Name | Singer Hsing-Er Lin |
Title | Professor |
Research Interests | Innovation Strategy, Knowledge Management, Ambidexterity, Entrepreneurship, Family Firm Innovation, Social enterprise Dynamic Capability |
Office | R4108 |
Phone | 4643 | |
Education | 2010, Ph.D., Economics, Tilburg University 2009, Ph.D., Management, Maastricht School of Management 2006, Master, Management, Maastricht School of Management 1999, Master, Institute of Human Resource Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University |
Experience | ~ , , |
Academic Services | 2018-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, TECHNOVATION , International reviewer 2016-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, Management and Organization Review , International reviewer 2013-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, Asia Pacific Journal of Management , International reviewer 2013-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, Journal of Product Innovation Management , International reviewer 2012-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, California Management Review , International reviewer 2011-01-01 ~ 2024-03-31, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International reviewer |
Category | Year | Title |
Journal Article | 2024 | Andy Yu, Jeff Stambaugh, Niyati Kataria, Hsing-Er Lin (2024). Linking individual entrepreneurial orientation to entrepreneurial alertness. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2024 | Yu-You Chen, Hsing-Er Lin (2024). Developing and validating the scale of cognitive ambidexterity. Human Resource Management Review. (TSSCI) |
Journal Article | 2024 | Lu, Chun-Yi, Mavis Yi-Ching Chen*, and Hsing-Er Lin (2024). Transforming knowledge-sharing intention into behavior: The role of ambidextrous knowledge-sharing activities on mobile platforms. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2024 | Hsing-Er Lin, Jeongho Choi, Ping-Hsun Li (2024). The impact of managerial goal attention alignment on dynamic capabilities: Insights from Taiwanese social enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2024 | Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeongho Choi, Chiung-wen Tsao, Jeff Stambaugh, Dina Taylor (2024). CEO gender and social versus economic value creation of social enterprises: an attention-based view. Gender in Management: An International Journal. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2023 | Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeff Stambaugh, Chiung-wen Tsao, Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang, I-Chieh Hsu (2023). Family CEO duality and research and development intensity in public family enterprises: Temporality as a model boundary. Journal of Business Research. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2022 | Hsing-Er Lin, Rachel S. Shinnar, Yongchuan Shi, Dan Hsu (2022). Polychronicity, decision-making and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of venture team founders: an exploratory study.. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. (其他期刊) |
Journal Article | 2021 | Fred Phillips, Hsing-Er Lin, Trudi Schifter, & Nicholas Folse (2021). Augmented Popperian Experiments: A framework for sustainability knowledge development across contexts. European Journal of International Management, 16(4), 585-609. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2021 | Michelle C Hong, Hsing-Er Lin, Dan K Hsu, Yongchuan Shi (2021). When ownership of the venture triggers cofounders’ unethical pro-venture behavior. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16, e00255. (其他期刊) |
Journal Article | 2021 | Hsing-Er Lin, Dan K Hsu, Michelle C Hong, Yongchuan Shi (2021). Validating the response surface method in entrepreneurship management research. MethodsX, 8, 101534. (其他期刊) |
Journal Article | 2020 | Hsing-Er Lin, I-Chieh Hsu, Audreay Wen-Hsin Hsu, and His-Mei Chung (2020). Creating Competitive Advantages: Interactions between Ambidextrous Diversification Strategy and Contextual Factors from a Dynamic Capability Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154, 119952. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2017 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Jie Yang, & Chihyuan Wang. (2017). Aligning Knowledge Assets for Exploitation, Exploration, and Ambidexterity: A Study of Companies in High?Tech Parks in China. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(2), 122-140. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2017 | Lin, HE; McDonough, EF; Yang, J; Wang, CH (2017). Aligning Knowledge Assets for Exploitation, Exploration, and Ambidexterity: A Study of Companies in High-Tech Parks in China. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 34(2), 122-140. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2016 | Shu-jou Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2016). Knowledge Acquisition in Production Networks: Effective Strategies for System Integrators and Component Specialists. Management and Organization Review, 12(4), 659-686. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2016 | Peng, ACY; Lin, HE; Schaubroeck, J; McDonough, EF; Hu, BM; Zhang, AG (2016). CEO Intellectual Stimulation and Employee Work Meaningfulness: The Moderating Role of Organizational Context. Group and Organization Management, 41(2), 203-231. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2016 | Shu-jou Lin, Edward McDonough III (2016). Knowledge Acquisition in Production Networks: Effective Strategies for System Integrators and Component Specialists. Management and Organization Review. () |
