姓名 林杏娥
職稱 教授
專長及研究領域 創新策略、雙元性、創業管理、AI 採用能力、家族企業綠色創新、社會企業、動態能力
研究室 R4108
分機 4643

學歷 2010, 博士, Economics, Tilburg University
2009, 博士, Management, Maastricht School of Management
2006, 碩士, Management, Maastricht School of Management
1999, 碩士, Institute of Human Resource Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University
個人經歷 ~ , ,
學術服務 2018-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, TECHNOVATION , 審查委員
2016-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, Management and Organization Review , 審查委員
2013-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 審查委員
2013-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, Journal of Product Innovation Management , 審查委員
2012-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, California Management Review , 審查委員
2011-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 審查委員
類別 年度 名稱
期刊論文 2024 Andy Yu, Jeff Stambaugh, Niyati Kataria, Hsing-Er Lin (2024). Linking individual entrepreneurial orientation to entrepreneurial alertness. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Yu-You Chen, Hsing-Er Lin (2024). Developing and validating the scale of cognitive ambidexterity. Human Resource Management Review. (TSSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Lu, Chun-Yi, Mavis Yi-Ching Chen*, and Hsing-Er Lin (2024). Transforming knowledge-sharing intention into behavior: The role of ambidextrous knowledge-sharing activities on mobile platforms. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Hsing-Er Lin, Jeongho Choi, Ping-Hsun Li (2024). The impact of managerial goal attention alignment on dynamic capabilities: Insights from Taiwanese social enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2024 Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeongho Choi, Chiung-wen Tsao, Jeff Stambaugh, Dina Taylor (2024). CEO gender and social versus economic value creation of social enterprises: an attention-based view. Gender in Management: An International Journal. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2023 Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeff Stambaugh, Chiung-wen Tsao, Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang, I-Chieh Hsu (2023). Family CEO duality and research and development intensity in public family enterprises: Temporality as a model boundary. Journal of Business Research. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2022 Hsing-Er Lin, Rachel S. Shinnar, Yongchuan Shi, Dan Hsu (2022). Polychronicity, decision-making and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of venture team founders: an exploratory study.. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2021 Fred Phillips, Hsing-Er Lin, Trudi Schifter, & Nicholas Folse (2021). Augmented Popperian Experiments: A framework for sustainability knowledge development across contexts. European Journal of International Management, 16(4), 585-609. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2021 Michelle C Hong, Hsing-Er Lin, Dan K Hsu, Yongchuan Shi (2021). When ownership of the venture triggers cofounders’ unethical pro-venture behavior. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16, e00255. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2021 Hsing-Er Lin, Dan K Hsu, Michelle C Hong, Yongchuan Shi (2021). Validating the response surface method in entrepreneurship management research. MethodsX, 8, 101534. (其他期刊)
期刊論文 2020 Hsing-Er Lin, I-Chieh Hsu, Audreay Wen-Hsin Hsu, and His-Mei Chung (2020). Creating Competitive Advantages: Interactions between Ambidextrous Diversification Strategy and Contextual Factors from a Dynamic Capability Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154, 119952. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Jie Yang, & Chihyuan Wang. (2017). Aligning Knowledge Assets for Exploitation, Exploration, and Ambidexterity: A Study of Companies in High?Tech Parks in China. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(2), 122-140. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2017 Lin, HE; McDonough, EF; Yang, J; Wang, CH (2017). Aligning Knowledge Assets for Exploitation, Exploration, and Ambidexterity: A Study of Companies in High-Tech Parks in China. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 34(2), 122-140. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Shu-jou Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2016). Knowledge Acquisition in Production Networks: Effective Strategies for System Integrators and Component Specialists. Management and Organization Review, 12(4), 659-686. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Peng, ACY; Lin, HE; Schaubroeck, J; McDonough, EF; Hu, BM; Zhang, AG (2016). CEO Intellectual Stimulation and Employee Work Meaningfulness: The Moderating Role of Organizational Context. Group and Organization Management, 41(2), 203-231. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2016 Shu-jou Lin, Edward McDonough III (2016). Knowledge Acquisition in Production Networks: Effective Strategies for System Integrators and Component Specialists. Management and Organization Review. ()
