姓名 | 邱兆民 |
職稱 | 教授 |
專長及研究領域 | 電子商務、網路社群、知識管理、資訊科技接受 |
研究室 | 管(CM) 4103 |
分機 | 4700/4733 |
cmchiu@mis.nsysu.edu.tw |
學歷 | 1997, 博士, 資訊管理, 羅格斯, 紐澤西州立大學 1991, 碩士, 資訊管理, 國立台灣工業技術學院(台灣科技大學) 1989, 學士, 工業管理, 國立台灣工業技術學院(台灣科技大學) |
行政職務 | 2021-08-01 ~ 2024-06-20, 智慧電子商務研究中心, 主任 2016-08-01 ~ 2020-01-31, 資訊管理學系, 系主任 2013-08-01 ~ 2016-07-31, 管理學院資訊中心, 主任
學術服務 | 2018-08-01 ~ 2019-07-31, 中山管理評論, 領域編輯 2016-08-01 ~ 2022-04-20, 商略學報, 編輯委員 2015-08-01 ~ 2022-04-20, 電子商務研究期刊, 副編輯 2014-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31, 資訊管理學報 , 領域編輯 2013-08-01 ~ 2022-04-20, 亞太資訊系統協會期刊, 副編輯 |
類別 | 年度 | 名稱 |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Haq, M.D.*, Tseng, T.H., Chiu, C.M., and Cheng, S.L., Kuo, Y.H. (2024). This Country is Loveable: A Model of Destination Brand Love Considering Consumption Authenticity and Social Experience. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 32, 100878. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Haq, M.D. and Chiu, C.M. (2024). Boosting Online User Engagement With Short Video Endorsement Content on TikTok via the Image Transfer Mechanism. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 64, 101379. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2024 | Cheng, H.L., Tan, C.M.*, Chiu, C.M., Huang, H.Y., and Lee, Y.C. (2024). Using the ELM to Explore the Impact of Fake News on Panic Vaccination Intention: Taiwan’s COVID-19 Vaccination Phenomenon. Journal of Global Information Management, 32(1), 1-39. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | Wen, B., Hu, P.J.H., and Chiu, C.M. (2023). Effect of Envy on Intention to Cyberbully in Social Network Sites: Examining Two Competing Views. Journal of Global Information Management, 31(1), 1-27. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | Chiu, C.-M., Tan, C.M., Hsu, J.S.-C*. and Cheng, H.-L. (2023). Employee Deviance: The Impacts of Techno-Insecurity and Moral Disengagement. Information Technology & People, 36(1), 140-164. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2023 | Chiu, Chao-Min; Tan, Chiew Mei; Hsu, Jack Shih-Chieh; Cheng, Hsiang-Lan (2023). Employee deviance: the impacts of techno-insecurity and moral disengagement. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PEOPLE, 36(1), 140-164. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | 鄭鈞、邱兆民、梁定澎、徐士傑、陳怡蓁 (2022). Understanding the Drivers of Switching to Internet-Only Bank from the PPM Perspective . Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 30(1), 3-36. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Wiyata, Hsu, S.C., Hung, Y.W., and Chiu, C.M. (2022). Cross-border Social Commerce: from a Trust Transfer Perspective. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research , 23(2), 115-137. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | 蘇芳儀、邱兆民*、楊文淵 (2022). Applying Stimulus-Organism-Response and Flow Theories to Explore Factors Affecting Instagram User Stickiness. Journal of Information Management., 29(4), 397 - 432. (TSSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2022 | Chiu, Chao-Min; Tan, Chiew Mei; Hsu, Jack Shih-Chieh; Cheng, Hsiang-Lan (2022). Employee deviance: the impacts of techno-insecurity and moral disengagement. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PEOPLE, 36(1), 140-164. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2021 | Cheng, Hsiang-Lan, Lin, Tung-Ching, Tan, Wee-Kheng, and Chiu, Chao-Min (2021). Understanding Employees’ Response to Work-Related After-Hours Use of Instant Messaging Apps: A Stress and Coping Perspective. Online Information Review , 45(7), 1247-1267. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Chiu, CM; Huang, HY; Cheng, HL; Hsu, JSC (2019). Driving individuals' citizenship behaviors in virtual communities through attachment. Internet Research, 29(4), 870-899. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2019 | Chiu, CM; Fu, CY; Lin, WY; Chen, CF (2019). The central roles of embeddedness and engagement in virtual communities. Online Information Review, 43(4), 531-550. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Chiu, C.M., Hsu, S.C., Liang, T.P., Lowry, P. (2018). Solving the Interpretational-Confounding and Interpretational-Ambiguity Problems of Formative Construct Modeling in Behavioral Research: Proposing a Two-Stage Fixed-Weight Redundancy Approach. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(7), 618-671. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2018 | Liang, T.P., Lai, C.Y., Hsu, P.H., Chiu, C.M., and Hsieh, C.T. (2018). Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty to Smartphone Systems: A Perceived Benefits Perspective. A International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16(5), 513 - 534. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2017 | Chiu, CM; Huang, HY; Weng, YC; Chen, CF (2017). The roles of customer-brand relationships and brand equity in brand extension acceptance. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(2), 155-176. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Chiu, CM; Fang, YH; Wang, ETG (2015). Building Community Citizenship Behaviors: The Relative Role of Attachment and Satisfaction. JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 16(16), 947-979. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Chiu, CM; Huang, HY; Cheng, HL; Sun, PC (2015). Understanding online community citizenship behaviors through social support and social identity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 35(35), 504-519. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Chiu, CM; Huang, HY (2015). Examining the antecedents of user gratification and its effects on individuals' social network services usage: the moderating role of habit. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 24(24), 411-430. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2015 | Lin, TC; Hsu, JSC; Cheng, HL; Chiu, CM (2015). Exploring the relationship between receiving and offering online social support: A dual social support model. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT, 52(52), 371-383. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chiu, CM; Liang, TP; Turban, E (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue on "Crowdsourcing and Social Networks Analysis". DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 65(65), 1-2. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Shih, FJ; Fan, YW; Chiu, CM; Shih, FJ; Wang, SS (2014). Needs for Providing Overseas Organ Transplant Medical Function and Information With eHealth Telecare Systems-Instrument Development for Health Professionals in Taiwan. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, 46(46), 1014-1018. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chiu, CM; Liang, TP; Turban, E (2014). What can crowdsourcing do for decision support?. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 65(65), 40-49. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2014 | Chiu, CM; Wang, ETG; Fang, YH; Huang, HY (2014). Understanding customers' repeat purchase intentions in B2C e-commerce: the roles of utilitarian value, hedonic value and perceived risk. INFORMATION SYSTEMS JOURNAL, 24(24), 85-114. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chiu, Shun-Po; Chou, Huey-Wen; Chiu, Chao-Min (2013). The Antecedents of Buyers' Perceived Justice in Online Markets. CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING, 16(16), 536. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chiu, Chao-Min; Cheng, Hsiang-Lan; Huang, Hsin-Yi; Chen, Chieh-Fan (2013). Exploring individuals' subjective well-being and loyalty towards social network sites from the perspective of network externalities: The Facebook case. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 33(33), 539. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2013 | Chiu, Chao-Min(1,2); Fang, Yu-Hui(3); Cheng, Hsiang-Lan(2,4); Yen, Chiahui(5) (2013). On online repurchase intentions: Antecedents and the moderating role of switching cost. Human Systems Management, 32(32), 283-296. (EI) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Chiu, CM; Hsu, MH; Lai, HC; Chang, CM (2012). Re-examining the influence of trust on online repeat purchase intention: The moderating role of habit and its antecedents. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 53(53), 835-845. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2012 | Shih, FJ; Fan, YW; Chiu, CM; Shih, FJ; Wang, SS (2012). The Dilemma of "To Be or Not To Be": Developing Electronically e-Health & Cloud Computing Documents for Overseas Transplant Patients from Taiwan Organ Transplant Health Professionals′ Perspective. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, 44(44), 835-838. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Chiu, CM; Wang, ETG; Shih, FJ; Fan, YW (2011). Understanding knowledge sharing in virtual communities An integration of expectancy disconfirmation and justice theories. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 35, 134-153. (SCIE) |
期刊論文 | 2011 | Fang, YH; Chiu, CM; Wang, ETG (2011). Understanding customers'' satisfaction and repurchase intentions An integration of IS success model, trust, and justice. INTERNET RESEARCH, 21, 479-503. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Shiue, YC; Chiu, CM; Chang, CC (2010). Exploring and mitigating social loafing in online communities. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 768-777. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Fang, YH; Chiu, CM (2010). In justice we trust: Exploring knowledge-sharing continuance intentions in virtual communities of practice. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 235-246. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chang, CC; Chiu, CM; Chen, CA (2010). The effect of TQM practices on employee satisfaction and loyalty in government. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, 1299-1314. (SSCI) |
期刊論文 | 2010 | Chiu, C.M., Huang, H.Y., and Yen, C.H. (2010). Antecedents of Trust in Online Auctions. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(2), 148-159. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chiu, C.M., Chang, C.C., Cheng, H.L., and Fang, Y.H. (2009). Determinants of Customer Repurchase Intention in Online Shopping. Online Information Review, 33(4), 761-784. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Hsu, L.L., Chiu, C.M., Chen, Jason C.H., and Liu, C.C. (2009). The Impacts of Supply Chain Management Systems on Information Sharing and Integrated-performance. Human Systems Management, 28(3), 101-121. (其他期刊) |
期刊論文 | 2009 | Chiu, C.M., Lin, H.Y., Sun, S.Y., Hsu, M.H. (2009). Understanding Customers` Loyalty Intentions toward Online Shopping: An Integration of Technology Acceptance Model and Fairness Theory. Behaviour and Information Technology, 28(4), 347-360. (SSCI) |
研討會論文 | 2024 | Chang, Chun-Tuan, Hsiao-Ching Lee*, Chao-Min Chiu, Chiung-Hui Huang, and Chih-Ting Huang (2024). ‘You’ are Watching at Me: Impacts of Service Anthropomorphism and Self-Construal on Consumer Self-Regulation. 2024 Winter American Marketing Association Conference (AMA), United States. |
研討會論文 | 2022 | Danks, Nicholas P.; Ray, Soumya; Chiu, Chao-Min; Hsu, Jack (2022). Challenges to Validity of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: StablePLS. 2022 International Conference on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, . |