Journal Article | 2014 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2014). Cognitive Frames, Learning Mechanisms, and Innovation Ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(31), 170-188. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2013 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Shu-jou Lin, Yeh-yun Lin (2013). Managing the Exploitation/Exploration Paradox: The Role of a Learning Capability and Innovation Ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(2), 262-278. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2013 | Lin, Hsing-Er; McDonough, Edward F., III; Lin, Shu-Jou; Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun (2013). Managing the Exploitation/Exploration Paradox: The Role of a Learning Capability and Innovation Ambidexterity. JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 30(2), 262. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2013 | Lin, Hsing-Er(1); McDonough III, Edward F.(2); Lin, Shu-Jou(3); Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun(4) (2013). Managing the exploitation/exploration paradox: The role of a learning capability and innovation ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(2), 262-278. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2012 | Mavis Yi-Ching Chen, Carol Yeh-yun Lin, Hsing-Er Lin , Edward F. McDonough III (2012). Does Transformational Leadership Facilitate Technological Innovation? The Moderating Roles of Innovative Culture and Incentive Compensation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(2), 239-264. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2012 | Chen, MYC; Lin, CYY; Lin, HE; McDonough, EF (2012). Does transformational leadership facilitate technological innovation? The moderating roles of innovative culture and incentive compensation. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 29(2). (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2011 | Hsing-Er Lin ,Edward F. McDonough III (2011). Investigation the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Fostering Innovation Ambidexterity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(3), 497-509. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2011 | Lin, HE; McDonough, EF (2011). Investigating the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Fostering Innovation Ambidexterity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 58, 497-509. (SSCI) |
Journal Article | 2008 | Edward F. McDonough III, Michael H. Zack, Hsing-Er Lin* (2008). Integrating Innovation Style and Knowledge Into Strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(1), 53-58. (SSCI) |
Conference Paper | 2024 | Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeff Stambaugh, Audrey Hsu (2024). Fostering Exploratory Innovation in Public Family Businesses: The Impact of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance. EURAM 2024, UK. |
Conference Paper | 2024 | Hong, M., Lin, H-E. (2024). “Stars Out of Alignment: The Dynamic of Leader-Member Star Symmetry/Asymmetry on Unethical Behavior”. AOM 2024, United States. |
Conference Paper | 2023 | Zheng, D., Yu, A., Lin, H.-E., Chen, J.-R., & Chen, W (2023). Opportunity-seeking and market orientation in small and medium-sized businesses. the 9th Annual California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference at San Diego State University, California, USA., United States. |
Conference Paper | 2023 | (2023). Managerial attention to hybrid goals and dynamic capability development in social enterprises. Academy of Management annual conference (AOM2023) , United States. |
