management and Business Research, 39(2), 203-234. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Chou, H.-Y., Chu, X.-Y. M., and Chen, T.-C. (2022). The healing effect of cute elements. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(2), 565-596. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2022). Attribute specification effect on hedonic and utilitarian options. Australian Journal of Management, 47(2), 322-341. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2022). Effects of quantity promotional frames on inaction inertia. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(7), 1416-1435. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2021 | 周軒逸 (2021). The Relative Effect between Humorous and Non-Humorous Rebuttal: The Moderation of Candidate's Core Image. Mass Communication Research(149), 51-112. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2021 | 周軒逸、廖冠聿 (2021). First- or Third-Person Perspective: The Influence of Picture Perspective of Sponsored Posts on Consumers' Product Attitude and Purchase Intention. Journal of Information Management, 28(3), 247-280. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2021 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2021). The effects of pricing strategy on upgrade intentions. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 39(5), 743-757. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2021 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2021). Effects of comparability of promotions on inaction inertia. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 39(1), 125-139. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 周軒逸、楊彩甄 (2020). Effects of the Types and Contents of Video Advertisements in Mobile Games. NTU Management Review, 30(3), 111-144. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 周軒逸、吳政軒 (2020). The Influence of Sex Appeal Type, Product Type, and Regulatory Focus on Advertising Effects. Journal of Business Administration, 45(4), 103-138. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 周軒逸、黃邦庭 (2020). Deceased Superstars are Still Shining: Examining the Effects of Dead Celebrity Endorsement from the Perspectives of Time and the Relationship between Consumer Self and Communities. Journal of Business Administration, 45(4), 63-101. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2020). Payment formats and hedonic consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 37(11), 1586-1600. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 周軒逸、趙翊雯 (2020). Color Tricks in Advertising: The Effects of Color-Diversity Appeal of Products in Ads and the Moderating Role of Product Types. Journal of Business Administration, 45(3), 59-93. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | Hsuan-Yi Chou, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, and Yu-Han Chiang (2020). What should we call this color? The influence of color-naming on consumers’ attitude toward the product. Psychology & Marketing, 37(7), 942-960. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 秦時雋、周軒逸 (2020). mpact of Product Placement Prominence and Humor Context: An Example of Instagram. Journal of E-Business, 22(1), 87-127. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | Chou, H.-Y. (2020). Effects of Pronoun Use in Campaign Advertisements on Young Taiwanese Voters. Chinese Journal of Communication, 13(2), 165-186. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 周軒逸、江彥廷 (2020). Design Efficiency in Negative Campaign Advertisements: Issue/Image Appeals, Unflattering Opponent Photographs or Caricatures, and Color Usage. Communication & Society, 51, 141-198. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2020 | 劉信賢、周軒逸 (2020). The impact of item complementarity in freebie promotions on value discounting. Journal of Management and Business Research, 37(2), 101-128. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Wang, S. S. and Chou, H.-Y. (2019). Effects of game-product congruity on in-app interstitial advertising and the moderation of media context factors. Psychology & Marketing, 36(3), 229-246. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Chou, H.