研討會論文 | 2022 | Chiu, C.M., Cheng, H.L., Hsu, J.S.C., and Huang, C.H. (2022). Examining Employees’ Intention to Comply with Information Security Policies: The Roles of Loafing and Commitment. PACIS 2022 - 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, . |
研討會論文 | 2021 | Chiu, Chao-Min, Cheng, Hsiang-Lan and Tan, Chiew Mei (2021). Challenge vs. Threat: The Effects of Cognitive Appraisal of Job Insecurity on IT Employees’ Emotions, Strain and Presenteeism. PACIS 2021 - 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, . |
研討會論文 | 2020 | Chiu, Chao-Min, and Tan, Chiew Mei (2020). Enhancing Employees’ Intention to Comply with Information Security Policies: The Roles of Job Crafting and Organizational Commitment. PACIS 2020 - 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, . |
研討會論文 | 2019 | Chiu, C.M. (2019). IT Employees’ Turnover and Deviance: The Impacts of Job Insecurity and Moral Disengagement. PACIS 2019 - 23th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, China. |
研討會論文 | 2018 | Chiu, C.M. (2018). Impacts of Technostress Creators and Personal Resources on IT Professionals' Strain and Engagement. PACIS 2018 - 22th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2017 | Chiu, C.M. (2017). IT Professionals’ Turnover Intention: The Role of Job Crafting and Engagement. PACIS 2017 - 21th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Malaysia. |
研討會論文 | 2016 | Chiu. C.M. (2016). The Central Role of Engagement And Subjective Well-Being In Virtual Communities. PACIS 2016 - 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Chiu, C.M. (2015). Mitigating IS Employees' Strain : The Roles of Online Social Support and Coping Strategies. 2015 International Business Research, Economics, Finance and MIS Conference (BREFM), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Chiu, C.M. (2015). Understanding Motivations to Help Others in Virtual Communities: A Test of Self-Determination Theory. 2015 International Business Research, Economics, Finance and MIS Conference (BREFM), Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2015 | Huang, Sheng-Wen; Hung, Yu Wen; Fu, Tzu-Wei; Hsu, Jack Shih-Chieh; and Chiu, Chao-Min (2015). Understanding the Impact of Service Failure and Recovery Justice on Consumers’ Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention. PACIS 2015 - 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Singapore. |
研討會論文 | 2014 | Chiu, C.M., and Cheng, S.L. (2014). Driving Individuals’ Subjective Wellbeing in Virtual Communities through Interpersonal and Impersonal Mechanisms. PACIS 2014 - 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, China. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Chiu, C.M., Lin, T.C., and Cheng, H.L. (2013). Understanding Online Community Citizenship Behaviors through Social Support and Social Identity. 2013 International Conference on Business and Information, Indonesia. |
研討會論文 | 2013 | Hsu, P.H., Liang, T.P., Chiu, C.M., and Lai, C.Y. (2013). What Affects User Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty of Smartphone Systems. TSWIM 2013 Twain Summer Workshop on Information Management, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2012 | Lin, T.C., Hsu, S.C., Cheng , H.L., and Chiu, C.M., (2012). Exploring Individuals’ Loyalty to Online Support Groups From the Perspective of Social Support. PACIS 2012, Vietname. |
研討會論文 | 2011 | Chiu, C.M., Cheng, H.L., and Chen, C.F. (2011). Exploring Individuals’ Loyalty towards Social Networking Sites from the Perspectives of Network Externality and Social Identification. BAI 2011 International Conference on Business and Information, Thailand. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Fang, Y.H., Chiu, C.M., and Liang, T.P (2010). Exploring Consumers’ Coping Behaviors in Online Double Deviation Scenarios: From Power Perspective. PACIS 2010, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chiu, C.M., Hsu, M.H., Lai, H.G., and Chang, C.M. (2010). Exploring Online Repeat Purchase Intentions: The Role of Habit. PACIS 2010, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Chiu, C.M., Hsu, M.H., Fang, Y.H., and Yen, C.H. (2010). Exploring Online Repeat Purchase Intentions: The Moderating Role of Switching Cost. BAI 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, Japan. |
