Name Hsu-Sheng Hsieh
Title Associate Professor
Research Interests Urban Planning, Mobility Management, Travel Behavior Analysis, Social and Environmental Psychology
Office CM4044-2
Phone 4908

Education 2017, Ph.D., Urban Management, Kyoto University
2013, Master, Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University
2010, Bachelor, Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University
Experience 2018-02-01 ~ 2020-01-31, Dept. of Urban Development, UT, Assistant Professor
2017-10-01 ~ 2018-01-31, UMTec Limited, Postdoc Research Associate
2014-04-01 ~ 2014-12-31, Dept. of Transportation & Logistics Management, NCTU, Research Project Assistant
Academic Services 2022-11-04 ~ 2022-11-04, Institute of International Management, NCKU, Guest Speaker Session (Urban Structure and Sustainable Transport), Speaker
2022-10-21 ~ 2022-10-21, 國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所, 公共事務管理系列論壇(主題二:永續交通與城巿發展)與談人
2022-09-06 ~ 2022-09-06, 國科會, 「2030跨世代年輕學者方案 新秀、國際年輕學者交流座談」計畫執行心得分享人
2022-08-30 ~ 2022-08-30, 國科會, 「拓宇擎光:2022人文及社會學者跨領域交流會議」愛因斯坦培植計畫及新秀學者計畫分享人
2022-05-16 ~ 2022-06-15, Asian Transport Studies (Scopus), Reviewer
2022-05-13 ~ 2022-05-13, 高雄市政府公務人力發展中心, 111174「市政專題研習班(一)」講座
2022-04-16 ~ 2022-04-16, 國立成功大學都市計劃學系, 「第二十六屆國土規劃論壇」學術論文研討會之主持暨評論人
2022-03-14 ~ 2022-04-13, 公共行政學報(TSSCI), Reviewer
2022-02-01 ~ 2022-07-31, 國立成功大學都市計劃學系, 110-2碩士學位論文考試委員
2022-01-12 ~ 2022-01-12, 國立中山大學, 「西灣跨界沙龍×年輕學者交流會」研究計畫分享座談教師
2021-11-16 ~ 2022-05-19, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (Scopus), Reviewer
2021-10-27 ~ 2021-10-27, 國立成功大學都市計劃學系, 「UP Talks I系友論壇」演講者、與談人
2021-07-16 ~ 2022-01-02, City and Planning (TSSCI), Reviewer
2021-04-24 ~ 2021-04-24, 國立成功大學都市計劃學系, 「第二十五屆國土規劃論壇」學術論文研討會之主持暨評論人
2021-03-26 ~ 2022-05-18, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (SSCI), Reviewer
2020-08-01 ~ 2021-07-31, NSYSU Social Engagement Center, Research Associate
2019-05-25 ~ 2019-05-25, 中華民國都市計劃學會, 「2019全國規劃系所實習聯展」講評人
2019-01-21 ~ 2019-02-01, 臺北市立大學國際事務處, 「韓國釜山教育大學108年華語文化研習營」主講人
2019-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31, Urban Design Review Committee, New Taipei City, Committee Member
2018-09-01 ~ 2019-08-31, 國立體育大學校園交通管理委員會, 委員
2018-08-01 ~ 2018-12-31, 臺北市政府網路投票作業審查會議, 委員
2018-08-01 ~ 2019-07-31, 中華大學建築與都市計畫學系, 107碩士學位考試委員
2018-03-12 ~ 2018-04-11, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (SSCI), Reviewer
Category Year Title
Journal Article 2024 Hsieh, H. S. (2024). Associations between built environments, heterogeneous walking behaviors, and wellbeing among pre-older and older adults in an upcoming super-aged society. Journal of Transport & Health. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2023 Hsieh, H. S.* (2023). Understanding post-COVID-19 hierarchy of public transit needs: Exploring relationship between service attributes, satisfaction, and loyalty. Journal of Transport & Health , 32, 101656. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2023 謝旭昇*、藍祐安、黃家耀 (2023). Perceived environment walkability of residents and tourists in a tourism city: Building constructs and analyzing their associations with walking. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, 已接受. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2022 Hsieh, H. S.* (2022). Road pricing acceptability and persuasive communication effectiveness. Transport Policy, 125, 179-191. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2022 張念盈、謝旭昇*、黃家耀、古永強 (2022). Analysis of Travel Characteristics and Trip Generation in an Aging City: A Case Study of Macao. Journal of Architecture & Planning (Scopus), 21(1/2), 61-88. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2022 夏晧清*、謝旭昇 (2022). From Mobility to Accessibility: Constructing the Concept of Demand Responsive Service Place in Remote Areas. City and Planning, 已接受. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2022 謝旭昇*、夏晧清、陳葦丰、藍祐安、李欣潔、薛旻加 (2022). Disadvantaged Groups in Travel Behavior Adaptation to the COVID-19 Epidemic. City and Planning, 49(4), 361-391. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2022 謝旭昇*、陳葦丰 (2022). Egoistic or Altruistic? Integrating Brand Benefit Motivations and Pro-environmental Motivations to Investigate Behavioral Intention of Electric Scooter Use. City and Planning, 49(4), 421-462. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2022 Hsieh, H. S.*, & Hsia, H. C. (2022). Can continued anti-epidemic measures help post-COVID-19 public transport recovery? Evidence from Taiwan . Journal of Transport & Health , 26, 101392. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2021 Hsieh, H. S.*, & Chuang, M. T. (2021). Association of perceived environment walkability with purposive and discursive walking for urban design strategies. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 14(1), 1099-1127. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2021 謝旭昇*、夏晧清 (2021). Translating Behavioral Intention into Action: Mediating Mechanisms in Travel Behavior Change. City and Planning, 48(2), 205-238. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2021 謝旭昇* (2021). Kantian Publicness and Transcending Commonwealth: Reconstruction of Public Participation Theory in Urban Planning. Journal of Public Administration, 61, 1-40. (TSSCI)
Journal Article 2020 Hsieh, H. S.* (2020). Transport policy evaluation based on elasticity analysis with social interactions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 139, 273-296. (SCI)
Journal Article 2019 謝旭昇* (2019)。停車政策接受度的心理認知結構及社會困境自覺的調節作用。建築學報,109,53-76。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2019 Hsieh, H. S.*, Kanda, Y., & Fujii (2019). Incorporation of coping planning into the behavior change model that accounts for implementation intention. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 228-244. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2018 Hsieh, H. S.* (2018). Soft measures, behavioral theories and applications for pro-environmental travel behavior change. Journal of Architecture & Planning (Scopus), 19(1), 43-65. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2017 Hsieh, H. S.*, Kanda, Y., & Fujii (2017). Reducing car use by volitional strategy of action and coping planning enhancement. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 47, 163-175. (SSCI)
Journal Article 2017 Hsieh, H. S.*, Kanda, Y., & Fujii (2017). A new psychological approach to reducing individuals' car use behavior applying coping planning and analyzing its effect. Urban and Regional Planning Review (J-STAGE), 4, 1-20. (其他期刊)
Journal Article 2016 謝旭昇、夏晧清*、葉光毅 (2016)。導入社會互動效果之集體行為均衡移轉門檻分析:以機慢車停車地點選擇行為為例。都市與計劃,43(4),395-435。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2015 謝旭昇、夏晧清*、葉光毅 (2015)。考量社會互動下之機慢車停車地點選擇行為模式之建構。都市與計劃,42(3),325-362。(TSSCI)
Journal Article 2013 夏晧清*、葉光毅、謝旭昇 (2013)。道路交通信賴性之一些新近論點考察。台灣公共工程學刊,7(1),11-18。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2012 葉光毅、謝旭昇* (2012)。存在於「政策研擬」與「歷史看法」之間的一些課題。東亞論壇季刊,475,61-72。(其他期刊)
Journal Article 2011 夏晧清*、葉光毅、傅裕豪、謝旭昇 (2011)。將社會行為理論導入於公共工程計畫的應用─從「態度追隨型計畫」到「態度轉變型計畫」。Journal of Architecture & Planning (Scopus),12(2),161-188。(其他期刊)
Conference Paper 2022 莊于瑩、謝旭昇 (2022). 應用認知失調理論探討利環境交通行為轉變機制. 第二十六屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2022 林承毅、謝旭昇 (2022). 賦能與賦權之整合綜效:公民思辨與自決對於公民權力的影響. 第二十六屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2022 蘇丞佑、謝旭昇 (2022). 高雄市健康城市指標建構與發展策略. 第二十六屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2022 夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2022). 交通行動服務(MaaS)的發展現況與未來展望. 第二十六屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2021 李欣潔、謝旭昇 (2021). 納入地區社會資本探討環境、步行及健康與生活滿意度之關聯. 第二十五屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2021 謝旭昇、陳葦丰 (2021). 都市計劃民眾參與之理論重構初探. 第二十五屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2021 夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2021). COVID-19疫情下的公車使用者旅運行為變化之研究. 第二十五屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2021 Hsieh, H. S., & Hsia, H. C. (2021). To Ride or Not to Ride Metro? That is the Question in the COVID-19 Era. The 25th Forum on Land Use and Planning, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2021 林承毅、謝旭昇 (2021). 