-Y. (2019). Labeling candidates as underdogs in political communications: The moderation of candidate-related factors. Electoral Studies, 59, 120-135. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Chou, H.-Y. (2019). Units of time do matter: How countdown time units affect consumers' intentions to participate in group-buying offers. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 35, 100839. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | 周軒逸、邱育佳 (2019). Eat Hard not Soft Food: Effects of the Description of Oral Haptics on Calorie Estimation. Journal of Management and Business Research, 36(1), 53-82. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2019). The effects of promotional package frames and price strategies on inaction inertia. Psychology & Marketing, 36(3), 214-228. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Liu, HH; Chou, HY (2019). The impact of different product formats on inaction inertia. Journal of Social Psychology, 159(5), 546-560. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、李瑞清、吳秀玲 (2018). How to Win at the Critical Moment: Analysis of Appeal in and Release Time of Campaign Advertising. Taiwan Democracy Quarterly, 15(4), 1-56. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、許雅婷 (2018). Effects of Trailer Elements and Protective Frames of Horror Film Promotion Strategies on Audiences' Emotions and Intention to Watch the Films. International Journal of Commerce and Strategy, 10(4), 263-284. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、許婷媛 (2018). The Comparative Effects of Underdog and Top-Dog Brand Biographies: The Moderation of Brand Concept Images and Perceived Physical Risk of Products. Journal of Business Administration, 119, 1-39. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 陳怡如、周軒逸 (2018). The Magic of Believing: The False Memory Effect of Product Placement in Dramas. NTU Management Review, 28(3), 107-144. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、蘇璿 (2018). Luxury Represents My Love! The Influence of Men's Mate-Guarding Motive on Purchasing Luxury Products. Journal of Management and Business Research, 35(1), 27-56. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | 劉信賢、周軒逸 (2018). Currency Face Values and Upgrade Intentions. Management Review, 37(1), 1-14. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Chou, H.-Y. and Yeh, M.-H. (2018). Minor Language Variations in Campaign Advertisement: The Effects of Pronoun Use and Message Orientation on Voter Responses. Electoral Studies, 51, 58-71. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2018). Promotional formats and inaction inertia. Journal of Economic Psychology, 66, 22-32. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | 周軒逸、李瑞清、吳秀玲 (2017). Political Propaganda and Resistance to Persuasion: The Research on Advertising Effectiveness Regarding Celebrity Political Endorsements. Taiwan Democracy Quarterly, 14(3), 177-189. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Liu, H.-H. & Chou, H.-Y. (2017). The Selection of Freebies and the Preference for Freebie Promotions-A Perspective on Item Characteristics. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(2), 420-434. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Chou, H.-Y. & Wang, T.-Y. (2017). Hypermarket private-label products, brand strategies and spokesperson persuasion. European Journal of Marketing, 51(4), 795-820. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Chou, H.-Y. and Singhal, D. (2017). Nostalgia Advertising and Young Indian Consumers: The Power of Old Songs. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22(3), 136-145. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | 林正士、周軒逸 (2017). Effects of Service Quality And Expectations For Service Recovery on Travel-transportation Involvement: The Example of The Kinmen-xiamen Minithree Links. Journal of Quality, 24(1), 60-79. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Chou, H.-Y. and Wang, S. S. (2016). The effects of happiness types and happiness congruity on game app advertising and environments. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 20, 1-14. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | 周軒逸、吳秀玲、周繼祥 (2016). Advertising Effects of Portraying Candidates as Underdogs Using SMSs in Campaigns. Soochow Journal of Political Science, 34(3), 1-63. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | 周軒逸、練乃華 (2016). Effects of Brand and Spokesperson Familiarity in Teaser Ads. Management Review, 35(4), 1-29. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2016). Do longer or shorter budget temporal frames matter? Numerosity effects, mental budgets, and purchase intentions. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 24(4), 422-441. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | 周軒逸、任容 (2016). Is a Foreign Language More Attractive? The Effects of Japanese Code-Switching Advertising. Marketing Review, 13(3), 313-344. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Chou, H.-Y. (2016). Thought Confidence: Consumer Emotions and the Confidence Premise Hypothesis . Management Studies, 4(5), 219-226. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2016 | Chou, H.-Y. (2016). Thought Confidence: Consumer Emotions and the Confidence Premise Hypothesis. Management Studies, 4(5), 219-226. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2015). The effects of promotional frames of sales packages on perceived price increases and repurchase intentions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(1), 23-33. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Lin, C.-S. and Chou, H.-Y. (2015). Dimensions and Effects of Consumers' Travel-Transportation Involvement: The Case of the Mini Three Links. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1), 51-75. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Chou, H.-Y. (2015). Celebrity Political Endorsement Effects: A Perspective on the Social Distance of Political Parties. International Journal of Communication, 9, 523-546. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2014). Relationship Types and the Sunk Cost Effect. Asia Pacific Management Review, 19(3), 239-251. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | 林正士、周軒逸 (2014)。總統大選電視辯論對於首投族之政治傳播效果:以2012年台灣總統選舉為例。選舉研究,21(1),47-87。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | 劉信賢、周軒逸 (2014)。可比較性對知覺漲價與再購意願的影響。管理學報,31(1),41-62。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2014). Effects of SMS teaser ads on product curiosity. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 12(4), 328-345. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chou, H.-Y. (2014). Effects of endorser types in political endorsement advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 33(2), 391-414. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2014). Old Songs Never Die: Advertising Effects of Evoking Nostalgia with Popular Songs. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 35(1), 29-49. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chou, H. -Y. and Lien, N. -H. (2013). The effects of appeal types and candidates' poll rankings in negative political advertising. Asian Journal of Communication, 23(5), 489-518. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2012). The Effects of Incentive Types and Appeal Regulatory Framing in Travel Advertising. Service Industries Journal, 32(6), 883-897. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | 周軒逸、練乃華 (2012)。當簡訊遇上前導:品牌熟悉度、互動性、個人化、誘因之好奇效果。臺大管理論叢,23(1),239-268。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | 林正士、練乃華、周軒逸 (2012)。產品來源國聯想與廣告內容不一致之廣告效果。管理與系統,19(3),409-431。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | 周軒逸、周繼祥 (2012)。手機政治簡訊的廣告效果探索性研究─臺灣北部五所大學生的試驗。政治科學論叢,54,71-120。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Lien, N.-H., Chou, H.-Y., and Chang, C.-H. (2012). Advertising Effectiveness and the Match-up Hypothesis: Examining Spokesperson Sex,Attractiveness Type, and Product Image. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 33(2), 282-300. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chou, H.-Y., Lien, N.-H., and Liang, K.-Y. (2011). The Antecedents and Belief-Polarized Effects of Thought Confidence. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied,, 145(5), 481-506. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | 周軒逸、陳怡伶、練乃華 (2011)。部落格迴響一致性對讀者態度之影響。管理評論,30(1),41-57。