期刊論文 2014 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2014). Cognitive Frames, Learning Mechanisms, and Innovation Ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(31), 170-188. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2013 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Shu-jou Lin, Yeh-yun Lin (2013). Managing the Exploitation/Exploration Paradox: The Role of a Learning Capability and Innovation Ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(2), 262-278. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2013 Lin, Hsing-Er; McDonough, Edward F., III; Lin, Shu-Jou; Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun (2013). Managing the Exploitation/Exploration Paradox: The Role of a Learning Capability and Innovation Ambidexterity. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 30(2), 262. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2013 Lin, Hsing-Er(1); McDonough III, Edward F.(2); Lin, Shu-Jou(3); Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun(4) (2013). Managing the exploitation/exploration paradox: The role of a learning capability and innovation ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(2), 262-278. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2012 Mavis Yi-Ching Chen, Carol Yeh-yun Lin, Hsing-Er Lin , Edward F. McDonough III (2012). Does Transformational Leadership Facilitate Technological Innovation? The Moderating Roles of Innovative Culture and Incentive Compensation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(2), 239-264. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2012 Chen, MYC; Lin, CYY; Lin, HE; McDonough, EF (2012). Does transformational leadership facilitate technological innovation? The moderating roles of innovative culture and incentive compensation. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 29(2). (SSCI)
期刊論文 2011 Hsing-Er Lin ,Edward F. McDonough III (2011). Investigation the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Fostering Innovation Ambidexterity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(3), 497-509. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2011 Lin, HE; McDonough, EF (2011). Investigating the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Fostering Innovation Ambidexterity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 58, 497-509. (SSCI)
期刊論文 2008 Edward F. McDonough III, Michael H. Zack, Hsing-Er Lin* (2008). Integrating Innovation Style and Knowledge Into Strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(1), 53-58. (SSCI)
研討會論文 2024 Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeff Stambaugh, Audrey Hsu (2024). Fostering Exploratory Innovation in Public Family Businesses: The Impact of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance. EURAM 2024, UK.
研討會論文 2024 Hong, M., Lin, H-E. (2024). “Stars Out of Alignment: The Dynamic of Leader-Member Star Symmetry/Asymmetry on Unethical Behavior”. AOM 2024, United States.
研討會論文 2023 Zheng, D., Yu, A., Lin, H.-E., Chen, J.-R., & Chen, W (2023). Opportunity-seeking and market orientation in small and medium-sized businesses. the 9th Annual California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference at San Diego State University, California, USA., United States.
研討會論文 2023 (2023). Managerial attention to hybrid goals and dynamic capability development in social enterprises. Academy of Management annual conference (AOM2023) , United States.
研討會論文 2023 (2023). Developing dynamic capabilities in social enterprises: The role of managerial attention on social and commercial objectives. European Academy of Management (EURAM 2023), Ireland.
研討會論文 2022 Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2022). Ambidextrous strategy mediating impact on cognitive ambidexterity and temporal ambidexterity. The International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2022), .
研討會論文 2022 Lin, H., Yu, Andy, Shinnar, R. (2022). How does social entrepreneur’s regulatory focus balance social and economic activities in social enterprises?. European Academy of Management (EURAM 2022), .
研討會論文 2022 Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeffrey Stambaugh, Chiung-wen Tsao, Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang, I-Chieh Hsu (2022). Family CEO Duality, Temporal Conditions and Research and Development Investment Intensity in Family. Academy of Management annual conference (AOM2022) , .
研討會論文 2022 Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2022). The cognitive diversity as antecedents: the impact of senior executives’ cognitive ambidexterity on ambidextrous leadership. The International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2022), .
研討會論文 2022 Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2022). The influence of cognitive ambidexterity on structural ambidexterity and new product performance. European Academy of Management (EURAM 2022), .
研討會論文 2021 Hsing-Er Lin, Tsao, C.-W., Wang, R. J.-H. Yu, A., & Hsu, I.-C. (2021). When family CEO duality intensifies research and development investment.. 2021 Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Chinese Enterprises, and Modern Management, .
研討會論文 2021 Hsing-Er Lin, Yi-Hsien Wang, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh (2021). Fostering Team Members’ Perceived Meaningfulness of Work: The Roles of Team Leaders’ Perceived Business Competition and Corresponding Strategies.. Management Concept and Application Conference 2021, .
研討會論文 2021 Wan-Ting Wu, Chihyuan Wang, Hsing-Er Lin, Chen-Jie Lu. (2021). Social capital and social enterprise’s performance. Management Concept and Application Conference 2021, .
研討會論文 2021 Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2021). The influence of cognitive ambidexterity on structural ambidexterity and ambidextrous performance. The International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2021), .
研討會論文 2020 Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Chiung-Wen Tsao, Dina L. Taylor (2020). Female CEO matters on social and economic value creation of social enterprises: An attention-based view. Taiwan Academy of Management (AAOM), Taiwan.
研討會論文 2020 Hsing-Er Lin, Liang-Chih Huang, Cheng-Chieh Lu, & Shih-Wei Lin (2020). Managing Social and Economic Oriented Activities: The Role of Entrepreneur’s Regulatory Focus in Social Enterprise. EURAM Conference, Ireland.
研討會論文 2019 Hsing-Er Lin, Chihyuan Wang, Cheng-Chieh Lu (2019). Social enterprises’ Performance and Social entrepreneurship Orientation. EURAM Conference 2019, .