Conference Paper | 2023 | (2023). Developing dynamic capabilities in social enterprises: The role of managerial attention on social and commercial objectives. European Academy of Management (EURAM 2023), Ireland. |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2022). Ambidextrous strategy mediating impact on cognitive ambidexterity and temporal ambidexterity. The International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2022), . |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Lin, H., Yu, Andy, Shinnar, R. (2022). How does social entrepreneur’s regulatory focus balance social and economic activities in social enterprises?. European Academy of Management (EURAM 2022), . |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Jeffrey Stambaugh, Chiung-wen Tsao, Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang, I-Chieh Hsu (2022). Family CEO Duality, Temporal Conditions and Research and Development Investment Intensity in Family. Academy of Management annual conference (AOM2022) , . |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2022). The cognitive diversity as antecedents: the impact of senior executives’ cognitive ambidexterity on ambidextrous leadership. The International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2022), . |
Conference Paper | 2022 | Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2022). The influence of cognitive ambidexterity on structural ambidexterity and new product performance. European Academy of Management (EURAM 2022), . |
Conference Paper | 2021 | Hsing-Er Lin, Tsao, C.-W., Wang, R. J.-H. Yu, A., & Hsu, I.-C. (2021). When family CEO duality intensifies research and development investment.. 2021 Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Chinese Enterprises, and Modern Management, . |
Conference Paper | 2021 | Hsing-Er Lin, Yi-Hsien Wang, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh (2021). Fostering Team Members’ Perceived Meaningfulness of Work: The Roles of Team Leaders’ Perceived Business Competition and Corresponding Strategies.. Management Concept and Application Conference 2021, . |
Conference Paper | 2021 | Wan-Ting Wu, Chihyuan Wang, Hsing-Er Lin, Chen-Jie Lu. (2021). Social capital and social enterprise’s performance. Management Concept and Application Conference 2021, . |
Conference Paper | 2021 | Chen, Y.Y., Lin, H. (2021). The influence of cognitive ambidexterity on structural ambidexterity and ambidextrous performance. The International Council for Small Business (ICSB 2021), . |
Conference Paper | 2020 | Hsing-Er Lin, Andy Yu, Chiung-Wen Tsao, Dina L. Taylor (2020). Female CEO matters on social and economic value creation of social enterprises: An attention-based view. Taiwan Academy of Management (AAOM), Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2020 | Hsing-Er Lin, Liang-Chih Huang, Cheng-Chieh Lu, & Shih-Wei Lin (2020). Managing Social and Economic Oriented Activities: The Role of Entrepreneur’s Regulatory Focus in Social Enterprise. EURAM Conference, Ireland. |
Conference Paper | 2019 | Hsing-Er Lin, Chihyuan Wang, Cheng-Chieh Lu (2019). Social enterprises’ Performance and Social entrepreneurship Orientation. EURAM Conference 2019, . |
Conference Paper | 2019 | Hsing-Er Lin, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh, Yi-Hsien Wang (2019). Investigating the Effects of Environmental Competitiveness and Team Decision Styles on Team Work Meaningfulness. EURAM Conference 2019, . |
Conference Paper | 2018 | Hsing-Er Lin, I-Jie Hsu (2018). Leader-Member Perceptual Congruence of Authentic Leadership and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Participation. EURAM Conference 2018, . |
Conference Paper | 2018 | Shin-I Shih, Hsing-Er Lin, Hao-Chieh Lin, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh (2018). Team Work Meaningfulness and Competitive Advantage: The Moderating Role of Team Innovation Strategies. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2018, . |
Conference Paper | 2018 | Shin-I Shih, Hsing-Er Lin, Hao-Chieh Lin, Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh (2018). Team Work Meaningfulness, Competitive Advantage: The Moderating Role of Team Innovation Strategies. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2018, 美國. |
Conference Paper | 2018 | Hsing-Er Lin, I-Jie Hsu (2018). Leader-Member Perceptual Congruence of Authentic Leadership and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Participation. EURAM Conference 2018, 冰島. |
Conference Paper | 2017 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonoughiii, Audreay Wen-Hsin Hsu, His-Mei Chung (2017). Using behavioral agent perspective to understand the impact of ambidexterity on performance. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2017, United States. |
Conference Paper | 2017 | Hsing-Er Lin, Chiung-wen Tsao (2017). Time does matter: How the effects of CEO duality and successor’s governance choices on R&D intensity are moderated in Family Controlled Public Firms. Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and Taiwan Academy of Management (AAOM) Joint Conference 2017, Japan. |
Conference Paper | 2017 | Fred Phillips, Hsing-Er Lin, Shin-Yi Lin. (2017). Developing a knowledge strategy across contexts: A piecemeal engineering approach. Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and Taiwan Academy of Management (AAOM) Joint Conference 2017, Japan. |