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | 林正士、練乃華、周軒逸 (2011)。另類廣告不一致:品牌來源國與品牌消費文化定位之觀點。廣告學研究(36),99-135。(其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chou, H.-Y.* and Lien, N.-H. (2011). What Does a Negative Political Ad Really Say? The Effects of Different Content Dimensions. Journal of Marketing Communications, 17(4), 281-295. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2010). How do Candidate Poll Ranking and Election Status Affect the Effects of Negative Political Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 29(5), 815-834. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | 周軒逸、陳怡伶、練乃華 (2010)。你今天blog 了嗎:部落格電影口碑之信任效果研究。電子商務學報,12(4),661-692。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | 周軒逸、練乃華 (2010)。又愛又怕的夢幻市場-同性戀廣告效果之研究。中山管理評論,18(3),769-803。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | 周軒逸、練乃華 (2010)。旅遊廣告圖文比例的廣告效果研究:時間和空間距離之干擾。戶外遊憩研究,23(1),27-52。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | 周軒逸、練乃華 (2010)。時間距離對負面競選廣告效果之影響。臺灣民主季刊,7(2),33-76。(TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2010). Advertising Effects of Songs’ Nostalgia and Lyrics’ Relevance. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3), 314-329. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2008 | 練乃華、周軒逸 (2008)。現任者聲譽對負面競選廣告效果之影響。政治科學論叢,38,113-154。(TSSCI) |
研討會論文 | 2024 | Lin, J.-C. & Chou, H.-Y. (2024). Appealing to war images in political advertisements incite voters’ anger toward the government? Examining the effects of visual populist messages on voter populist attitudes in the Taiwan case. ECPR General Conference 2024, Ireland. |
研討會論文 | 2024 | Chou, H.-Y. & Cheng, Y.-C. (2024). Sensing the Temperature of Food: Impact of Food Temperature Cues on Perceived Tastiness. 2024 9th International Conference on Marketing, Business and Trade , Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2024 | 周軒逸、曾莉棋、張欽富 (2024). 美麗食物的雙面刃:食物美學對療癒感、感知價格及購買意願之影響. 2024台灣行銷研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2024 | 周軒逸、李祐萱、張欽富 (2024). 感受您的聲音:探討ASMR應用在廣告之效果. 2024台灣行銷研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2023 | Chou, H.-Y. and Yang, C.-H. (2023). Sadness drives your desires: The effect of sadness stimuli on consumption of salty food. The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2023), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2023 | Chen, P.C. & Chou, H.Y (2023). Blending the Past and Present of an Old Brand: Why and When Brand Revitalization and Retro Branding Strategies are Effective in Heritage Branding. 2023 Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), United States. |
研討會論文 | 2023 | Tan, Y. and Chou, H.-Y. (2023). Image, issue, and affective priming effects of candidates’ Facebook posts on voters’ trait perceptions and overall evaluations. The 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Canada. |
研討會論文 | 2023 | Chou, H.-Y., & Li, H.-H. (2023). The effect of product shadow on consumer perceptions and attitudinal responses to food advertising. 2023 14th International Conference on Economics, Business and Management, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2022 | Shu-Fang Liu, Zhao-Hong Cheng and Hsuan-Yi Chou (2022). Ethical or Utilitarian? The Antecedents of Attitude Ambivalence Regarding Online Meal Delivery Service During a Pandemic. International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI-2022), Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2021 | 周軒逸、吳宸樂 (2021). 以視覺隱喻呈現健康威脅圖像支廣告效果. 2021管理觀念與應用研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2021 | 周軒逸、李怡慧 (2021). 罪惡的誘惑:享樂品廣告中的罪惡訴求效果. 2021管理觀念與應用研討會, . |