公共參與如何改變公民社會中的權力結構?一個動態模型的建構和初步驗證. 「2021文化、社會與地方創生:理論與實踐」國際學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2021 夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2021). 提升移動性或可及性?偏鄉生活環境改善的新思維. 2021年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、中華城市管理學會聯合年會暨論文研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2020 謝旭昇、夏晧清、陳葦丰、藍祐安、李欣潔、薛旻加 (2020). 誰是COVID-19疫情下的旅運行為調適弱者?. 2020年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、住宅學會、中華城市管理學會聯合年會暨論文研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2020 Lan, Y. A., Hsieh, H. S., & Chuang, M. T. (2020). Influence of perceived environment walkability on commuting and leisure walking behavior. 2020 MCU Tourism International Conference - The Big Future of AI: Innovative Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure Industry, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2018 謝旭昇 (2018). 以心理策略促進利環境交通方式之行為轉變研究. 2018科技與社會學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2017 Hsieh, H. S. (2017). Mobility management for private car use reduction: A case in Taipei City. 39th Symposium on Environment & Sanitary Engineering Research, Japan.
Conference Paper 2016 Numajiri, R., Tanaka, K., Nakao, S., Hsieh, H. S., Miyakawa, A., Kanda, Y., & Fujii, S. (2016). Text-mining analysis of opinions for exploring trust toward infrastructure investment and its reasons in Japan. The 31st International Congress of Psychology, Japan.
Conference Paper 2016 Hsieh, H. S., Kanda, Y., & Fujii (2016). A new psychological approach to reducing individuals' car use behavior applying coping planning and analyzing its effects. International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2016, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2015 Hsieh, H. S. (2015). Elasticity analysis for social interactions: A case of scooter and bicycle parking behavior in Taiwan. 52nd Conference on Infrastructure Planning and Management 2015, Japan.
Conference Paper 2015 葉光毅、夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2015). 計畫科學分析方法論的再認識─分析哲學周邊的一些論點. 第十八屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2014 葉光毅、夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2014). 人工智慧化的經濟社會-個人合理性與社會調和. 第十八屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2012 Hsieh, H. S., Yeh, K. Y., & Hsia, H. C. (2012). The econometric analysis of parking location choice behaviour considering the presence of social interaction effects. 19th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, UK.
Conference Paper 2012 Hsia, H. C., Yeh, K. Y., & Hsieh, H. S. (2012). The analysis of using psychological strategy to decrease illegal motorcycle and bike parking problems in city centres. 19th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, UK.
Conference Paper 2012 葉光毅、謝旭昇 (2012). 新世紀造街與停車場的新課題:一些先進都市的事例檢討. 第十六屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2012 謝旭昇、夏晧清、葉光毅 (2012). 導入社會互動效果的停車地點選擇行為模式之建構與集體行為門檻分析. 第十六屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2011 葉光毅、謝旭昇、夏晧清 (2011). 生涯發達與社會能力之心理學考察. 第十五屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2011 Hsieh, H. S., Hsia, H. C., & Yeh, K. Y. (2011). An analysis of policy intervention to on-street scooter and bicycle parking considering the social interaction effect. The 6th International Conference on Planning and Design, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2011 葉光毅、謝旭昇、簡瑋宏 (2011). 市街地開發與公共交通移動性管理. 2011年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會聯合年會暨論文研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2010 謝旭昇、夏晧清、葉光毅 (2010). 市中心街區機慢車擾人停車之現狀與原因之初探. 第十四屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2010 葉光毅、夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2010). 新世紀「計畫科學學際化」周邊的一些課題. 第十四屆國土規劃論壇, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2010 謝旭昇、夏晧清、葉光毅 (2010). 市中心街區機慢車使用者停車行為之意識結構分析. 第6屆兩岸四地公共管理學術研討會, Taiwan.
Conference Paper 2010 葉光毅、夏晧清、謝旭昇 (2010). 新世紀高密精巧都市(Compact City)的再考證─日本的實例介紹. 2010年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、住宅學會聯合年會暨論文研討會, Taiwan.
Book and Chapter 2014