研討會論文 2019 Hsing-Er Lin, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh, Yi-Hsien Wang (2019). Investigating the Effects of Environmental Competitiveness and Team Decision Styles on Team Work Meaningfulness. EURAM Conference 2019, .
研討會論文 2018 Hsing-Er Lin, I-Jie Hsu (2018). Leader-Member Perceptual Congruence of Authentic Leadership and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Participation. EURAM Conference 2018, .
研討會論文 2018 Shin-I Shih, Hsing-Er Lin, Hao-Chieh Lin, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh (2018). Team Work Meaningfulness and Competitive Advantage: The Moderating Role of Team Innovation Strategies. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2018, .
研討會論文 2018 Shin-I Shih, Hsing-Er Lin, Hao-Chieh Lin, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh (2018). Team Work Meaningfulness, Competitive Advantage: The Moderating Role of Team Innovation Strategies. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2018, 美國.
研討會論文 2018 Hsing-Er Lin, I-Jie Hsu (2018). Leader-Member Perceptual Congruence of Authentic Leadership and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Participation. EURAM Conference 2018, 冰島.
研討會論文 2017 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonoughiii, Audreay Wen-Hsin Hsu, His-Mei Chung (2017). Using behavioral agent perspective to understand the impact of ambidexterity on performance. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2017, United States.
研討會論文 2017 Hsing-Er Lin, Chiung-wen Tsao (2017). Time does matter: How the effects of CEO duality and successor’s governance choices on R&D intensity are moderated in Family Controlled Public Firms. Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and Taiwan Academy of Management (AAOM) Joint Conference 2017, Japan.
研討會論文 2017 Fred Phillips, Hsing-Er Lin, Shin-Yi Lin. (2017). Developing a knowledge strategy across contexts: A piecemeal engineering approach. Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and Taiwan Academy of Management (AAOM) Joint Conference 2017, Japan.
研討會論文 2016 Hsing-Er Lin and Byron Lee (2016). Social enterprise performance: Attention to social and economic goals. European Group of Organization Studies Annual Conference 2016, 義大利.
研討會論文 2016 Hsing-Er Lin, Byron Lee (2016). Social enterprise performance: Attention to social and economic goals. European Group of Organization Studies Annual Conference 2016, .
研討會論文 2015 Mavis, Y. C. Chen, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward F. McDonough iii (2015). Influence of Perceived Competition on Intellectual Capital and Innovation Performance. Asia Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015, China.
研討會論文 2015 Gordon Adomdza, Edward F. McDonough iii, Hsing-Er Lin (2015). Funder Monitoring Actions and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Innovation Capabilities. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
研討會論文 2014 Hsing-Er Lin (2014). The Boundary Condition and Performance Indicator of Strategic Ambidexterity. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Australia.
研討會論文 2014 Mavis Yi-Ching Chen, Hsing-Er Lin (2014). Influence of Perceived Competition. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Australia.
研討會論文 2014 Hsing-Er Lin, (2014). Exploring the Impact of Resource Investment Configuration OnPromoting Innovation Ambidexterity. Taiwan Academy of Management, Taiwan.
研討會論文 2013 Chunyan Peng, Hsing-Er Lin, John Shabureck, Edward McDonough III, Baomin Hu, Aigo Chang (2013). Work Meaningfulness: the Influences of CEO Intellectual Stimulation and Environmental Uncertainty. Academy of Management Annual academic conference, United States.
研討會論文 2013 Edward McDonough III, Hsing-Er Lin (2013). The Role of Innovation in Creating and Sustaining Growth in Emerging Markets. Academic Forum, Mexico.
研討會論文 2013 Edward McDonough III, Hsing-Er Lin, (2013). The Role of Innovation in Creating and Sustaining Growth in Emerging Markets. Academic Forum, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Mexico.
研討會論文 2012 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Jie Yang (2012). Boundling Knowledge Asset for Achieving Strategic Ambidexterity. Academy of Management Annual academic conference, United States.
研討會論文 2012 Shu-jou Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2012). A Firm`s Role in Production Networks and its Knowledge Strategies. Academy of Management Annual academic conference, United States.
研討會論文 2010 Chen, Mavis Yi-Ching, Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2010). Does transformational leadership facilitate SBU innovation? The moderating roles of SBU culture and incentive compensation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management “Leadership in Asia” Special Issue Conference, China.
研討會論文 2010 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Shu-jou Lin, Yeh-yun Lin (2010). Effects of Innovation Ambidexterity on the Dynamic Capabilities - Business Performance Relationship. the International Symposium on East and West Cultures and Management, China.
研討會論文 2010 Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2010). The Role of Cognition and Collaboration in Fostering Innovation Ambdexterity. New Paradigms of Management – The 9th annual academic conference, Taiwan.
研討會論文 2010 Shu-jou Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward F. McDonough III (2010). Knowledge architecture and strategies for technological innovation. 全球變局下之管理創新國際研討會, Taiwan.
研討會論文 2009 Hsing-Er Lin and Edward F. McDonough III (2009). Investigation the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Fostering Innovation Ambidexterity. New Paradigms of Management – The 8th annual academic conference, Taiwan.
研討會論文 2009 Edward F. McDonough III, Hsing-Er Lin (2009). Command, Control, & Confucius: Enabling Entrepreneurial Enterprise?. The sixth annual ABEAI Conference, United States.
專書及專章 2012