研討會論文 | 2019 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Hsiao-Ti Chang (2019). Post values on Facebook brand fan pages and consumers’ relationship investment. 2019 International Symposium on Business and Management, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2019 | Hsuan-Yi Chou, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, and Yi-Wen Tzau (2019). Color-diversity appeal effects on consumer emotion and attitudinal responses. 2019 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2019 | Chen, Pei-Chi and Chou, Hsuan-Yi (2019). Rearticulating an old brand or selling its past? The effects and boundary conditions of brand revitalization and retrobranding. Advances in Consumer Research, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2018). Subtle but critical: Effects of pronoun use and visual cue variations in campaign advertising. 2018 – Vth International Conference on Business, Economic, Law, Language & Psychology, Singapore. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Yi-Wen Tzau (2018). Color tricks in advertising: The effects of color-diversity appeal of products in ads. 2018 International Symposium on Business and Management , Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、鄭閎睿、許雅婷 (2018). 比較對象與訊息框架對比較式廣告效果之影響. 台灣行銷研究學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、李祐瑋、許雅婷 (2018). 專家型代言人之代言風格與多重來源代言之廣告效果. 台灣行銷研究學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | 周軒逸、陳怡勳、唐俊華 (2018). 保險商品廣告傳單視覺複雜度對好奇與溝通效果之影響. 台灣行銷研究學會年會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Chou, Hsuan-Yi and Hsu, Ya-Ting (2018). Effects of horror film trailers on consumer emotions and intention to watch the films. 2018 TISSS (The International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences), South Korea. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Hsuan-Yi Chou, Xing-Yu (Marcos) Chu, and Chieh-Wen Cheng (2018). Male spokesperson: Antecedents and consequences of social comparison. Advances in Consumer Research, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2018). Subtle but critical: Effects of pronoun use and visual cue variations in campaign advertising.. 2018 – Vth International Conference on Business, Economic, Law, Language & Psychology (ICBELLP), Singapore. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Yi-Wen Tzau (2018). Color tricks in advertising: The effects of color-diversity appeal of products in ads. 2018 International Symposium on Business and Management (ISBM 2018), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2017 | Hsuan-Yi Chou, Xing-Yu Chu, and Ching Chin (2017). Take it humorously: Effects of humorous rebuttals to negative attacks. Advances in Consumer Research, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2017 | 馬向恩、林子筠、廖冠聿、朱顗如、陳俊宇、周軒逸 (2017). 有「色」眼光:從顏色線索與CEO性別看公司危機事件之聲明對於消費者態度的影響. 第13屆全國商學暨觀光餐旅研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2017 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Tzu-Chun Chen (2017). The healing effect of cute elements in product design. 2017 International Symposium on Economics and Social Science – Summer Session (ISESS-Summer 2017), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2017 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Yen-Ting Chiang (2017). Black-and-white or colorful? Moderation of advertising color tone and voter party preference on effectiveness of negative campaign advertising. The 5th International Conference on Business and Social Science, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | 秦時雋、周軒逸 (2016). 手機遊戲「異業結合」之產品置入效果:主場媒體之觀點. 第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | 江郁涵、周軒逸 (2016). 巧立「名」「色」─顏色命名方式對產品態度和購買意圖之影響. 第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | 鄭傑文、周軒逸 (2016). 男性美2.0─肯尼時代來臨:男性代言人的社會比較效果. 第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | 陳姿君、周軒逸 (2016). 療癒系可愛麻吉─可愛元素的療癒效果對產品態度和購買意願之影響. 第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | 趙翊雯、周軒逸 (2016). 廣告「色」計—色彩多樣性對於消費者廣告訊息處理之影響. 第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2016). Voters’ processing mindsets and construing modes of campaign advertising. Advances in Consumer Research, Germany. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2016). Being an underdog or a frontrunner: The effects of candidate labels on voters’ responses. Advances in Consumer Research, Germany. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Jui Su (2016). Men’s mate guarding: Effects of activating men’s mate-guarding motive on the purchase intentions towards luxury goods. International Conference on Management and Social Science, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Min-Hung Yeh (2016). Non-Negligible Minor Changes: Effects of Different Pronoun Use and Content-Word Use in Campaign Advertising. the 4th International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM 2016), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Hsuan-Yi Chou and Wei Qian (2016). Celebrity (Benedict Cumberbatch) or Drama Character (Sherlock Holmes)? Effects of Playing Drama Characters in Product Advertisements. International Conference on Business and Internet (ICBI-Fall 2016), South Korea. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | 周軒逸、邱育佳 (2015). 食品口感描述對熱量預估與購買意願之影響:文獻回顧與命題發展. 2015第十屆中華商管科技學會學術研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Chou, H.-Y. (2015). Thought confidence: Consumer emotions and the confidence premise hypothesis. 3rd Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Chou, H.-Y., Liu, H.-H., and Chen, S.-H. (2015). Consumer responses towards limited-time vs. limited-quantity scarcity messages in price promotions. 2015 Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Chou, H.-Y., and Chen, S.-S. (2015). Her Beauty Results in Your Sorrow: The Effects of Envy toward Attractive Spokespersons in Advertising. 2015 Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Wang, S. S. and Chou H.-Y. (2015). Feeling happy or being immersed? Advertising effects of game-product congruity in different game app environments. 2015 AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) Annual Conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2015). The impact of different product formats on the inaction inertia. 2015 International Conference on Business and Information, Macau. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Chou, H.-Y. (2015). Temporal and Social Distances in Campaign Advertising and Voter Responses to Appealing Content. Asian Conference on the Social Science, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Chou, H.-Y. and Chen, Chien-Yu Damien (2014). Countdown with Days or Hours? Effects of Countdown Unites in Fixed-Price Group Buying Websites. Fifth Asian Conference on Business and Public Policy, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y. (2014). Does the Longer or Shorter Budget Frame Matter? Numerosity Effect, Mental Budget, and Repurchase Intention. 2014 International Conference on Business and Information, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Liu, H.-W. and Chou, H.-Y. (2014). The Key Influence of Mental Imagery on Consumer Purchasing Decisions: The Antecedents and Effects of Mental Simulation. fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2014, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Chou, H.-Y (2014). Labeling Candidates as Underdogs in Political Communications: The Moderation of Candidate-Related Factors. Global Academic Conference in Tokyo, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Liu, H.-H. and Chou, H.-Y (2014). Currency Face Values and Upgrade Intentions. the International Conference on Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM), Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2013). Advertising Effectiveness of Celebrity Types for Political Endorsement and Appeal Framing of Administration Performance. 2013 International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2013). Celebrity Second-Hand Commodites in Online Auctions: The Effects of Celebrity Attractiveness, Contagion, Auction Motivations, and Commodity Types on Consumer Responses. 2nd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | 周軒逸 (2013). 選舉中落水狗訴求之廣告效果. 2013年臺灣政治學會年會暨「東方政治學?─臺灣經驗、中國崛起及國際流變」國際學術研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Liu, H.-H and Chou, H.-Y. (2013). Comparability on Promotion Reductions and Price Increases. BAI 2013 International Conference on Business and Information, Indonesia. |
研討會論文 | 2012 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2012). Celebrity Worship or Benefit Consideration? The Motivations of Consumers` Bidding for Celebrity`s Second-Hand Products on Online Auctions. Advertising and Consumer Psychology Academic Conference, Singapore. |
研討會論文 | 2012 | Cheng-Shih Lin, Hsuan-Yi Chou, Po-Hsun Hsiao (2012). A Study of Factors of Travel Involvement: The Case of the Kinmen-Xiamen Mini-Three Links. International Conference on Business And Information, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2012 | Hsuan-Yi Chou (2012). Celebrity Worship? The Effects of Celebrity Political Endorsement on Young Voters` Advertising Responses. Global Marketing Conference, South Korea. |