Hsu-Sheng Hsieh (2014). 計畫學際方法論論叢. 建都文化

Book and Chapter 2014

Hsu-Sheng Hsieh (2014). 機車行為模式在都市混合車流中之實証分析及模式建立. 交通部科技顧問室

Book and Chapter 2012

Hsu-Sheng Hsieh (2012). 都市交通計畫理論與實際. 建都文化

Year Title

Method of Providing Objective Information: Environmental Education Communication for Understanding Intangible and Long-term Benefits of Pro-environmental Behavior Change. 教育部(教學實踐研究計畫) (PSL1123269)


再造永續、安全與健康之自行車交通城市:政策典範移轉以及運具選擇轉變之結構策略與心理策略. Ministry of Science and Technology (Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators) (MOST 112-2628-H-110 -003 -MY2)


後COVID-19疫情時代臺灣永續運輸的重構:大眾運輸、主動式交通和綠能運具之發展策略(3/3). Ministry of Science and Techonology (112-2628-H-110-001-)


再造永續、安全與健康之自行車交通城市:政策典範移轉以及運具選擇轉變之結構策略與心理策略. Ministry of Science and Techonology (112-2628-H-110-003-MY2)


From "Stakeholder Participation" to "Public Participation": Conceptual Clarification of Publicness, Citizen Empowerment and Enablement Strategies, and Dynamic Model of Citizen Power Structure Change. NSTC (MOST 111-2410-H-110-055)


Method of Facilitating Experience: Applying . MOE (Teaching Practice Research Program) (PSL1110094)


後COVID-19疫情時代臺灣永續運輸的重構:大眾運輸、主動式交通和綠能運具之發展策略(2/3). NSTC (2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program: Emerging Young Scholars) (MOST 110-2628-H-110-002)


後COVID-19疫情時代臺灣永續運輸的重構:大眾運輸、主動式交通和綠能運具之發展策略(1/3). MOST (2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program: Emerging Young Scholars) (MOST 110-2628-H-110-006)


知行落差的消弭:主動式做中學的環境意識與行為轉變. MOE (Teaching Practice Research Program, outstanding project) (PSL1100309)


Healthy People from Walkable Environment? Roles of Perceived Environment Walkability in Walk Trip Generation, Health, and Life Satisfaction. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 109-2410-H-110-081)


Development of Perceived Environment Walkability Scale and Its Association with Walking Behavior for Residents and Tourists in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Technology (Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators) (MOST 108-2628-H-845-002-SSS)


Psychological Decision-making Process and Public Acceptance of Car Use Reduction under Social Interactions. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 107-2410-H-110-082-MY2)

Year Semester Required / Selected Department Course Code Course
112 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM518 URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
112 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM983 QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS AND WRITING
112 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM987A PUBLIC ECONOMICS
111 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM518 URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
111 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM983 QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS AND WRITING
111 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM907A PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS
111 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM573 URBAN TRANSPORTATION
110 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM518 URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
110 2 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM983 QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS AND WRITING
110 1 Selected Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM987 PUBLIC ECONOMICS
110 1 Required Institute of Public Affairs Management PAM509 FIELD PROJECT IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS MANAGEMENT
Year Name Degree Title
2023 N094040006
2022 碩士
2022 碩士
2021 碩士
2020 碩士
2020 碩士
2020 碩士
Year Title Awarding Organization
2023 教育部110年度教學實踐研究績優計畫 教育部
2023 國立中山大學優良課程獎勵(永續都市環境行為及心理學) 國立中山大學
2023 吳大猷先生紀念獎 國科會
2023 國立中山大學學術研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2023 國立中山大學教學績優教師 國立中山大學
2023 國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫 國科會
2023 國立中山大學特聘年輕學者 國立中山大學
2023 中華民國都市計劃學會「計畫獎狀-學術研究獎」 中華民國都市計劃學會
2022 國立中山大學優良課程獎勵(公共經濟學) 國立中山大學
2022 國立中山大學新進教師獎勵(第三年獎勵) 國立中山大學
2022 國立中山大學學術研究績優教師 國立中山大學
2022 逸仙新進管理學者獎 國立中山大學管理學院
2022 國立中山大學優良課程獎勵(都市環境管理) 國立中山大學
2022 管理學院優良導師獎 國立中山大學管理學院
2021 國立中山大學新進教師獎勵(第二年獎勵) 國立中山大學
2021 逸仙新進管理學者獎 國立中山大學管理學院
2021 MOST 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program: Emerging Young Scholars Ministry of Science and Technology
2021 國立中山大學優良課程獎勵(公共政策分析) 國立中山大學
2021 國立中山大學優良課程獎勵(永續都市環境行為及心理學) 國立中山大學
2020 國立中山大學新進教師獎勵 國立中山大學
2020 逸仙新進管理學者獎 國立中山大學管理學院
2020 國立中山大學優良課程獎勵(公共政策分析) 國立中山大學
2019 Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology
2016 日本台灣交流協會留學獎學金 日本台灣交流協會
2013 The Annual Thesis Award of 2013, Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning
Period Activity Description Role
2021-01-01 ~ 2021-12-31 國立中山大學社會責任實踐計畫──產學合創・在地共融:建構大學合作式培力推廣服務計畫 指導學生社區實習、向高雄市民引介公共時事議題 協同主持人
2021-03-01 ~ 2021-11-30
2020-10-30 ~ 2020-10-30 社區國中生培力計畫 SDG13主題演講:「綠色交通行為怎樣從生活中落實」 演講者
2021-01-01 ~ 高雄廣播電台:公事好好說 設計並主持公共事務管理相關內容之廣播節目 節目內容設計和主持人