Hsing-Er Lin (2012). Competing through Innovation and Ambidexterity. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

專書及專章 2009

Hsing-Er Lin (2009). The Impact of Senior Leadership and Organizational Culture on Innovative in Taiwanese Companies. A Thesis Book For the Doctoral Degree of Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands

專書及專章 1979

Hsing-Er Lin (1979). Effects of Strategy, Context, Antecedents and Capabilities on Outcomes of Ambidexterity - A multiple country case study of the US, China and Taiwan. A Thesis Book For the Doctoral Degree of Tilburg University, the Netherlands

年度 名稱

執行長關注聚焦與組織雙歧綠色創新:利害關係人壓力為調節作用的探討. 國家科學及技術委員會 (NSTC 113-2410-H-110 -027 -MY2)


CEO 性別會影響社會企業的社會與經濟價值創造嗎?以關注力基礎觀點探討. 科技部 (111-2629-H-110-001-SSS)


何時聯合創始人將出於正當理由做壞事?企業所有權與不道德的利企業行為之間的關係. 科技部 (110-2410-H-110-037-SS2)


何時聯合創始人將出於正當理由做壞事?企業所有權與不道德的利企業行為之間的關係. 科技部 (MOST 110-2410-H-110 -037 -SS2)


探討董監責任保險對家族企業探索性創新的影響:CEO任期和董事會性別多元化的調節作用. 科技部 (108-2410-H-110-029-MY2)


探討家族治理和董事會資本對利用性和探索性創新的影響. 科技部 (107-2918-I-110-005)


以進化的觀點探討時間因素對家族控制企業研發強度的影響. 科技部 (107-2410-H-110-071-)


發展社會創業導向: 層面、成果、和權變因素. 科技部 (MOST:106-2410-H-110-067)