研討會論文 | 2012 | 周軒逸 (2012). 名人政治背書之廣告效果:政黨社會距離之觀點. 台大商學研究所成立四十週年校友學術論文研討會, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2011 | Chou, H.-Y., Lien, N.-H., and Lin, C.-S. (2011). The Effects of Song Choice in Advertising. 16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Greece. |
研討會論文 | 2011 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lin, C.-S. (2011). Consumers’ Responses to Spokespersons in Homosexual Advertisements. 16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Greece. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2010). Analyzing Sexual Appeal in Ads: From the Viewpoint of Consumers’ Feminist Orientation. 2010 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2009 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2009). The Moderating Effects of Candidate Characteristics on Negative Political Advertisement. American Academy of Advertising 2009 Asian-Pacific Conference, China. |
研討會論文 | 2008 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2008). Antecedents and Attitudinal Effects of Thought Confidence. 2008 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, United States. |
研討會論文 | 2007 | Chou, H.-Y. and Lien, N.-H. (2007). Old Songs Never Die: The effects of Nostalgic Songs in Television Ads. 2007 International Conference on Business and Information, Japan. |
專書及專章 | 2022 | 周軒逸、林冠吟 (2022). 智慧電子商務研究V. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2021 | 周軒逸、吳忻駬 (2021). 智慧電子商務研究IV. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2020 | 周軒逸、李畇蓁 (2020). 智慧電子商務研究III. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2019 | 周軒逸、蘇勇達 (2019). 智慧電子商務研究II. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2018 | 周軒逸 (2018). 電子商務:數位時代商機2/e. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2018 | 周軒逸、廖冠聿 (2018). 智慧電子商務研究I. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2017 | 周軒逸 (2017). 產品置入「Instagram」社群媒體效果之探討. 周軒逸、秦時雋 電子商務與網路社會新境界2018 (152-169) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2017 | 周軒逸 (2017). Effects of game characteristics and player emotional experiences on in-app ad responses. Chou, H.-Y. and Wang, S. S. The Evolution and Social Impact of Video Game Economics (121-138) . Lexington Books |
專書及專章 | 2016 | 周軒逸 (2016). 臺灣團購網的成功因素分析. 周軒逸 電子商務與網路社會新境界2017 (84-101) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2015 | 周軒逸 (2015). APP廣告效果之探討:廣告產品、促銷類型及置入情境之觀點. 周軒逸、蘇伊瑜 電子商務與網路社會新境界2016 (146-163) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2014 | 周軒逸 (2014). 名人網拍二手物的吸引力─傳染定律之觀點. 周軒逸 電子商務與網路社會新境界2014 (42-67) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2013 | 周軒逸 (2013). 網拍中的名人二手商品與消費者反應. 周軒逸 電子商務新境界2013 (10-29) . 前程文化 |
年度 | 名稱 |
2024 | 道歉的藝術:政治人物運用不同道德推論策略為道德危機事件道歉效果 之探討. 國科會 (NSTC 113-2628-H-110 -002 -MY3) |
2023 | 寵物參「政」:競選廣告中寵物狗、貓圖像對選民情感、認知與態度反應之影響. 科技部 (112-2410-H-110-036-SS3) |
2021 | 「選」美:競選廣告美學來源與表現手法對選民態度反應之影響. 科技部 (110-2628-H-110-003-SS3) |
2018 | 談笑封侯?競選廣告中候選人笑容強度對選民反應之影響及廣告內、外部因素之搭配. 科技部 (107-2628-H-110-001-SS3) |
2016 | 全球架構下臺灣電子商務的發展與挑戰-(子計畫七)臺灣網路團購之發展與關鍵成功影響因素:團購消費者產品. 科技部 (105-2420-H-110-003-MY3) |
2016 | 如何反駁負面攻擊?候選人特質之干擾. 科技部 (105-2410-H-110-036-SS2) |
2015 | 小小改變、大大不同:競選廣告細微變化的神奇作用. 科技部 (104-2410-H-110-027-SSS) |
2014 | 競選廣告之說服與抗拒:解釋水平理論與抗拒說服之觀點. 科技部 (102-2410-H-110-020-SS2) |
2012 | 選舉中的落水狗:落水狗訴求簡訊效果之研究. 科技部 (NSC101-2410-H-110-035-) |
2011 | 名人政治代言之廣告效果:政黨社會距離理論之觀點. 科技部 (NSC100-2410-H-110-069) |
學年度 | 學期 | 必選修 | 開課系所 | 課號 | 課程名稱 |
112 | 2 | 選 | 行傳所 | ICM904A | 廣告學 |
112 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM534 | 消費者心理與行為學 |
112 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM642 | 服務業行銷專題研究 |
112 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM641 | 閱聽人態度理論專題研究 |
112 | 1 | 選 | 行傳所 | ICM911 | 論文寫作 |
112 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM557 | 行銷傳播管理研究方法 |
111 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM642 | 服務業行銷專題研究 |
111 | 2 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM534 | 消費者心理與行為學 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM641 | 閱聽人態度理論專題研究 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM533 | 廣告效果 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 行銷傳播碩 | ICM557 | 行銷傳播管理研究方法 |