研討會論文 | 2010 | Shiue, Y.C., Chiu, C.M., and Chang, C.C. (2010). Mitigating Social Loafing in Online Communities: An Integration of Risk Perception and Social Capital Theories,. e-Case 2010, China. |
專書及專章 | 2021 | 邱兆民 (2021). 智慧電子商務研究IV. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2020 | 邱兆民 (2020). 探討粉絲對於網紅的依戀與品牌依戀對購買意圖之影響. 梁定澎、邱兆民、王紹蓉、徐士傑、吳仁和、周軒逸、范俊逸、黃三益、林東清、楊淯程、康藝晃、楊惠芳等 智慧電子商務研究III (238-253) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2019 | 邱兆民 (2019). 智慧電子商務研究II. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2018 | 邱兆民 (2018). 電子商務的研究. 梁定澎(編)、尤濬哲、王紹蓉、吳仁和、李雅靖、周軒逸、林東清、林芬慧、邱兆民、胡國信、范俊逸、徐士傑、張德民、梁定澎、黃三益、黃心怡、賴香菊、戴基峯 電子商務:數位時代商機 2/e (488-516) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2018 | 邱兆民 (2018). 智慧電子商務研究I. 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2016 | 邱兆民 (2016). 經由產品價值的呈現來誘導消費者及促使消費者專注. 梁定澎、邱兆民、王紹蓉、徐士傑、吳仁和、周軒逸、黃三益、楊淯程、廖達琪、李錫智、張其祿等 電子商務與網路社會新境界2017 (128-139) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2015 | 邱兆民 (2015). 探討品牌依附及習慣對行動購物使用意圖之影響. 梁定澎、陳世哲、邱兆民、王紹蓉、徐士傑、吳仁和、周軒逸、黃三益、林東清、楊淯程、廖達琪、張純端、張其祿等 電子商務與網路社會新境界2016 (134-145) . 前程文化 |
專書及專章 | 2014 | 邱兆民 (2014). 社交網站成癮程度對使用者幸福感之影響. 梁定澎、陳世哲、邱兆民、王紹蓉、徐士傑、吳仁和、周軒逸、黃三益、林芬慧、楊淯程、廖達琪、張純端、張其祿等 電子商務與網路社會新境界2014 (200-213) . |
專書及專章 | 2013 | 邱兆民 (2013). 探討慣性的形成對新系統接受之影響. 梁定澎、陳世哲、邱兆民、王紹蓉、徐士傑、周軒逸、黃三益、楊淯程、廖達琪、張純端、范俊逸、李錫智等 電子商務與網路社會新境界2013 (78-89) . 前程文化 |
年度 | 名稱 |
2023 | 從自我耗損和資訊科技技能落差的角度探索員工的安靜離職. 科技部 (112-2410-H-110-028-) |
2023 | 探討元宇宙虛擬實境支持之團隊的社會性懈怠. 科技部 (112-2410-H-110-029-) |
2022 | 5GAIoT產業分析與實證研究. 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心 (2) |
2022 | 資訊安全冷漠和情緒耗竭對員工資訊安全政策遵循意圖的影響. 科技部 (111-2410-H-110-019-) |
2021 | 智慧空氣客製化設計客服模組設計與分析研究. 哈瑪星科技股份有限公司 (13) |
2021 | 太過於投入嗎? 從資源保留理論的觀點探討工作投入與資訊安全政策遵循意圖間的關係. 科技部 (110-2410-H-110-026-) |
2021 | 個人化服務對社會距離影響的神經科學研究:. 科技部 (109-2410-H-110-043-MY2) |
2020 | 挑戰 vs. 威脅:工作不安全感之認知評估對資訊科技員工情緒、壓力及勉強出勤的影響. 科技部 (109-2410-H-110-042-) |
2019 | 提升員工的資訊安全政策遵循意圖:工作塑造及組織承諾的角色. 科技部 (108-2410-H-110-066-) |
2018 | 資訊科技員工的離職與偏差行為:工作不安全感及道德疏離的影響. 科技部 (107-2410-H-110-033-) |
2017 | 資訊專業人員的離職意圖:工作塑造及投入的角色. 科技部 (106-2410-H-110-012-) |
2016 | 心理資本對資訊專業人員之壓力及主觀幸福感的影響. 科技部 (105-2410-H-110-023-) |
2015 | 主觀幸福感在虛擬社群所扮演的重要角色. 科技部 (104-2410-H-110-061-) |
2014 | 線上社會支持對資訊員工之壓力及心理幸福感的影響. 科技部 (103-2410-H-110-026-) |
2013 | 了解在線上支持社群內協助他人之動機:自我決定理論之驗證. 科技部 (102-2410-H-110-054-) |
2012 | 藉由人際與非個人機置以促進虛擬社群成員主觀幸福感. 科技部 (NSC101-2410-H-110-012-) |
2011 | 虛擬社群公民行為會促進知識分享績效嗎?共同聯結依戀與共同認同依戀所扮演的角色. 科技部 (NSC100-2410-H-110-013-) |
2010 | 資訊管理學術趨勢研習營. 科技部 (NSC99-2420-H-110-003-) |
2010 | 探討網路購物再購意圖:習慣之角色. 科技部 (NSC99-2410-H-110-034) |
2009 | 了解網路拍賣顧客忠誠度:公平與心裡契約違反之角色. 科技部 (NSC98-2410-H-110-073) |
學年度 | 學期 | 必選修 | 開課系所 | 課號 | 課程名稱 |
112 | 2 | 必 | 資管系 | MIS703 | 研究方法(二) |
112 | 1 | 選 | 資管系 | MIS604 | 專題討論 |
112 | 1 | 必 | 資管系 | MIS918 | 電子商務 |
111 | 2 | 必 | 資管系 | MIS703 | 研究方法(二) |
111 | 2 | 必 | EMBA | EMBA907A | 資訊科技與競爭優勢 |
111 | 1 | 必 | 資電碩專 | MIS983 | 電子商務 |
111 | 1 | 必 | 資管系 | MIS918 | 電子商務 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 資管系 | MIS562 | 電子商務 |
111 | 1 | 選 | 資管系 | MIS604 | 專題討論 |
年度 | 名稱 | 頒獎機構 |
2018 | 科技部傑出研究獎 | 科技部 |
2017 | 本校研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2016 | 本校研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2015 | 本校研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2014 | 本校研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2013 | 本校研究績優教師 | 國立中山大學 |
2006 | 吳大猷先生紀念獎 | 科技部 (國家科學委員會 ) |
起迄日期 | 計劃/活動名稱 | 計劃/活動內容 | 擔任角色 |