發展社會創業導向: 層面、成果、和權變因素. 科技部 (106-2410-H-110-067-)


加班行為與工作效率及工作績效關聯性之研究. 科技部 (105-2815-C-110-034-H)


探討社會企業雙重目標成功因素:以雙能觀點. 科技部 (104-2410-H-110-073-MY2)


探討影響雙能策略績效的界限條件. 科技部 (103-2410-H-110-069-)


成就策略雙能: 知識資產與企業規模的作用. 科技部 (NSC101-2410-H-110-069-)


編排資源以促進自主創新和財務績效: 雙元投資策略的作用. 科技部 (NSC100-2410-H-110-068)

學年度 學期 必選修 開課系所 課號 課程名稱
112 2 企管系 BM759 學術論文寫作
112 2 企管系 BM785 產業研究(一)
112 2 企管系 BM851 社會創業與社會企業議題研討
112 2 企管系 BM209A 人力資源管理
112 1 企管系 BM682 設計思考
112 1 企管系 BM854 組織雙元專題研討
112 1 EMBA EMBA9005 國際企業管理
112 1 企管系 BM501 組織理論與管理
112 1 CSEMBA CS935 組織行為學
111 2 企管系 BM502 企業經營策略
111 2 企管系 BM851 社會創業與社會企業議題研討
111 2 企管系 BM209A 人力資源管理
111 2 跨院選修(管) GEAI1419A 人力資源管理
111 1 企管系 BM682 設計思考
111 1 企管系 BM501 組織理論與管理
111 1 企管系 BM852 科技創新策略專題討論
111 1 CSEMBA CS935 組織行為學
年度 指導學生 學位 名稱
2023 沙沙樂‧答樂阿苒 碩士 影響吉他手選擇數位擴大機的因素探討
2023 王雅慈 碩士 探討疫情後顧客消費化妝品的⾏為變化
2022 吳亦秦 碩士 以科技接受模式探討混合實境購物之消費者購買意願
2022 郭子瑄 碩士 以調節焦點觀點探討專才和通才與升遷的關係
2022 賴暘婷 碩士 探討非同步線上付費課程平台持續使用意願
2021 王昭允 碩士 青銀共居社會住宅使用者滿意度探討
2021 陳琬蓉 碩士 企業ESG揭露、人力資本累積對創新行為影響之研究
2021 劉汶澄 碩士 以創新擴散理論探討影響台灣獸醫師使用含有大麻二酚產品因素之影響
2021 廖芸慧 碩士 探討遊戲行為對生活壓力的影響
2019 林士暐 碩士 以調節焦點觀點探討社會創業家性別差異對社會企業雙重目標活動推行之影響
2019 連曼君 博士 因應數位經濟時代的創業導向與策略更新—動態能力觀點
2019 伍婉婷 碩士 社會資本與社會企業績效
2016 周采儀 碩士 探究理想家族企業接班人的條件──利害關係人觀點
2016 王韻羚 碩士 探討組織生涯管理與組織信任對員工留任意願之影響-以台灣連鎖餐飲業為例
2015 張芯睿 碩士 以社會創新與空間文化意涵探討英國利物浦工業遺址再生
2014 傅怡亭 碩士 平衡公益與營利-以社會企業為例
2014 李家妤 碩士 探討台灣使用者對第三方支付使用意向
2014 謝旻峯 碩士 接班型態與創新投資績效: 以家族企業為例
2013 李倩儀 碩士 品牌APP特性對品牌態度的作用
2012 簡祐延 碩士 創新策略對經營績效之影響─研究網路創業商店
2012 陳柏翰 碩士 雙元策略對綜合零售業績效影響的探討
2012 顏瑜嫻 碩士 企業願景與企業績效之關聯性研究
年度 名稱 頒獎機構
2020 最佳論文獎 台灣組織與管理學會研討會
2019 學術研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2018 學術研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2018 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2018 Best Symposium Award 美國管理學會
2017 Best Paper Award 亞洲管理學會與台灣組織與管理學會聯合研討會
2017 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2017 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2017 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2016 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2016 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2015 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2015 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2014 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
2013 校優良課程獎 國立中山大學
起迄日期 計劃/活動名稱 計劃/活動內容 擔任角色