Conference Paper | 2016 | Hsing-Er Lin and Byron Lee (2016). Social enterprise performance: Attention to social and economic goals. European Group of Organization Studies Annual Conference 2016, 義大利. |
Conference Paper | 2016 | Hsing-Er Lin, Byron Lee (2016). Social enterprise performance: Attention to social and economic goals. European Group of Organization Studies Annual Conference 2016, . |
Conference Paper | 2015 | Mavis, Y. C. Chen, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward F. McDonough iii (2015). Influence of Perceived Competition on Intellectual Capital and Innovation Performance. Asia Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015, China. |
Conference Paper | 2015 | Gordon Adomdza, Edward F. McDonough iii, Hsing-Er Lin (2015). Funder Monitoring Actions and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Innovation Capabilities. Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015, Vancouver, Canada. |
Conference Paper | 2014 | Hsing-Er Lin (2014). The Boundary Condition and Performance Indicator of Strategic Ambidexterity. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Australia. |
Conference Paper | 2014 | Mavis Yi-Ching Chen, Hsing-Er Lin (2014). Influence of Perceived Competition. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Australia. |
Conference Paper | 2014 | Hsing-Er Lin, (2014). Exploring the Impact of Resource Investment Configuration OnPromoting Innovation Ambidexterity. Taiwan Academy of Management, Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2013 | Chunyan Peng, Hsing-Er Lin, John Shabureck, Edward McDonough III, Baomin Hu, Aigo Chang (2013). Work Meaningfulness: the Influences of CEO Intellectual Stimulation and Environmental Uncertainty. Academy of Management Annual academic conference, United States. |
Conference Paper | 2013 | Edward McDonough III, Hsing-Er Lin (2013). The Role of Innovation in Creating and Sustaining Growth in Emerging Markets. Academic Forum, Mexico. |
Conference Paper | 2013 | Edward McDonough III, Hsing-Er Lin, (2013). The Role of Innovation in Creating and Sustaining Growth in Emerging Markets. Academic Forum, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Mexico. |
Conference Paper | 2012 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Jie Yang (2012). Boundling Knowledge Asset for Achieving Strategic Ambidexterity. Academy of Management Annual academic conference, United States. |
Conference Paper | 2012 | Shu-jou Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2012). A Firm`s Role in Production Networks and its Knowledge Strategies. Academy of Management Annual academic conference, United States. |
Conference Paper | 2010 | Chen, Mavis Yi-Ching, Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2010). Does transformational leadership facilitate SBU innovation? The moderating roles of SBU culture and incentive compensation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management “Leadership in Asia” Special Issue Conference, China. |
Conference Paper | 2010 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III, Shu-jou Lin, Yeh-yun Lin (2010). Effects of Innovation Ambidexterity on the Dynamic Capabilities - Business Performance Relationship. the International Symposium on East and West Cultures and Management, China. |
Conference Paper | 2010 | Hsing-Er Lin, Edward McDonough III (2010). The Role of Cognition and Collaboration in Fostering Innovation Ambdexterity. New Paradigms of Management – The 9th annual academic conference, Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2010 | Shu-jou Lin, Hsing-Er Lin, Edward F. McDonough III (2010). Knowledge architecture and strategies for technological innovation. 全球變局下之管理創新國際研討會, Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2009 | Hsing-Er Lin and Edward F. McDonough III (2009). Investigation the Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Fostering Innovation Ambidexterity. New Paradigms of Management – The 8th annual academic conference, Taiwan. |
Conference Paper | 2009 | Edward F. McDonough III, Hsing-Er Lin (2009). Command, Control, & Confucius: Enabling Entrepreneurial Enterprise?. The sixth annual ABEAI Conference, United States. |
Book and Chapter | 2012 | Hsing-Er Lin (2012). Competing through Innovation and Ambidexterity. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing |
Book and Chapter | 2009 | Hsing-Er Lin (2009). The Impact of Senior Leadership and Organizational Culture on Innovative in Taiwanese Companies. A Thesis Book For the Doctoral Degree of Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands |
Book and Chapter | 1979 | Hsing-Er Lin (1979). Effects of Strategy, Context, Antecedents and Capabilities on Outcomes of Ambidexterity - A multiple country case study of the US, China and Taiwan. A Thesis Book For the Doctoral Degree of Tilburg University, the Netherlands |
Year | Title |
2024 | 執行長關注聚焦與組織雙歧綠色創新:利害關係人壓力為調節作用的探討. 國家科學及技術委員會 (NSTC 113-2410-H-110 -027 -MY2) |