年度 | 名稱 | 頒獎機構 |
2024 | 2024富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「佳作」(指導教授獎) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2024 | 2024富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「佳作」(指導教授獎) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2024 | 2024富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「佳作」(指導教授獎) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2023 | 112年度學術研究績優教師獎 | 國立中山大學 |
2023 | 第十三屆聯電經營管理論文獎佳作獎 | 中華民國管理科學學會 |
2023 | 資訊管理學報2021-2022最佳審查委員 | 中華民國資訊管理學會 |
2023 | 112 年度管理學報論文獎─年度最佳論文 | 管理學報 |
2023 | 2023富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「特優論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2023 | 2023第25屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇傑出會議論文獎 | 2023第25屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會 |
2022 | 第十二屆聯電經營管理論文獎傑出獎 | 中華民國管理科學學會 |
2022 | 111年度學術研究績優教師獎 | 國立中山大學 |
2022 | 2022第十五屆崇越論文大賞,企業管理組「佳作」(指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2022 | 2022富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「特優論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2021 | 110年度學術研究績優教師獎 | 國立中山大學 |
2021 | 110年度管理學報最佳審查人獎 | 管理學報 |
2021 | 110年度管理學報論文獎─年度最佳論文 | 管理學報 |
2021 | 2021富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「佳作論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2021 | 2021富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎,行銷管理組「優勝論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2020 | 109年度學術研究績優教師獎 | 國立中山大學 |
2020 | 2020TSC崇越論文大賞碩士組「優等論文」獎 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2020 | 2020富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎「佳作論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎 |
2020 | 109年度管理學報論文獎─年度最佳論文 | 管理學報 |
2020 | 109年度管理學報論文獎─年度最佳實用價值論文 | 管理學報 |
2019 | 2019年「第九屆聯電經營管理論文獎」佳作獎 | 管科會 |
2019 | 107年度碩士論文獎 (指導教授) | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
2019 | 2019富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎博士組「最佳實務應用」及「佳作論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎 |
2019 | 2019TSC崇越論文大賞博士組「優等論文」獎 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2019 | 2019TSC崇越論文大賞碩士組「優良論文」獎 (指導教授)3座 | 崇越論文大賞 |
2018 | 107年度學術研究績優教師獎 | 國立中山大學 |
2018 | 2018TSC崇越論文大賞「優良論文」獎 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2018 | 2018富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎EMBA「佳作論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎 |
2017 | 2017TSC崇越論文大賞「優良論文」獎 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2017 | 教學優良課程獎勵-傳播管理研究方法、行銷專題講座(一) | 國立中山大學 |
2017 | 教學優良課程獎勵- 競選策略與政治行銷 | 國立中山大學 |
2017 | 2017富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎「佳作論文」獎 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎 |
2017 | 2017富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎「最佳實務應用」獎(指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎 |
2016 | 教學優良課程獎勵- 消費者行為、傳播管理研究方法、消費者心理與行為學 | 國立中山大學 |
2016 | 2016TOPCO崇越論文大賞「最優論文獎」 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2016 | 2016富邦人壽管理論文獎「優勝論文獎」 (指導教授) | 富邦人壽管理論文獎 |
2015 | 佳作論文獎 | 2015第十屆中華商管科技學會學術研討會 |
2015 | 104年管理學報論文獎‧實用價值類 | 管理學報 |
2015 | TOP Faculty Paper Competition Award | 2015 AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) Annual Conference |
2015 | 2015年度台灣政治學會年度政治學碩士論文獎 (指導教授) | 台灣政治學會 |
2015 | 2015TOPCO崇越論文大賞「優等論文獎」 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2015 | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會103年度碩士論文獎(指導教授) | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
2015 | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會104年度碩士論文獎(指導教授) | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
2014 | 2014TOPCO崇越論文大賞「優等論文獎」 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2014 | 2014TOPCO崇越論文大賞「優良論文獎」 (指導教授) | 崇越論文大賞 |
2013 | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會102年度碩士論文獎佳作獎(指導教授) | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
2013 | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會102年度碩士論文獎(指導教授) | 財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
起迄日期 | 計劃/活動名稱 | 計劃/活動內容 | 擔任角色 |