Title Associate Professor
Research Interests Organizational Behavior; Human Resource Management; Human Resource Development
Office 管4045室
Phone 4932

Education 2011, Ph.D., Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University
Experience 2022-02-01 ~ 2023-07-31, Institute of Human Resource Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Professor
2020-02-01 ~ 2022-01-31, Institute of Human Resource Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Assistant Professor
2018-08-01 ~ 2020-01-31, Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University, Assistant Professor
2016-02-01 ~ 2018-07-31, Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University, Assistant Professor (Contract)
Academic Services 2023-02-01 ~ , 中山人管所, 人力資源管理學報(TSSCI期刊)執行編輯
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2023 謝慧賢、潘麗、蔡佩芳、廖婉如 (2023). Thinking Too Much! Investigating The Role of Rumination in the Qualitative Job Insecurity Process: The Moderating Effects of Career Adaptability. Journal of Organization and Management. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2022 Hsieh, H. H., & Huang, J. T. (2022). Why and when are silent employees less satisfied with their jobs? A conservation of resources perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(4), 319-331. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2022 Hsieh, H. H., & Kao, K. Y. (2022). Beyond individual job insecurity: A multilevel examination of job insecurity climate on work engagement and job satisfaction. Stress and Health, 38(1), 119-129. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2020 Wang, C. C., Hsieh, H. H., & Wang, Y. D. (2020). Abusive supervision and employee engagement and satisfaction: The mediating role of employee silence. Personnel Review, 49(9), 1845-1858. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2020 Hsieh, H. H., Hsu, H. H., Kao, K. Y., & Wang, C. C. (2020). Ethical leadership and employee unethical pro-organizational behavior: A moderated mediation model of moral disengagement and coworker ethical behavior. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(6), 799-812. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2019 Hsieh, H. H., Wang, Y. C., & Huang, J. T. (2019). Core self-evaluations, perceived organizational support, and work-related well-being: Testing a moderated mediation model. Personnel Review, 48(3), 659-671. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2018 Hsieh, H. H., & Huang, J. T. (2018). Exploring factors influencing employees’ impression management feedback-seeking behavior: The role of managerial coaching skills and affective trust. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 29(2), 163-180. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2017 Hsieh, H. H., & Huang, J. T. (2017). Core self-evaluations and job and life satisfaction: The mediating and moderated mediating role of job insecurity. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 151(3), 282-298. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2016 Hsieh, H. H., & Wang, Y. D. (2016). Linking perceived ethical climate to organizational deviance: The cognitive, affective, and attitudinal mechanisms. Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3600-3608. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2015 Huang, J. T., & Hsieh, H. H. (2015). Supervisors as good coaches: Influences of coaching on employees’ in-role behaviors and proactive career behaviors. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(1), 42-58. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2014 Wang, Y. D., & Hsieh, H. H. (2014). Employees’ reactions to psychological contract breach: A moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(1), 57-66. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2014 Hsieh, H. H., & Huang, J. T. (2014). The effects of socioeconomic status and proactive personality on career decision self-efficacy. Career Development Quarterly, 62(1), 29-43. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2013 Wang, Y. D., & Hsieh, H. H. (2013). Organizational ethical climate, perceived organizational support, and employee silence: A cross-level investigation. Human Relations, 66(6), 783-802. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2012 Wang, Y. D., & Hsieh, H. H. (2012). Toward a better understanding of the link between ethical climate and job satisfaction: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(4), 535-545. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2011 Huang, J. T., & Hsieh, H. H. (2011). Linking socioeconomic status to social cognitive career theory factors: A partial least squares path modeling analysis. Journal of Career Assessment, 19(4), 452-461. (SSCI)
Year Title

不當督導與員工幸福感:歸因觀點. National Science and Technology Council (112-2410-H-110-034-SSS)


策略人力資本的形成、流動、及對組織績效的影響:多層次與多方法的 整合性研究-管理教練作為策略性人力資本發展的驅動力:探討其對個人和團隊績效的影響. Ministry of Science and Techonology (MOST 110-2410-H-110-038-SS2)


員工對工作不安全感反應的適用情境之探討. Ministry of Science and Techonology (MOST 110-2628-H-110-001-SSS)


策略人力資本的形成、流動、及對組織績效的影響:多層次與多方法的整合性研究-管理教練作為策略性人力資本發展的驅動力:探討其對個人和團隊績效的影響. Ministry of Science and Techonology (MOST 110-2410-H-110-038-SS2)


工作不安全感氣候的個人與團隊層次後果變項之研究. Ministry of Science and Techonology (MOST 108-2628-H-110-006-SS2)