2022 | CEO 性別會影響社會企業的社會與經濟價值創造嗎?以關注力基礎觀點探討. Ministry of Science and Techonology (111-2629-H-110-001-SSS) |
2022 | 何時聯合創始人將出於正當理由做壞事?企業所有權與不道德的利企業行為之間的關係. Ministry of Science and Techonology (110-2410-H-110-037-SS2) |
2021 | 何時聯合創始人將出於正當理由做壞事?企業所有權與不道德的利企業行為之間的關係. Ministry of science and technology (MOST 110-2410-H-110 -037 -SS2) |
2019 | 探討董監責任保險對家族企業探索性創新的影響:CEO任期和董事會性別多元化的調節作用. 科技部 (108-2410-H-110-029-MY2) |
2018 | Governance does matter: The effects of family governance and board capital on exploitative and exploratory innovation in family controlled public firms. MOST (107-2918-I-110-005) |
2018 | Investigating the Temporal Influences on R&D Intensity in Family-Controlled Firm: an Evolutionary PerspectiveInvestigating the Temporal Influences on R&D Intensity in Family-Controlled Firm: an Evolutionary Perspective. MOST (107-2410-H-110-071-) |
2017 | Developing social entrepreneurial Orientation: Dimensions, outcomes, and contingencies. MOST (MOST:106-2410-H-110-067) |
2017 | 發展社會創業導向: 層面、成果、和權變因素. 科技部 (106-2410-H-110-067-) |
2016 | 加班行為與工作效率及工作績效關聯性之研究. MOST (105-2815-C-110-034-H) |
2015 | Dual Goal Success of Social enterprises: An Ambidexterity Perspective. MOST (104-2410-H-110-073-MY2) |
2014 | Boundary Conditions of Strategic Ambidexterity Performance. MOST (103-2410-H-110-069-) |
2012 | Achieving Strategic Ambidexterity: The Effect of Bounded Knowledge Assets and Firm Size. MOST (NSC101-2410-H-110-069-) |
2011 | Orchestrating Resources to Foster Independent Innovation and Financial Performance: The Role of Ambidextrous Investment Strategy. MOST (NSC100-2410-H-110-068) |
Year | Semester | Required / Selected | Department | Course Code | Course |
112 | 2 | Selected | Department of Business Management | BM759 | ACADEMIC ESSAY WRITING |
112 | 2 | Selected | Department of Business Management | BM785 | INDUSTRY STUDIES (I) |
112 | 2 | Selected | Department of Business Management | BM851 | SPECIAL TOPIC IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH |
112 | 2 | Required | Department of Business Management | BM209A | HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT |
112 | 1 | Selected | 企企管碩 | BM682 | DESIGN THINKING |
112 | 1 | Selected | Department of Business Management | BM854 | SEMINAR IN ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY |
112 | 1 | Selected | 企企管碩 | BM501 | ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY & MANAGEMENT |
112 | 1 | Required | CSEMBA | CS935 | ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR |
111 | 2 | Required | 企企管碩 | BM502 | BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGY |
111 | 2 | Selected | Department of Business Management | BM851 | SPECIAL TOPIC IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH |
111 | 2 | Required | Department of Business Management | BM209A | HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT |
111 | 2 | Required | 跨院選修(管) | GEAI1419A | HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT |
111 | 1 | Selected | 企企管碩 | BM682 | DESIGN THINKING |
111 | 1 | Required | 企企管碩 | BM501 | ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY & MANAGEMENT |
111 | 1 | Selected | Department of Business Management | BM852 | SEMINAR IN TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION STRATEGY |
111 | 1 | Required | CSEMBA | CS935 | ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR |
Year | Title | Awarding Organization |
2020 | Best Paper Award | 台灣組織與管理學會研討會 |
2019 | 學術研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2018 | Academic Research Outstanding Teacher | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2018 | University Outstanding Course Award – Strategic Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2018 | Best Symposium Award | AOM |
2017 | Best Paper Award | AAOM/TAOM Joint Conference |
2017 | University Outstanding Course Award – Human Resource Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2017 | University Outstanding Course Award – Strategic Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2017 | University Outstanding Course Award – Creativity and innovation management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2016 | University Outstanding Course Award – Human Resource Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2016 | University Outstanding Course Award – Strategic Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2015 | University Outstanding Course Award – Human Resource Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2015 | University Outstanding Course Award – Strategic Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2014 | University Outstanding Course Award – Human Resource Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
2013 | University Outstanding Course Award – Human Resource Management | National Sun Yat-sen University |
Period | Activity | Description | Role |