學歷 |
2023, 博士, 電算及訊息系統學院, 新加坡管理大學
類別 |
年度 |
名稱 |
期刊論文 |
2024 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2024). Non-Monotonic Generation of Knowledge Paths for Context Understanding. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 15(1). (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 |
2023 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2023). Contextual Path Retrieval: A Contextual Entity Relation Embedding-based Approach. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 41(1). (SCIE) |
期刊論文 |
2023 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2023). A Transformer Framework for Generating Context-Aware Knowledge Graph Paths. Applied Intelligence, 53. (SCIE) |
研討會論文 |
2023 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Yang-Yin Li, Hsien-Hao Chen, Angus Trisnajaya Kwee, Ee-Peng Lim (2023). Contrastive Learning Approach to Word-in-Context Task for Low Resource Languages. AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Augmented Methods for NLP, United States. |
研討會論文 |
2023 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Yi-Hang Tsai, Ee-Peng Lim, San-Yih Hwang (2023). On Exploring the Reasoning Capability of Large Language Models with Knowledge Graphs. SIGIR Workshop on Generative Information Retrieval (Gen-IR@SIGIR23), Taiwan. |
研討會論文 |
2022 |
Lee-Hsun Hsieh, Nam-Chew Chua, Agus Trisnajaya Kwee, Pei-Chi Lo, YangYin Lee, Ee-Peng Lim (2022). Singlish Checker: A Tool for Understanding and Analysing an English Creole Language. The 24th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, Vietname. |
研討會論文 |
2021 |
Amila Silva, Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2021). On Predicting Personal Values of Social Media Users using Community-Specific Language Features and Personal Value Correlation. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, United States. |
研討會論文 |
2020 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2020). Co-embedding attributed networks with external knowledge. IEEE International Conference on Big Data, United States. |
研討會論文 |
2020 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2020). Interactive Entity Linking Using Entity-Word Representations. Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, China. |
研討會論文 |
2020 |
Amila Silva, Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2020). JPLink: On Linking Jobs to Vocational Interest Types. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Singapore. |
研討會論文 |
2018 |
Pei-Chi Lo, Ee-Peng Lim (2018). On Learning Psycholinguistics Tools for English-based Creole Languages using Social Media Data. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, United States. |
年度 |
名稱 |
2024 |
基於大型語言模型的時序上下文知識發現. 國家科學及技術委員會 (113-2410-H-110 -004 -MY2) |
2024 |
潛力國際研究群-智慧科技於高齡生活之應用. 高教深耕計畫 |
2024 |
季河資訊股份有限公司-生成式AI模型建置. 季河資訊有限公司 |
學年度 |
學期 |
必選修 |
開課系所 |
課號 |
課程名稱 |
112 |
2 |
必 |
資管系 |
MIS323 |
資料庫系統專案(一) |
起迄日期 |
計劃/活動名稱 |
計劃/活動內容 |
擔任角色 |