工作不安全感氣候的個人與團隊層次後果變項之研究. Ministry of Science and Techonology (MOST 108-2628-H-110-006-SS2)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM913 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
112 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM759 SEMINAR IN WORKPLACE STRESS AND HEALTH
112 1 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM703 ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS (I)
112 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM603 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT
111 2 Selected Department of Business Management CM411 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM759 SEMINAR IN WORKPLACE STRESS AND HEALTH
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM615 PEOPLE ANALYTICS
111 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM913 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
111 2 Required Institute of Human Resource Management HRM507 INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMNET
111 2 Selected Department of Information Management CM507 ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
111 1 Selected Department of Business Management CM411 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
111 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM953 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT
111 1 Selected Department of Information Management CM507 ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
111 1 Selected Department of Business Management CM411A THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
111 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM603 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM913 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
110 2 Selected Department of Information Management CM411A THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM616 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND EF
110 2 Selected Department of Information Management CM411 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
110 2 Selected Department of Information Management CM507 ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM615 PEOPLE ANALYTICS
110 2 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM641 STRAGETIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
110 1 Selected Department of Information Management CM411 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
110 1 Selected Department of Information Management CM411A THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL
110 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM759 SEMINAR IN WORKPLACE STRESS AND HEALTH
110 1 Selected Department of Information Management CM507 ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
110 1 Selected Institute of Human Resource Management HRM603 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT
Year Name Degree Title
2023 M104050807
2023 N104050005
2023 M104050007
2023 M114050804
2023 M104650009
2022 Chia-Mei Lin Master Workplace Telepressure and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Exploring the Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms
2022 Tzu-Chen Su Master The Effects of Proactive Personality and Hardiness Personality on Perceived Employability:Career Adaptability as a Mediator
2022 Ying-Chun Chen Master An Investigation of Consequences and Boundary Conditions of Employee Silence
2022 Tzu-Ting Huang Master The Effects of Managerial Coaching on Team Work Engagement and Team Satisfaction: Team Psychological Capital as a Mediator
2022 Hsuan Fan Master The Effects of Work Overload on Safety Performance:? The Mediating Role of Ego Depletion
2022 Ya-Chun Tsai Master The Relationships among Social Support, Resilience, and Career Satisfaction
2022 Hsiu-Ju Chang Master Abusive Supervision and Employee Voice: The Mechanisms of Stressor Appraisals
2022 Yi-Ching Yang Master Work Overload and Employee Work Attitudes: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect and The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluation
2022 Pei-Yi Tsai Master The Effects of Job Content Plateau on Proactive Career Behaviors: A Perspective from the Job Demands-Resources Model.
2022 Yi-Ching Hsieh Master An Investigation of Consequences and Boundary Conditions of Workplace Ostracism
2022 Tsai-Ni Chung Master How and When Health-Specific Leadership Enhances Employee Retention Intention: A Conservation of Resources Perspective
2022 LUM WAI TUNG Master Managerial Coaching and Employee Innovative Behavior: The Mediating Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Relational Energy
2021 Wan-Ru Liao Master Job Insecurity and Withdrawal Behavior: Examining Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions
2021 Hsin-Yun Chang Master Supervisor Incivility and Employee Job and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Needs
2021 Tsai-Hua Chung Master Workplace Ostracism and Job Insecurity: Exploring the Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms
2021 Yan-Ru Lai Master How Job Insecurity Influences Organization-directed Citizenship Behavior: The Indirect Effects of Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Identification
2021 Hsin-Ya Hsieh Master The Effects of Job Content Plateau on Turnover Intention: Investigating the Mediating Role of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and the Moderating Role of Proactive Personality
2020 Chun-Yu Su Master The Effects of Career Decision Self-Efficacy on Subjective Career Success: The Mediating Role of Career Adaptability
Year Title Awarding Organization
2023 111年度管院優良導師 中山大學管理學院
2021 110年度新進教師獎勵 中山大學
2021 110年度逸仙新進管理學者獎 中山大學
2020 109年度新進教師獎勵 中山大學
2020 109年度逸仙新進管理學者獎 中山大學
2019 108年度新進教師獎勵 中山大學
2019 108年度逸仙新進管理學者獎 中山大學
2018 107年度延攬特殊優秀人才獎勵 科技部
Period Activity Description Role
2020-12-02 ~ 2020-12-02 ⾼雄市政府勞⼯局『109年度福企⾦賞』競賽 該活動為⿎勵事業單位營造⼀個讓員⼯快樂⼯作的優質職場環境,透過舉辦「109 年度福企⾦賞」活動,藉由公開表揚事業單位友善的⼈事管理措施,豎立企業標竿,企業可於此次活動增進公司品牌形象,履⾏企業社會責任,藉此創造正⾯ 的社會效益。同時提升勞資和諧與信任關係,最終創造企業與勞⼯的雙贏 評分委員